Full IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 SAMPLE ESSAY Band 9 | Bar Chart + Pie Graph

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Hi there! It's Asiya and today I've prepared for you a full IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 essay. You'll see the full sample answer and I'll tell you how this sample meets requirements that IELTS examiners use to mark your essays. For this video I've selected a task with 2 charts of different types, which was reported on one of the recent exams. It is a common type of task today. While you're watching this video think if you'd like to learn how to write essays like this yourself and I'll tell you how you can do it. I've also prepared a PDF file with the sample answer for you to download and I have a similar video with a full task 2 sample. I'm gonna give you all the links. One more thing I'm gonna say before we start. I want to be honest with you it took me more than 20 minutes to write this essay, perfect the language, polish it, have it proofread (oh yes I have a professional proofreader native speaker check all my essays, all my slides because I want to be sure there are no mistakes no typos and you can trust my materials) So this essay fulfills all the requirements for a Band 9 score so it's an inspiration a sample essays I write in 20 minutes are simpler but I use exactly the same technique I must say I put all my efforts into making of this video and I really hope you're gonna like it if you do please put a like and now let's get started here is our task the bar chart below shows US seafood imports in 1986 96 and 2016 and the forecast for 2026 the pie chart shows the geographical structure of these inports in 2016 summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons were relevant write at least 150 words and we have two charts in the past most tasks contained only one chart but today it's super common to get two or even three charts the bar chart shows Seafood inports in three time periods in the past and the forecast when you see a date in the future it's always a forecast the pie chart shows which countries import seafood in the USA in 2016 what you can see now is our essay structure that's a classic task one structure and the first paragraph is your introduction that's where you need to write one or two sentences introducing the task basically you need to tell the reader what information you have in your charts quite often we simply paraphrase the task and here is my introduction the graphs provide information on the volume of seafood imports in the United States between the years 1986 and 2016 with the prediction for 2026 and demonstrate from which countries the seafood was imported in 2016 let's compare it with the task the task has two simple sentences I've written one long sentence but I've described information on both charts instead of saying the bar chart shows or the pie chart shows I used the graphs provide information on instead of saying US seafood imports I said the volume of seafood imports in the United States I repeated the words seafood imports and I'm gonna use them throughout my essay that's what this task is about and it's okay to repeat those words don't force paraphrasing instead of 1986 1996 and 2016 and the forecast for 2026 I wrote between the years 1986 and 2016 with a prediction for 2026 that was the description of the first chart let's compare the description of this second chart they task reads the pie chart shows the geographical structure of these imports in 2016 I wrote mm-hmm illustrate from which countries the seafood was imported in 2016 I used the passive voice here if you use different verb tenses and different grammar structures you're going to get a higher score for your grammar I also have a separate video with more examples of how to write an introduction and I'm going to link it in the description box below the second paragraph is an overview write one or two sentences summarizing what you've learned what is the most important thing you've learned what are the main trends concentrate on the big picture and don't give any details here quite often there are no figures in an overview either here is mine over Oh seafood imports tripled over the 20-year period with the top three countries controlling than two-thirds of the market in the United States in the future however input levels are focused to shrink if you read the overview only you already know what's going on right that's the aim of writing and all of you let me show you how I've done it so always start with the word overall to show the examiner that's my overview next seafood imports tripled over the 20-year period if you look at the first chart you see that imports increased a lot between 1986 and 2016 from around 6 to 20 billion so I've calculated that it tripled you can make simple calculations it's a good way to illustrate your point I've mentioned years in the introduction so I'm not gonna repeat them here I just say that 20 year period here is my overview of the second chart with the top three countries controlling more than two-thirds of the market in the United States I will name those countries in my body paragraphs what I want to say here is the top three countries import most of the seafood and input levels are forecast to shrink this is a reference to the focused on the first chart and again I will give the exact number in the body paragraphs here I want to say the inputs will go down and instead of using the word inputs I used input levels it adds variety to the vocabulary have a look at the overview paragraph again I've summarized all the information on both chops that's important when should you write your overview after the introduction like me or at the end of the essay after your body paragraphs it's entirely up to you both are fine just remember the overview is the most important paragraph of yes a a you are going to lose a lot of points if your essay has no audio that's why I suggest writing your overview after the introduction when you still have time ultimately it's up to you what do you prefer after the introduction or at the end tell me in comments let's move on to the body paragraphs right to body paragraphs occasionally you may have three but in most cases to never write only one body paragraph to get been seven you must logically organize information it means you need to find a logical way to split information into your body paragraphs in this task it's easy I described the first chart in body paragraph 1 and the second chart in body paragraph 2 and my body paragraph 1 is of the u.s. seafood imports increased from about six billion dollars in 1986 to over ten billion dollars in 1996 over the following 10 years that amount doubled and crossed the 20 billion mark in 2016 despite the past growth it's predicted that the trend will change and in 2026 the United States will receive approximately two billion dollars the u.s. seafood products from abroad than it did in 2016 here I've described the first chart to get when salmon try to show a wide range of vocabulary very sentence structures and avoid repeating words were possible for example I named years in the first sentence in 1986 and in 1996 in the next sentence I simply wrote over the following 10 years I've already mentioned that it's okay to repeat words seafood imports in an essay about seafood imports but you should still use alternatives when you can for example in this paragraph I've written that amount doubled instead of saying seafood imports doubled or the trend will change instead of saying the imports will decrease in general use words like an amount and number a level a trend to avoid repeating words like seafood inputs in your essay I also used a linking phrase despite the past growth to refer to the previous sentence and tell the examiner that something different is coming next I often get a question how to use linking words naturally and there's a perfect example of how to do it here is my body paragraph 2 in regard to the geographical split of imports the three countries of the dominative the market in 2016 were China Thailand and Canada which respectively imported 28% 23% and 16% of the seafood the inputs from all the countries including Indonesia Vietnam and Ecuador constituted one-third of the total annual seafood imports here I started with the linker in regard to in regard to the geographical split it shows what this paragraph is about and it helps to smoothly transition between paragraphs that's important then they talk about the three largest importers that's what's important to describe the biggest changes are the highest numbers but in our case we only have six countries on the chart so I named the smaller three importers late in this paragraph but sometimes you may get a chart with ten countries you're not gonna name all ten countries in your essay you shouldn't only select the largest in our case of the largest importers I've heard that some people say you should select three largest importers and three smallest importers but whoever talks about the smallest importers or the smallest producers only talk about the biggest most important figures what about a conclusion there must be no conclusion in your task one essay you may write your overview after the body paragraphs if you wish but there must be no conclusion they say say is 192 words long and beetle the long side ain't right 170 hundred 80 words in your essay and definitely not more than 200 but actually what do you find more challenging iƶ essays too long or too short tell me in comments I've also prepared for you the PDF will the sample answer which you can download and I have a similar video for the task 2 essay I'm gonna give you links in just a second in this video I showed you the sample answer and mentioned some of the important things in this essay I also have an online course in which you can learn how to write band 7 essays yourself for each type of task you will learn how to select information for your body paragraphs what to write about in your body paragraph that's something we haven't touched on today how to paraphrase how to get a highest call for your vocabulary a ward verb tenses to use in your essays or how to use the passive voice in your task one essay you'll also get a sample answer for each type of task with a detailed description of how each essay was written it's a paid course and I'm gonna link it in the corner and in the video description box below please go and check it out I think it will be really useful for you basically all the resources I've mentioned in this video are gonna be linked in the video description box below don't forget to download the PDF with the sample essay and what's the video about a sample task 2 essay one last question did you like this video if yes please hit that like button and thank you for
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
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Keywords: ielts writing, ielts writing task 1, ielts writing academic, ielts writing task 1 pie chart, ielts writing task 1 bar graph, ielts writing task 1 bar chart, ielts academic writing task 1, IELTS Writing Task 1 Band 9, IELTS Writing Sample, IELTS Writing Sample Band 9, IELTS Writing Task 1 Sample, IELTS Writing Task 1 Sample Answers Band 9, IELTS Writing Task 1 Sample Answers, ielts academic writing band 9, ielts writing tips, ielts writing tips task 1
Id: fDfFRAm1ye0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 14sec (974 seconds)
Published: Mon Jun 10 2019
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