Unlimited Burst Oathbreaker Multiclass Baldur's Gate 3 Build Breakdown

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do you want to do up to four attacks in one round as a paladin at on-demand crits range utility party utility and just completely nuked the hell out of somebody then I have the perfect oath breaker Paladin class guide for you that I'm dubbing the death knight I really hope you enjoy this is a multi-class build a seven Paladin five Warlock let's go ahead and break it down okay so the first thing you're going to do is choose a race and your subclass I'm gonna break this down super quick race it doesn't matter however if you want better combat there's going to be some that are a little bit better than others zero tieflings are really nice you get a nice can trip for your intimidation and performance checks they gain searing Smite and their version of searing Smite that you get at level three is actually a higher version of the one that you learn as a paladin and they gain branded Smite as well at level five so they're pretty good in combat and those two spells aren't going to use a spell slot which is really nice uh half work would be my number two uh this build once you get it going is going to create a lot so getting Savage attacks to roll extra crit on top of everything you already do it's just gonna really boost up your damage and you will nuke stuff but Relentless endurance is really nice too because it's a get out of jail free card instead of being downed you will now have one HP really really nice uh personally I really like drows as well just from a lure standpoint really pick whatever you want it's up to you shout out to what else because they get slightly more movement subclass go with the devotion it's the easiest of the break just kill someone that's innocent and guess what you're now an oath breaker background pick whatever you want ability scores you will actually respect later on so this doesn't matter all that much I would say go with what's recommended however if you really want to break it down I would go 14 into your Constitution having 13 isn't all that great but for me I'm going to go like this that way you already get the modifier for Charisma but now you get it there as well the X doesn't matter all that much because you're going to be wearing heavy armor most likely so you could drop that and put points into Charisma if you wanted really up to you side note gith Yankee are also really great for Races they have some great combat stuff free Missy step free jump and a free can trip from Han also the dark urge is a fantastic if you want to play it for a RP theme with a fallen Paladin something to think about and they get a great Cape that will actually give you invisibility after you kill someone for two turns so it's pretty nice okay at level 2 Paladin you finally gain Divine smite this is such a great skill because it makes all your melee attacks do extra radiant damage the higher spell slot you have the more damage it does and if you're facing a fiend or Undead it does even more additional damage this is going to be the bread and butter of your damage for this build and trust me when I say you can get this to Skyrocket and just completely decimate people you have a couple choices for your fighting style that you'll gain at level 2. the default one if you don't want to think about anything is defense it just gives you plus one AC to your armor class nothing wrong with that at all dueling is really great if you go the one-handed build the one-handed build means you main hand a one-hander offhand is a shield so you'll gain extra AC for that and you'll actually have plus two damage to all your damage rolls with the one-hander and this is going to be nice because this will stack with aura of hate that we're going to talk about later on for even more damage it's really nice if you go a two-hander great weapon fighting isn't bad it's okay at best though um overall it's gonna lead to I think with the math like maybe 15 percent more damage overall I I can't remember the exact math in this game but it's not significant but it is nice not to roll a one or two protection I mean I guess you could use that if you wanted don't do it go dueling or great weapon fighting and even defense like either of those are all good great weapon fighting though definitely if you go the like super nuke build though probably the better choice and I'm not going over specific spells yet just because once you become an oath breaker you will get a whole new set of skills and spells and we're going to talk about that after we go over some more information level three though is nice because you're only one level away from getting some cool stuff [Music] level four is pretty great because you gain an additional lay on hands charge which is nice because it's a heel you can use without using a spell slot so that's pretty awesome [Music] and this is when you gain your first feat at level four I would say go ability Improvement and because you can put two in each one I would say go strength and go Charisma now they're both at 18 and 16 so you get an increased modifier for those since modifiers are done on even numbers level 5 Paladin is when things really start to shake up and if you were going this route I would say don't multi-class in the Warlock until after level five gaining extra attack will really boost your damage in combat and make you so much more versatile you gain some really great spells Darkness this has a lot of applications you can use this defensively or offensively and with how this build synergizes into warlock this is going to be really huge and we'll talk about that in a minute he also gained crown of Madness which is really nice because it's just a little bit of more uh CC both of these spells are concentration so you can only use one at a time so do keep that in mind at level six you gained Aura of protection this will add your proficiency bonus from Charisma to all saving throws now it says zero here but that's just a tooltip glitch so at 20 Charisma you would have plus five to all saving throughs that is amazing considering you only have Charisma and wisdom as proficient in Saving throws so gaining plus five to everything else once you do have charisma at level 20 which in this build you will have is a really great thing at level 7 oath breaker you gain Aura of hate and this thing is what makes this build so so strong it is flat raw damage that is going to be equal to your charisma modifier as you can see I have 16 Charisma as this build so it's plus three right now at 20 Charisma it would be plus five raw damage for your own attacks and any Undead and or themes this does affect enemies so do keep that in mind but it will affect any Undead and fiends that your friends have so if you have a wizard Necromancer that is with you this would be really awesome to use as well as soon as you put one point into warlock you get to choose a subclass we are going with the great old one the reason being for a couple of things a you gain access to Tasha's hideous laughter which is an amazing CC ability you can literally for 10 turns assuming your concentration isn't broken you can completely nullify someone in combat they'll be out of combat for those 10 turns you also gain mortal reminder with how crit Focus this build is in conjunction with CC utility and other things you will be creating a lot and anytime you do learn to create that creature and any nearby enemies near that creature must succeed in a wisdom saving throw or they become frightened until the end of their next turn this does work for spells as well brightened is a great status because it allows the creature that is frightened to not move at all and they have disadvantage on any ability checks and attack roles keep in mind they can get opportunity attack still you gain two cantrips first one is eldrick blast eldrick blast is an amazing ability because as you level up this skill becomes greater and at max level you will actually shoot out three beams of algebraic blast you also get to choose a second can trip it defaults to bladeboard which is really nice because it's great to have for in combat things most melee damage you take is bludgeoning piercing or slashing so having half of that damage reduced I mean it's just less damage so that's never a bad thing I would say replace dissonant Whispers with hex hex is a really great ability in game it is another concentration spell so if you do have someone else cc'd from Tasha's hideous laughter you won't be able to use hex but hex is really great if you do want to give the enemy disadvantage and do extra damage from your attacks because it does stack one to six in aquatic damage and because you can attack up to four times with this build it's gonna be pretty strong at level 2 warlock you do get to gain another spell pick whatever you want it doesn't matter you gain two eldric invocations you're going to choose agonizing blast here because this will allow your eldric blast to actually add extra damage equal to your charisma modifier and at the end of this build you'll have 20 so that will be plus five damage on every blast and you're going to choose Devil's sight Devil's sight in conjunction with darkness is such an amazing utility here's why so instead of dropping the darkness on him the force him out you could also cast The Darkness on yourself [Music] which I'm going to do right now while I'm in the darkness I'm immune to being blinded because the devil sight that we choose while leveling up with the Warlock subclass and multi-class so now they can't hit me at all and if there were any melee characters in here they would have blindness and have disadvantage on attack rolls which is really nice dark vision does not affect Darkness [Music] at warlock level 3 you do get to choose a new spell you're gonna go with hold person here this spell is absolutely amazing it is another concentration spell we do have a lot of those however this is going to guarantee a critical hit with your melee attacks and this will also affect Divine smite it is such a strong combo because you can combo this into the fear that we mentioned earlier for being the subclass it's just really really strong and getting the full damage from your Divine Smite as well just all that extra damage is huge it's really great [Music] another way to guarantee criticals is luck of the far Realms this is an illicit power that you can gain far early in the game because it only requires two of the illithid worms this is considered a reaction however so if you happen to use hellish rebuke when the enemies turn you cannot use luck of the far Realms on your turn you take a look at the tree you want to put a you need to get Beginnings first and after that you can then unlock luck of the far realms I have almost all of my spells considered a reaction here the only one I don't is opportunity attack because for the most part getting a free attack when an enemy is never a bad thing but you can choose to have that ask as well if you would like to get to this menu simply click on the Your Divine smite and you can click or you can go to your character and go to spell book move over to reactions and you can decide from there what you'd like to do now you get to choose a packed boon you could go pack to the chain if you wanted a fiend to gain benefits from your aura of hate however the fiend is really weak and in my opinion not the way to go you want packed of the blade this allows you to make a pact with any weapon of your choice it will make that weapon scale with Charisma instead of Dex or strength that is fantastic because your spells are going to be Charisma based now your melee attacks will be as well and you're going to want to Stack a lot of Charisma for your aura of hate and your other Aura to do the saving throughs now we've packed the blade see how it's all coming together but it gets even better later on CE you get packed of the blade this is when you're gonna want to respect your character because you will no longer need strength you're going to want to boost your charisma up to level 21st you get to gain another can trip at warlock level four my suggestion would to go with friends this is really great for Charisma checks against non-hostile creatures because you gain Advantage meaning you get the role to dice a set of one you get to add another spell here pick what you want if you don't have the Amulet of Misty stepp I would say go with whatever you want however having Misty's step is such a great spell for a positioning or getting away because it's a bonus action and paladins don't have a lot of Gap closers so in my opinion Misty step is the way to go and you get to choose your second feat here assuming you went ability Improvement for your first feat you're going to want to go a either warcaster this will allow you to have advantage on saving throws and maintain concentration however if you want the biggest damage possible you want to have great weapon master [Music] great weapon Master when you land a critical hit or kill a target with a melee weapon attack you can make another melee attack as a bonus action that is really amazing considering there's going to be multiple ways to guarantee Critical Hits when you do have great weapon Master active you have a toggle to where you can give yourself plus 10 damage with your two-handed melee weapons at a cost of negative five to your attack rules this is easy to work around because there's spells like bless to give you extra attack and with your modifier once you do get it to plus 20 or at 20. the negative five penalty is null and void so there's a lot of ways to work around this very useful and makes you just hit so much harder [Music] at level 5 warlock you now gain access to rank 3 spells and these rank three spells do work with Divine Smite so your Divine Smite will be hitting like a truck however there are some choices here and I would recommend going with counterspell this is a great reaction because you can use this to completely nullify someone else's spell and you get to choose another eldric invocation you can choose whatever you want here however my suggestion would be repelling blast because now this will allow every single eldric blast you shoot to a knock back the enemy but because you chose the one earlier agonizing blast it will also scale a Charisma so it's a great combo to have also at level 5 warlock because we chose pact of the blade earlier not only will our melee attacks scale with Charisma but we also gain an extra attack and this does stack with the level 5 extra attack that you got from being a paladin that gives us three attacks in one turn and if you crit or kill the enemy you get a bonus attack that you can use as a bonus action giving you 4 attacks in one turn Airy very powerful stuff let's go over a couple of unique spells that you will get as the oath breaker you get inflict wounds this spell is okay um as is build I find it's not that great because you have so many attacks once you get to a higher level that you can combo with the vine smite and why would you not use that it has some uses maybe but I just inflict wounds doesn't seem that great once you get better gear and level up you gain spiteful suffering which is one of your actual Channel oath abilities this one is actually really great it will give you advantage on your attack rolls for three turns which is awesome because of your actual passive for great weapon master so keep that in mind because that does give you negative five penalty so getting Advantage meaning you would roll two dice to attack with is really nice to have your other channel oathability again control Undead has some uses better late game than it is early game but it's okay and Dreadful aspect because this build can create so much you don't necessarily use this all that much but it can have some uses because the AOE is so large so you can use it in a pinch and it can really come in handy in this scenario I have four enemies I'm fighting I have hold person already on an enemy there's two Rangers and I have the enemy right in front of me so right now I have really bad chance to hit it's only 40 chance but I'm gonna try it anyway and I missed that's really unfortunate let's do it again and miss again let's do a third attack so now the third attack is gonna hit a lot of damage I might do a Divine Smite level two and it kills him I went invisible here because of my Cape that I have from being the dark urge I'm gonna move over because I crit I actually have a bonus action to where I can attack with great weapon Master bonus and because she is held I have a 100 chance to hit and a 100 chance to crit as well and I'm going to use Divine Smite level 3. that's a lot of damage I almost just basically one shot her really fantastic but let's see what would have happened if I didn't waste all my extra attacks we saw what happened in the last clip so now I'm going to turn the passive off going from 40 to 65 chance to hit [Music] and that was a lot of damage he has nine HP now yeah oh I'm going to use I could either use another attack or I have my bonus action now or I can just simply use the great weapon Master bonus because that bonus for creating will happen whether you have it toggled or not which is really nice so I finished him there we go and now I still have two more attacks I can use [Music] if I go to a hover over her it's a hundred percent so I'm gonna put the passive back one that way I can get the extra 10 damage [Music] and that's just one shot her because my crit roll for divine Smite was better I actually have one more attack and guess what this person's in range so I have a 65 chance to hit him if I go to my passives I could turn it off and it's 90. so what do you think we should do in this scenario I'm going for big damage I want to kill him 65 isn't that great chance of hit however I want to see what happens that's a lot of damage so now I could use hellos rebuke if I wanted on the enemy there but if I do I know for sure that I'm not gonna have another reaction so I won't get a guaranteed crit if I wanted to so I'm not going to react right now foreign oh I missed my attack of opportunity that is unfortunate if the attack of opportunity would have hit I would have killed her that's the thing because I left my passive one that affects the attack of opportunities as well so let's see what I could do in a scenario now I could just run up and kill them but I do want to show off some of the other utility that you have as this spec so now I have two options I could do I could cast a spell or I can trip there's a bunch of different things I could do if I go for my can trip I could use eldrick blast and I could hit her I could hit him and I could Target them a couple different ways however I do not want to do that yet I'm going to actually cast X first because this is a bonus action so I'm going to go ahead and put the hex on [Music] [Music] and now I'm going to use my cancer so she has rallied HP plus her normal 15 HP as well it seems like something around there she's so I have a chance to actually one shot her with eldrick blast but I'm gonna send two just in case and I must send one to him so as you can see she got destroyed she blew up a lot and my one eldrick blast there pushed him back but it wasn't enough to actually push him all the way off the edge and now he has really high Terrain I am playing as dark urge so I do have the cape in order to make me invisible after a Kill however if you don't have that he would have advantage on me to hit so another way to play out this scenario is a few different things I could command the enemy right here to grovel drop their weapon approach me and or halt whichever way I wanted but it does take an action I could use Tasha's hideous laughter and potentially make one of them cc'd so it's a 65 chance on him so let's see and now his turn is null and void and I'm just gonna end my turn here except you can see I'm a little low I could use a potion if I wanted but for this scenario we don't need it so I do know she's pretty low so I could use hellish rebuke and possibly kill her and I'm going to do that or I could use to rank one if I could roll high enough I could kill her with rank one so we'll go with that unfortunately I rolled really bad so it didn't kill her if I would have rolled better she would have been gone so instead of dropping the darkness on him the force him out you could also cast a Darkness on yourself which I'm going to do right now while I'm in the darkness I'm immune to being blinded because the devil's sight that we choose while leveling up with the Warlock subclass and multi-class so now they can't hit me at all and if there were any melee characters in here they would have blindness and have disadvantage on Attack rules which is really nice dark vision does not affect Darkness you need magic Darkness Vision to actually see in this and from my understanding the only way to do that is if you have a if you are the Warlock subclass for the devil's site so it's really handy the darkness will affect your teammates though so keep that in mind [Music] so I'm just chilling in here they still can't do anything to me [Music] but this only delays it for a short amount of time so I could end my turn again just to see what they do and they're just gonna stand there they're not gonna do anything because they can't [Music] see they're telling me to stand and fight so this is really great for area control if you need to block off someone's site if you want to just make yourself a little more tanky because it will affect melee and melee characters because they still have a small chance to hit you will run in however more than likely you'll Dodge their attacks okay so let's go ahead and use Misty step instead and I have an amulet for this which is why I'm able to use it no issues but I could also yeah use it as a spell as well if needed so I could miss each step over here and now I'm going to kill her it's only 40 and that's because of the passive like before turn it off and she's she's gone I don't even need to use Divine Smite because she was just dead now I wish I could reach him but I don't have enough movement which is unfortunate if I did I would have two more attacks that I could do and again I have the cape for being a dark urge so if I didn't have that Cape I would have ran inside the darkness instead but I do have Advantage because I went stealth so that's great because now I can have it Advantage with great mess weapon master all in giving me a higher chance to hit and I somehow still missed that is unfortunate man I did hit the third hit but I missed all the other ones which is unfortunate [Music] that right there is why you should learn to toggle on and off your passives anyway guys I'm Ronan I really hope you enjoyed this video if you did enjoy it and you learned something new please like And subscribe because I am going to try making build videos for pretty much every class and game that being said comment what you want to see next and thanks I spent a lot of time on this video with breaker was my favorite class and the first class I started playing so I truly do hope you enjoyed and I will see you guys in the next one take care
Channel: Blood Ronin
Views: 368,618
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, Lockadin, Oathbreaker, warlock, paladin, multiclass, the great old one, Eldritch Invocations, mortal reminder, fear, pact of the blade, eldritch blast, devil's sight, arms of hardar, great weapon master, fighting style, hex, misty step, crown of madness, hold person, TASHA'S HIDEOUS LAUGHTER, slow, counterspell, aura of hate, inflict wounds, divine smite, control undead, spiteful suffering, darkness, dreadful aspect
Id: LgSguHuBhjs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 10sec (1870 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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