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hi there it's asiya and today we're  gonna write a full ielts writing task 2   essay together and i'll show you how to write an  answer that meets all the requirements that ielts   examiners use to assess you i'll also announce three subscribers who won all our ielts writing   and speaking preparation courses that help to  maximize your score in a short period of time   you see the names at the end of  this video and now let's get started for today's video we're gonna use the  topic reported in one of the recent exams   here it is in many countries people do not recycle  waste materials such as bottles and newspapers   what are the reasons for this what  could be done to solve this problem   indeed this topic has been used  regularly for a number of years   and other topics are repeated in ielts too so in  the last few weeks we've collected ielts writing   and speaking topics reported in recent exams so  thank you very much to everyone who helped us   and we created a free pdf guide where you can  find all those topics and use them to practice   you can download this guide on our new telegram  channel the link will be in the video description   box below and now let's begin writing our  essay the first step is to analyze the topic   and determine the type of essay and this  is important for your task response score   basically ielts examiners use a set of  criteria to assess your answers and all of them   are listed in ielts band descriptors the  public version of this document is available   and you can see all the requirements for each  criterion and each band score and in order to get   band 7 for your task response you  must address all parts of the task   and to get band 9 you must fully address all parts  of the task so that's what we're trying to do here   let's have a look at our topic so first of all  we have the problem in many countries people do   not recycle waste materials such as butters and  newspapers that's the problem and then we have   two questions and the first one is what are the  reasons or what are the causes of this problem   please note that the question is plural  reasons that means that we must provide   at least two sometimes the question  is slightly different for example   why is it so and then you can provide only  one reason we need two the next question is   what could be done to solve this problem so here  it doesn't specifically require several solutions   we could provide one but we need to make sure that  we provide a solution for each course we mentioned   okay so we have a problem solutions essay step  number two find ideas and structure your essay   if you don't plan your essay in advance there is  absolutely no chance to get a high score for the   second criterion called coherence and cohesion  to get band 7 you must logically organize   information and ideas ok we know  that we need at least two reasons   and we need solutions for each reason i really  encourage you to write your essay with me rather   than just watch this video because in this  case you get much more value from this video   so please pause this video now and write down  what reasons you're gonna write about and what   solutions you're gonna use in your essay and then  resume it ready okay here are my ideas reasons   number one lack of awareness people simply  don't understand why they need to recycle   they don't know the benefits of recycling  number two inconvenience it's simply   inconvenient for them to recycle at home and  outside okay i have two reasons now i need   a solution that works for each of these reasons  i'm gonna have two the solution to the first   reason lack of awareness to conduct an awareness  campaign and to explain to people why they need   thorough cycle and the solution to the second  reason inconvenience to make recycling easier   and we're gonna talk about inconvenience at  home and outside and how recycling can be made   easier at home and outside there are different  ways to structure the essay of this type and i   used another structure in this video here will  be linked in the description but in this video   i'm gonna use the most straightforward structure  for an essay introduction then body paragraph one   reasons body paragraph two solutions and your  conclusion that's it step number three write your   essay so we begin with our introduction that's  a short paragraph where we introduce a topic   explain what we're going to write  about and give our opinion if needed   please pause the video to write your introduction  and then resume it okay here is my introduction   recycling materials such as glass plastic and  cottons is an important practice that helps to   reduce our impact on the environment this is the  opening statement that introduces the topic that's   a broad statement now we're gonna write about our  problem many people across the world however do   not recycle their waste and sent everything to  landfill that's the paraphrase topic sentence   next this essay will discuss why this might be  the case and how this problem can be alleviated   that's what i'm gonna write about and there are  actually different ways to write this statement   in this example i started with this essay  we'll discuss or this essay discusses   i could say i will discuss why this might be  the case there is no problem with using i in   the sentence or we could actually write this  sentence without this essay we'll discuss   or i will discuss and simply hint at what we're  gonna write about for example the causes of this   problem seem to lie in the lack of awareness and  convenience each should be addressed separately   so you see here we've already mentioned  the key points we're going to write about   this is perhaps the most sophisticated way  to write this type of sentence but it's   also a little bit more difficult to do now  let's write the first body paragraph about   our reasons or the causes of the problem please  pause the video now and resume once you're ready   here is mine the reasons for the lack of recycling  seem to be quite simple this is our topic sentence   it tells the reader what this  paragraph is going to be about   when you have a body paragraph with two ideas  like we have awareness and inconvenience   you must have a topic sentence this is because  you need to present a clear central topic within   each paragraph in order to achieve band  7 for your coherence and cohesion next   firstly in some countries official recycling  programs either don't exist or they are   relatively new that's a short introduction into  our first idea and now the first idea itself   people therefore are generally unaware of  the importance of recycling their refuse   so that's the first idea from our plan and now we  need to develop it why is it important to develop   your ideas well that's because you need to do  that in order to get a band 7 score for your   task response the requirement is to present extend  and support main ideas ok let me extend my idea   being used to seen all the rubbish go into  the same bin they simply continue to do the   same without putting too much thought  into it so i've explained my idea now   the second idea even those who understand the  environmental benefits of recycling may still   be unwilling to inconvenience themselves with  salting their waste and now the explanation   after all in order to recycle something as  simple as a plastic bottle or a newspaper   one needs to keep a separate bin at home or find  a public recycling dustbin when outside okay so   i've presented the second idea and i've explained  what i mean and if you have a look at our topic   it uses bottles and newspapers as examples  and i've mentioned them in my essay to make   sure that i address every point now let's write  this second body paragraph about our solutions   please pause the video write yours and then resume  ready let me show you my body paragraph the first   sentence is to encourage people to recycle more a  comprehensive public campaign is required that's   the topic sentence and this sentence already  shows that i'm going to talk about solutions   because it says to encourage people to recycle  more so we know what the whole paragraph is about   now the solution to the first problem a good  start would be to explain to people what economic   and environmental benefits recycling can  provide that's the solution to the first problem   now i give an example this can be done while  flyers delivered to each home and advertising   on television now i present the solution to the  second problem the next step is to make recycling   as easy as possible so that's the solution to  the second problem and now i give an explanation   i've mentioned the inconvenience of recycling at  home and outside and again i'm gonna show how both   could be made easy on the streets recycling bins  should be located next to each general rubbish bin   home recycling should also be facilitated  by various means such as arranging frequent   collections and providing people with free  recycling bin bags that's it that's the second   body paragraph now all we need is to write  a conclusion in your conclusion you should   summarize your main arguments and if the topic  asked for your opinion you must openly express it   and you can also give your recommendation or a  forecast this point is optional and it allows you   to make your essay a little bit longer if you need  to make sure you always write a conclusion in your   essay if you don't your task response score will  go down quite a lot so please now pause this video   and write your conclusion and once you've  written your essay or any paragraph please   post them in comments below i think  it will be useful for everyone to read   and now let me show you my conclusion here is  the first sentence to conclude it is the lack   of awareness about the benefits of recycling and  the reluctance for people to sort their reviews   that prevents them from engaging with this useful  practice these are the causes of the problem   or the reasons now the solutions when they  fully understand its advantages and can recycle   their rubbish at home and outside easily and  quickly i believe that many will choose to do   the right thing that's my conclusion  and as you've noticed i used the words   i believe and some people are really scared of  using i believe i think in my opinion any of   those phrases if their essay doesn't openly ask  for your opinion but actually it's not a problem   if the essay doesn't ask for your opinion you can  still provide it you should understand that most   of what you're right is about your opinion not  about facts so i believe that when people know   about the benefits of recycling they will  recycle more someone else may believe that   they wouldn't care so that's my opinion that's  not a fact and it's alright to say i believe   you only be penalized if you don't express your  opinion when the task asked you to to learn what   really matters in your task 1 and task 2 and  how to write a great answer to each type of task   please check out my writing courses i'm gonna  link them in the video description box below so   this essay is 320 words long it's quite long  actually but that's because you need a bit   more space to develop each idea and if you are  aiming to get band 7 your essay can be shorter   it can be between 270 and 290 words in this case  you have a bit more time to write each sentence   and to check your writing for any mistakes so far  we've been talking about the first two criteria   task response and coherence and cohesion and i  showed you some of the requirements not all of   them because we simply don't have enough time  let's talk about the other two requirements   your vocabulary or lexical results and your  grammar or grammatical range and accuracy   so what matters there well actually  two things accuracy and complexity   so in our essay there are no mistakes it's very  important to minimize the number of mistakes you   make in your essay because in order to achieve  band 7 you may only have occasional errors in   your vocabulary and many of your sentences must  be error free from the grammatical point of view   to get band 7 for your lexical results or your  vocabulary you also need to use less common words   and learning some extra complex words isn't  going to help this tactics doesn't work   examiners can see that your vocabulary is  not at the level of those several words   if you use topic words that's great for  example in this essay we've used to reduce   our impact on the environment landfill  refuse rubbish bin environmental benefits   waste public recycling dustbin general  rubbish bin collections recycling beanbags   all this fancy vocabulary about rubbish shows that  my vocabulary is wide enough for a higher score   what about your grammar apart from being accurate  you must use a variety of complex grammatical   structures and again this doesn't mean that your  sentences must be long long doesn't equal complex   you need to clearly understand why you put  certain things into one sentence and if you   don't understand why split them into two sentences  you need to use complex grammatical structures   such as a variety of verb tenses modal  verbs participle phrases comparisons   complex sentences relative clauses and so on and  you need to use a variety of these features not   just to write long sentences i actually made  a video where i talked about several types   of complex sentences you should use in your essay  to get a higher score for your grammar it will be   linked in the video description box below and now  let me announce the winners of our draw who get   all my ielts writing and speaking preparation  courses for free these courses will help you learn   how to meet each requirement that ielts examiners  use and how to write band 7 answers step-by-step   sentence by sentence for each type of task  okay two weeks ago we announced the draw   and we included all subscribers of this channel  who left a comment with the hashtag contest   we randomly selected three winners and if you see  your comment on the screen right now please send   us an email to claim your prize you will find out  how to do it in the video description box below   if you haven't won but you'd like to get  the courses and give yourself the best   chance of passing this exam please the courses  are linked in the description box as well   and don't forget to download our free new  guide with recent ielts writing and speaking   topics for your preparation again in the  video description box below and if you watch   this video you will learn the other structure  you can use to write problem solutions essays   thank you so much for watching me today good  luck with your preparation and your exam bye
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
Views: 270,143
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Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips, ielts writing, ielts writing academic, Fastrack education, fastrack ielts, fastrack asiya, ielts writing task 2, ielts writing band 9, ielts writing tips, written ielts, ielts writing structure, ielts writing tips and tricks, ielts writing problem solution essay, ielts writing sample answer, ielts writing sample band 9, eilts, ielts writing 2021
Id: RTwTtu-YsnM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 49sec (1249 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 27 2021
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