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do you like the ability to do double damage at all times yeah so do I welcome to my dual wielding builds and this is only one build of five what's one thing that the Paladin Barbarian Bard and Ranger all have in common they all have subclasses that can do some insane bursts as well as sustained damage in my latest poll on my YouTube page dual wielding builds is what came first so we are making a video about dual wielding I have five builds and one of them even includes the Spore Druid and they all do some insane sustain and burst damage I really hope you guys enjoy let's get to it so like all my other videos the first thing we're going to talk about is going to be your race choice and depending on what dual World build you actually go with in this video you might want to change your race depending on that one of my personal favorites is going to be the zero tieflings they gain additional smites branding Smite and Searing Smite shows from leveling up but they also have a fantastic cantrip here that makes you have advantage on intimidation as well as performance checks and this is actually going to be really handy later on in act 3 when you get a special weapon that will increase your damage after doing a performance check based on your charisma stats here don't worry about we will talk about stats when it comes to the build itself so other than the tieflings that I just mentioned some other really great races if you want to go for like min max damage wise half work is really great Savage attacks getting the extra crit die is really nice they gain Relentless endurance so it's basically a get out of jail free card normally when you would die or be downed I should say instead you would be reset to one HP and this is once per long rest they also have dark vision which is also pretty handy really any race is going to work with this I'm a big fan of what elves or using the half elves with the wood elves because they end up getting a couple of just really fantastic things so if we go with half elf here and go with wood elf half elf you gain increased Movement by five feet which is really nice on top of everything else you would get from being a human for the most part so civil militia is really nice you gain dark vision and you have fake ancestry so you have Advantage when saving throws from being Charmed and you can't be put to sleep really really fantastic and I like having the increased movement speed so half elves of the wood elves are some of my personal favorites but really with these builds honestly you can go with any race and they are all going to work exceptionally well there's a lot of build diversity in this video so just pick whatever you want those are just some of my personal favorites when it comes to your background for my build specifically because of a weapon you get really an act 3 I would highly suggest going with Entertainer because this will give you performance bass which is really really fantastic there is a way to get this through beats however if you don't want to do that and you just want it straight up right away I would say be a custom character that can use Entertainer if you go to The Bard path you don't need this obviously because you already have performance but the other classes won't I did want to showcase the end game armor and talk about some weapons and whatnot you can use in early of act one and act 2. so end game it's going to revolve around two weapons Crimson Mischief because this thing is an absolute monster and does additional piercing damage whenever you have advantage and the harmonic Dueler this has a unique weapon attack called mellow Harmony you do a performance check assuming you succeed all your melee attacks deal additional damage equal to your charisma modifier assuming you use the birthright hat which gives you plus two charisma all your attacks will do plus five additional damage since my Charisma is at 20. technically you can get this even higher if you go to the mirror of loss the only other pieces of gear that are going to be required for this build will be a the risky ring if you do want to use it will give you advantage on all your attack rules meaning you can do on command sneak attack damage with this the ballist armor if you want maximum damage this will give you Aura of murder all enemies within seven feet become vulnerable to piercing damage this is really great because this will affect your allies as well so if you have an ally that has like maybe dual cross moves for example and they're shooting enemies from afar but they're shooting an enemy you're near they gain the benefit of that vulnerability so they'll do double damage too which is nice and then the last thing is the bone Spike Globes this these gloves in combination of the chess piece is what makes the build so bursty the gloves ignore resistances meaning all enemies if you have these gloves and this chest piece will now be vulnerable to piercing damage meaning you will do double damage this is really insane especially with some of the later builds we talk about because the way harmonic dualer the way this interacts isn't just weapon attacks this will interact with Divine Smite and some other things as well it is really really fun some other pieces of gear I would recommend however boots of persistence if Damon is alive in act 3 he sells these this gives you freedom of movement and longstrider meaning an extra 10 feet of movement and you can't be affected by difficult terrain can't be paralyzed or restrained these are really really good cloak of protection gives you plus one AC and plus one to your saving throws I find this to be really good as well because with eight Intel and eight wisdom you have negative one for your saving throws for that well at least with this cape it is now neutral so if it's not negative anymore when it comes to the other rings and things like that pick whatever you want it's going to be up to you I am going to Showcase how to get the Boon Spike Globes and the ballast armor because it is very specific on what you need to do and if you do this incorrectly you cannot go back to get these armor pieces so I will showcase this in the video everything else is going to be in a link Down Below in the description for you to look up on the wiki because it's just too much to add to this video and it would be way too long if I showcased all of that in order to get the ballast armor you do have to follow the quest chain investigate the murders to the point where you have to save this elephant creature or kill it you have to be evil for this part you have to kill it and become the Unholy assassin in order to gain access to the vendor to buy this if not you cannot get the armor piece one thing to note about the bone Spike glows they are easily missed when you are going to ball Temple they will be a part where you have five turns to kill a certain NPC during these five turns there will be this character here that I have on screen you have to kill and loot within those five turns in order to get the Boone Spike gloves if you do not they will disappear and the MPC will run away so make sure you prioritize killing him to get those gloves so some weapons that are going to be really useful in act one a you can get these weapons pretty early on the falar alav or Louvre I have no idea how to say this this thing is really nice because this is a weapon that is a long sword that is also finesse so you can use this and actually gain the benefit of snake attack damage it also has a unique class ability or weapon ability Melody which is really really great that way you can do additional damage to the enemies and this is affected for your allies as well which is really cool another weapon you can get early on is going to be the sword of Screams you get this from true so Nair this thing is just really good because it comes with bass psychic damage which is really powerful you can get that just from killing him or by following the question in the Grim Forge and then of course the long sword is found in the underdark right outside of the goblin Camp assuming you into the goblin Camp entrance you can find it right down there keep in mind every single build showcased in this video will utilize elixir of Hill giant strength you can Farm These super easy in Act One anti-ethyl cells three of them per long rest the dwarf also inside the mushroom Colony also has a chance to sell these stock up on them early because they make build diversity so much better and they are so so useful and you can get so many it's unreal okay guys the first build we are talking about is the Barbarian version five barbarian five Rogue Two fighter I'm gonna try to make this as quick as I can this is my stat spread here you will get two Feats one of those Feats will be ability Improvement one of them will also be your dual wielding feet to dual wield heavier weapons I like starting out as a barbarian for this however if you do want to start out as a fighter to get your fighting style right away you can level two barbarian's great you gain Reckless attack you can attack with Advantage this means you can proc your sneak attacks on command once you do multi-class with Rogue also when you attack with advantage that means you roll two dice and that gives you a higher chance to crit level three you unlock a subclass You're Gonna Go Wild Heart pick whichever one you think is going to be best for you I go into detail about these in a wild heart build video link in description below for this build specifically though I would say oakheart tiger heart or bear heart will be the best pick whichever one you like beat wise pick whichever one you want first whether it's ability Improvement or your dual wielder feet I'm gonna go ability Improvement here foreign level five you get extra attack and you also gain fast movement meaning you can move an additional 10 feet when not wearing heavy armor which you never will be because you can't rage and when you rage you gain 50 reduced damage from all physical attacks and you do plus two melee damage which is nice okay so we're gonna start multi-classing out of here if you didn't already take fighter yet I would put one point in the fighter to get two weapon fighting that way you're offhand attacks will be affected by your actual ability modifier and again you are using elixir of giant hillstring so your strength will be 21 pretty much at all times meaning plus five to your attack rolls and damage you might as well get action surge now or you can start going down Rogue up to you alright so now we are going to go Rogue this is great make sure you change your abilities when you multi-class with Rogue you do want to get the expertise in performance in order to benefit the end game weapon we talked about earlier anything else is going to be up to you pick whatever else you want I would say perception is also another really good one to have level two Rogue you get bonus actions for your dash disengage and hide level three pick Thief as your subclass this will give you two bonus actions meaning you can attack twice with your offhand level four Rogue you get your second feat so choose whichever one you did not choose before again you do not have to level up like this you can level up any way you want and then at level five you gain the ability uncanny Dodge this is really fantastic because at level five you get your sneak attack damage to be upgraded to 3d6 but with uncanny Dodge you can use this as a reflex so normally when you would be hit by an attack that has an attack roll you can use this and instead take 50 reduced damage foreign now that we have the build all set up one thing I do want to point out sometimes the boots are persistence and the ballast armor will not actually work properly if you ever have it to where the buff isn't up down at the bottom just take the piece of uh armor off and re-equip it and you can see both of them are on now I can take the chest piece off and if that ever glitched put that back on and that would be good to go as well one thing to note as well you can actually have your sneak attack set as an automatic reaction to where it'll trigger automatically so whenever you have advantage against the target you will automatically roll for sneak attack damage as well I personally like having this on every single build that we showcase today will have automatic advantage on the enemies so it's really nice to have just to get the extra sync attack damage in per round without forgetting about it if you would prefer to have this off you can click it off and manually select the actual ability to do there is one other thing I did want to mention specifically for the Barbarian version of these builds the bone Spike helmet is really nice whenever you rage hostile creatures have to make a wisdom saving throw or take psychic damage but you also gain menacing attack normally you have to be a Battle Master to get this with this helmet you can use menacing attack once per turn this will let you do additional damage and have a chance to actually frighten your Target and frightened targets can't move which is really really fantastic so this is a really nice home to use as well it just looks like total crap which is why I don't like using it all that often so it's going to be up to you whether you want to use it or not so let's go ahead and make sure I get my potion knock make sure my strength is high and let's go ahead and pre-buff so I'm going to use my Melanie right here successful pushing the speed and let's go ahead and start combat so we're going to start with this gentleman in front of us one thing to note for whatever reason the aura of murder doesn't always seem to work until after combat starts it's also because I'm in turn based mode so the aura didn't actually affect him yet but we will go ahead and just use menacing attack on him to start out and don't let that damage suitcase it that is the damage without the aura actually being on all right my turn so I'm now I'm going to rage you can see he's saved so he didn't take damage but he didn't so he did take damage one thing you definitely want to do you want to attack with Reckless attack first so all your attacks will be with Advantage now so we will do it to this gentleman here first and you can see Aisha's basically one shot him if you take a look at the damage I did 34 piercing the two necrotic the two acidic plus my sneak attack damage which was 34 damage because a sneak attack damage is also doubled and the Charisma bonus from your offhand weapon right here the harmonic Dueler effects or sneak attack damage which is insane and because of my chess piece they're vulnerable it does it twice on top of the weapon itself just doing the additional damage there from your main hand attack the savagery yeah also affected by your charisma modifier so it's just from that one attack 34 damage twice plus 22. I mean that's that's a lot of damage right there guys and that's just from one attack so I do want to showcase you can see he is now resistant to piercing damage normally these enemies are not so next we are going over the gloomstalker version five Bloom stalker five Rogue Two fighter you were pretty much going to level up the same exact way as you did of Barbarian the only difference is now you have access to spells and you are a ranger so when it comes to favorite enemy natural Explorer and things like that pick whatever you want it doesn't matter do what you think is going to be best for you ability score would be exactly the same your skill proficiencies will also be exactly the same because we are pretty much leveling up the same exact way I'm only going to go over the first five levels here you're gonna get to level five Ranger as soon as possible spells that are really useful in my opinion would be your ritual spells so long Strider is really good so is enhanced sleep even goodberry is pretty nice to have as well it's just for free ways to heal pick whatever you think is going to be best here it's going to be up to you and then of course with Ranger however you get two up in fighting style at level two subclass is going to be gloomstalker this is great because you get your bonus action to hide at level three you get umbral shroud which is nice because now you can just make yourself go invisible which is really really useful you gain dark vision if you didn't have it before and you gain dread ambusher so get plus three to your initiative you gain an additional 10 feet of movement and on the first turn of combat you get to do an additional attack that does additional damage as well which is really really useful pick whatever spell you didn't pick here as well it's going to be up to you again feet same exact thing as last time pick whatever you didn't have before or you can go with the wielder or with ability Improvement pick whatever you want level 5 Ranger is nice because you gain the spell missy step automatically and you gain two level two spell slots you also gain extra attack and from here after level five you would do your Rogue and your fighter spell wise I think silence and Spike growth are the best level 2 spells you can gain right here but really pick what you think is going to be best for you and your party one of the key differences with this build the gloomstalker one versus the other builds is a you will be using risky ring that way you can get advantage on your attack rolls at any time meaning you can get your sneak attack damage at any time but you don't really need boots or persistence since you have longstrider as a actual virtual spell so instead you may want to use something else the night Walkers that you get from True Soul Nair are also really really good I would highly recommend them for this build as well or if you prefer to go to AC route again invasive shoes are also really nice here okay and I'm gonna showcase the damage here against these guys just to Showcase some things that I like gotta get my pre-buff going and to turn base mode I didn't actually put longstrider on and I should have because now that I'm in turn-based mood this will take a turn to use it's not a big deal though I'm not worried about it but you can use it as a ritual spell outside of combat I'm just simply going to open up on this target right in front of me murdered someone in view of a guard but and I'd like to show just from the damage I did this is all damage without my actual Aura being up so imagine that being almost doubled I one shot that guy regardless so I have advantage on literally every single attack I do so I'm gonna come up here and we're going to attack with Dreadful ambusher here and hit this Target in front of us that's a lot of damage guys I'd like to Showcase that damage right here so that was 46 piercing plus another 24 piercing plus 48 piercing and another 24 piercing that's a lot of damage all of that from one single button press That's How Strong this bill can be when you crit this character doesn't have any illicit powers yeah if you had the on-demand crit it's even better so I'm gonna come over here now I do want to attack him with both weapons but if I didn't I can toggle dual wielding on and off just like that so now when I attack it will only be with my main hand and not the offhand that way if I wanted to use my off pan for something else I could so let's go ahead and attack with the main hands just to see how much damage it does it missed even despite having a 91 chance to hit it missed that's unfortunate what about the auction that's all fan didn't really do all that much but that's okay because I get another attack from the main hand and that one was a crit and because you're attacking whip Advantage you will be critting a lot so one thing you could also do assuming you get it once you get to act three you do have an option to get the helmet here from the boss this will give you an additional chance to crit if you want to use that that's up to you I kind of like using the birthright Helm just for the extra Charisma but you really don't have to okay so in this scenario say uh you know I was overwhelmed that I didn't know what to do even though I could just finish these people right here on my turn I'm actually going to use umbrella excuse me umbrella shroud to go invisible so now I am completely invisible and they don't know where I'm at so I'm going to come over here and end my turn they're going to try finding me but they don't know where I'm at see and now combat ended so if I needed to get away I could which is a really nice benefit of the Gloom stalker so now if I wanted the extra movement speed because you don't get the additional 10 uh movement that the Barbarian gets at all times you could just use longstrider as a ritual spell I use it and now I have it at all times but it did take me out of stealth so keep that in mind and that's basically how you play the Gloom stalker it's really really fun you get all the extra damage on your openings is really really great very similar to the Barbarian Build but you're not nearly as resistant as you are with that other build so do keep that in mind there is going to be one more build that I want to showcase before we get to The Bard and Paladin and that's going to be the Druid version of this so essentially you can put two points into Druid and this will allow you to go the sports route so you can do extra necrotic damage on your attacks and I did want to showcase it I wasn't going to edit at first until testing it and wow it does some great great damage so you want to start out as a fighter you're going to get your two weapon fighting the ability modifiers are all going to be exactly the same as they were before get your dexterity Constitution and Charisma up because it is going to work exactly the same as the other builds do the only difference with this is the fact that you will have one additional feat because you get a feed at level four with fighter a beat at level six with fighter and a feat at level four with the Rogue so fighter you're gonna go all the way down to at least level five to get the extra attack whether you want Battle Master or Champion is going to be up to you Champions extra crit Battle Master is going to be extra things you can do in combat like disarming strike to disarm your enemy and things like that pick whatever you want Champions really easy it's basically set and forget it's just extra crit foreign again choose whatever you want here I think dual wielder is really nice to get early on you get your extra attack or your second feet ability Improvement you want to go ahead and get your charisma and that Constitution up start going into your Road in order to get the extra sneak attack stuff make sure you change your abilities because you do want your performance up pretty high all right Rogue again you're going to go at least three points in the Rogue after this you want to get two points in the drude if you prefer to go drude earlier you're more than welcome to the Druid at level two is when you get your subclass can trips pick whatever you want you're not going to use this at all your spells aren't going to be used because you have like no wisdom so go with guidance in my opinion really anything else you want uh guidance is the only real useful one Thorn whip is probably not gonna get do all that well since your wisdom's pretty low but pick whatever you want here spells pick whatever you want long Strider ritual spell good Berry you know same thing as the other classes already talked about all right so you want to click circle of spores instead of using wild shape to turn into an animal which you still can do you're going to use it to use symbiotic entity you get temporary hit points while you have those temporary hit points your attacks will do additional D6 necrotic damage as a reaction you can also do additional damage as well it's really really nice and you get an additional can trip but you're not worried about that okay level 12 you can put extra points into fighter if you want to get the level seven things that's going to be up to you or in my opinion go Rogue in order to get the extra feat you do ability Improvement here in case you wanted to get extra decks if you want to get extra charisma if you wanted to get something like Savage attacker Savage attacker is really great because this will excuse me re-roll your dice for all your melee attacks really really good to make sure you get the highest damage here pick whatever you want it's going to be up to you I'm a big fan of savage attacker or the ability Improvement at this point foreign so this is the Druid version that I'm testing out I'm not sure if I was going to add this to the video or not so I guess we will see if it makes it in or not seems to be doing some pretty good damage though all right so I'm going to come up here and we are going to attack this target right in front of us oh my passive my aura there we go all right you can see he now has piercing resistance is down so I'm gonna do some big big damage to him at least that's the goal anyway I already used my sneak attack on the last characters I can't use it on him but that's okay I can still crit him for insane damage I basically just one shot that watcher okay so for the barred version of this it's gonna be no surprise you will be going College's swords uh all the stuff at the beginning pick honestly whatever you want everything's gonna have its own use we mentioned how great longstrider is because it's a ritual spell that holds true even now featherfall is another ritual spell you can use outside of combat so that's also really nice but pick whatever you want it's going to be up to you ability score again is going to be the same exact as it was drop your points and everything else and start putting it up and this of course is going to be for end game so until you get to end game do whatever you want and we're gonna go from Bard level one all the way to level six yeah spell wise again just pick whatever you want as you level up you'll kind of like learn what spells and stuff you like so make sure you pick College of Swords because this is where the fun begins this is when you get all the really cool melee stuff or range but you're gonna be dual wielding so you want it as melee spell wise here I mean you unlock your level 2 spells I like using the college daggers or cloudy daggers pick whatever you want but your fighting style is going to be two up in fighting style so bar level four is when you get your first Feet Again go with your dual wielder here can trip pick whatever you want it doesn't matter spell again pick whatever you think is going to be useful it's up to you old person's pretty nice because it guarantees crits on the enemy bar level five is nice because you get font of inspiration so you can get your stuff back on a short rest instead of being a long rest you gain even more spells again pick whatever you want here it's gonna be up to you foreign I said go to Bard level 6 for college of Swords is because you get extra attack all the other Marshall classes get at level five as a Bard you get it at level six you also gain counter charm which is nice and you gain even more spells so again as before pick whatever you need and what you think is going to be useful okay so at level seven you have some options you can put two points in the Paladin or two levels in the Paladin to get your Divine smites or you can put points into Rogue to unlock the second bonus action whichever way you do it is going to be up to you I think getting Paladin right away is going to be nice because then you can a also get inquisitors might for radiant damage on your attacks on top of getting even more stuff at level two so that's what I'm going with all right level two you get your Divine smites which is cool you get to pick another fighting style you go with defense for even more AC and now you start putting points into Rogue you want to keep going all the way down you're going to pick thief of course and then you want to go again to get your final feet so if you want the feet earlier you go Rogue if you want to bind Smite sooner you go Paladin again you could do ability Improvement here to pick whatever you want you could go with the good old performer to get it up that way pick whatever you want it's going to be up to you and what you pick here I guess I really didn't need performers since I'm already a barred and have it but it is what it is so now you have a ton of spell slots which is great because you're gonna have some really really Greek spells to use on people so let's go ahead and check this out in combat now one thing I do want to say is the harmonized buff that you get from your off hand with this build does affect Divine Smite by the way so all your Divine smites because I have 20 Charisma with the hat equipped we'll do an additional five damage make sure all your reactions are set up properly because you do have a lot of spell slots here to do additional damage so I'm going to go ahead and just set up so I can show you the power of this build so we'll go ahead and get a performance going successful fantastic ocean bonus I'm enter turn based mode and I'm just gonna pretty much one shot this guy right here I'm going to use my flourish just because I want the additional AC right away because I'm afraid this big guy is going to come and like completely nuke me down let's go ahead and do a Divine smart level three on him and you can see I did some big damage to them dang man even with the increased AC I'm taking damage that's unfortunate as you can see I have 21 AC base but when you go to do the flourish it gives you another plus four so I would have been at 25 AC so he's almost dead but I'm not gonna worry about him yet instead I am going to do some big big damage to this guy right here so we're going to go with a flourish to essentially can I hit both of these guys at once maybe uh not quite I was hoping I'd be able to Showcase it because when you use the flourish to hit more than one person at once you can Divine Smite both people at once doesn't look like I'm gonna be able to so instead I'm gonna use the flourish to knock him back to Showcase how fun that is so you have the one that looks like a little teleport this is the one I'm going to use on him it says I'm at a disadvantage it's because it's the wrong one I'm sorry here we go this one here we're gonna hit this guy extremely hard and I'm gonna use Divine level four so nope we'll go through just for fun if you take a look at the damage from that alone you can see I get the plus five from my Charisma modifier because of the harmonized on the enemy so now I believe they might be in range for me to actually hit let's find out if I use my floors we'll hit both it does fantastic check it out it's like crit Divine Smite crit and unfortunately he's just straight died but you can just see like I just knocked out both of them guys back to back no issues it does so much damage while he's exploding I'm just gonna run over here and uh yeah I'm gonna attack you kill him because I knocked him back if I wanted to teleport to him again I can doesn't take an action if whatever reason I needed to do that I could I have one more bonus action so instead I'm going to Dash and just get away and I'm going to end my turn and that's basically how you play the build as The Bard Paladin setup you have all the cool flourishes you can do with your melee or Venus attacks and it's really really fun you do a lot of damage guys a ton of damage so one thing I did want to showcase if like this guard back there it's really hard for me to get to that guard right so what can I do to possibly get to him even though I can't reach him well I'm gonna come up here and I'm going to use the teleport again to set the arrangement this time you can see it's a 75 chance to hit so hopefully I do I hit him so now and teleport and I just teleported through the door which is nice so now I can use my melee attacks and finish this guy off except I missed making me look bad man and I hit him so I'm gonna use my defined Smite level three to do some extra damage and then I'm gonna attack him again to finish it okay so at level five with the oath breaker that is when things kind of get really interesting this is when you actually get some really good stuff you get darkness really fantastic you also get crown of Madness also really cool darkness is great because if you use the blind immunity ring this will actually be really really useful for yourself you'll be able to attack in the darkness while enemies can't so it's really really useful and I really like it a lot level six you get Aura protection this is based off of your charisma modifier level seven oath breaker is when things get really interesting because you get Aura of hate so you and nearby fiends and Undead all gain additional damage equal to your charisma modifier for melee damage right now my Charisma is at 18 of this build so it'd be plus four with the hat that we had earlier in the build it would be plus five which is nice so now you have some options to think about do you want to continue going down oath breaker which you certainly can or do you want to multi-class with something else like a rogue for example and do five points in the Rogue in order to get the sneak attack damage I personally like going with the sneak attack damage route just because it will add a good amount of damage especially if you give Five Points so that's what we are going to do instead and at Rogue level 5 you get to increase sneak attack damage as well as uncanny Dodge so taking a look at my stats here I also got to equip all my gear I am going to get my birthrighty equipped here that is going to be very useful gloves you know bone Spike like usual boots this is when you have a choice normally you don't get Missy step as an oath breaker Paladin so night Walkers would be pretty useful to use here if you don't like using boots of persistence if you want more AC you could go invasive shoes as well really up to you you could also get amulet a Missy step to get Missy step that way ring wise though because we do want Advantage with our attacks in order to get the sneak attack damage off we are actually going to be going with the risky ring again just because it's easy to get all the free sneak attack damage all right all fan again is going to be the harmonic Dueler this thing is really great because this affects sneak attack damage Divine Smite is really really good the only thing with this build that is lacking though are your spell slots so do keep that in mind your spell slots here are very limited so I would recommend that you definitely ask on every single Divine Smite because if not you will waste your spell slots Galore all right so I'm going to open up on this guy here I did not even need to use any of my Divine smites and I still did tons of damage so what's great is I get opportunity attacks on him that are also going to do some big damage I don't want to use my sneak attack on him because I do want to save that from my turn but I get the opportunity attacks to literally get free Divine smites if I wanted to I'm not going to waste the spell slots though here because I don't think it's needed so now it's my turn imagine the extra damage I would have done with the Divine smites against him would have been a lot more see the damage here does a lot I have my RR murder so when we come up we are now going to do some big big damage to him I'm gonna do my sneak attack here Divine Smite ring two you can see I did a ton of damage here you got your strength modifier the piercing damage Charisma modifier Aura hate modified modifier like there's a lot of modifiers here it's doing a ton of damage future Rune in here I just noticed that it didn't actually do double damage because it doesn't say he's vulnerable that's because the aura of murder glitched it can glitch I'm so sorry I didn't realize that when I was filming for the Paladin and part of my footage got corrupted so I couldn't really edit it all that well uh normally this damage that you see here would be pretty much doubled because for whatever reason the aura of murder was not actually working despite me having the Boon Spike gloves and the chest face equipped so keep that in mind the damage here would be higher normally and that's pretty much all the videos guys and all the builds I have for dual wielding I'm sure there's plenty more people will come up with but this is what I came up with and I found them to be really really fun please comment down below what your favorite build was and what you want to see next I really appreciate all the support with my channel it's grown so much and I just want to say thank you to everyone that watched these videos and thank you so much for making it to the end bye-bye
Channel: Blood Ronin
Views: 128,505
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, builds, dual wield, paladin, bard, barbarian, spore druid, Bhaalist Armour, bonespike gloves, Crimson Mischief, oathbreaker, Harmonic_Dueller, tiefling, half orc, elf, half elf, Dual Wielder, two weapon fighting, burst, flourish, gloomstalker, wild heart, college of swords, divine smite, performance, fighter, dread ambush, rogue, thief, assassin, sneak attack, Symbiotic Entity, Halo of Spores, multiclass, end game, vulnerability, piercing, rapiers, finesse, dual wielding builds
Id: KDVLs9-CnuA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 57sec (2697 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 13 2023
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