Band 9 IELTS Speaking Vocabulary

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hi guys it's asiya some people say  that in order to achieve band 7 8 or   9 you must use fancy words to impress the  examiner by fancy words i mean rare words   that only some people know and few actually  use this is not the case let's discuss   what kind of vocabulary you really need in ielts  speaking and how you can achieve a high score i   also have a pdf with recent topics for  you to download okay let's get started   it is true that you need to show that you have  a wide vocabulary and no words to discuss any   topic and express your thoughts clearly and  precisely but it doesn't mean that your answers   should contain some extra complex words don't  try to speak in an artificially complex way   my advice to you is to choose the best  word for each situation and concentrate   on answering the questions for example in part 3  if you don't understand a question or a word you   can ask the examiner to explain it to you is it  a good idea to say could you elucidate this point   no there are situations where this word  would sound natural but in this case most   native speakers would just say sorry i'm  afraid i didn't understand the question   or could you please explain what  you mean by taking a gap year if you say what an average native speaker  would say in each situation you get benign   for your speaking you don't need to show off  and if you're wondering what a gap year means   that's when school leavers take a year to  work or travel before starting university   now let's talk about different groups of words  that you should use in your speaking test   the first one is topic specific vocabulary you  can demonstrate that you have a wide vocabulary   by using words specific to each topic the question  may be do you have any brothers or sisters i could   say i have a half-sister my parents divorced  many years ago and my father remarried   of course everyone knows the word sister but not  everyone can describe this situation and in this   answer i used some topic specific vocabulary you  can do it naturally by giving a bit more detail   compare these two answers there are a lot of  trees near our house or there is a little wood   near our house with mainly oak and maple trees  the first answer is more general the second one   is more topic specific the next one is synonyms  these are words that are similar in meaning you   should try not to repeat the same words over and  over again again compare these two answers here   is the first one there are a lot of trees near  our house mainly oak and maple trees grow there   i love seeing all these trees from my window the  answer is too repetitive and makes an impression   that you are lacking vocabulary so let's try to  replace the word trees there is a little wood   near our house mainly with oak and maple trees  i love seeing all the greenery from my window   remember it's okay to repeat some words  from the question or within your answer   don't think that you must replace every single  word otherwise your answer may sound awkward like   this one and the question is what is your favorite  wild animal so let's try to avoid repeating any   word from the question the untamed living creature  that appeals to me the most is a tiger it's quite   funny but it's not very good for your exam so  just say i love tigers then you can continue   they are fascinating creatures so beautiful  and graceful but also so deadly so my answer   was simple and straightforward but then i  added some high-level vocabulary in the detail   now let's talk about phrasal verbs ayat speaking  is an imitation of a normal conversation between   two people and in spoken english people prefer  phrasal verbs to their one word alternatives   the sentence i established my company in my  20s sounds quite formal i would probably say   i set up my company in my early  20s or i postponed the meeting   is more formal and i put off the meeting  is more natural for a conversation   it's not a mistake to use one word verbs in  ielts speaking they just tend to be more formal   so we normally prefer phrasal verbs in ielts  speaking and one word verbs in ielts writing   next collocations collocations are  words that are often used together   there may be several words with similar meanings  and some of them are used together while others   aren't so we can say light rain but not  small rain heavy rain but not hefty rain   violent rain but not cruel rain or we can say  to think hard or think long and hard i thought   long and hard before making this decision  but we can't say to think heavily or tough   when you learn new words check what words  it's used with in the longman dictionary   you can find collocations and expressions for each  word learn them it will be much easier for you to   use a new word if you learn some phrases it's  typically used in also when you read in english   or watch tv in english you gradually memorize the  expressions people use so watch more tv in english   the next group of words is idioms ielts  speaking is a great place to use idioms   or groups of words whose meaning is different from  the meaning of the individual words for example   to let a cat out of the bag that means to  tell a secret by mistake no real cats involved   one of the ielts speaking band 7 requirements is  to use idiomatic language so in this video we're   discussing some of the ielts speaking requirements  and in my online courses you can learn all the   requirements how to fulfill them and how to give  band 7 plus answers in ielts writing and speaking   and if you're interested you can check them out  i will link them in the description box below   speaking about idioms some of them are  quite striking and really stand out   to cost an arm on the leg that means to be  very expensive or to beat around the bush   to talk about something for a long time  without coming to the main point or   once in a blue moon very rarely these are probably  the three idioms that most ielts takers would name   if you ask them about idioms you can use them  in your ielts speaking exam but you need to use   them naturally to get the full benefit if it's  too obvious that you learned a particular idiom   and are now trying to use it no matter what  the question is that's not impressive idiomatic   language on the other hand can fit into  your answer smoothly these are phrases like   time flies it means time passes so quickly  that we don't notice or last but not least   one step at a time i know the ielts exam is hard  but take your preparation one step at a time   another one is a drop in the ocean these are  examples of idiomatic language that's used   frequently and is easy to integrate into your  speech i actually have a couple of videos with   idioms for common ielts situations and i'll  link them in the description next contractions   when we speak we typically use  contractions such as i've instead of i have   i've been going to the gym for a  few years or i'd instead of i would   i'd go on holiday abroad if i could contractions  gonna and warner also happen naturally when you   speak fast i'm gonna visit my family this summer  saying that i don't want you to think that you   have to use a contraction every time one exists  for instance i would say oh yes i would say   that's the full form i could say i'd or my name  is asia that's the full form and it's easier to   pronounce than my name's asia if i wanted a short  form i would say i masia you can mix contractions   and four forms but whenever you want to use  a contraction feel free to do that slang   you should be careful about using slang in your  ielts speaking exam yes it's an informal exam   which means you don't need to give a formal speech  but it's still an exam and you must be respectful   what a slang my mate lend me some dao  no just say my friend lent me some money   if you're not sure if a certain core expression is  acceptable just avoid it and use standard english   you don't need to use some original words in your  exam to achieve a high score you just need to use   the best words for each situation and if we talk  about ielts preparation a good thing to do is   to find out what topics are currently used and  practice answering them we've collected topics   from hundreds of recent exams and prepared a pdf  guide where you can find them in one convenient   place you can download this guide on our telegram  channel called fast track ielts once you open it   the guide will be pinned at the very top and the  videos about idioms which i mentioned earlier are   right here thank you so much for watching me today  good luck with your preparation a new exam bye
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
Views: 69,967
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Keywords: ielts, ielts exam, ielts test, ielts exam preparation, ielts preparation, how to prepare for ielts, ielts tips, ielts writing academic, Fastrack education, fastrack ielts, fastrack asiya, ielts speaking, ielts vocabulary, ielts vocabulary band 9, ielts vocabulary phrasal verbs, ielts vocabulary collocations, ielts vocabulary idioms, ielts vocabulary speaking, ielts speaking 2021, ielts speaking band 9, ielts speaking exam, ielts vocabulary words
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 31sec (751 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 10 2021
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