3 Paladin Multiclass Builds YOU NEED in Baldur's Gate 3

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today I will give you four multi-class builds for Paladin in baldos Gate 3 with additional cool tips and tricks how to play him all builds will be unique and interesting so let's build our first Paladin this pattern will specialize on making a lot of very powerful smites in one fight so our race of choice can be any race you like I will pick half Earth especially would have Elf just for little movement speed bonus for being able to resist sleep and being Charmed for some dark vision and we're starting with Paladin but most importantly we begin all of Vengeance we can also a new multi-classen is really important thing to have in mind so background we picking Soldier it doesn't matter too much but I like some Athletics skill proficiencies so why not end intimidation is useful stuff too so our ability distribution goes like that we're going 14 into strange it's our main attribute for making damage with our weapon 10 into dexterity and this will be not important attribute for this build but it affects your initiative and armor class for this build we will focus on heavy armor and thanks to our Paladin from first level we get in this heavy armor proficiency but if you want a little bit more initiative you can dump your wisdom instead and get plus 2 into dexterity so it's like whatever you like we don't eat intelligence we get 14 in Constitution that's important stuff and our main attribute for making damage having a lot more well slots etc etc is Karina so we're getting 17 in Charisma with adding our plus two bonus and plus one bonus goes into strange skill proficiencies speak whatever you like and just like that let's go into the game so as our awesome powder we're going to level up second level will unlock our most important action Divine smart Divine Smite adds plus 2d8 radiant damage to other crawls and that's like insane stuff but it's using spell slot and max level Paladin will have around 8 or 10 spell slots and maximum spell slot level will be a level 3 spell slot so we will fight this stuff with this build our fighting style of choice will be defense to get our Armor class higher and we get some prepared spells from Paladin and Motif for early game you can use Shield of face blasts cure wounds searing Smite and heroism sometime but that's not too important you won't be able to use the Spells most of the time with this build so let's continue and from Level 3 and so on we actually stopping getting levels in this Paladin so you need to multi-class I got one question in the comments how to multi-class so basically this is the window and this is the button where you can press it to add class and you basically add a glass of choice so our class of choice will be sorcerer today sorcerer will give us cam trips so you can pick whatever you like let's get Firebolt we are merely damaging class so we don't need this melee shocking grasp can chips and we can pick like whatever You Like Dancing Lights match hand minor illusion just to have fun for our spells again we don't care so we can pick some exploration stuff like feather fall in Disguise self and you can go with two subclasses we can go with storm sorcery or with wild magic for this build I just for fun prefer wild magic and we get this passive to activate and get advantage on our attack rolls ability checks and throws and it will be very fun and wild subclass but 100 viable is Storm sorcery class so pick whatever you like if you don't know how Star Plus 3 works just watch my video on storm sorcery it's called Dark Horse build so let's go and finish this build so from now on until level 12 of you picking only social subclass so you level in only sourcerer for spells of choice just have fun and pick whatever you like so magic Missile is nice pick just to do some damage sometimes class passives metamagic use distant spell use twin spell and continue leveling so we are Level 5 and most of the time fighters on level 5 and other classes got some cool features that give them Edge in the battle but we are with the clashing right now and we don't have anything cool right now and it looks like we're kind of weak but no so let me show you for metamagic right now we're picking quick and spell and let me show you this level 5 sword cutting I guess you can call it circading but that's not circuit in circading in my opinion would be like sorcerer with some Paladin abilities but there's like completely Paladin build so our main goal here is to play Paladin and not sarkodin so on level 5 our flight will look something like this first of all why we pick Vengeance Paladin and why it's important because it's like only one holes that give you some useful Channel OS charge on level 2 and basically you can use this Inquisitor Smite to use your banner section to deal additional three radiant damage and there's enemies for one turn and you can do it for two turns so basically for two attacks at this level but most of the time you will basically use your Smite some some Paladin tips that will be used for every Paladin today is to go to your inventory to your Spellbook to your reactions and turn on reactions with Divine Smite and basically press ask over here everywhere so now you can use instead of using your smart Divine Smite especially you can basically attack your enemies and if you kill in them you won't be even prompted with using Smite so you won't use your charges but if you're not killing your enemy you will be prompted with like do you want to use your Smite then you decide do you want to use it or not so if you use the volcano enemies so I'll manage idea we got sorcery points and basically what we can do here on these levels on level 5 we can go and use our high level spell slots and as sorcerer we get a little bit more spell slots than normal Paladin and we can use three Divine smites of level 2 in one battle and what you're doing it's basically up casting when you're up casting Your Divine smart you did an additional 1d8 pair a level that's crazy so already on level 5 you can do from 6 to 34 damage with just basic hammer and just like that you just join your enemies it's just crazy damage for this level you can use your click and spell and you can do it one time per battle over here and use this magic Missile and you can upcast it to to make two missiles and basically that's your awesome Paladin so from the first turn you're basically doing this stuff just like that let's go and level up enter the total we continue with sorcerer so level level 4 sorcerer gives us additional fit and we add to our strength plus one and turn up Charisma plus one with ability Improvement spell of choice whatever you like I like Mr step can chips whatever you like continue so level 7 with 5 level sorcerer will give us additional spell and level 3 spells so depending on what you like to do Fireball then just pick Fireball level 8 additional spells again whatever you like level 9 additional spells again wherever you like and I can just set it like two more times on level 10 you get in spells and gain whatever you like but if it gets in feet and right now we want to improve our Charisma to maximum just like that and we're getting more spells from Level 5 and basically what you actually want right now to do just pick hold monster maybe sometime your party or you will need it and you can replace some spells that you don't use and maybe you're not using Grand flight for example and just get this level to spell you can get it earlier whole person it's like useful against the humanoids who got low wisdom so pretty nice useful spell and we continue to our last level level 12 and we're getting canceled we don't care we're getting spell again we don't care pick whatever and we get in class passive so right now we can pick subtle spell and just like that let me show you build idea how you play it so this is built to get access to a lot of spells but most importantly there is one cool feature so basically you start your day with 10 sorcery points and a lot of spell slots that's already crazy because you can basically up cast your Smite Divine Smite to level 6 per slot and do from 11 to 6 7 damage with just pretty basic weapon so basically you start a new day with the create sorcery points action from your software class and you want to create some three points from every spell slot you have and since this will take quite a lot of time and basically you lose all your spell slots from Level 1 to level 4 but thanks to sorcer and high Charisma we get nice personals of Fifth and 6th level and then now we can use grids spell slot action and we creating spell lots of level 5. and I guess you see where we're going and just like that we're getting seven spell Slots of level 5 once per slot of level 6 and we got 6 sorcery points left so just depending on what you want to do and if you like to use your meta magic then just keep it as it is if you want to optimize and just completely ignore meta magic don't use one spell slot from Level 4 and don't use one per slot from Level 2. it will leave you with zero social points and once per slot of second level once per slot of Force Level next important feature when you play in this class is to not forget to press on your passives and activate these types of chaos and just like that we're ready to go into the fight and yeah don't forget to turn on all your new smites in reactions so basically you can now go and attack your enemies if you're not killing them you will be prompted with awesome ask of do you want to use Divine Smite but we will just use it to show you this awesome Divine Smite of six level just like the Zen OMG what's crazy damage so main problems that you can encounter with this type of build you don't have the second attack but you can go around it with a hosta spell and cast it on yourself with your Mage for example or you can learn it with from sorcerer I guess and you will be able to make two attacks in one turn so two smides of level five and it's crazy or you can use just your meta magic we can spell and use some of your magic just like that again with high level spell slots you get 7 5 level spell slots to just inflict crazy amounts of fireballs just like that OMG and yeah cool part if you see monstrous you can use this whole monster action and it achieves two parts first of all and you hold on Monster a person it will most commonly activate this wild magic search and there's a lot of stuff for right now with triggered wild magic and Tangle we created a wine surface around ourself slowing down creatures and possibly integral entangling them so that's nice to have right now but there's more cool fun wild Futures so it's like really fun to play stuff and basically right now we can use this upcasted Divine Smite on this dude and this will trigger Critical Strike or we can just basically attack with normal attack and as you can see we inflicted Critical Strike and we get this prompt to use our divine Smite on critical hit to inflict additional wonderful 1d8 damage just like that so we see making this crazy critical hit stuff crazy to play and have fun for equipment I suggest to go with heavy armor and shield and it will give you around 23 24 25 armor class so you can go in the melee combat and have fun and our next Paladin multi-class build so this will future Hub work as our race of choice and that's for a reason first of all we have really Frontline class and we get this Relentless endurance if we reach zero hit points where we gain one pinpoint instead very nice future but most importantly we get this Savage attack and when will land in critical hit with melee weapon attack how damage dice are tripled instead of double so basically we getting additional damage with our weapon our starting class is Paladin of course and our subclass will be also of devotion again that's for a reason our background is Soldier again and our ability distribution goes like that we're getting 15 strange it's our main attacking ability and we add in plus two to eight we get in 10 dexterity to get a little bit initiative and just because we can we're getting 14 in Constitution with addition of plus one bonus dumping intelligence getting 10 wheels done for just perception checks so they not dumped too much and 15 into Charisma so just like that let's build our Paladin so as you guessed this build will focus on critical strikes and improving the critical strikes because why not to inflict even more damage when the critical striking with our divine Smite so for our weapon of choice with this build we're going with great weapon fighting we want as big weapon as possible because because Savage attacks will add to your damage dice Toyota crawls when you're doing this damage not attack rolls damage of your weapon to your Critical Strike damage so you need as much pure weapon damage as possible starting prepared spells is kind of the same Shield of face gear won't sync Smite bless and we're basically starting as Paladin of devotion and continue our journey as Spalding of devotion and most important part of this build is to hit at least level 3 with powder but we're going further so level 3 will give a socket weapon and socket weapon will increase our chance of hitting enemies so that's just like our main and very useful important Channel always chart because when we want to learn physical heat we want to land a Target list and basically we continue our journey is Paladin at least until Level 4. we got additional prepares well we don't care too much about them most importantly we get in feet and we increasing our abilities we're given our strength plus one and Charisma plus one for more spell slots for more smites and strange to just increase our hit chance and damage of course so level 5 will give you spells from second level and extra attack and yeah you want to pick this stuff all spells is kinda situational but sometimes you just need it so we definitely begin this stuff and right now from Level 5 we switching our class so we're getting additional subclass right now and we're going to fighter with our fighting style being defense so we need our Armor class increased because we want to get shield with this build and we continue with fighter we get in fighter level 2 for Action search which we can use and do two attacks in one turn two actions in one turn sorry and now we can pick on third level of fighter our subclass and vpking champion champion will reduce numbers that we need to roll to get a critical hit by one so that's like nice cool future to lend more critical hits then on level 4 we get an additional feat as fighter and we don't we want furthermore increase our Strange to plus 2 so we get 20 strange on this level fighter level 5 gets extra attack but don't get fooled because this extra attack won't count and won't stuck with this stuff passives need to have different names to get stacking ability or different Futures so you won't get this extra attack from fighter and that basically means we can totally stop with fighter on level 4 and continue our journey as Paladin and basically we continue our leveling level 6 gets additional spells we don't care too much we already have what we need level 7 gets additional overall a nice protection Aura for your allies and we continue to level 12 we get it powered into level eight we still don't need any new spells and we get an additional feat and we got two feets of choice first one is great weapon Master it will increase your damage with a tutuin by 10 damage this like great ability to increase your damage potential on level 12 or you can get most stable version with Savage attacker to roll out damage twice when we're rolling out damage and always get higher damage dice or we can use something like Sentinel or even pole arm master so it will totally depend on your like play style additional stuff you can just go into ability Improvement and art plus 2 to Constitution to increase your health points by wealth and get more concentration stuff I mean more successful with concentration spells for today at picking Savage attacker and I will show you why in a moment I'm not picking great weapon fighting just for one reason it will reduce our heat chance so basically you want to start your day with clicking on all your orders and it will be over of protection and it will be over of devotion just like that your auras is activated and then you're using your magic weapon level 2 spell and this will add plus one bonus to attack and damage rolls for wall day until you're given your concentration so how you play in a fight base all you need to do is to activate your sacred weapon and this will add our Gary's moment the fire to our attack rolls according my is 16 right now so that's pretty nice we get plus three to this and this uses only Channel OS charge but before considering using this stuff don't forget it's an action so use it only when you can't reach your enemies and basically with the Spalding you will have pretty low movement speed as you can see we got around 9 meters movement speed it's really standard but it's pretty low so we definitely can just move a little bit and then use this stuff to get for next 10 turns addition no chances to hit and that comes from our Halls of devotion but most of the time we will just go and attack your enemies with our weapon just for fun I will do it with Smite on the Sim and after we killing our enemy or not we get ability to use one more attack because we are powered in with extra attack so cool part here that we got pretty nice hitting chance so as you can see we rolled four we got plus one from our magic weapon and we got plus five from Miles change so just like that we add in at least 10 to our attack rolls and when we're rolling for damage we're doing most of the time more damage because we're rolling two dice to get damage and to be getting highest results so as you can see we're picking five damage right now instead of two damage we are in plus one we are then plus 5 for Mouse range and just like that we're getting nice damage with pretty Basics weapons but most importantly with this build we're rolling our Smite rolls too so as you can see when you use it and see your Smite you need to roll your damage and when you're rolling any damage dies you picking highest results so that's true for our Smite too and just like good crazy stuff crazy yes stuff we're doing here so tired OMG yeah like damage is incredible and basically after the fight just use short rest if you used your socket weapon and it will be recharged because Channel always charges recharge on short arrest so how this build will look in more stronger fights and how to improve your playstyle with it first of all get heavy armor you need this High Armor class and get weapon in two hands so you can do 1-12 damage with this weapon or just use any versatile stuff that will do 1-10 and in the fight don't forget to cost hostile on yourself with your Mage so if Mage casting hosta on you in the fight you will get additional actions and sets big stuff you will get additional movement speed and most importantly you will get additional Armor class so right now we go to this medium armor with low Armor class and with already getting 17 that's not bad but with heavy armor we will get around 2021 and when you can't reach your enemies don't forget to use your sack weapon for this fight just like that so now our weapon is sacred and against enemy with 18 AC which is like pretty high pretty high be having 80 hit chance with this build and that's pretty big actually additionally we will do a lot of damage so we can go and choose our divine smites we can do two attacks in one turn sign working do one more attack in this turn Andrew can get one more attack in this turn basically sadly we missed and when you're missing you're not using any Divine smart charges but because we got some fighter levels he gave this awesome action search action and he can continue attacking this just crazy amounts of damage just like that OMG yeah so six attacks in one turn and we made around 150 damage just insane amount of damage so which builds just one hit just one hit guys with pretty basic weapon we inflict 31 damage to the guy who got resistance to our damage type and as you can see we rolled a lot of dices to inflict maximum amount of damage just with one hit and yeah that's not counting our Smite roll as you can see 50 radiant damage and just look on this amount of rolls we did to make maximum damage possible so that's crazy and our next Paladin is going into the battle so for our race of cherries again picked half Alpha just like this race it's nice features you can pick whatever race you like it will kind of work for this build sub race again would have Elf just to get the split of food for little bit additional movement speed and with this build it's pretty nice bonus for our subclass of starting Paladin we're going again with also of the ocean so background again Soldier and our abilities a little bit different right now we dumping strange pretty much yeah with this build we dump in it but we get intend to get at least some change for early levels it's really important stuff we're getting 14 in dexterity 16 in Constitution with addition of plus 2 with dumping intelligence why we need intelligence when they're playing Paladin so we're getting 10 wisdom just because we can and we're getting our Charisma 215 and adding plus one to it so we're rounding up it with 16 stat total just like that let's go and I show you the build so this won't be your basic hex blade build it will be quite different so basically you're starting as Paladin again while fighting style with picking defense repair spells same as previous paladins to by shooter face blasts killer runs sitting smart and heroism we get into level 3 Paladin and unless again nothing changed without also devotion we get in this awesome sacred weapon that can add to our hidden chance and we can continue our journey spelling to level four on level 4 we get additional feet most importantly and with the sphere to be wanting to max out our Charisma to 18 right now not maxing out but adding to Al Charisma and we want to get to Baldin level 5 to get this power Spike with additional extra attack that's nice place to be in and basically you can get the use of this branding Smite magic weapon sometimes so just improve like in previous builds everything is kinda same until year Mountain builds but in previous build here it was built was like kinda same start but right now we're changing our style into our approach to the game so we're adding our class entry picking warlock with Aldi's blast and with some like utility camera like minor illusion on which can't chat for fun our subclass will be the themed to get this awesome temporary hit points when we kill any our enemies it's nice to be a little bit more sustainable so spells of choice will be hexed and you may use some other spells but most of them as Paladin as main class you won't be using too much spell slots and you want to save them for your smites so let's continue with our warlock right now we're continuing with our warlock of course and we're getting more spells which indicate the match most importantly we get the eldrich invocations and we begin agonizing's blast throughout our Charisma modifier to our organizing blast and repairing plus to push enemies away from us and I got a nice Deep full rebelling blast so I let me show you it right now or I will forget go to your passives and turn it off if you don't need it because you're Paladin you will not be able to like travel large distances in the fight most of the time so turning off repairing blast can be beneficial sometime for you so enemies not running away from you basically just make sure you understand how it works and let's continue our journey because it's like most important level our level 8 when we continue with our warlock to level 3 we pick and hold person nice level to spell most importantly we pick in fact of Boon and three picking back off the blade to get this part of the blade ability and we basically can summon our item in our hand and we will bond with this item or we can bind backed weapons so any weapon in our hand can be used as our packed web what's this stuff doing basically this stuff will add your courage the modifier and use your charisma modifier as your damage at the cross etc etc that's why we dump in strange and that's why we dump in decks but when you're starting to play this build I recommend to just to pick normal Paula didn't startup distribution and you get some Charisma you get some strange you get some you basically can dump decks or you can play this with decks like 14 and picking weapons that will work with your dexterity instead of your strange so basically best way to place this build is to first before get to level 8 as positive and then you just go and respect your character into this warlock so on Level 3 warlock you get this Puck of one and now your build will start to work with this characteristics on level 9 we get awesome power Spike from warlock because we're getting this new feat available we picking any contents that we want we can pick any spell that we want we don't care and we won't use much spells with this build and we're getting a built Improvement getting our Charisma to 220 so our Charisma maxed out right now and it's crazy cool stuff and last power Spike on level 10 and it's like as you early as you can get most of the fighters like get this improved extra attack so you can induce 3 attacks instead of one in one turn on level 11 but right now with this build we can do it on level 10 so we can basically do three attacks in one turn without any additional stuff we get access to level 3 spells so you can pick some fun stuff if you need it maybe you need Fireball maybe you like hunger of hater whatever you like audition vocations Devil's side to see through the magical Darkness if you need it and just like that we continue our journey so if we continue to level up our warlock or Paladin they will be left on level 7 and they won't get any additional fits that's like our problem so best way to finish this multi-class build and it's basically finished by the weekend just spice it up a little bit with some levels in fighter just like a greatest way to spice it up this builds because this fighter we get in this fighting style and for this build you want to pick two weapon fighting so that's like our difference and that's our crazy stuff and on level 12 you get second level in fighter to get this action search just like that so how this build plays out basically you're starting with two weapons and one in each hand just like that so we will be raging hexblade Paladin and weapon that in your main hand will be pocketed so you need to start a day with a bind barked weapon just like that until long Quest your damage will be attracted by your charisma modifier and we got maximum Charisma so we got at least plus 5 multiplier the Envy of course has also devotion using our magic weapon and you can use it from warlock spell slot just like that and then you can use your short rest and recharge your warlock spell slot so you will get all spell slots possible armor of choice can be definitely medium armor with nice Armor class and we will add plus 2 from our dexterity and basically with this build you add in Plus due to your offhand weapon 2. before the fight we will cast hustling yourself as always and let me show you this build in action and just like that our raging Paladin is ready to go and attack our enemies get an extra HP from killing them because we are the fiend and inflicting lots of damage with nice hit chance just like that so you can use your Divine spite as reaction don't forget not reaction just react with your Divine Smite and we're gonna use our offhand weapon so problems with offhand Weapon It's not using any bonuses from our smites and other stuff so definitely you can pick just strong weapon in one hand bind yourself with it gets shield in the other hand and blade is like 25 armored class for like crazy Paladin and that's totally possible such unifiable it will be super optimized the way it plays as built but isn't that fun to do one attack with awesome Divine Smite from paladin spell slot one more attack and one more Smite just crazy so we can do one more attack and we want to use Smite on that and one more attack and he wants your Smite on this too and we can do one more attack and we not using Smite because we killed this guy but we can do one more attack just like that and let's use our Smite one more time and if you think it's ended we're using our action search and we do in one more attack of course we're using our Smite just like that he thinks he saved but now we're using our seeing smart as our spell slot to inflict more damage or we can just go and use our offhand attack just like that with our second weapon and it missed but we can dough and attack with our main weapon for one more Divine smart and we get one more attack and that's like just craziest part really raging Paladin and we're just killing everyone and yeah if you need more chances to hit you can use your second weapon of course we haven't even used this stuff in this battle and our last Paladin built for today will will be with alls breaker Paladin when we're planning to break our holes we kind of not care about picking anybody so we start with whatever we get so most importantly again background I think soldiers nice with paladins and for our sir that distribution for this one we're getting 16 into strange with plus one bonus 10 dexterity 14 Constitution zero intelligence a little bit wisdom and Charisma 16 with plus 2 bonus just like that let's go and break our holes and a zero spoiler version is just basically fastest way to break your holes is to actually kill Thief link for stiff links that you will see in this game just because of them and kill them and now a little bit spoilery version where I tell you exactly where you can find them so there's like a location on the map as you can see X Y coordinates and that's basically our tip links and we will talk with them and we don't care about our dialogue we just attack our tifflinks and if you do it you will be prompted with nice scene with this hose breaker then you need to just press competition menu and just press long Crest this tooth will stay by the river your topless him and you will become all's breaker and now we happily became all's breaker just like that so from the first level we'll be getting this spiteful suffering and we can use our channel of charge and action to inflict one to four damage every turn first returns to our enemy our attacks will have advantage against him and not on the hour attack so that's our combination so let's continue second level as always will give you the smites and fighting style for our fighting style we picking defense we want to be defensive 10 kick guy to prepare spells it's the same as any other Paladin so Shield the face blasts cure one syring Smite heroism protection from evil and good then we get into level 3 Paladin and that's when we get in this housebreaker cool stuff of control and debt lets us control any indent with our Channel all charge but this and that need to be a lower level than we Dreadful aspect is nice stuff we can frighten anime sometimes but most of the time coolest action is controlled on that of course and cool all's spells heathership book is nice reaction spell and infinite wounds great spell you need to succeed on attack roll but when you're succeeding you're doing nice 3-10 damage of necrotic damage then we continue our journey of Paladin and on this level of course we're going into ability Improvement and adding our Charisma and we continue into next level so level 5 is like questionable level here you got two choices first of all you can go into level 6 Paladin to get nice protection overall on level 5 Paladin you get this extra attack that's like great future too so there's like kinda smart choice to make right now but we can get it a little bit later because our nice and cool spells from our all else breaker Paladin will keep us in a nice shape on these levels on like really important level 5 and so on so we can instead of going into level 5 in Pickens is awesome spells we can go and switch our class so important thing to know as always breaker on level 7 you get this order of hate as it will add damage to nearby and deaths and fins but someone in undeads and Fields will be only available to you on level 9. so that's why we can go from Level 4 into warlock with awesome eldish blood skin chip and any other can chip and with the great old one subclass that's why I call in this great old owls breaker body so this Surplus will give us ability to frighten enemies when we critical hit that's cool that's fun part we're getting some nice spells like Tasha Haider Slaughter and we can use any other spell like which bold or dissonant Whispers And basically continue our journey is world so we're getting more spells and which bolt is nice week and most importantly Eldritch invocations so we begin agonizing blast to at Charisma modifier to our damage of this spell and this is like not spelled it's like can't ship don't forget eldish blast is a kinship doing one to 10 damage Force damage list resistant damage in the game and you even add in your charisma modifier to each repelling Blaster Great Peak of course so then you get improved spell slots so your spell slots became more powerful now you're getting more spells and my spells is whole person as always cool spell to have and we pick an alparked Boon to make this multi-class build you need to pick packs of the tone it will give you some bad scan trips you can use them most of the time you won't be using them you got your Eldritch blast anyway and we continue to level 8 so great way and cool stuff when you going in this pass of Monte classing with level 4 Paladin level 4 warlock on level 8 you're gain in this fit future so you can go into ability Improvement and get Charisma to the maximum already on level 8. there's like great stuff so for additional spells pick whatever you like I like Mr step so why not and just like that on level 9 you get your awesome future to animate dead and this comes from your class future from back off boom boom you get this different part and part of the Dome can cast animated death hasta and cold lighting and that's like all crazy and cool spells to him so for our spells you can pick again whatever you like hunger of header why not additional vacations one more elevation vacations Devil's side very cool stuff so devil side is really insane stuff to have and right now you need to choose so first of all of course you finish a new warlock at level 5. and now you need to choose do you want to continue warlock do you want to continue as Paladin so there's two ways you can go as Palatine as Palatine will get order of hits it will increase damage of melee attacks from your undeads and fins but this not affects zombies because it will only increase damage from weapons from this Undead that's why going into sixth level of warlock is a nice idea to get this entropic word so as reaction you can impose disadvantage on attacks roll against you and it makes us really crazy and tanky guys that's why that's this pass is very nice and if attack misses and it will miss most of the time if we will wear heavy armor our next attack we gain advantage on attack's role against targets that's like great future so with this combination we can pick against some spells from Level 3 and we don't care too much because we will use different spells one big touch is nice Peak just to keep our you know wampitic necrotic stuff going on to role play better so we can continue and right now there's like again a little bit of debatable stuff so we can go into eldish invocations of course and additionally and local level four spells so that's like nice idea to go into Warlock and cool stops it on the next level you can get this feat to increase your strange to 18 or Contour 16 for example but do you need this spell Slots of level 4 that's like kind of debatable stuff so that's why we can go and continue our journey as Paladin one more time to get this extra attack so you can attack two times in one turn and that's like very nice addition to you when you're fighting with your zombies side by side and of course additionally we get these awesome spells protection from ports and Brandon Smite and magic weapon and on level 6 you get this overall protection nice order to increase saving shows of your allies so nice the way to finish this build to go into final six Paladin of course and getting this protection power or level 7 warlock to get more warlock spells so how you play this awesome dude actually you get access to a lot of spells most importantly you want to start basically your death with animate death and you go and create some zombies just like that so you get your friend zombie you cast your order of protection to protect your unlicense your zombies of course and basically go into the fight as this uh dude most important stuff you got is a spiteful suffering and as you can see we're tanky guy is enemies try to attack us as a missing all the attacks that's why you want to get breast armor you can possibly get so what you want to do and what you can do you basically want to get your zombies to attack your targets and you can use your spiteful suffering if you can on these guys just make sure these guys got lower Charisma so this guy get low credit this money you get 75 chance to hit the stuff and he felt his saving Troll and after inflicting damage you can finish your targets with zombies because they will get advantage on their attacks on these targets just like that you summon your baby zombies and baby zombies will act on their own just like Zed so they will attack enemies and when they kill someone they will summon more baby zombies and with zombies don't forget zombie use jump as bonus action so you can jump as much as you like with zombies and attack your enemies and when you attack your enemies with zombies they will inflict this debuff on them so you can go and finish them with your Paladin so when enemies attack you as you can see this like Little Gnome want to attack me go and ask them to reroll the dice just like that and this attack just missed so after the Stacked missed we get an advantage on counter attack on this dude and that's like a very crazy and cool stuff so you can basically provoke opportunity attacks from your enemies by moving and then use the stuff to get advantage on your heat with advantage of course you can use your Divine Smite and inflict loads of damage and you can use your warlock spell slots to inflict this damage with up cost at level 3. spells you get your two attacks so you can make two attacks in one turn just like that and if you need to travel a little bit of distance you can use a Bono section to use Misty step to teleport to your targets just like that that's really crazy post breaker build cool part because you teleported to The High Ground where enemy is you can try and push your enemy with nice Athletics checks so your zombies can just go and finish this guy off or you can do it yourself of course [Music] so zombies Arc just like that cool Synergy of this build lies in warlock spell slots and of course your spiteful suffering because they too recharge on your short list so basically every shot every fight you want to use a short rest anyway and then next fight you start with this stuff and do you want to hit the stuff most of the time sadly we missed this time I recommend to have some double hand crossbows to use your bonus section if you don't need your missed step basically go and eat your targets with the zombies they are crazily useful bodies and that's like a builder that is a little bit easier to play because you don't need to control too much with this build like with other builds for example Necromancer needs to control a lot more stuff so we just teleport to this guys with our missed step and wait until they will attack us and zombies will do their job if you need to travel large distance with a zombie use your dash action and don't forget to use your jump as Bono section of course just like that means again don't forget you want to provoke opportunity attacks as much as possible to get advantage on your targets and while it's very hard to hit you this cool lighting spell from Tome of The Pact or part of the Tome I guess is very useful too so you can cast it just like that and while you are concentrating on your spell you can recast this spell every time for next turns so basically just use the spell and if you need it you can cast it as much as you like this will make for zombies a lot easier job to go and finish your enemies and that's like crazy and yeah you can use anthropic word on every enemy you see even when they're doing one Croatia attack so they need to roll 20 they rolled 20 or use this stuff so now she ministers and we get this Advantage when we want to go and attack here on next turn so we can finish this dirt with our zombie to get our newborn zombie and our newborn Zombies going in addition over here jumping over here twitching this little girl and now we're acting as ourself and of course we can use this Mr step as a bonus action with Roblox spell slot we can teleport over here and we get this advantage on this poor soul just like that and here we go you got double attacks of course of course we got two attacks just like that so that's my horse breaker King great old hose breaker I hope you enjoy this Paladin builds and you will have nice time when you will try and play them in baldos Gates 3. I recommend you watching the video of the skin right now you probably will enjoy it too and see you in the next videos guys
Channel: Spud The King
Views: 55,260
Rating: undefined out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 35sec (2675 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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