IELTS Writing task 1: describing a diagram

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hello everyone its odds upright in tutorial today we're going to learn how to describe diagrams in arts academic writing task 1 there is a variety of diagrams you can get in your item and also diagrams are not very common they still appear in rotten and you can easily get one for task 1 so it is a good idea to learn how to describe diagram in this lesson we're going to see an example of a diagram question learn abandon an answer structure go through each stage of describing a diagram together then learn is for vocabulary and produce a band 9 answer and here is how write and ask one question with a diagram may look like you got a question card that gives you some basic information about your diagram and you've got the diagram which you should describe in your own words let's take a closer look at our question card it says the diagram illustrates how steel roads are manufactured in the furniture industry summarize the information by selecting in reporting the main features and make comparisons where irrelevant now let's examine our diagram in this case it's a process diagram it shows the process of manufacturing of metal rods each process consists of several stages the first thing you need to do is to find the beginning at the end of the process in our case we'll start from the raw material and end this inspection you can see that this diagram has a lot of additional information this information is provided for almost every stage of your process but we don't need it for now we'll focus on it later some diagrams may be noticed straightforward as this one so sometimes you may need to ask yourself more questions about the diagram for example is a process cyclic any loops or hidden stages maybe there are some things happening at the same time anyway when you have familiarized yourself with the diagram it's time to start writing the answer and here's a band 9 answer structure that we described in the previous lesson you can see a link has a blessing on the right in any case if you're answering else writing does grant question you can get a band nod for an answer by following this ideal answer structure your first paragraph is an introduction you should introduce your graph to the readers air the second paragraph is an overview there you should describe some general features of your diagram after writing the overview you should describe specific features of the diagram each in a separate paragraph never ever write conclusions are a personal opinion in writing task 1 task is to describe the given data not to give opinion well and after all this let's start writing our band 9 answer the first paragraph you need to write is your introduction how's the introduction you need to paraphrase the topic in your own words so instead of writing the diagram illustrates how steel rods are manufactured in the furniture industry you need to write a perforated version of that sentence here is how I wrote it the diagram explains the way in which stewards are produced for the furniture industry as you see I did not change the world diagram because diagram is a diagram it's not a line graph it's not a bar chart it's not a table so there is no sense in paraphrasing the word diagram after that comes the verb and it can always be paraphrased so it's very very good technique to paraphrase verb I just explains instead of illustrates you could also write shows or describes these verbs are very good for describing a diagram next I change the phrase how steel roads are manufactured to the way in which steroids are produced so instead of right inhale around the vein which and instead of writing manufactured I wrote produced and then comes furniture industry and I kept it the same so it's always our introduction we have per crazy topic so the examiner can get familiar with our diagram now let's move on to the next paragraph and our next paragraph is a general overview this is a very important paragraph to achieve a bent six or more for a task one the must provides the overview in the hourly paragraph you describe general features of your diagram but like line graphs pie charts and bar charts process diagrams have no general trends or key changes to identify that's why well given the overview of the diagram you should write first of all the number of stages as you can see in this process we have eleven stages and how the process begins and ends if the diagram has loops or repeated stages or the process is cyclic you may also want to comment on that in our case the general overview looks like this all raw the process consists of eleven stages beginning with the raw material and ending up with the products inspection as you see the diagrams overview is quite short only one sentence and your overview should not belong to one or two sentences is an ideal methods world for audio is overall always start already with the world overall it indicates the examiner that you're going to describe Gerald trance then I gave the number of stages I used phrase the process consists of 11 stages to do that and I also wrote how our process begins and adds how's this I used phrases beginning with and end in a place so this is how you should structure overview overall the process consists of X stages beginning with something and ending up with something well as it's always our rule and we'll move on to the next paragraph once we have finished the overview missus provides specific features in our next two paragraphs when we are describing graphs charts or tables we describe all the changes of numbers and percentages in the paragraphs with specific features but now I have a different case now we're doing this diagram submission describe each stage of our process in detail and visually use also solution on information and hints that accompany most stages of our process you may wonder how to divide data into paragraphs while describing a diagram well unlike graphs charts and tables diagrams have no general rules for grouping data in fact you can describe the specific features of your diagram in van two or three paragraphs grouping the information into paragraphs the way you prefer but remember is that you should describe the stages of your process sequentially that is to say it's a bad idea to start with the last stage then write about the third stage then describe the first stage and so on your information must come in a logical way now let's see how I roll the specific features I decided to divide the specific features into three paragraphs so that the first paragraph writes about the first four stages of our process the second paragraph writes about the next stages and the last paragraph writes about the last three stages now I will explain you how to describe each stage of our process let's take a closer look and the first four stages what does a diagram show they can see that the first stage is called a raw material the picture shows a box with some raw material and an arrow indicating that iron are yellow or and carbon landed box this material experienced some transformations throughout the process and will become a steel road I describes a stage in such way first of all iron are yellow or and carbon are collected to serve as a raw material for steroids manufacturing then we move to the next stage which is called melt if you don't know what does melt mean it's totally ok diagrams often picture information with skirt and usual names that may be unfamiliar to you but you should not worry about that your task is to focus on the description using all those strange names and additional information we can see that the picture illustrates a container with a white-hot metal one arrow pulls to the container same raw material is in the melting slit the other arrow indicates the temperature range I used all this information to describe the stage of the process after that the raw material is melted in a melting slit which is heated to temperature in range of 1300 - 1500 degrees Celsius the third stage is called refinement and from the diagram we only know that during this stage the material is put into a container that is called the smelting cabin we don't know what exactly happens in such smelting cabin and that's where a verb undergo cousin handle to undergo means to experience for instance you can say the material undergoes refinement in a smelting cabin and this is a very good way to explain a stage the Ducks additional information here's how I described this stage the melted mass is then transferred to a smelting cabin to undergo refinement then comes the first stage it's called in got per the picture shells per machine is its percent material into containers and the third explanation says condition metal is put into ingots using this information I wrote such sentence next second ascent metal is put in a parent machine and poured into ingots as it's always our first paragraph for specific features I hope now you get an idea of how to describe the process stage by stage so let's move on to the second paragraph that describes the next five stages here's how I routed if the next stage the ingots are connected to corners air war where the temperature falls to 60 this 100 degrees Celsius metal girls through special nozzles and cools down Foreman strands following this the metal strands proceed to rollers they change their shape next the products are put into hidden machine with the undergo heat treatment subsequently a measuring automaton completes the surface check of the product as you see I described the stages of the process sequentially using all the information provided by our diagram and now only the lustrous stages are left for our self paragraph this is how I describe them after that the metal rods are sized by special cutters and get Ida stamping finally the products undergo inspection and are ready for use congratulations we have described all 11 stages of our process and it's as our special features you can take a look at the three paragraphs of special features on the right you can see that I used a lot of time connectors while describing the process in fact process is a series of changes that happen over time that's what time connectors are extremely important for writing about process diagrams to start describing the first stage I used connector first of all you could also use such connectors as first dream and to begin to start your description to move on to the next stage I use the following connectors after that then next into the next stage following this and subsequently and to describe the last stage I used connector finally it's very very good idea to use this time connectors if you are describing a process this way your writing will be more coherent and you will achieve a higher scar with a finish this writing task together now you know how to describe diagrams announce writing tasks run this piece of writing that will produced will achieve a been line on a real arts test if you wish to see this lesson in a text form and complete some useful exercises follow the link on the top if you wish to check out other cool writing lessons click on the second link it was a great pleasure to go through this lesson with you I wish you good luck and see you soon in another Alsup lesson you
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Keywords: ielts writing diagram, ielts diagram, ielts writing task 1
Id: 1PfIr5trddo
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Length: 16min 0sec (960 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 25 2016
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