PYROMANCER Baldur's Gate 3 Wizard and Sorcerer Builds

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the pyromancer uses their control of fire to cause destruction amongst the battlefield using a built-in heat mechanic from gear you'll be able to use your Burns as an asset to increase your own Flame's power with the choices between sorcerer or wizard you'll have an option to cast metamagic for augmenting effects or choose a safe route to have more control over your fire causing no damaged allies no matter what option you'll pick you'll be able to increase your own spell power to add fuel to your flames the Warlock could also fit this role however it has its own unique play style with unique gear choices that I think would warrant its own video before we dive in this video is for acts 1 and 2 so if you do want to see an alternative end game version using late Game Gear comment down below and of course if you want to see the flame lock or any other builds you know what to do so no matter what whether you are a sorcerer or the wizard version of this build it revolves around putting stacks of heat upon yourself to do that because of your gloves anytime you do fire damage you will gain a stack of heat using scorching Ray is a great way to do multiple hits in a row to get your stacks of heat up super super high so for example I'm going to do a level four spell here and I'm going to hit this target here and you can see I now have seven stacks of heat every turn that you have a stack of heat though however you will take one D4 by your damage you can however now use heat convergence because I have seven Stacks my next spell I do will do additional damage this is really great for Fireball because Fireball will have it hit every single spell or everybody in that area I guess you could say so what I'm going to do just to Showcase that is I'm going to a Missy step so I can get close to them and now we are going to use our Fireball spell at rank five and we're going to hit this target here and if you take a look at the damage you can see it says PL empowered evocation which is from a wizard thing but then you see heat convergence seven stacks of heat so it did additional plus seven damage on top of the damage it normally would do and this will happen whether you are the sorcerer or the wizard itself so let's check out some combat and then we'll break down gear as well as all the levels individually all right before I start combat as a wizard I am actually going to change my spell slots here I already have my minor Elemental summoned so I'm going to take him off and put my big Elemental in the big Elemental is for the big time damage comes from at least from a summon perspective this guy's really strong and because I have them summoned I'm going to go back to my spell book and get rid of that and put something else in that I would like like glyph awarding for example I'm going to cast minor illusion to start put haste to myself let's go into turn based mode and I'm going to use my glyph awarding here fire and I'm going to put it on them all right so I have the glyph down there so now I can open up and just start doing some damage which is exactly what I'm going to do so I'm going to start with scorching rate that way I can just get my stacks up high so we'll go with level four and you can see I have Advantage because I'm attacking from the Shadows it says and then now that I'm in combat you can see with the illusion they automatically basically we're like in the spot I wanted them to be and I proced the big old like fire damage from Clifford warding I'm going to go ahead and just use heat convergence now just because I think it'd be nice to use or I could attack first since I am hasted and possibly do even better damage we're just going to use it now that way one Fireball will just knock them out and I'm gonna use the one for my staff so I don't waste a spell slot so he got saved really surprised he was actually seeds from that that's okay my other guys are not in combat yet so I could use erupting Cinder on him and he's dead so now both of my pets are in combat which is pretty cool so for me I'm going to go ahead and run back here because I do want these guys to kind of Chase me because I do want to showcase how I won't do damage to my allies with evocation spells and normally you know you would have other people in your party I however don't because I think it would be just too much of a showcase to have all them so I'm gonna go ahead and have him jump up here I already used his attack so he can attack the dwarf however didn't so I'm gonna have him come up he's a little too far out of range to do anything like I could overheat but that's not going to do anything right now so I'm just gonna have him Dash so I can get in a good spot all right I'll use my overheat and his turn you see it be my turn so now I have the option to do some big time damage so I do want to showcase see this is the ab duration spell I don't want to use that because this potentially when it explodes could trigger my allies evocation spell when I cast it won't trigger my allies so I'm going to use this and we'll go ahead for like big time damage here and you can see he was automatically saved and took zero damage that's why this is really really fun and why I like the wizard aspect of this better than the sorcerer because I do like having the option to do AOE damage and not affect my allies [Music] before we talk about breaking down every single class I do want to talk about gear because gear is going to be pretty much the same across the board whether you are the sorcerer or whether you are the wizard there's just going to be some minor changes if you are a sorcerer you go with the potent robe this makes your cantrips additional damage from Charisma this will stack with other things it's really powerful you get this from saving the tieflings from moonrise Towers jails the robe I'm using as a wizard is going to be the robe of Exquisite Focus you buy this from the vendor inside Act 2 and moonrise Towers this just gives you plus one bonus to your spell save DC at a fire Acuity is extremely powerful you get this from killing the strange Ox it has to be in Act 2 or act three if you kill it in act 1 it won't give this hat this buff right here Arcane Acuity just gives you a stacking plus one bonus to spell attack rolls and spell DC cloak go with whatever you want I wouldn't cloak of protection plus one AC and saving throws is nice especially since I have low AC and I'm squishy gloves Thermo arcanic gloves whenever you deal fire damage you gain two turns of heat well scorching Ray can hit multiple times this can pretty much get you to Max heat stacks and Max Arcane Acuity Stacks in one turn very powerful the boots that I'm using are really nice because you will passively do conditions on the enemy and we'll talk about that in a moment you inflict two turns of reverberation this is insane vibration is a stacking debuff that gives negative penalties to strength decks and Constitution saving throws once you hit five Stacks they have a chance to take additional Thunder damage and be not prone and that the enemy is not prone you and everyone on your team will have advantage on their attack rules neck piece necklace of Elemental augmentation cantrips that do Elemental damage scale for spell casting modifier as a sorcerer that's going to be Charisma which will stack with the chess piece which will also stack with the elemental damage that you get at level 6. as a wizard this is nice because your cantrip your main one the Firebolt is an evocation spell Wizards at level 10 if you go the evocation path increase their damage to evocation spells equal to their intelligence modifier so that's a nice way to get your little Firebolt to do additional damage at bare minimum it's going to be additional 10 damage assuming you have 20 intelligence there's going to be three different rings I want to talk about so pick whatever Rings you think is going to be best for you I really like this ring here that will give radiant orbs whenever you use a spell when an enemy in an illuminated Source here's the cool thing fire spells create light of their own so you will constantly whenever you deal damage with a fire spell put radiant orbs on the enemy radiant orbs is a stacking condition that gives the enemy negative one to their Attack rules pretty much guaranteeing that they're more than likely not going to hit you or your friends this is only supposed to go up to seven but currently it does stack more from what people were saying if you get this to 30 Stacks it can crash your game I haven't ran into that but I did see comments about it Kalos glowing whenever you deal damage against a Target that's illuminated you do additional radiant damage it's two damage doesn't seem like a lot but I do want to showcase something here that's going to be really really powerful in combination with this so you can see my shadow Hearts over there let me go ahead and use a short rest to get her up she has 85 HP I'm going to put a Max Level scorching Ray it's level five which is my Max spell shot for this level [Music] so I do want to show how much damage I just did to her look at all the extra damage that I have fire radiant fire radiant the other one missed if it didn't miss it would have hit her and did fire it plus radiant look at all the extra damage so the glow ring will actually hit multiple times if you have attacks it hit multiple times in an area which is powerful because you can also see I have seven stacks of radiant orbs on her as well so she's not gonna hit anyone like it's really really strong which is why I like pairing those and I actually need to thank my viewers for that I sorry I forgot your name but there was a viewer who commented about having this ring doing radiant orbs being really powerful and I did try it out and yeah I like it a lot so one thing I did want to point out that could be potentially dangerous if you do pair the glow ring with the heat mechanic when you are illuminated and you take damage from heat assuming you don't use all your stacks on the turn you will hit yourself for damage so for example let me go ahead and use Quick and spell real quick and just get Max stacks off of Shadow heart so you can see I got my seven stacks of heat and all that fun stuff and if I wanted I could use my heat convergence right now just to do extra damage to really hurt her I'm not I'm going to end my turn instead and take it out of turn based mode to show you [Music] okay so you can see I took damage from Heat so let me enter turn base mode again let me take off the glow ring and put my other ring on instead and now let me exit I still add the heat on and you can see my own concentration was broken because of the heat mechanic so that is one thing to keep in mind about the heat build that could potentially uh sway people away from using it is the fact that you do take damage yourself so you definitely want to be smart when it comes to using your heat convergence and knowing when is a good time versus not a good time to use it so if you don't want to use those together another thing I would say if you don't use the ring for extra damage here there's going to be some other options for you the number one I would say to do is going to be the Ring of mental inhibition whenever a saving throw is failed against your spells they gain mental fatigue giving giving the enemy a negative one penalty to wisdom intelligence and Charisma saving throughs for every turn remaining there's also stacks of the seven times so if you combine this with the other gear you have you will be a debuffing machine basically making so your teammates just constantly pass their checks but you could save that ring for someone else on your team it's going to be up to you and how you want to play it they're Sentinel Shield you buy from the vendor gives you plus three to your initiative advantage on perception checks really powerful because it also gives you plus two AC as well and having more initiative is never a bad thing since you're squishy and then the step that I have here gives us resistance to fire damage which is nice because normally when you have stacks of heat on yourself you take 1d4 fire damage well with this you only take half because it gives you the fire resistance it gives you a free Fireball you can cast once per long rest as a level three evocation spell and it gives you range attack plus one also if you are playing a human the spider silk armor is really useful for Advantage on Constitution saving throws as a wizard you don't normally get that and the heat mechanic because it does burn you every turn when you do have heat can technically have a chance to break your concentration so this is also a nice alternative [Music] so one thing I did want to point out about the wizard which is really nice is you have a thing called Arcane recovery charge you can use this to gain your spell slice back even though there's a way to do that with necklaces you can use this I'm gonna use all five charges to get my level 5 back and now I have myself back so that's one benefit that Wizards have another benefit that Wizards have is going to be either spell book not all classes that are casters can just prepare and unprepare spells anytime they want Wizards can they can just take things out move it as you need which is really really nice for example if I needed take flight I could put take flight in and put something else off take off grease put and take flight now I can fly I don't need that replace it with something else which is pretty cool not everyone can do that also with the wizard you have the option when you take a look at your Spellbook I can learn more spells so all of these different Scrolls that I have I can spend gold and then I can actually learn these spells which is really really fantastic because it gives you a wide variety of spells and if for whatever reason the enemy you're fighting is completely immune to fire damage you have other options and damage as well I do want to showcase the fire Elemental real quick because this thing is just extremely powerful it does take a level 5 spell slot but this thing is a monster take a look at how much HP this is it has 102 HP it has multiple skills it can do it has the ability to warp itself as a bonus action [Music] and it has multiple spells it can do it has a multi-attack action that does fire damage and bludgeoning it has the ability to do erupting Cinder basically like a mini fireball and it has scorching touch which will also burn the target this thing is really really good and it pairs super well with your character for just spreading all that fire around the battlefield one thing I do want to note you can see I summoned it with Gail so if I go to my spell book here and I'm like oh yeah I summoned him let me take them off because you may be wanted a different spell well I summoned him let's put on a different spell now so that's spell I don't have for example is Magic missiles well guess what I still have my fire Elemental yeah I had the elemental even though I've replaced the spell itself so if you recall you have other Elementals you can also summon so if you go back to your spell book what about conjure minor Elemental so let's go ahead and get rid of invisibility and put that on and you have a couple different options you have three different options here clearly we don't want ice we don't want mud I'm going to choose this one here and summon this creature so this guy is cool he doesn't have as much HP but he does have some cool skills he does he has searing Smite which is nice he has the abilities just to attack normally with his hammer pretty cool one-handed weapon yes overheat he's got a bunch of different things he can do and if anything even though he has low HP he will at the very least be someone to help fight your enemies with so I have two actual like fire summons that I summoned with Gail and I'm just going to replace both of those spells so I don't need the minor Elemental anymore since he summoned let's put wall fire on instead and guess what these guys are gonna be here until a long rest they are really really cool and I just think that's one really awesome thing you can do with Wizards okay let's run down the levels for the wizard first taking a look at my stat spread you have to decide you want more Constitution or do you want AC and initiative from dexterity that's going to be up to you Constitution's nice because you are one of the squishiest characters in The Game Wizards have really low HP so having a little bit more Constitution will never hurt that being said dexterity is nice for extra AC and more initiative this is going to be up to you on which one you want I'm a big fan of having the extra dexterity because I know my wizard is going to be in the back and I like playing with frontliners as well so more than likely he's not going to get targeted all that often but there is a chance he still can be so do keep that in mind intelligence is 17 with The Hags hair you can get this to 18. I'm assuming you are going to do that if you want Max efficiency because if you don't that means you have to spend two Feats to get your intelligence to 20. however with The Hags here you can get it the 20 with one feet giving you an additional feat to use for anything you want because there is going to be a third feat that you have to have for this build to really make it shine and we'll talk about that in a minute scale proficiencies doesn't matter if you're a wizard or a sorcerer you definitely want perception anything else is going to be up to you starting out spell wise you definitely want your Firebolt can't trip this thing gets really powerful it's one of the hardest hitting Kendricks in the game at level five it becomes 2d10 and at level 10 becomes 3D 10. and this will get affected by other modifiers we'll talk about in a bit spell wise starting out burning hands is really nice for anyone that's up front and close to you for fire damage Shield is nice because this is a reaction spell to give you extra AC so more than likely the character that's attacking you will miss and this will last for the entire round grease isn't needed but it is nice to have because this will make the enemies possibly be knocked prone and you can explode the grease to do a kind of like a big fire AOE so it's nice for that as well Tasha's hideous laughter is for cc Thunder Wave is a spell to just have on hand because you can knock enemies away from you and you will be using Mage Armor Sorcerers have built-in Mage Armor for the draconic bloodline you don't as a wizard so you definitely want this to increase your AC level two you are going to be evocation wizard this is the bread and butter for this because at level two all your evocation spells will not affect allies allies will always succeed to saving throws and take no damage from those spells all your damaging fire spells are going to be considered evocation so this is really really handy this means you can do giant aoes like big fireballs and not affect your friends spell wise here I'm a big fan of ritual spells longstrider in my opinion is going to be the number one ritual spell to have this is going to give you the ability to increase not only you but all your allies moving by 10 feet at all times because this lasts until long rest and has a ritual spell it does not take a spell slot other spells that be handy for this enhance leap really nice because you have low strength being able to Triple your jump distance as someone that has low strength is really really good for outside combat featherfall is also really nice here pick whatever else you want it's going to be up to you level three you get some more spells Missy step is really nice to be able to use a bonus action to teleport to another area maybe to get Higher Ground other spells to consider scorching Ray for sure this thing is amazing hold person is also really really good for cc wizard level four your first feet ability Improvement I'm assuming you had The Hags hair if you do this will be level 20. already at Max fantastic wise pick whatever you want here doesn't really matter all that much spells here you want to definitely take what you didn't take before so I didn't take hold person yet so I'm clicking that now other spell up to you if you don't have a thief in your group Arcane lock could be useful to unlock doors and things like that level five you get some more spells counter spell really really powerful and then of course you're taking Fireball counter spell is really nice to really block some really nice CC spells from enemies and Fireball which is a giant Fireball who doesn't like big fiery explosions level six you get a new subclass feature for Wizard your cantrips are upgraded so cantrips even if enemies make a saving throw against them will still take damage but there's no additional effects Fireball doesn't Norm or excuse me Firebolt doesn't normally have a secondary effect so this just means your fireable will always do at least half damage against enemies spell wise I like glyph awarding this is useful if you want to set up a trap for the enemy to run into also Grant flight is really useful for outside of combat things or haste haste is also another very powerful spell [Music] wizard level seven okay now you're starting to unlock some really cool things conjure minor Elemental really really nice wall fire [Music] level 8 you get your second feat and you are choosing Elemental Adept this is going to give you two things a we're choosing Elemental debt fire because we are a fire Mage we are a pyromancer so any type of character that would normally have resistances to fire damage this will bypass that this is really great because if you are playing with another Caster another really big Caster one is going to be the sore not sore lock but the uh like the water-based casters that do a lot of lightning damage and they want to get their enemies wet first well this will bypass the wet resistance to fire which is nice and when you do a spell that's fire you can't roll a one really really useful unless you fight someone with fire immunity you will always do good damage spell wise here you get to pick some more spells fire Shields nice but you're not going to be in a Fray this is more for like upfront characters so I wouldn't recommend this here pick whatever you want I like dimension door greater invisibility could save your life same thing of minor invisibility pick whatever you want here wizard level 9 spells definitely want conjure Elemental very very powerful other spell is going to be up to you [Music] wizard level 10 is where we're gonna stop because that's where I was when I left act two you get your empowered evocation your evocation spells will now do additional damage equal to your intelligence modifier with intelligence at 20 assuming you used a hags here that would be plus five this is nice because all your damaging spells for the most part are considered evocation so not only will they do extra damage they'll do extra damage from heat if they're fire and they won't actually affect your allies cantrip doesn't matter pick what you want spell wise here pick whatever spell you think it's going to be useful for you okay so as a sorcerer your main casting ability will be charisma your that spread here is gonna be very similar to the wizard only difference is you're choosing Charisma over intelligence since this is what you actually go to use your spells with skill proficiencies again definitely want persuasion or excuse me definitely want perception anything else is going to be up to you can't trip wise you definitely want your Firebolt we already talked about that for the wizard pick whatever else you want spell wise starting out you don't need burning hands because you're going to get that for free Shield chromatic orbs you can have some extra fire abilities subclass draconic bloodline this will set your AC to 13 it's built-in Mage Armor and for every level in sourcerer you get extra HP your ancestry choose red fire this will give you burning hands the others are not worth it at all in my opinion all right level two you get some more spells here we already talked about ritual spells passives you get your different meta magic so twin spell so you can cast a spell at multiple enemies at once I also like distance spell to make my spells be really really far sorcerer level three you get some more spells pick whatever you want I'm going with Missy step passives you want quickened spell for sure to make your spells into a bonus action this is what it will allow you to do two Fireballs in one turn without haste all right level four can't trip pick what you didn't have before spells here pick what you think is going to be useful to you scorching Ray in my opinion definitely the pick here feet ability Improvement assuming use the hag's hair Charisma will now be at 20 making it Max level five spells Fireball or counter spell Fireball in my opinion will win over the other [Music] at least for now level six haste counter spell pick whichever one you want it's going to be up to you you can get haste from a bow I'm going with counterspell [Music] sorcerer level seven go ahead and pick some spells that you think would be useful to you one thing I forgot to mention at level six Sorcerers get the ability to increase their spell damage for fire equal to their casting modifier because you should be at 20 charisma at this point all fire damage will be increased by plus five very similar to how the evocation wizard works at level 10. at this level I am picking wall fire level eight pick a spell you think is going to be useful for you and your party your feet it's just like wizard is going to be Elemental depth fire pick whatever spell you think is gonna be useful for you here we already went death about most of these so you shouldn't really need me to explain it at this point and level 10 just like before is where this build guide video is going to end because I want you set up in order to go into act three I would say careful spell is really nice to have here height and spell could oh be okay but with the gear you have you don't really need it or subtle spell pick whatever you want here it's not going to matter one final tidbit before we close out this video if you are playing as Gale or you're using Gale for this build there is a permanent buff you can get inside moonrise Towers inside balthazar's Chambers this will give you permanent advantage on Constitution saving throws which is really useful for The Wizard and pretty useful for the sorcerer as well but it is currently bugged unfortunately it is seeming to go away after some long rest I looked up on Forum some people said it affects them after three someone said it affected them after seven and someone said it went away after their first long rest so do keep that in mind normally it is supposed to be permanent but it seems like after the latest patch it did end up breaking and that's basically how you do pyromancy do you need the heat mechanic for this to work not at all you can do the same exact build that I showcased in this video for both actual subclasses without the gloves and replace it with any other pair of gloves that you wanted and you will still do phenomenal damage I like the heat mechanic though because it's free damage pretty much every single turn you can do so it's going to be up to you whether you would like to use it or not either way I hope you enjoyed this video if you did please like And subscribe comment down below any other builds you would like to see and I'll see you all in the next one bye the day you were born the very forests of lordaeron whispered the name foreign [Music]
Channel: Blood Ronin
Views: 28,059
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, heat, heat convergence, wizard, sorcerer, fire, pyromancer, pyromancy, Hat of Fire Acuity, potent robe, tiefling, gale, fire magic, build, fire ball, wall of fire, firebolt, cantrip, fire elemental, moonrise towers, reverberation, radiant orb, glow ring, elemental augmentation, mechanic, Arcane Acuity, Thermoarcanic Gloves, last lights inn, dammon, best fire mage build, minthara, soul brand, gearing, itemization, scorching ray
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 11sec (2051 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 05 2023
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