How to prepare for IELTS Writing in 7 days | IELTS Academic Writing Band 7+

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hi guys let's face the truth many ayats candidates don't achieve their best score and arts writing I mean they don't get of the highest score they could get with their English level why is it so because and I don't fulfill the specific set of criteria the tires examiner's use to assess are the answers in this video you will learn all the must knows about IELTS writing and you get a number of useful resources for your preparation okay let's get started [Music] first of all what does IELTS writing involve you will have 60 minutes to write two essays the first one is a report where you need to describe at graph a chart a diagram and map a table basically a report on a given set of data the second essay is is an essay on a given topic the first essay will be shorter it must be more than 150 words the second essay will be a bit longer more than 250 words and you will have 60 minutes to finish everything if writing essays in English is not enough in itself what are the biggest challenges of IELTS writing for me the biggest challenge of Vile's writing is time constraint you have only 60 minutes to finish both essays and that's just not enough time so you will require some good time management skills and first of all you should split time between task 1 and task to the usual recommendation is to spend 20 minutes of task 1 and 40 minutes on task - because task 2 is longer also task to waste 2/3 of your final writing mark and task 1 weighs only 1/3 so that's what most people do but I know that I really want to spend a bit more than 20 minutes on task 1 but I can finish tasks - in 3035 minutes so what I usually do is I start with task 2 and if I finish it in less than 40 minutes I know that I can dedicate a bit more than 20 minutes task 1 so that's something that works for me and you need to find what works for you and in to do that you should definitely practice I know that writing essays is a pain in the neck but if you don't practice at home listening to all the tips on YouTube won't help you so you have to practice write in essays find out what the typical topics are and practice writing them at home the more assess your write the better you'll get practice makes it perfect let's talk about the word count everyone who's preparing for IELTS knows that in task 1 you need to write more than 150 words in task 2 you need to write more than 250 words if you didn't know that well you know now so where is a catch actually many people think about choosing words of the topic arguments and different things during the exam and they don't write as many words as they should and you would think who cares if my essay is 250 or 240 words right wrong if your essay is shorter than it should be then IELTS examiner's will penalize you they will penalize you quite a lot basically 25% of the score for this task will not be higher than band 5 if your essay is shorter than it should be so whatever you do make sure you write enough words and here we come to the second question do I count words during the exam counting words takes time and you won't have time for that you're in the exam so what you can do instead is practice at home practice writing essays using the official answer sheet I'm going to leave a link in the description box below as all the links I'm going to mention in this video so download it print it out use it to practice at him count was very soon you will simply know how long your asses should be without counting either words or lines during the exam Panepinto that's a reasonable question for IELTS writing because when you come to take your exam you'll be provided with a pencil and that's what you must use for listening and nice reading but in arts writing many centers do allow to bring your own pen I've checked that I personally can write with a pen a bit more quickly than with a pencil so I definitely prefer that during the exam some people say that pen so it's better because you can erase your typos your mistakes and correct them and it will be neat and clean but to be honest I don't think you have time for that during the exam so definitely check what you prefer to write with pen or pencil now let's talk about each type of task in more detail and we start with task 1 that's where you need to write a report describing a set of data and you must write more than 150 words so what are the main types of this task the first type is a chart you might have a line chart or a line graph a bar chart a pie chart you might have two or three charts at the same time you may also have a table and these two types of tasks are very similar I mean the answer you would write describing a table or a chart are very similar and these two types are the most common today you may also get Maps you will have at least two of those it may be a map of a city or a map of a building at at least two periods in time maybe one in the past one in the present or maybe past present and future so you need to describe a development of something that's not as common today as it used to be and the last type is diagrams that's where you need to describe a process for example a process of making paper tone or a process of producing electricity at a hydro station that's where you will need to follow the the diagram closely describing what you see there and you will require very specific vocabulary for that and some of the words will be provided on the diagram itself so that is a various type of this task today definitely practice writing all four types of tasks one essay so what do you need to know about writing a task one essay well first of all the essay is quite short so make sure that whatever you write there is a summary of the data that was provided do not describe every figure you see if you start saying the manufacturing output was 5 million in this year and then it grew to 6 million and then it declined to 4 million it's not going to get here a good score do not concentrate on detail too much concentrate on big picture try to find trends and describe those try to find key features what I mean is at the highest and the lowest points the biggest changes also don't forget any group of data for example you are given information about the spending among students working professionals and people on pension so you can't talk only about professionals and people with pension and leave students out of your essay altogether that will be a big mistake so make sure you describe you talked about each group of data saying that you must not leave out any significant group of data I don't mean that you should describe each of group each group of data individually because you won't have time to do that you won't have space in your essay to do that so you should group similar data together for example you're presented and with a number of industries so find industries which grew talk about them in one paragraph then industries which declined the next paragraph and industries which very much stayed flat at the same level the next paragraph one more tip use figures to support your description for example you find a trend and you describe it by saying the services industry experienced of the fastest growth that's good but that's not enough so now you need to support it with a figure and you say other services industry experienced the fastest growth and peaked at 7 billion in 2003 isn't it a structure important tonight oh yes IELTS examiner's will be looking for a very clear structure and if you don't have it you lose quite a lot of points having a structure also makes writing an essay easier so you should definitely have one ok now let me tell you about a typical essay structure the first sentence is always your introduction that's where you present the data basically you take the first sentence of the task and paraphrase it in your own words that's your introduction one sentence then you're right and all about you the crucial in task one if your essay doesn't have an overview you missile two points so write a good one it's just one or two sentences summarizing the information you don't need to have any figures in your overview where do you place it is up to you it can go right after the introduction or it can be at the end of your essay I personally like placing it at the end because I have more time to think about what I'm gonna write in my overview but the risk is if you be running off out of time and you want to be able to finish your essay and you will skip an overview you miss a lot of points so from this point of view writing it right after the introduction is a safer option anyway it's up to you you can write your introduction and your overview in one paragraph although you may have two separate paragraphs one sentence introduction one to send one two sentences overview and after that you start writing your body paragraphs you may have from one to three body paragraphs it depends on your topic but make sure that you have one idea in one body paragraph so remember we used an example about the industries which grew which declined which stayed flat so then you will have three body paragraphs if you have maps let's say you have two maps then you will have two body paragraphs if you have a diagram with the process you may put all the information in one body paragraph what about a conclusion you don't need a conclusion in task one essay write an overview but not a conclusion now let's talk about what you should do in task 2 so task 2 is where you need to write an essay on a given topic usually you will get a question which you need to answer for example water the advantages and disadvantages of something or do you agree or disagree to what extent do you agree or disagree with a certain point of view or compare two views on a certain problem or what are the causes of a problem and what are the solutions so these are the main types of tasks to essay the topics usually concern important areas of our life such as environment transport higher education may be problems of our society such as crime social media and all that our news are talking about especially news in the UK here is what you need to do in your task 2 essay first of all look at both sides of the argument for example the topic the task may be describe the advantages and disadvantages of something so you do need to talk about both the advantages and the disadvantages you will have one paragraph about disadvantages one about advantages and they should be relatively even so don't name lots of advantages and then one lying about disadvantages you need to provide a balanced response to the question there they may ask for your opinion in this case you need to express it very clearly before you start writing choose what your opinion is whether you agree or disagree let's say and stick to it your opinion should be clear from your introduction throughout your essay until your conclusion so don't change your opinion within your thing and make it simple to understand as examiner's don't assess how clever your ideas are but they do need a good structure the clear answer analysis say you need to develop ideas so you you make a statement then you find several arguments which support it for example if we're talking about advantages and disadvantages you need to find several advantages you need to explain why these are advantages you need to find examples which prove it that's how you develop your ideas and that's how you get a highest comb make sure you always write a conclusion in your task 2 essay even overview is a must for task 1 then a conclusion is a must for task 2 and again if you skip a conclusion you'll be penalized for that so if you're running out of time and you can't finish your essay I'll leave your body paragraphs unfinished but always finish your conclusion if you want to know what a high scoring IELTS essay looks like download the model answer I'm gonna link it in the video description box below and recently I've also made a detailed video explaining how to write a task 2 essay with a 4 motto answer so it's gonna be in the corner and in the video description below now let's talk about the essay structure in task 2 it's as important as in task 1 in most cases you will have 4 paragraphs an introduction that's where you introduce the topic you introduce the key points you're going to talk about you hint what you're gonna talk about and you express your opinion if your essay asks for it then you have two body paragraphs and you talk about each side of the argument in one separate body paragraph for example advantages and disadvantages or agree and disagree problems Solutions okay sometimes you may have three body paragraphs if you have three ideas but in most cases you will have two and then you have a conclusion that's where you express your opinion again you summarize the key points of your essay maybe make a forecast or a recommendation but the most important bit is to express your opinion in the conclusion okay now you know what you need to write about in your essays you know how to structure them is it enough to get a high score not quite there are if you are the points to keep in mind and one of them is linking sentences together as examiner's will specifically check if they Diaz in your essay I linked together and if sentences are linked together so what you should do is first you should have one idea per paragraph when you're starting to talk about a next idea you start next paragraph okay one idea per paragraph that's especially important for your body paragraphs use linking words moreover however but thus for example all these are linking words and they help to link sentences together they help to make a smooth transition from one idea to the next and that's what you should do in IELTS essays and that's what I think semanas will look for I have a video about how to use linking words in an essay I'm gonna link it in the description box below 25% of your writing score will depend on your vocabulary and of course the more words you know the more difficult words you know the highest score you get for your vocabulary but it's not that for it and there are few points to keep in mind first of all if you're taking IELTS academic writing then you should use quite formal language so don't use anything that is informal such as contractions don't say don't say do not want will not isn't is not so no contractions that's informal no informal words are no slang no idioms keep your style formal remember that spelling counts make sure you spell words correctly and if you know a complex word but you're unsure about how to spell it or a more simple word you know well use a more simple word so try to avoid spelling mistakes as much as possible more complex words give you more points but only if they're used correctly and I know that some people try to use complex or slightly unusual words instead of the most obvious ones and as a result they make more mistakes than they normally would so only use complex words when you know how to use them and way to use them and try to minimize errors speaking about task 1 that's where you will really benefit from learning a few dozen of new words specifically for this task because normally we don't use words for comparing data or describing trends and that's what you need to do in this first essay so I prepared a comprehensive PDF vocabulary of master words phrases and examples for task 1 it's a paid content but I have a free preview which will be useful on its own both links to the full vocabulary and to the pre you in the description box below here is an interesting piece of information for you to get bent 7 for your grammar most of your sentences should be error free so make sure you write sentences which are correct and don't try to write over complicated sentences it's also true that you need to have a combination of simple and complex sentences to get a good score but complex sentences don't have to be long and recently I made a video about writing a complex benign sentence in three easy steps so I'm gonna link it in the description so to get a high score for your grandma you should use complex sentences you should also use different tenses present perfect or even even future perfect or past perfect past continuous present continuous so try to be a bit inventive passive voice is a must for some types of tasks one such as describing a map or a diagram that's where almost the whole essay should be written in passive voice it's also good idea to write one or two sentences of your task 2 essay using the passive voice and if you're not sure how to do it know this piece of grammar before you exam wow that was a long video and a lot of information but now you know what to write about in your essays how to structure them how to link sentences how to get a highest score for your vocabulary and grammar and I hope that I've made the writing tasks this tiny bit simpler for you I'm gonna link all the resources I've mentioned in my video in the video description box below if you can't see links just click to open up the description the two you absolutely must use are watch the master class about writing task 2 and download the vocabulary for writing task 1 at least of the free preview version thank you so much for watching me today good luck with your preparation good luck with your exam and like the video if you liked it why
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
Views: 144,214
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ielts writing, ielts academic writing, ielts academic writing preparation, how to prepare for ielts writing, ielts writing band 7, ielts writing task 1 academic, ielts writing task 2, ielts writing tips, ielts writing tips and tricks, how to get high score in ielts writing, ielts writing band 8, ielts writing preparation, ielts task 1 preparation, ielts task 2 preparation, how to write ielts essays, ielts writing strategy
Id: UlDHThnm1-M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 35sec (1535 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 24 2018
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