IELTS Academic Writing Task 1 - Mixed Charts

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hello everyone and welcome to your eetu task of the week for IELTS my name is Alex and I'm one of the expert teachers here at e2 language comm today we are going to be looking at IELTS writing task 1 mix charts so as you know in this part of the test you might have a line graph a pie chart a process a table and sometimes you have a combination and that's what we're going to look at today firstly we'll analyze an academic task 1 then I'm going to write 3/4 of the task and at the end I'll show you where to find the complete answer let's get started with academic task 1 so you're always going to get these same instructions you should spend about 20 minutes on this task summarise the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant right at least 150 words now this part of the test is worth one third of your total writing score so you should have spent more than 20 minutes on it because you need that time in your task 2 so let's have a look at the rubric the pie chart shows the percentage of carbon dioxide co2 emitted by the six biggest polluters in 2015 while bar graph shows the top six images per capita in the same year sounds a little bit complicated doesn't it sometimes in our live classes we like to predict the information that we're going to see in the chart of course you don't do this on test day but it's a really good way when preparing because it helps you to see the bigger picture there's a danger in academic task 1 of getting fixated in the details or lost in the details you have to show the examiner that you can see the bigger picture sorry let's do this together first of all let's think about the six biggest polluters I'm Australian and I know that my country produces a lot of carbon dioxide we mined for coal and we burn coal to create electricity so I reckon that Australia is probably one of the six biggest polluters what do you think about your country do you think you're gonna be in the top six so let's have a look at the graphs and I've removed the country names here so that we can really focus on the important features let's start with the pie chart on the Left this is showing us the global cam ducts and emissions in 2015 and it's in percentage we can see the rest of the world produced 34% of the global amount here this is one country and it produced almost the same amount as this probably dozens and dozens of countries which country do you think it was could it be Australia or could it be your country another country down here also produced a very large proportion turning to the bar chart now we're not looking at percentages here we're looking at co2 emissions per person in metric tonnes that's why this goes up to 18 metric tonnes and we're actually going to see the country's name so this represents how much carbon dioxide the average person in that country generated in 2015 and we can see that four of the countries generate a very similar amount here do you think these countries were the same as these countries do you think this could be Australia it could be your country well let's have a look and here is the full task now we can see that this country which emitted 31 percent of the global emissions in 2015 was China and the USA was second so China produced the most US a second and then the other big polluters were India Russia Japan and Germany in terms of emissions per person however Saudi Arabia was number one and this is interesting because Saudi Arabia was not among the highest emitters in the pie chart we've also got Russia and the US over here which were in the pie chart but Australia Saudi Arabia Canada and Korea South Korea emitted a lot per person but maybe not enough to put them in the top six of the global emissions now of course there are probably lots of reasons for that lots of reasons why those countries emitted a lot however in task 1 we don't need to get into that kind of speculation so we don't need to explain we just need to describe and we do that in three basic ways this is how we structure the task 1 we have an introduction where we rework the summary then we have a little paragraph where our overview where we describe the main trends stages or differences and key features so we present and highlight the important features here and we use data like numbers or percentages so in today's task I'm gonna write key features paragraphs for each of the graphs now I should mention that there are a lot of different ways to put together your academic task 1 at e2 we always follow the same structure because it just eliminates the decisions that you have to make on test day you don't need to reinvent the wheel when you're writing an academic task 1 but of course there is a lot of information out there it's easy to get overwhelmed just keep in mind that the examiners are marking your work according to criteria there are some things that you have to do for example you have to give a clear overview and you have to include data besides that in terms of the structure there is some flexibility it's up to you of course we recommend following our structure because it's so simple so let me show you how this task is going to go I'm gonna write the introduction first and basically that just involves rewriting the rubric up the top here in red now it's a pretty complicated rubric and a fairly complicated pair of graphs I'm gonna write a really simple introduction for this one because the rest of my task will be quite complicated here we go the two charts compare data about the biggest carbon dioxide produces by country and per person in 2015 super simple now I'm on to the overview in the overview I just want to point out some of the main features the key features I don't want to mention any specific data or details here so I'm looking first at the pie chart the global emissions in 2015 and very clear to see that China and the USA produced almost half of the world's emissions so this is definitely a significant feature on the other side Saudi Arabia produced the most per person so I'm gonna put this into one sentence overall it is clear that although China and the USA generated almost half the world's emissions in that year the highest polluters on an individual level was Saudi Arabians I also want to mention here the fact that although China and India were big polluters actually were not accounted for in the individual basis or on the bar chart so interestingly despite being in the top three emitters globally the developing nations of China and India were not among the highest co2 producers on a per person basis so those two sentences are covered the key features here and you'll notice that there's no numbers no percentages however I've shown the examiner that I get it I can see the significant features here perhaps in your overview you would include something different and as I said that's fine everybody's task one will be a little bit different as long as you have an overview I'm gonna write two little paragraphs here one dealing with each graph we've already mentioned how the graphs relate to each other in the overview so it's fine to separate them here and also the first graph is talking about percentage and the second graph is talking about metric tons so it would be difficult to talk about them in the same paragraph here we go according to the pie chart 31 percent of the global co2 emissions came from China in 2015 followed by 17 percent produced by the USA India Russia Japan and Germany accounted for approximately one-fifth and the rest of the carbon dioxide came from all the other nations of the world and that's it for the pie chart I've got some data in there 31 percent 17 percent i've given fraction 1/5 says no need to mention every single piece of data but you do need some data the final paragraph is going to deal with the bar chart this is how I would begin that paragraph in terms of the emissions per person but rather than finish it off I'd like to offer you the challenge can you write the rest of this task 1 in the comment section below use this sentence start up and finish it off remember to include data in your description of course if you want to see my full sample you can find it on our blog blog e to language comm and you can download it there so this is the 3/4 of the task one that we've written today have a go at finishing it off and see if you can comment on other people's and help them as well come along to our live classes and you can write along with me and some of our other IELTS experts you can find us at e tu language comm you can also find a huge IELTS preparation course there you can submit your speaking and writing for feedback book or one-on-one tutorial come to the live classes or catch up with our recorded classes well that's it from me I hope that was helpful I'll see you next time on our eetu task of the week [Music]
Channel: E2 IELTS
Views: 441,431
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Keywords: e2language, e2 jay, e2 alex, e2 ielts, ielts, ielts writing, ielts writing task 2, ielts writing task 1, writing task 1, writing task 2, task 2, task 1, reading, e2 speaking, e2 tasks, e2
Id: bpBr2slbJsA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 10sec (670 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 12 2019
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