Baldur's Gate 3: Shadow Knight Dexadin Build Guide | Rogue Paladin Multiclass - Big Sneak Attacks!

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hello and welcome back for another Boulders Gate 3 build video this is going to be the perfect build for astarian it's a rogue and a paladin build this build is actually very very strong uh I think it fits fits his theme uh perfectly and really really well if it's his personality and I think it just fits his overall story so that's why I chose it for him this build actually works with any character and it's really really good uh you actually if you want to min max you're probably going to go with the Geth Yankee or preferably an orc but I think it fits a Starion and his personality and his story and his character I'm not going to go into any story spoilers but we're going to dive into the build and we're going to look at how it works and why it translates best for him in my opinion so first off first and foremost we are going to go Paladin and you think a starry in a paladin really well we're going to take oath of Vengeance and I feel that fits very thematically with his quest for vengeance against his master most people already know it's not really a support spoiler or a surprise that he is out for vengeance and flood against Cazador so I think oath of Vengeance works perfectly for him he has taken an oath to take his Vengeance on Cazador ability scores uh we go with the flat 10 strength well we want to pump up our dexterity since we are going with a rogue we are going to be doing a dexed in so it fits thematically uh 14 Constitution intelligence wisdom 10 and Charisma 16. since we are going to be playing a paladin we want them juicy smites now you could probably work this out with a strength build as well and still be really really strong but I wanted to go for thematics and you know dexterity and you know building it that way since you know we're going to be sneaking around and stuff like that still too skill proficiencies we've got Athletics sleight of hand Insight perception and deception uh those automatically come with it we are not very proficient in those the ones I selected was Athletics and insight to boost those up as well so our first level up is going to be uh continue going with Paladin we get our divine Smite and we get a few smites over here and some really good spells down here so we are going to be going with dueling for our fighting style this gives you an additional two damage with a weapon that is not two-handed or versatile in one hand and no weapon in the other hand so this can be done with the shield and you're offhand and a say a Rapier which we're actually using in that one or you know another one-handed this actually systematically pretty well because you could be using a finesse weapon which is going to be required uh going forward for this build so this is actually very strong with it uh prepared spells don't really worry about this uh too much I'll go into the spells that are prepared later on um I'm not going to be picking those for for starting out uh what I would really be focusing on is she Shield of faith and not bless because we run with the cleric and they're going to be doing thunderous Smite a compelling duel I don't really care about that too much because we're going to have another Melee character in there with us you can go for heroism or you can go with searing Smite that's fine command is always useful all right we're continuing Paladin level three we get Divine health objure enemy vow enemy you gain advantage and you can Franken these enemy make them easier to hit these are very useful you get Bane and you get Hunter's Mark prepared spells it is what it is you can choose whatever you feel um fits your theme better and go a heroism you can go with a Divine favor to give a 1d4 radiant damage this is actually really good all right so we're going four and Paladin we are getting our lay on hands charges and we're getting a new feat our feet is going to be ability score Improvement we want to get our dexterity up as quickly as possible same spells you can choose whichever ones you want and we are taking five levels in Paladin so we can get the extra attack and some spell slots we gain additional spells and we gain uh o spells down here so for per our prepared spells you can have Aid if you don't have a cleric I always run with a cleric so I don't really need Aid I run branding Smite which is actually good if you have um enemies that turn invisible this will prevent them from uh going invisible You Can Do Magic Weapon to give a plus one to your bonus attacks for concentration which is fine but I don't really run that too much you could also do less restoration to cure a creature from spills disease poison than blindness this actually comes in handy the good thing about a paladin is all these uh you know all these spells and you just run with which ones are prepared so I change different spells out depending on the fight so level six is where we change things up again I know we get the order of protection uh you gain uh plus bonus on saving throws we're not going to worry about this because we have a cleric that helps us out with that so what we are going to be going and doing we're going to be multi-classing into Rogue this is where we get our sneak attacks and then we're going to be adding in our abilities we want the sleight of hand eight uh stealth eight because we are going to be stealthing around you can put this into Athletics as well but these are really good since he's still acting as your Rogue character and I feel those are very helpful in a party Dynamic and we are continuing to choose levels into Rogue we're going we get cunning action hide cutting action Dash and cutting action disc gauge to make all these a bonus action instead of an action all right for our third level in Rogue we are actually going to be taking assassin to get the additional bonus action which is very helpful so we can use a bonus action to hide and then we can use a bonus action to come in and smite somebody because like our thunderous Smite our searing Smite and our branding Smite those take a spell slot action and a bonus action so we have one left over to my if we go in and we have to hide while already in combat say we get uh come across the battle that kind of surprises us a little bit uh also another option to go if you are interested I like the bonus action preferably but you can go assassin with this this build actually is really good with assassin all right so we are going to be taking four levels into Rogue so we can get this feat and then we're going to be upping our ability Improvement as well because we want to get that five into dexterity that helps us with our initiative it helps us with our damage and it helps us with our armor class all right this is where we're going to be switching up as well uh uncanny Dodge is really good to where an attack hits you it you only take half the usual damage that is really good but we are going to be going over here and we're going to be going into fighter and I'll explain why as we go through it we get healing or second wind which is a good little heel for just the cost of a bonus action we're going to be going with our fighting style and we're going to be getting defense for that plus one Armor class all right we are taking the second level in fighter this is going to give us our action served for a second round of actions which is Juicy and really good for any build our third level in fighter we are going to go a class that most a subclass most people don't really go with and it's not Battle Master most people are going like well Battle Master has so many uses and it really does this could be a good feature for for this build if you like Battle Master instead but what I'm going to be going for is champion so what this does is you get improved critical hit the number you need is to roll a critical hit while attacking is reduced by one this effect can stack and I'll show you why here in a little bit one it's Stacks so that's really good and and we just need a 19 instead of a 20 which is phenomenal all right so we're going to be taking a look at our gear and a lot of this gear uh I have in the late game none of it's necessary for the bill to function well you can run this build perfectly well without any of this gear and you will have a grand time but some of this gear and there's even gear that I don't have that could actually work better with this but we are running the dart just car helmet we get this from a fight later on in the game A plus one bonus to saving throws against spells critical Comfort critical while you're obscured the number you need to roll a critical hit while attacking is reduced by one this effect can stack this does stack with the reduced by one from the champion fighter but we have to be obscured shade Slayer cloak stealthy critical while hiding the number you need to roll a crit while in fact is reduced by one so this is already a reduced by three so instead of having to roll a 20 we have to roll a 17 to create which gives us a lot more critical strikes uh Yanti scale mail so this I picked up randomly I can't even remember where I did it but it does um work really well we are running medium armor you can run plate but I prefer to run medium armor because it doesn't give us penalties to uh stealth ability checks as you see here this one also adds our dexterity modifier to our Armor class so that is why we have plus 21ac which actually really helps so that way we don't have to run uh heavy armor to have a high AC score and then we get a plus one bonus to initiative rolls then we have Legacy of the Masters arming enchantments gain a plus two bonus to attacking and damage rolls and you get saving strength savings throw plus one this is good any gloves that you think would work well with the build will work I was running this for a little bit I got those luminous gloves actually works really well with this as well Icarus gloves or noxious fumes if you're doing uh acid damage on top of it say if you're using poison potions and then gloves of heroism actually works really well when you use your channel o spells you gain heroism and then plus one savings so we also get a disintegrating night Walkers this gives us Misty steps and we can't be in webbed and Tangled and snare and can't slip on Grease or ice this is actually phenomenal we get this in Act 2 and you get this very early on so I this is good in at least one character and I think it works really well with historian because it helps with positioning or this build in particular specters I you can run a whole bunch of different uh necklaces this I have ruining away and figure you can run a different thing than this it doesn't really matter this one actually really works uh well is paralyzed and critical once per long rest when scoring a critical hit of the humanoid wear is paralyzed for two turns this is really good but in the later games they usually don't survive long enough for this to happen so now the ring uh eversight ring blind immunity I love this especially in my melee characters especially because I'm running a warlock with this multi-class and it's another build video I'm going to do and we use Darkness so that way it's starting can't be blinded and then this is actually really good with the build and I do recommend it is a ring of Shadows this gives us a pass Without a Trace so it gives us a plus 10 bonus to uh stealth and then we have duelist uh prerogative this is actually what you get for a request uh dealing with a certain character in act three I'm not gonna spoil it but this is a very very good this is probably the best in slots uh weapon for this build and you can just use a regular weight a rape here or a finesse weapon that has the most damage and you will do phenomenal but what this one does is eloquindulis while your off hand is empty you score a critical hit when rolling a19 so we have to roll a 19 or lower and then with the other effects that stack so we only have to run a 16 to do a critical hit moreover you gain additional reaction per turn so the additional reaction is withering cut on hit with the melee weapon you use a reaction to deal additional necrotic damage equal to your proficiency bonus another thing that we get with this over here is while you're not dual wielding you can make an additional melee attack with the Dueler I did test this and you do have to have nothing in your off hand I tried it running with this shield and if you are not running this weapon yet and you have just a regular finesse weapon I do recommend you running a shield and I ran this Shield right here for the longest this is another best in slot shield for anybody and this is very late in the game that you get this so you can just run a regular shield or a shield with a plus one uh so this will give you three armor class which is really really good but I think this is the best shield in the game and then we're just running the highest damage uh cross a bow or bow that we can get um I haven't really focused on it with this character because I use other characters for Reign specifically but this actually helps and we can use Arrow of many targets or a whole bunch of different arrows while we are not in range say we've already used our Misti step on both of these or we don't want to exceed a level two spell slot because we want to use those for our smites then we can actually just use range until we can get in there so we are looking at our stats over here we have ambusher these are all my features that we are running it from our gear and from our passives we do have vampire ascendant we did make him um this is probably a little bit of a spoiler so I'm not going to talk about it too much but we do have that it also gives us an additional 1d10 necrotic damage to all of our attacks we have Athletics plus four five sleight of hand 13 and dexterity bonus 13 and then we are proficient with all these weapons but remember that we do have to have finesse weapons to be able to sneak attack which is very very important and as you can see we can take some massive sneak attacks all right now into our tadpole Powers if you don't want to look into a table Powers then I suggest you skip into a later part of the video uh and we are going to go into these now so the only tadpole Powers I took are up to luck of the far Realms uh so that way if we have not hit uh crit or we want to guarantee that we hit a crit uh this is really helpful other than that it's not needed this build does not need any tadpole Powers now if you wanted to go for more tadpole Powers you can definitely do that I have other characters that do perilous Stakes to make enemies vulnerable to all damage this is very helpful you can do thralls of Shield you can do call the week which is actually very helpful and you can do a couple other things when you are uh you can do half a lithid uh to where you can get uh what is it mine Shield or mind Temple or something like that I can't remember uh that'll actually do the same thing as the champion to bring it down to you'll only need and a 15 to make a critical hit so with all of our spells this is the basic setup that I run uh like I said you can switch these in out interchangeably a whole person is a very good spell to use but it uses a level two spell slot so you got to be careful with these because you don't have very many spell slots to use all right so I am going to show here uh how you would basically play this build I have Gail I have Shadow heart and I have my main character right here and this is the basic party setup that I always run with uh I don't always run with the starians so it depends on what my main character is going to be but with this build right here this is the setup that I run so I'd run a so Darkness down go over here with a star in using my Crouch then I'll come over here with where's my thunderous mic after I change these my stuff moved okay so I'll come over here with my thunderous smite and then I'll hit him with that and we'll just go ahead and make sure it's a crate all right and then we'll do a branding Smite on with it and that took him down to half Health he tried to walk away so we'll hit him with another smite and that only leaves him at 91. all right so we're going to come back over here and we're going to finish this guy off so we're going to I'm gonna go ahead Misty step behind him and then I'm gonna hit him with a sneak attack hit him with another Divine smite action surge he's about to blow up and with another attack hit him with the withering cut and he's taken out probably better ways you could have gone about that just let him blow up on his own but that's essentially what I want to do that and you see I'm over here I have no more Missy step but I still have actions to take care of so I'm gonna come over here and I'm gonna use this bow on these guys and I'm gonna use that and there we go all right so if you guys like to build and you like the video make sure you leave a like subscribe and stay tuned for more videos coming out this week I am going to be doing a couple of the build videos that I have done I like to do my build videos uh as a full playthrough so I fully play through the bills so I know they're good and I know they can run through and complete all the content of the game so that is why it takes me a little while to do this sometimes but I will have a couple uh more out this week and I'm going to be doing a a full review I have well uh thoughts video or review video after 500 hours because I've had 500 hours in the game and I have done a few playthroughs so I'm gonna be doing that so stay tuned for that as well thank you very much for choosing to watch this video T-Bone out foreign
Channel: TiBone
Views: 12,942
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Keywords: baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 paladin guide, baldurs gate 3 builds, baldurs gate 3 build guide, baldurs gate 3 monk, baldurs gate 3 paladin build, baldurs gate 3 monk multiclass build, bg3 paladin, baldurs gate best rogue build, bg3, bgiii, baldur's gate 3 gameplay, baldur's gate 3 info, baldur's gate 3 information, baldur's gate 3 review, baldur's gate 3 paladin, paladin, Rogue, bg3 paladin build, baldurs gate 3 Rogue guide, baldurs gate 3 build, baldurs gate 3 classes
Id: obf2Wqrwg2Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 59sec (1199 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 26 2023
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