IELTS Writing Vocabulary: Task 1 Academic + PDF

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hi guys and socia and today I've prepared for you some words for IELTS academic writing task 1 which you must know to get AB + 7 + Co and this task and I believe you may not know those words yet however if I'm wrong and you know all the words leave me a comment and say it's too easy and if you don't know any other words then leave another comment saying is too much ok so why should you learn words for IELTS academic task 1 because it's a report describing a chart a table a diagram or a map most commonly a chart or a table as such it requires specific vocabulary which we don't use every day and that's why it's so rewarding to learn words specifically for task 1 I can guarantee that if you learn all the words and phrases I've prepared for you today you will use at least some of them during your exam and in this video I'm also going to give you a link to download a free pdf preview of the full vocabulary for writing task 1 okay and if you notice that the room looks different I've just moved to any place in North London which I really really like and I'm still working on my set as you can see okay let's get started [Music] the first word is respectively when you mentioned several things and you want to say that figures come in the same order as things are mentioned use the word respectively here is an example in 2017 the number of tourists visiting Spain from the UK and Germany reached 18 million and 12 million visitors respectively it means the UK was first 18 million and Germany's second 12 million and please note there is a comma before the word respectively in this example a similar word with a very different meaning is relatively when you are talking about something in comparison with all the similar things used relatively for example of a flight chart shows the production of oranges and bananas between the years 2010 and 2015 and we could say production of oranges remained a relatively stable over the five year period even though it went up and down a bit in comparison with bananas the production of oranges is stable so it's relatively stable the next pair of words is percent and percentage they are often confused but here is a simple rule use the scent when you're given an exact number up to 30% of females top of part-time workers please note that in British English the scent is written separately and in American English it's one word so when you're given an exact number say the scent and when you're talking about an amount of something say percentage a considerable percentage of female staff a part-time work so there is no exact number here compare these examples 8% or a small percentage 78% or a large percentage I have two more examples to make it absolutely clear poor families spent up to 90 percent of their monthly income on food and accommodation or a high percentage of poor families monthly income is spent on food and accommodation I'm really sorry about the light because the weather in London is so changeable ah the Sun has gone again the next word is approximately quite often it's impossible to get the exact number of the child in this case use approximately to show the number is close to a certain number but isn't exactly that number for instance in 2019 the population of London is approximately 9 million people so obviously it's not exactly 9 million it's important to report figures in your essay accurately and your ads examiner will check for that other words you could use our just over just under around approximately in the most sophisticated out of them but is still extremely common have a look at this example the population of London increased or grew by approximately 1 million people between the years 2010 and 2018 to increase to grow worse and in USA you need to avoid repeating words and also you need to use different sentence structures and a good way to do both is to use a noun instead of a verb here's our new sentence the population of London hmm an increase of approximately 1 million people so what work could you use here this hand about is to experience the population of London experienced an increase of approximately 1 million people or the population of London experienced growth of approximately 1 million people please note we say an increase but just growth we don't use an indefinite article with this word because we can't count growth its uncountable another of you could use in similar situations is to demonstrate figures demonstrate an increase in the number of companies of all sizes selling their products to overseas buyers or last year the region demonstrated the fastest growth in over 20 years this verb is often used together with such words as the number demonstrates the figures demonstrate or the company demonstrates growth the share price demonstrates growth or in our example the region demonstrated growth in task 1 you're often required to describe a trend and right now I'm gonna give you some adjectives and adverbs that will bring you a higher score than simple words like being small high and low here they are so when you're talking about small changes use slight or very small a slight increase or to increase slightly you can also say modest not very much a modest increase or to increase modestly the next word is moderate not too big not too small and moderate in crease or to increase moderately and another word is gradual happening slowly over a long period of time not sudden a gradual increase or to increase gradually and here is an example the salaries experienced a gradual modest a moderate increase of 2% per year from 2010 to 2015 that's a good example but can we see the salaries experienced a slight increase of 2% per year well if you know about the economics and the UK economic then you also know that a salary increase of 2% is pretty good so it's not quite correct to call it a slight increase here is a better example the salaries experienced a slight increase of less than 1% in 1999 here is how we could describe noticeable changes the first word is considerable it means great in amount of size a considerable increase but increase considerably the next word is substantial it means a large amount value or importance a substantial increase or to increase substantially next is significant large or important enough to have an effect or to be noticed a significant increase or to increase significantly and the last one is steady growing or declining in an even regular way a steady increase or to increase steadily here are a few examples a considerable substantial or significant decline in the number of car thefts was recorded in 2015 that's fine what about the next sentence a steady decline in the number of car thefts was recorded in 2015 does it sound right to you I think it doesn't because steady means that something was going on for some period of time and one year is simply not enough to mark a steady decline here is a better example a steady decline in the number of car thefts was recorded between the years 2010 and 2015 that's better okay here's how you can describe big and sudden changes the first word is dramatic it means sudden very great and often surprising a dramatic increase or to increase dramatically the next one is drastic extreme in a way that has a sudden serious effect on something a drastic increase or to increase drastically and rapid happening in a short period of time here is an example a dramatic or drastic increase in oil production was recorded in 2007 when the supply grew by almost thirty five percent in one year that's a big change indeed be careful with these two was dramatic and drastic they're very strong and use them only for really big changes otherwise you just be overly dramatic in your essay as you can see there are many form of adverbs you can use to describe a trend there are many verbs as well for example to describe an upward trend you could say to increase to grow to climb to rise not all verbs and that clubs can be used together and for example you can say to jump gradually or to climb dramatically it doesn't make sense so if you want to see which verbs and adverbs can be used together to describe an increase download the free preview of my vocabulary code must know words and phrases for IELTS academic writing task 1 inside this free preview you'll find more words and more examples and if you like it you can buy the full version of the vocabulary as well both links are going to be in the video description box below so did you know words from today's lesson leave me a comment saying too easy or too much I'll be waiting good luck with your preparation bye [Music]
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
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Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips, ielts writing, ielts writing task 1, ielts writing academic, ielts vocabulary, ielts vocabulary band 9, ielts vocabulary list, ielts writing task 1 academic, ielts writing vocabulary, ielts writing vocabulary list, ielts writing vocabulary synonyms, ielts writing vocabulary band 9
Id: UuhpHEqh7To
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 58sec (838 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 29 2019
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