IELTS Writing VOCABULARY | SYNONYMS for Commonly Used Linking Words

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Hi there! When you're writing your IELTS essay, instead of saying 'and', 'but', 'or', you're supposed to use a range of formal linkers. And IELTS examiner will specifically check for that. So for this video I've prepared synonyms for the most common linking words used in IELTS Writing and... or let me say along with some examples of how to use them. By the way, I have two other videos about synonyms, which I'm going to link at the end of this video and now let's get started! when you want to say but there are a few alternatives and the first one is however you can use it to introduce a statement which contrasts with something you've just said for example politicians have promised to improve road safety so far however little has been achieved you use it in similar situations when the sentence structure is different although politicians have promised to improve road safety little has been achieved so far you can also say despite despite clear evidence from road safety studies no new measures have been introduced you can say in spite of this or despite this politicians oh yes we're still talking about them have promised to improve road safety in spite of this or despite this this little has been achieved so far you can say nevertheless or nonetheless it means despite something you've just said it can be argued that the movie is too long it is nevertheless all nonetheless an intriguing piece of cinema please note nevertheless is used in the middle of the sentence in this example you can start your sentence with nevertheless like nevertheless it is an intriguing piece of cinema but if you put it in the middle it sounds a bit more natural and it's important for your coherence and cohesion score okay you could also say one of the film is undoubtedly too long it is nevertheless an intriguing piece of cinema while is a common linking word and there are a few synonyms you could use instead the first one is whereas it means compared with the fact that the boys prefer competitive sports and computer games whereas the girls seem to enjoy more cooperative activity such as shopping with friends actually I think today many girls enjoy sports and many boys actually enjoy shopping what do you think okay the next linking word is conversely it means in an opposite way poor health is accepted as an attribute of normal aging conversely youth is depicted as a time of vitality and good health you could also say on the other hand when girls go shopping they mainly buy clothes and cosmetics the boys on the other hand tend to purchase computer games or gadgets you could also say in contrast the UK economy has expanded while the Japanese one in contrast has declined probably the most commonly used word ever is and here are synonyms to use instead and the first one is along with or together with a balanced diet along with or together with a weekly exercise regime can significantly improve one's health and fitness you could say as well as technical advances brought about possibilities as well as contradictions and the last one is besides besides school grades other factors can affect a student's chances of being accepted by a top university the linking word also has a number of synonyms but the first one is more over the claim that children find bilingual education confusing is based on little evidence moreover this evidence is seriously flawed it could also say furthermore the landscape of cities around the world furthermore varies considerably yes you can use it in the middle of the sentence just don't forget to put a comma before and after you could also say in addition there is in addition one further point to make when you want to say in the same way you can say similarly more adults exercise regularly today than ten years ago similarly young people have become more physically active you could also say likewise the number of people visiting the USA is growing likewise more and more Americans travel abroad if you use likewise in the middle of the sentence like in this example you have to use a semicolon before and a comma after and I'm going to talk about it in more detail next week when you want to say now well now is not a linking word strictly speaking but it's good to know so instead of saying now you could say at the present moment or at present petrol prices are so high at present that there have been calls for the government to act to reduce them you could also say currently the device is currently available only in Japan and when you want to say for later use subsequently it means after something else once delivered to the recycling facility old furniture is repaired and subsequently sold you could also say thereafter after the time or event mentioned he moved to Canada and settled near Montreal thereafter quite often we want to say for this reason formal linking words would be consequently or as a consequence and I found some beautiful examples in the Oxford Dictionary many parents today do not have time to cook healthy meals for their children consequently or as a consequence many children grow up eating too much junk food as a result many children spent their free time watching TV instead of playing outside as a result more and more of them are becoming overweight you could also say therefore today's children eat more junk food and get less exercise than previous generations of children it is not surprising therefore that rates of childhood obesity are on the increase and one more example children who grow up on a diet of junk food find it difficult to change this habit later in life therefore it's essential that parents encourage healthy eating from an early age these examples actually give great ideas for an essay on obesity which is a common topic in task 2 and the linking words I showed you will help you to make your essay more cohesive and it's important for your coherence and cohesion score and is directly assessed by IELTS examiner's and I suggest you watch two other videos synonyms for most common nouns and a video about four ways to avoid word repetition and from that video you can download a PDF list of synonyms for the most common adjectives used in IELTS writing thanks so much for watching me today good luck with your preparation
Channel: Fastrack IELTS
Views: 427,175
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Keywords: ielts writing, ielts writing task 1, ielts writing task 2, ielts writing academic, ielts synonyms for words commonly used, ielts synonyms words list, ielts writing vocabulary, linking words in english, ielts writing linking words, ielts writing transition words, ielts writing vocabulary band 9, ielts writing synonyms, synonyms for ielts writing task 2, ielts coherence and cohesion, ielts cohesive devices, ielts coherence and cohesion words
Id: kwbsZVzku3s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 8min 59sec (539 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 08 2019
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