5 easy steps to solve IELTS Listening MULTIPLE CHOICE questions

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hi guys it's asiya for this video i've analyzed  one of the trickiest types of questions   in ielts listening multiple choice questions  i'll tell you about the patterns that i could   see in practice tests and the five steps that can  help you to find more answers there will be a few   questions for you to practice so please count how  many you answer correctly okay let's get started   multiple choice questions look like this choose  two letters from a to e or choose the correct   letter a b or c the questions we're using today  are from cambridge practice tests these are   the best books because they're written by the  same organization that creates real exam papers   number 15 is the most recent version and in july  2021 we're gonna get number 16. i'm gonna link   these books in the description now let's talk  about patterns ielts listening consists of four   sections and each section is more difficult than  the previous one it seems that multiple choice   questions are usually placed in parts 2 or 3.  part 2 is a monologue a speech given by one person   and here if you get multiple choice questions  options are either short one or two words   or medium in length but not too long so these  questions are a little bit easier than multiple   choice questions you get in the third part  the third part is a dialogue usually between   two students or a student and a teacher and here  options are long so there is a lot to read and   as a result these questions are more difficult  there are two types of multiple choice questions   let's have a look at each type try to solve  some practice questions and i'll tell you   about the strategies i recommend okay so the  first type says choose two letters from a to e   so in this type of question you are gonna  have five options and you need to choose   two correct answers and usually these questions  come in a set of two so five options and five   options so sometimes options are short sometimes  they're a bit longer let's have a look at the   question with short options it seems that when  options are short all keywords are paraphrased so   here is an example here is our question let's read  it first which two activities that volunteers do   are mentioned decorating cleaning delivering meals  shopping or child care okay now listen and find   two answers volunteers can do all sorts of things  depending on their own abilities and interests   if they're supporting a family that's struggling  for example they may be able to give them   tips on cooking or recommend how to plan their  budget or how to shop sensibly on their income   they might even do some painting or wallpapering  perhaps alongside any members of the family   who are able to do it or even do some babysitting  say that parents can go out for a while   okay let me show you the script and let's discuss  this question together so here is what you've just   heard volunteers can do all sorts of things  depending on their abilities and interests   if they're supporting a family that's struggling  for example they may be able to give them tips   on cooking or recommend how to plan their budget  or how to shop sensibly on their income so far we   don't recognize any of the options let's continue  they might even do some painting or wallpapering   okay have a look here some painting or  wallpapering and that is decorating right   the meaning is the same so that's our first  answer perhaps alongside any member of their   family who are able to do it okay that's not  interesting next or even do some babysitting so   parents can go out for a while do some babysitting  and that is child care right these are synonyms   so that's our second correct answer and as you  can see in this question all options are short   so they are paraphrased they are not repeated when  you hear the recording now let's have a look at   the same exact type of question but with longer  options here is what you should do well first   of all look for keywords and try to memorize  them it will be easier for you to navigate   if you take your exam on paper you can underline  those keywords if you take a computer-based exam   you will have an option to highlight any words but  i find that it takes too much time and it actually   distracts from listening so i don't highlight  anything at all and i would say that it's a little   bit more convenient to solve this particular type  of questions if you take your exam on paper bear   in mind that some keywords are paraphrased but  some are not and you're gonna hear the same exact   word in the recording and see in your question if  you hear that a certain option is incorrect cross   it out straight away because they're not going to  talk about it again what is this incorrect option   this is a trap basically they mention the  keyword but some of the details are wrong   and so the whole option is wrong so cross them out  okay here is the question let's read it together   and find keywords which two ways that volunteers  can benefit from volunteering are mentioned   so how volunteers can benefit let's read the  options learning how to be part of a team   i would say the key word is  team having a sense of purpose realizing how lucky they are improved ability at time management  boosting their employment prospects now please listen to the recording and  find two correct answers the benefit   from volunteering isn't only for the people  being helped volunteers also gain from it   they're using their skills to cope with  somebody's mental or physical ill health   and volunteering may be a valuable element  of their cv when they're applying for jobs   employers usually look favorably on  someone who's given up time to help others   significantly most volunteers feel that what  they're doing gives them a purpose in their   lives and in my opinion they're lucky in that  respect as many people don't have that feeling   here is our script let's read it together   the benefit of volunteering isn't only for the  people being helped so this sentence shows us that   we are about to hear our answer volunteers also  gain from it they're using their skills to cope   with somebody's mental or physical ill health and  volunteering may be a valuable element of their cv   when applying for jobs so look  here a valuable element of their cv   when applying for jobs and we have boosting their  employment prospects so boosting is improving   their employment prospects or a valuable element  of cv which would boost their employment prospects   right so all words are paraphrased but the  meaning is the same so this is one of our answers   let's continue employers usually look favorably  on someone who's given up time to help others next   significantly most volunteers feel that what  they're doing gives them a purpose in their lives   okay a purpose we actually have this word  here it is it's one of our key words purpose   now let's compare if the meaning is the same  having a sense of purpose or gives them purpose   yes the meaning is the same and the key word  is not paraphrased it's an exact match so   that's our answer but let's continue reading  just in case and in my opinion they are lucky   in that respect as many people don't have that  feeling lucky again we have this word lucky   let's compare if the meaning is the same  here it says in my opinion they are lucky   but our option says realizing how lucky they  are so this option means that volunteers   consider themselves to be lucky but here the  talker the person who gives a talk considers them   to be lucky so the meaning is different you see so  that is not a correct answer that's a wrong answer   and that is a so-called trap where meaning  is quite similar but different and the key   word matches so be careful let's read the next  question which two things does a speaker say   about the castle feast i would say the  key words here are the castle feast   they will help us to locate the correct place in  the recording and start looking for our answers   let's find keywords visitors can dance after  the meal dance there is a choice of food   visitors wear historical costume knives and forks are not used the entertainment includes horse races now please  listen and find two correct answers i'd like to go   back in time there's the castle feast on  saturday evening it's held in a 12th century   castle and you eat in the great courtyard with  ladies in long gowns serving your food you're   given a whole chicken each which you eat in the  medieval way using your hands instead of cutlery   and you're entertained by competitions where the  horseback riders attempt to knock one another off   their horses then you can watch the dancers in  the ballroom and join in as well if you want okay   so now if anyone let's read the script  together if you'd like to go back in time   there is a castle feast on saturday  evening castle feast okay we know that   we're listening to the information about our  question it's held in the 12th century castle   and you eat in the great courtyard with ladies  in long gone serving you food okay long gowns   that's similar to historical costume right  they were long let's check if details match   visitors wear historical costume but here we  hear that ladies in long gowns serve food so   they're waitresses that means that this answer is  incorrect and we can cross it out straight away   next you are given a whole chicken each let's look  at option b there is a choice of food a choice but   here there is no choice everyone gets a chicken  so again this option is incorrect next which you   eat in the medieval way using your hands instead  of cutlery okay cutlery that's knives and forks   but actually even if you don't know this word you  can still hear using your hands instead and forks   and knives are not used so the meaning is the same  that's a correct answer that's the first correct   answer let's continue and you are entertained  by competitions where the horseback riders   horse and here horse horseback riders attempt  to knock one another off their horses and here   the entertainment includes horse races and  races aware horses run very fast but here   riders attempt to knock one another off so these  are not races again this answer is incorrect and   the last sentence then you can watch the dances  in the ballroom and join in as well if you want   dancers we have dancers here let's check  the details you can watch the dances   and join in and here visitors can dance after  the meal yes they can dance so there is a match   there is a little bit of extra information  at the end that it happens after the meal   but in the recording there is no such information  however there is no information that contradicts   that's the most important thing so everything  we know matches and that is the correct option   the second type of question is choose the  correct letter a b or c here you have three   options and need to find one that is correct the  number of questions varies between two and six   when you get these questions in part 2 options are  shorter but in part 3 there will be a lot to read   so let's use several questions from  this part to practice but first   i want to give you some strategies as it's part  3 you're about to hear a dialogue do your best   to read all the questions and options before  the recording starts use the time for revision   at the end of part 2 and time for instructions to  read and find keywords answers to some questions   depend on certain details in the question  itself so pay attention to reactions and   attitudes in questions such as he was surprised  by they agree that oh she finds interest in that   find keywords in options they will help you  to locate the option that is being discussed   underline them in a paper-based exam and again  look out for traps two or even all three options   will be discussed in the dialog when you hear the  keyword don't rush to mark this option as correct   listen to details if these details are wrong  cross out this answer it's incorrect and   won't be discussed again let's have a look at  some practice questions here is the first one   you see all the options are really long let's  read the question first what does trevor find   interesting about the purpose of children's  literature the purpose of children's literature   these are our main keywords so when you hear them  talking about the purpose of children's literature   then when you can concentrate on this question and  start looking for the answer but that's not enough   you should really pay attention to every detail  in the question so we're looking for what trevor   not someone else but trevor finds interesting so  this reaction is very important and you will hear   why later now let's read the options the fact  that authors may not realize what values they   are teaching so the key words are values they  may not realize what values they're teaching   next the fact that literature can be  entertaining and educational at the same time   entertaining and educational i would say the fact  that adults expect children to imitate characters   in literature so it's about imitating characters  now please listen to the recording and try to find   the correct answer okay well as you probably  know it's a one year course it's divided into   six modules and you have to take all of them  one of the most interesting ones for me at least   was about the purpose of children's literature  you mean whether it should just entertain   children or should be educational as well  right and whether the teaching should be   factual giving them information about the world  or ethical teaching them values what's fascinating   is that the writer isn't necessarily  conscious of the message they're conveying   for instance a story might show a child who  has a problem as a result of not doing what an   adult has told them to do implying that children  should always obey adults no i see what you mean   okay here is our script trevor says okay  well you probably know it's a one-year course   it's divided into six modules and you can take all  of them one of the most interesting ones for me   at least interesting so that's the word  we read here let's concentrate one of   the most interesting ones for me at least  was the purpose of children's literature   and here we see the exact match look at  the question the purpose of the literature   now we know that we are about to hear  our answers and we see interesting here   interesting but actually we are looking for  what he finds interesting about the purpose   and so far we've only heard that he finds the  whole module interesting so that's not our answer   let's listen further stephanie replies you mean  whether it should just entertain children or   should be educational as well entertain children  or be educational as well and let's look at our   option b it should be entertaining and educational  at the same time you see the meaning is the   same but we are looking for what trevor finds  interesting and what we've heard is what stephanie   thinks and nothing about that being interesting  you see that is not the correct answer   let's read a bit further and trevor replies  right and whether the teaching should be factual   so he starts talking about something  else he doesn't say that he finds that   option b particularly interesting so this  answer is incorrect cross it out and let's   continue reading so trevor says whether  the teaching should be factual giving them   information about the world or ethical teaching  them values what's fascinating is um look here   what's fascinating and in the question we  should look for what trevor finds interesting   let's listen carefully is that the writer isn't  necessarily conscious of the message they're   conveying to be conscious means to be aware of  to realize conscious of the message they are   conveying and in option a we see that authors  may not realize what values they are teaching   you see the meaning is the same even though every  word is paraphrased so that's our correct answer   let's continue reading just in case for instance  a story might show a child who has a problem   as a result of not doing what an adult has told  them to do implying that children should always   obey adults and our remaining option is c the  fact that adults expect children to imitate   characters in literature so this option wasn't  mentioned and the correct answer is a okay great   here is another question stephanie is  interested in the pictures module because   the pictures module these are our keywords  when we hear them talking about the pictures   that's when we look for an answer and  what we need is she's interested because   so why is she interested in the pictures now  the options she intends to become an illustrator   become an illustrator she can remember beautiful  illustrations from her childhood i would say   remember illustrations she believes  illustrations are more important than words   i would say illustrations and words  yeah sometimes it's difficult to uh   just choose one or two key words because  really the whole line gives you the meaning but   just try to memorize what each line is about  i'm very interested in illustrations in stories   is that covered in the course yes there's a  module on pictures and how they're sometimes   central to the story that's good i remember some  frightening ones i saw as a child and i can still   see them vividly in my mind years later pictures  can be so powerful just as powerful as words   i've always enjoyed drawing so that's the field  i want to go into when i finish the course   i bet that module will be really helpful  okay so first of all stephanie says   i'm very interested in illustrations in stories  illustrations and stories is the pictures module   is that covered in the course so they are  talking about our question and trevor replies   yes there is a module on pictures and how they are  sometimes central to the story they are talking   about the pictures stephanie says that's good i  remember some frightening ones i saw as a child   and i can still see them vividly in my mind  years later and here i can see some words   remember some frightening ones i saw as a  child and that reminds me of the option b   remember illustrations from childhood let's  compare the details so she can remember beautiful   illustrations but here she actually mentioned  that she remembers some frightening ones just   the opposite and that means that the option b  is incorrect next pictures can be so powerful   just as powerful as words and  that reminds me of the option c   she believes illustrations are more important  than words and here the key lies in these words   illustrations are more important but  she actually says that they are just   as powerful just as important again  the meaning is different let's continue   i've always enjoyed drawing and that's the  field i want to go into when i finish the course   the field i want to go into that means  that she intends to become an illustrator   that's the correct option option a but actually  because we've already crossed out b and c we know   a is the correct answer even without finding  it well done let's have a look at the next one   with regard to books aimed at only boys and girls  trevor was surprised okay the key words are books   aimed at boys and when we hear them talking about  it that's when we start looking for our answer   and we look for what surprised trevor  surprised that's a reaction we need   now let's read the options how long the  distinction had gone unquestioned okay the   distinction unquestioned how few books were aimed  at both girls and boys books aimed at both sexes   how many children enjoyed books intended  for opposite sex books for opposite sex   please now listen to the recording and try to  find the correct answer what about books for girls   and books for boys does the course go into that  yes there's a module on it for years lots of   stories in english at least assumed that boys went  out and did adventurous things and girls stayed at   home and played with dolls i was amazed how many  books were targeted at just one sex or the other   of course this reflects society as it is when the  books are written here is our script stephanie   says what about books for girls and books for  boys okay these are our keywords so they're   discussing our question does the course go into  that trevor yes there is a model on it for years   lots of stories in english at least assumed  that boys went out and did adventurous things   and girls stayed at home and played  with dolls ok so this sentence remind me   about our first option how long the distinction  had gone unquestioned and they say that for years   boys did adventurous things and go stayed at home  but did it surprise trevor no it didn't he just   said that he didn't say he was surprised so  that's not a correct answer next i was amazed   aha amazed that's a synonym for surprised that's  what we're looking for i was amazed how many   books were targeted at just one sex or the other  look at option b how few books were aimed at both   girls and boys and he says how many books  were targeted at just one sex or how few   were aimed at both and that surprised him he was  amazed that's our answer let's continue just in   case of course that reflects society as it is when  the books are written so option c wasn't mentioned   at all well done in ielts listening you need to  switch your attention between listening reading   and writing very quickly and the less effort  it requires you to understand their recording   the better if you have some time before your  exam start listening to audio books in english   they're good for developing your listening skills  for two reasons well first of all pronunciation   in books is clear like in their ielts exam  and unlike many movies and youtube videos also   listening is a passive skill so you can listen  to an audiobook while you're doing something else   like commuting to work or studies or cleaning  your house i listen to all my books on audible   when you join you get any book for free after  one month you need to start paying a monthly fee   which differs from country to country and  gives you access to one new book every month   but if you unsubscribe during the free trial  you still keep your free book so if you decide   to try audible could you please use the link  in the description box below you get your free   audio book and it will allow me to earn a small  commission and buy more books to listen i'll   leave a couple of recommendations there too now to  help you memorize everything we've discussed today   let me show you my five steps to solving multiple  choice questions number one do your best to read   all the questions and options before the recording  starts 2. look for paraphrases the exact words   may not be used in the recording number 3 pay  attention to reactions and attitudes in questions   he was surprised they agree she finds interesting  number four find keywords in options they will   help you quickly locate the option that is being  discussed and number five look out for traps   if the keyword matches but one of the details  is wrong this is incorrect cross it out   okay so how many questions could you answer  correctly today we had nine questions in   total please tell me in the comments below another  tricky type of task in ielts listening is maps and   just like in multiple choice questions there are  two types of maps one is easier and the second one   is more difficult and you can learn the strategy  for both in this video here so thank you so much   for watching me today i hope this video was useful  good luck with your preparation and your exam bye
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
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Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips, Fastrack education, fastrack ielts, fastrack asiya, ielts listening, ielts listening multiple choice questions, ielts listening tips, ielts listening practice test 2021 with answers, ielts listening strategies and techniques, eilts, eilts test, ielts listening practice test, ielts listening multiple choice questions tips, ielts listening multiple choice
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Length: 35min 19sec (2119 seconds)
Published: Tue May 11 2021
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