Frost Lock Baldur's Gate 3 Build

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with the ability to do heavy CC summon a Minion for help attack from AAR retaliate with frost damage when attacked or hit some heavy damage up close all while debuffing your enemy and spreading ice Fields across the ground the frost loock is the ultimate cter hybrid for any type of build that wants to focus aroundc damage and frost magic you guys requested this from my last frost video so I hope you enjoy all right guys it is time to talk stats real quick and leveling up you can see even though we are going to be a warlock we are actually going to start out as a fighter and this is going to be for a couple different options a as a fighter you will have proficiency with every weapon type in the game every armor type which is nice but you'll actually have proficiency with Constitution which is great because there are quite a few kind of like Constitution spells you have that have concentration needed so it will really help out with not having your concentration broken you get to choose a fighting style at level one and we're going to be going with dueling cuz you will be a sword and board character here these are the stats I'm going with the reason I only have 14 decks versus 16 Constitution the way this build works is the fact that you're going to be more melee focused and a lot of spells you do will be up front and you will be hitting enemies with your weapon so you do want higher Constitution that way if they do Focus you you survive dexterity I have at 14 uh if you go the heavy armor route you may not necessarily need as much dexterity since you won't get any AC from it however I plan to use medium armor and with that being said most medium armors only get plus two to their AC and that would be from 14 dexterity Charisma is your casting ability as well as your weapon attacks because you will be going of packed the blade which will make your weapon scale with Charisma I'm using skill proficiencies here it's really going to be up to you on what you want to use I'm a big fan of having perception so I don't want acrobatics I'm going to drop that and put that in perception so I can get plus two in that I like having the ability to see things in the environment cuz it really sucks missing out on things I also have intimidation just because I already have a decent amount of Charisma so I might as well get a little bit more into that with my character interactions I have plus one for athletics to hopefully not get shoved we have really low strength as you can see but that's okay because our weapon stuff is going to scale with Charisma [Music] anyway okay so from here on out we're going to start putting points in a warlock warlocks only have two spell slots that recharge on a short rest at warlock level 11 they will get a a third spell slot if you're following this build that means you will get it at level 12 since you have one point in the fighter to begin with cantrip eldrich blast is non-negotiable this is one of the best damaging skills in the game it hits really hard on top of having some other really cool interactions in a bit at level five it's two beams and at level 10 it becomes three memes and they're really strong blade Ward we're going to drop mage or minor illusion are much better in my opinion so pick whichever one you think is going to be useful for you we are going with the fiend and I know you're probably wondering why since most people think the fiend is fire-based and for the most part it is however there are two exclusive spells the fiend actually has that can be used for cold damage which is why we're going with this so you definitely want your armor of agathis here this is great cuz it just gives you temporary hit points but also makes the enemies take cold damage when they hit you with melee attacks your other spell I would say get hex this thing is really powerful and this will have some interactions with gear not to mention just having additional damage as well so really strong spell wise pick whatever you want here it's not really going to matter all that much all right your invocations there's going to be quite a few that we want to go with to start off agonizing Blast for sure is really strong if you plan to use cloth pay attention because this is for the cloth wearers only you do want armor of Shadows this will give you Mage Armor for free without spending a spell slot which is really powerful because that's just another plus three AC so if you plan to use cloth only like the chest pie I have on here the potent R which I know a lot of people are fond of because it's really strong you definitely want this I'm not going to be using that though I I do replace his robe with something else inside act two so instead I'm going to be going with repelling blast which will allow my eldrich blast not only to a scale with my Charisma now for damage but it will also knock people back here is another great option for spells hold person really fantastic because warlock spells slots are always upcast you'll be able to use this on multiple people at once for cc or I would say darkness is another powerful spell cloud of daggers is also really nice Missy step isn't going to be that much needed because the item I want you to use will actually give you missy step for free so out of all these options I would say go cloud of daggers Darkness or hold person your pack Boon pack to the bade this is definitely going to be required for the way this build is going to work this basically means you make your weapon binded to you once it's binded it will scale with [Music] Charisma warlock level four you get another cantrip pick whatever you want here spell wise pick whatever you want that you didn't pick before your first feet into Charisma assuming you Ed The Hags hair this is going to be maxed if you didn't use that if you like don't plan to use The Hags here at all one thing you could do is go down to Performance for example so that way you can get that to 18 and then with another ability Improvement that would be 20 I am going to be using The Hags hair for this so with the hags hair that's going to be maxed at 20 charisma at level five warlock level five you get some new spells you you are going with Hunger of Hadar this is really powerful it is a concentration spell however this thing is super strong enemies that start their turn inside of it take cold damage enemies that end their turn in it take acid damage it's considered like a Darkness spell as well it's basically a better version of Darkness because it will hurt your enemies but you also at the same time can get Devil's sight now so now you can see in magical Darkness so the darkness that this spell gives will not affect you and it will affect enemies and allies you do keep that in mind and what's great is if you use this with will he's human normally don't have night vision now you do all right so you get a new thing here for warlocks dark one's own luck add a d10 to an ability check once per long rest you get some new spells here counter spell is useful but because you only have two spell slots keep in mind don't waste this you want to use this on things that are going to be really powerful CC abilities like hold person can end runs cuz then you get crit to hell so really make sure you use this appropriately all right so here we go we get some more spells this is one of the exclusive spells I was talking about fire Shield you can use it for fire Shield cold instead meaning a you'll get fire resistance when you pop the cold version and anytime they hit you in melee you do cold damage to them this will stack with the other spell we talked about earlier the armor of agathis agathis man I'm sorry I'm terrible at pronouncing that they stack so I say go with fire Shield there is an item that will give you this for free however I like having it on use because the item is once per day and this is just per spell slot you get some more options here book of ancient secret I think is trash this is terrible even though you gain three spells that don't use a spell slot they're only rank one so they're not that powerful so I would say definitely don't take that pick anything else you want though that you think is going to be good for you I am going with one of the Shadows that way I can basically go invisible once per long rest if I need to [Music] all right so warlock level eight you get some more spells here pick whatever you want I think dimension door could be useful feet again if you didn't have the hags here this is when you would want to get your charisma maxed I do so instead I'm going to go with something else and this is when you have the option to really mess around and pick pretty much whatever you want at this point because there's a lot to choose from because you have a free feat now so some things that I'm a big fan of are going to include the following warcaster is decent because it gives you advantage on Constitution saving throws which is nice or for concentration spells I should say so this would be really nice because this will help out you already had proficiency if you did follow this build with Constitution so this just adds to it another thing that's going to be really good is going to be Savage attacker the way this build works is you are upfront in personal and if the way I have you stacking damage this is actually going to be really huge so if you do want to follow the build the way I do it I would say take Savage attacker really really powerful however you do have some other options as well lucky is another really great feat you get three luck points per day and you basically get to redo things for rolls really really strong if you do plan to use heavy armor heavy armor Master even though it increases your strength which we don't care about because we have low strength anyway this will reduce all non-magical damage by three so it just makes you a little bit more tanky Elemental Adept I don't think is needed for this build because if they're going to be resistant to cold damage even though there will be ways to make them rable to it you have your eldrich last which is force damage and very few things in game are going to be weak that so I don't think Elemental adapt is going to be needed alert is another good option here cuz this will give you plus five to your initiative and you can't be surprised so pick whatever you want I personally am going to be going with Savage attacker okay you are character level 10 and you are warlock level 9 this is where the other unique spell from the fiend comes in and and that's going to be cone of cold because you are going to be upfront in the melee like aspect of combat this is a really powerful spell that you can only get for being a fiend warlock normally warlocks would not have access to this spell which is another reason why we did go fiend here you also get some new things to choose from this point you could do conjure Elemental of a warlock spell which is cool this thing could definitely be powerful other worldly leap is okay not necessarily needed but it does give you enhanced leap which is cool cuz you can use it for free inside combat without using a spell slot and it's a ritual spell outside because you have low strength this will just help out with your jumping distance go ahead and pick what you want it's going to be up to you I think minions at chaos though could be very powerful though because it's a level five Conjuration Spell and the Elementals that you summon are no joke they can really help you out in combat a ton I did want to show off how strong the water Elemental is here that you get for the invocation this thing is actually one of the the best Elementals you can have to summon along with a frost build here so already its initial attack slam does bludgeoning and cold damage which is cool it has an ability to warp across the field which is really nice it has a multi-attack that does cold and bludgeoning damage but it also has a thing called Winter's breath which is really really strong so if you read a tool tip it's basically a breath attack so if the enemy is already burning you automatically make them become brittle which then makes them vable to thunder and bludgeoning damage and if the way our weapon is going to be set up you will be doing bloodening damage on top of Thunder as well and cold damage this is really useful because you can constantly put this on enemies to make them weaker to your attacks as well as getting rid of the burning and if they're not burning it just has a save that you would normally do to put it on the creature you can see how it said I was saved if I would have found the save I would have been Britt as well even though I wasn't burning but if they are burning it 100% automatically does it really really powerful and I love this Elemental all right guys so talking gear I'm assuming you all have already seen my gearing videos so I'm not going to cover the gear that we already covered in that but I am going to describe some of the other pieces that you don't normally see in those videos and I will show how to get those as well so first off you can see I have 19 Charisma I am going to use my ANS here and now I'm at 20 this is great because when I use my bind packed weapon it will make my weapon scale with my actual Charisma so pieces of gear that are going to be 100% required if you're following the build the way I do it a you have a shield called absolutes protector you actually get this from killing the orc inside moonrise towers and I will showcase later on how to do that real easily without getting caught but this is great because if you are branded by the absolute you receive one less damage from all spells you can Shield bash people as a reaction but it gives you the fire Shield chill spell for free you can use once per long rest without using a spell slot which is the main reason why we use it having only two warlock spell slots kind of sucks so being able to use that for free is really nice of course the staff we are using is going to be the morning Frost and it has the additional plus two because I did choose the dueling from being a fighter one thing I do when to showcase though um I can't throw this on the ground because it's a packed weapon so what I'm going to do instead is equip the Drake throat here make this now that's a packed weapon I'm going to take my Arcane or my uh morning Frost I should say put it in the ground this weapon here that you get from R Moonglow and moonrise Towers is amazing because I can use draconic Elemental weapon and I can choose a different element I can't choose cold since it already has cold on the staff but I could do acid fire lightning or thunder we're going to go with thunder and put that on the staff I'm going to pick the staff back up and now if you take a look at my staff I now have a staff that is my packed weapon that has 1 D4 Thunder 1 D4 cold and it does additional bludgeoning damage as well very very powerful and I put my shield in my off hand so it becomes versatile and you can see it gets a plus two as well so this thing has a weapon enchant plus two and the extra damage as well if you remember that skill we talked about from our Elemental well you can proc that really well and if we ever do freeze an enemy from our gloves because we do have a way to do encrusting frost here well guess what when they're frozen if you read Frozen bludgeoning Thunder or Force damage shatters the condition and when they are frozen they become runable to that damage so it will do double it's really nice Synergy the chest piece is the dark justi half plate this is my personal preference here uh a it's medium armor so I will get the plus two for my dexterity for my AC you can see I have 21 AC this gives me advantage on Constitution saving throws which is huge because we already have proficiency with Constitution since we chose fighter at level one so the chances that our concentration is going to break is going to be really really small and that's good because we have multiple concentration spells that are really useful to use a you have your hex you have your hunger of Hadar cloud of daggers if you're using the bow that you buy from Damon this gives you haste normally to use which is great because that's also a concentration you can put on yourself so chances are none of that's going to break or it if it does they need a really really high roll I'm just using cloak of protection plus one AC and plus one saving throw you can put whatever cloak here you want this is just my default one because it's a really really great cloak and some of the better cloaks don't come until later in the game I am using the Arcane Synergy Helm that you get from the GI Yankee inside the crush this thing is amazing it says when you inflict a condition you gain Arcane Synergy for two rounds almost everything that you do in this game is considered a condition because your staff has a chance to chill the target you'll be having conditions from the staff whenever you put hex on someone that's considered a condition just making your weapon a packed weapons a condition there's so much that you will do you'll see this proc all the time and what this does is this will give me extra damage equal to my casting modifier for my melee attacks or ranged attacks you're not using a bow but it does affect bows as well so basically because you have 20 Charisma and we're using pack to the bleed you can see I'm going put in turn base Mage real quick I have it for two turns so now if you take a look at the damage the damage goes up way more look at that 17 to 28 damage from one hit you can see it's plus 14 and that's because of the extra Arcane Synergy Arcane Synergy is giving me another plus five because my Charisma modifier which is really powerful when it comes to the next necklace and Rings these are actually going to be a little bit flexible depending on what you want to do so I like the snowb burst ring this thing is amazing because anytime I attack someone it's going to put a chilling field on the ground I'll Attack Aion for example I just crit him whoops sorry buddy but you can see I have the frost field around him on the ground and I put two turns of En Crossing Frost so that's amazing you're going to be putting snow everywhere on the ground for people that trip on because of that I do use the night Walkers this will make me immune to pretty much all type of difficult terrain I can't slip on ice or anything like that and it gives me Missy step for free if you don't use these boots the other boots would be the hor Frost boots since you can't fall prune while being on icy terrain it's going to be a must have for this neck piece I using the elemental augmentation neck piece just so if I end up doing my Ray of Frost from my weapon it will scale with my actual casting modifier here so it would do additional plus five damage you don't necessarily need this you could get another Missy step from that neck there's a lot you can choose here this is just a really nice one to have but feel free to replace this with something else because I find myself not using radar Frost all that often and I'm doing more melee than anything else the last ring here the Ring of mental inhibition this is going to be up to you and whether you want to use this or not this will give you saving throws or like a way to help help out so anytime they fail saving throw you get mental fatigue on the enemy negative one wisdom intelligence and Charisma saving throws for every turn stacking up the seven if you don't use that the other options in my opinion are if you want more damage you have a couple different things you can do so a you have the CTIC ban which is just plus two acidic damage so whenever you attack with yourap Weapon It's just plus two acid damage so it's a little bit more damage or my personal favorite because you have so much uh ability to keep your concentration checks going there is a ring that you get right here the strange conduit ring so if I oh let me enter if I equip this now whenever I'm concentrating on a spell I will do additional psychic damage so I want to showcase why this is so strong wrong so you see my character here is describe I am going to enter turn base mode real quick I'm going to put hex on him we'll do Constitution the reason I like doing Constitution for this is because the saving throw they need to pass in order to get Frozen from ENC Crossing Frost is actually going to be Constitution which is why I put that on there and it gives him disadvantage so now when I attack him I want to shot showcase how much extra damage I'm going to do there we go I'm going to crit him too just a showcase so that's a lot of damage 23 bludgeoning six Thunder eight cold six psychic and nine necrotic because he has hex and hex the other effect that it has is he takes necrotic damage from hits and I do want to showcase why I like Savage attacker as well Savage attacker is a really strong ability cuz it rolls the damage you see how it says rerolled right here here that means the damage would have been lower so it took the higher number it does it for the Thunder damage it does it for the cold damage it rolled my psychic damage and rolled my necrotic damage it's really strong and which is why I really like Savage attacker for this one other tip I do want to showcase is the conjure Elemental we already talked about the skills but one thing you can do when you summon him you can summon him now I could just use a short rest and this would get my spell slots back but assuming you don't want to do that the neck piece that you get from the warden in Moonrise Towers I could just use this and then bam I now have my spell slot back while keeping my pet really really [Music] powerful normally for will if you are making this build for him you can actually use the ilth powers normally but there is a way to persuade him if you talk to him with your main character assuming your relationship is good enough you'll have a uh an option to actually talk about the elod powers here and when you do you can do a persuasion check and assuming you pass this check he'll actually be able to use the powers [Music] all right so now you can see will before was hesitant and now I can use eled power so if you did want to get your favorable Beginnings the look of the far Realms or anything else you can now do that and I would highly recommend doing that favorable Beginnings is just an amazing thing to have and getting a free on demand crit whenever is also really good so that is one way you can force will and anyone else in your party to get the elod powers if they normally wouldn't be able to all right so I already have my stuff set and prepared to go so what I'm going to do is use fire Shield chill enter turn base mode right away that way I have Arcane Synergy on top of having fire Shield we're going to come down these steps I'm going to have my Elemental also come down down these steps and now I can open up on the enemy I could use my hold person to try getting multiple people held at once I could also just straight up use hunger of AAR right away and that's what I'm going to do the open I'm surprised he hit me with that all right so now for my turn I got a couple things I can do they're all inside there and you can see if I attack them I have Advantage because they're blinded and I have The High Ground which is really nice she's not in it so what I'm going to do I don't like Voss I don't want him messing with me I'm going to use instead of using eldrich blast which would be a smart move move to knock them all back I'm going to use my Ray of frost to hopefully get him kind of pruned so that's unfortunate I was really hoping I'd be able to knock him prone but that's okay cuz there's even though you can't see it all that well there is an ice field below him now I'm going to end that turn my Elemental I'm going to have him stay exactly where he's at or I could have him come down if I have him come down chance are he's probably going to die so what we'll do is I'll have him come down anyway and I can hit both of these and that's what I'm going to do I'm going to do it like this can I get all three almost all three not quite though and it does create a ice field as well which is nice I'm going to have him move back you can see cuz he was started his turn inside there there he's taking damage he couldn't really move all that far because of the field he ended his turn inside so he took acidic damage really really strong okay so now it's my turn I'm going to use the elemental again I'm going to have him come over here let's go ahead and use Winter's breath I knocked all three of them prone which is just beautiful that's so nice let's have him come back my turn I mean I would be doing more damage if I hit them in melee you can see that one's already dead but there's really no point to at this point I'm going to can of you know what we're going to come down why not use one of my spell slots for Kono cold and do some big time damage and then I'm going to use my bonus action and just come back up and that my turn wow that was smart he uh shot her out to get her out of there all right so it's my turn again Voss is almost dead so I have a couple things I can do she's almost dead she's just healed up so chances are I'm definitely want to at least get a couple kills here so we'll start with the elemental again I could go ahead and do multi- attack on someone and definitely kill her because they're set up in a good line I'm going to have him come right here and use this Winner's breath again it's such a powerful spell so it killed the one he's almost dead and then she basically ran away she's I don't think she's actually in combat which is why she keeps healing up the fool which is kind of hilarious uh for me though so I don't want them to continue to attack me so I could shoot another ray of frost and put another ice field down or I could use Al's blast and knock their asses back which is what I did instead and what's great is if they ever do come close to me I have my melee damage for Big Time damage as well and this whole time I've been just ceasing seeing them inside the little area and they're just constantly taking damage and they can't really get to me now the ranger is a problem cuz he's going to end up killing my pet he's practically dead though so I'm going to have the pet come right here I'm going to come here with my pet we'll follow shortly after you can see I have no more spell slots though so I do have to be careful here so what I want to do instead I going to come down I'm going to hit you you're dead Voss all three and that's fine I'm going to go ahead and switch to my pet now so Voss is almost dead she's almost dead so what do I want to do I could teleport behind them now I could multiac and more than likely kill her but I'm want to try getting both of them and the multiattack is really strong but this this AOE spell is just so powerful she's dead anyway he's stuck inside so it's it's a win-win situation I'm just sending him in there to hopefully have boss attack him kind of like as a distraction which he did he served his purpose all right so now it's my turn so I have a couple things I could do he's all the way over there so chances are I'm not going to be able to reach him from where I'm at now so I could just use my Ray of frost it's at a disadvantage disadvantage you said see how he's blurred so what I would want to do is come up the ladder first and why she's not attack attacking me I don't know she might be glitched now I don't want to knock him overboard because if I knock him overboard I'm not going to loot him and this is a way how you can get the legendary weapon in act one I missed a little unfortunate that's fine I'm going to stay right here all right so he's a little out of my range still I would like to come down to hit him but I can't I already use my Missy step from my boots I'm going to go ahead and just heal myself and now let's go ahead and get a ice field on him again and you can see chances of you getting en Crossing Frost from using your SPS isn't going to be as high but when you start the melee because your attack with your melee will constantly put frost on them it has a chance to chill them and everything else when you do melee it's really powerful because of that and you can see he just died and now if I go to loot Voss I have the legendary sword thanks pal but yeah that's basically how you play the build guys like you can do a bunch of CC from ranged or you can get up close in personal and completely just rle some somebody up close so like for example this Raider who decided not to join in on the fight let's just attack her she's running away I don't know who this is like she she won't she won't fight me she keeps running away all right anyway uh that's the build guys so hopefully you liked it and I will see you all in the next one bye-bye to get the chest piece you do have to go to The Gauntlet of sh inside the room of Silence which is just going to be here on the map come behind this gate you going to make sure you loot the books that are from the different little uh book Tower things over here they are are uh traps to make sure you do disarm them and then you definitely want to take the book and put it inside and it's teachings of the lost the night singer and when you do that you'll notice there's going to be some new things over here specifically the spear Knight but the dark Justice here half plate is the chest piece that I recommend using here and for the ice Shield just make sure you follow the orc into this room up in Moonrise Towers enter turnbas mode kill her in the eyeball without anyone seeing and just go to camp and you'll be good to go when you do come back though you want to make sure that the character that killed her doesn't interact with people because there's a chance they will attack you send someone else to interact with the NPCs if you still need to buy stuff e
Channel: Blood Ronin
Views: 24,027
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's gate 3, warlock, ice, frost, cone of cone, ice elemental, water elemental, Ice mage, winter's clutches, encrusted frost, Mourning Frost, cantrip, ray of frost, potent robe, Boots of Stormy Clamour, nightwalker, Ring of Mental Inhibition, snowburst ring, Necklace of Elemental Augmentation, frost mage, frost build, build, baldur's Gate 3, Armour of Agathys, cold, Ice Knife, cone of cold, ice wizard, ice build, ice set, freeze, encrusting frost, wyll, eldritch blast, hardar
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 37min 34sec (2254 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 06 2023
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