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foreign [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] this build has everything high damage High defenses resistance to all damage temporary HP become the risk God you've always wanted 22 Charisma you're not gonna fail anything it has range attacks it has utility and CC it has heals there's nothing this build can't do and you're gonna play it I'll show you how okay so starting with races um the best race in the game is probably half work um very other little races in the game offer anything but half work offers so much not only do you get proficiency and intimidation just right off the bat for being a half work you also get um Relentless endurance which lets you come back to one HP after you've been set to zero um which obviously makes you more tanky and then you also get Savage attack uh which lets you add an extra damage die whenever you crit and we're gonna be creating pretty much all the time because we're gonna have Advantage uh and getting two rolls means that we have double the chances of getting a critical hit so I highly recommend half work in the end doesn't really matter it's kind of your choice but I highly recommend Paladin uh these are going to be your starting um skills you go 16 strength 14 con and 16 Charisma we're gonna take these all the way to level um nine um and then we're going to respect at level nine so just giving you a heads up this becomes this is already a great build early game uh late gamer just becomes a freaking monster you never die I died zero times in my entire tactician run with this character uh and I went down maybe three times uh two at the beginning of the game one at the end boss because I was just like it I can't die and I got Reckless uh anyway um here we go that was level one going to level two okay level two uh I'm not gonna go over every spell you can just copy and paste what you see I click on um because um trust me I know what I'm talking about uh fighting style we're gonna go defense it's better to have high AC if you're playing tactician because you don't want to get hit those things hit hard as hell uh great weapon fighting is good if you're playing anything below tactician okay so for spells these are the Spells you're going to want to choose uh if you get the tier sword which I highly recommend early game I took that pretty far up into my palette and I think I was level six before I switched off um then you don't really need Shield of faith on there you can instead put um probably like protection from good and evil or something um and if you don't have a cleric I suggest putting bless on there bless can be invaluable especially in tactician because you want to hit your enemies and even though you have Advantage some enemies have like super high AC uh so someone that has bless uh would definitely help your party out in terms of hitting High AC targets you could just focus on other enemies that don't have high AC I suppose but um you're not always going to have that luxury so these are the Spells I recommend um mostly because of utility you get to knock enemies prone and frighten and I don't need to explain why that's powerful all right okay level three this is where we the whole reason that we go Paladin and uh most importantly we go with the Vengeance because right here valve enmity this is what's going to give us advantage on any attack that we need um you just choose an enemy and for 10 turns you have advantage on that enemy with your attacks doesn't matter if it's range attacks or melee attacks uh you're just gonna have Advantage it's freaking great trust me and you get it back on a short rest um you also get Azure enemy also nice you can single out an enemy and be like hey stay right there just be frightened to me don't do anything um and they just sit there with their tail between their legs uh these are great too I'm not gonna mess with them though Paladin level four I want to show you the Omega power boost you get here at level four and it is all has to do with great weapon Master this is the best feat in the game hands down polar Masters great too but once you combine polar Master with this then it just takes it to a whole new level and you don't need polar Master on this build I'm just gonna teach you how effective it is just with great weapon Master itself when you land a critical hit or kill a target with a melee weapon attack you can make another melee weapon as a attack as a bonus action that turn attacks with heavy melee weapons you were proficient with can deal additional 10 damage at the cost of minus five attack penalty roll you can toggle this on and off so don't let that minus five scare you that basically won't matter too much because like I said we're gonna have advantage on every attack anyway um and if you can always talk lit on and off in case an enemy does have like super high AC and you don't have blush right now or something um and yeah literally just getting a free attack whenever you create or kill an enemy which you're gonna do a lot of the time most of the time um there's no downside to this weapon or to this feat uh you gotta take it level five we are almost done with our Paladin uh we're gonna start jumping into warlock here pretty soon level five our damage doubles right this is where gets crazy because you get an extra attack that means you get two swings of great weapon Master if you want um real quick I haven't messed up the spells in a bit um protection for pointers in is okay none of your second level spells really are that good you could just go with Brandy smite most the time you're just gonna wanna have Shield of Faith up it is concentration you're only allowed one concentration spell uh in tactician I found that Shield of faith is probably one of the best things to concentrate on because it's just up for long rest it's only one spell you have to spend all day um and you know you shouldn't be breaking concentration too much uh especially when it comes to the next level because your defenses are gonna be so high you're gonna be resistant to all damage at this point so it's like you shouldn't be losing uh Shield of Faith too much um the other thing you're going to be hitting a lot probably wrathful Smite if uh you want to give enemies disadvantage um but otherwise you're just going to want to hit thunderous Smite for whatever reason this isn't concentration so you can just Spam thunderous Smite knock enemies to the ground that gives you and everybody else advantage on the attacks uh plus your enemies can't take reactions or do anything um they just made prone crazy here so I highly recommend using thunderous Smite whenever you just need to Gob smack something in the base another good option obviously is uh command this isn't concentration either you can just tell enemies hey drop on the ground or hey run away and as long as they fail your wisdom save they're gonna do exactly what you tell them you command them uh okay that's level five let's go on all right so quick notes on level five you are going to want to take on Auntie Ethel the hag inner uh layer uh important notes you can't face your inner little Hut you have to uh wait till she goes down to her Lair and um there's a couple specifics that you're gonna have to know you have to get her health down to I believe it's like 10 10 HP or less uh and then you have to let her get to her turn this is uh I'm trying to teach you how to get the plus one to any stat and obviously you're gonna put the stat into Charisma super important don't put the uh um that into strength that'll be the bane of your existence you're not going to be able to respect that you have to put it into Charisma um so yeah attacker under layer make sure it's her turn make sure her HP is like 10 or less and then she'll convince you or she'll try to dialogue with you like please don't kill me I'm really small and fragile and old and you'll be like yeah but I really want to kill you uh and she'll be like wait eat my hair you get really strong and you're like okay sure um however also quick note that's gonna break your oath if you took Vengeance Paladin it'll break your oath to uh take that extra power yeah I could be wrong maybe uh maybe if someone else dialogues with her then it won't break your oath either way not a huge deal um if you decide to go with oath breaker that's also a really good subclass you just won't get the uh Advantage like as a bonus action you have to use an action instead um and I think they have to make a save for it so it's not the biggest deal if you go uh oath breaker um it is better to go with vengeance though uh you you can just retake your oath it's really super uncomplicated super simple um so yeah that's the notes that you should have for Auntie ethos it's a pretty easy fight um yeah just follow the steps make sure you do it around level five um maybe level six if you're feeling sketched out level six Paladin here we go this is our last level of Paladin uh you get the best thing that paladins get uh besides smiting I guess your aura of protection and uh it's a little glitched right here for some reason it says a plus zero to saving throws it actually scales off of your uh Charisma right now our Charisma is 16 so that gives us a plus three to uh all of our saving throws um as long as you're conscious you and nearby allies up to 10 feet are getting plus three to the saving throws at level six we're gonna crank this up to a plus six to every saving throw um and I'll show you how to do that it's really easy okay level seven this is where you start to deviate off of Paladin we had our fun we got everything great that's in Paladin now we're going to split off and start dipping into warlock who would have guessed here we go warlock now absolutely 100 of the time you're going to take Elder joblast you always want Elgin to blast um Role Play Wise I suggest getting friends this is where you become the Riz God right you want to make friends with everybody um it says in higher difficulty most the target can accuse you of enchanting them I never had that happen to me um I did use this a few times uh maybe if you use it on an important NPC or something then maybe they they'll uh accuse you of that but for the most part whenever I used it in like small dialogue there was no downsides growing friends is probably the way to go if you don't want to go friends because you hate dialogue and you're just murdering people I guess I don't know go with um probably poison spray maybe chill uh bone chill uh but probably poison spray uh for your subclass for Warlock go with the Fiend The fiend is just gives you a little tanky bonus because um it gives you temporary hit points and temporary hip places especially in this game because like I said I'm going to teach you how to resist uh all damage in the game um so obviously when you have temporary hit points it's going to have that too and you get these temporary hit points back every time you kill a hostile creature uh which is going to be all the time and when you kill a hostile creature you get you use your bonus action to attack again so it's like you're always having temporary hit points you're always visiting damage you're never gonna go down uh for spells you can just take off arms of hadara it's kind of trash and you can throw on hellish rebuke um not a whole lot of good options there for some reason okay level two of warlock uh shit's pretty straightforward you could just go with expeditious Retreat uh you're gonna go for your invocations You're Gonna Go agonizing blast and you're gonna go repelling blast agonizing blast no brainer you want to do more damage this is where you start getting your range your pew pew um agonizing blast is going to let you add your charisma modifier to your uh Eldritch blast um and then you're gonna want repelling blast too at this point you're already doing uh two blasts with your Eldridge blast so you're pushing enemies back like 30 feet you're obviously throwing people off cliffs which insta kills people um repelling blasts so good uh we're gonna get double sight two at level uh five for warlock um but yeah that's good that was level two for Warlock okay level three Warlock uh easy peasy we're gonna take blindness and we're gonna take pact of the blade um back to the blade this is where at level nine you're going to want to respect your character um and the reason why we're doing that is because buying flat packed weapon right here this is going to let you attack with your charisma modifier instead of having to use your strength um and we're just gonna pretty much focus on Charisma from here on out level nine is the game changer um yeah we just embrace all of our potential for this right here um so we're gonna respect real quick I'm gonna show you exactly how to do that um yeah let's do it here we go hey guys itchy from the future here uh just in the editing process I saw that I made a tiny little boo-boo so um you might see that my stats are a little up later on in the video uh just copy this right here and ignore the stats for uh for what you might see we're gonna have 16 in the con here I accidentally put the extra point into strength I meant to put it in con so we're gonna have 12 decks 16 con and 17 Charisma uh I was stumbling there in the editing process and I'm like uh wait something doesn't look right here and yeah so this is the correct stuff so make sure you have this when you respect at level nine this is what you should look like at level one obviously you're gonna have the the plus one extra for uh for Ethel's hair so you're gonna be 18. uh but yeah just make sure you do that okay bye okay guys we're back here and now we're level 10 um for the extra can trip you can probably just go poison spray um none of these other ones are really that useful um for some reason like every Undead is resistant to necrotic which is not really supposed to be that way I mean there's a entire ass effect that says Undead receives disadvantage attack rolls anyway I'm not gonna get too into it kind of sucks because bone chill um is is actually a pretty good spell otherwise um anyway spells we're gonna go with Darkness here um and Feats We're not gonna need a feat we're just gonna go straight to Ability Improvement and we're gonna take our uh 18 Charisma to 20. um now I up on this character I don't have the uh Auntie uh ethyl uh hair like I told you to get um I gave mine to lizelle um so your your stats is gonna say 20 on Charisma mine says 19. um but yeah just ignore that all right so level 11. here we go um this is level five in warlock uh we're just gonna take probably hypnotic pattern the reason why you take hypnotic pattern is the radius is so big it can affect so many enemies um it can also hit your teammates and yourself so be careful how you place it but otherwise it basically makes it so the enemies just stand there and gaze up at the sky drooling and uh it's such a great CC there's no reason not to take it um the uh other invocation we're gonna take is Devil's sight uh the reason why we take this is because we chose Darkness earlier if you remember that and devil'site is gonna let us um see through the darkness and the reason why that's so good is because that's going to give us Advantage because enemies can't see through Darkness but we can so they can't hit us but we can hit them uh so they have disadvantage on their attacks uh when they can even try to attack us um and we have advantage on them now that's going to take your concentration but still great feature to have uh especially in a bind you can even get your teammates to dip and Duck and Dodge inside of the uh Darkness well you know we're all just kind of gathering around uh so that makes it great that's level 11 here let's go to 12. level 12 warlock here we go the last level basically you just uh probably want to choose Fireball you could go hunger fedar it doesn't really matter Fireball just gets rid of the trash mobs um and you can you get this back on a sharp rest anyway so you're just you can spam Fireballs if you just Fireball run I don't know um but yeah go Fireball this is your 12th level except and congratulations now you are the most OP character in the game um I guess there's a couple of things this class pair is really well with um cleric the reason why you want a cleric I use Shadow heart um is because there is a spell called warding Bond um this spell is totally underrated you get to Ward an ally which means they get resistance to all damage and a plus one bonus to their armored class and saving throws so every defense um you got A plus one which is crazy on its own but the fact that you get resistance to all damage it's crazy now the only downside about that is that uh Shadow heart or whoever your cleric is is going to take the damage that you resist so you're probably Gonna Wanna like hide Shadow heart uh or your cleric from like any crazy damage definitely give them like a shield um and stuff to like pump up their AC uh I got shower heart rocking some you know pretty good armor and stuff like that you got to take care of your clerics right because they're trying to take care of you um uh uh yeah wording Bond lasts for an entire long rest so you just cast it once at the beginning of your um uh camp and then you're good to go at the beginning of your day um speaking of the beginning of your day though actually you're going to well the first time you have to activate your uh oral protection for some reason um and I think you have to do that every time you die um just don't die it'd be easy uh the other thing you have to do at the start of your day uh you're always going to want to do this you have to bind your packed weapon and the reason why you do that is because it'll make it so you're using your charisma for attacks instead of your strength you know there's a little bit of a difference there between uh 20 and 11. uh mine says 21 yours will be 22. um because um well you get birth right uh birth rate you don't find until acts three um but you get it pretty easy if I remember correctly you get it um in a shop that you can't miss in in act three you can just buy it right off of them and it gives you a plus two to Charisma and uh that'll take your stuff up to a 22 which is great that means your DC is higher for your spells and effects your uh Charisma is higher so you can just risk people up um that means your attacks are gonna hit harder and more accurately so and also it gives you an extra uh save an extra plus one to all your saves so all your saves are going to be at a plus six right now um like I said mine is a little right now because uh I don't have Auntie out those hair but yours is gonna be 22 once you get birth rate um so all these are gonna say plus six for you uh you see the plus five for RF protection uh but it's gonna be a plus six for everything um yeah and then you have any ranged attacks you need because you have three Eldridge blasts one two three those do a ton of damage they push people back 10 uh 15 feet per um so you're just slapping people off the map you're like nope this is my turf uh you can cast darkness and then you can see in darkness um enemies can't see but you can see how it is struck it says blinded but you're not actually blinded because it says Advantage right there so it's a little it's blinded but it's Advantage so it's weird uh yeah so there's just so much to this build uh you get all the temporary hit points like I said you get the resistance and and all damage um so that lets you do some pretty funny stuff like this uh ax that I'm wearing it's supposed to deal um uh 1d4 damage of fire damage to me every turn but I actually end up taking no damage because I resist fire and then I have some uh plate armor since you're a paladin you can rock play armor which is awesome uh and it makes sure that all incoming damage is reduced by two this isn't even the best plate armor I've given uh lizelle like some pretty good plate armor that gives a little bit more AC and uh gives you resistance and blade word for free uh so you know there's other plate armors out there I don't have the best magic items uh but cloak of displacement this is really good too at the beginning of the weirdest turn cloak activates the granting enemies disadvantage on attack rolls that Target the wear the effect lasts until you take damage so literally everybody's gonna have disadvantage on you um I'll show you what your AC is normally going to be you have Shield of faith on there and then you got Shadow heart um who's gonna warding Bond you let's get going so you're walking around with 23 AC um this is going to be pretty standard there's no way you're gonna fail a concentration or uh yeah a concentration check um when you have a plus five to your uh saving throws um I have an amulet too that gets my Constitution to 23. this is optional you don't have to throw that on your Paladin I just think it's really funny that you know you have 142 HP uh and you're resistant to all damage and you get temporary hit points uh I guess I could show you that but then I have to kill somebody um you're just gonna have to trust me you get 12 temporary hit points um when you kill something and that lasts Until you long rest I think or until obviously they get depleted so yeah there's just so much going on with this build uh and I think you're all gonna love it like I did uh you got all the things that a paladin does you gotta lay on hands and everything yeah uh you're pretty much always going to have Advantage because you have your valve amenity you even have Divine sense which I'll make sure that whenever you attack Celestial fiends are Undead you have an advantage um that last two turns and you get a backup short rest uh you can knock enemies prone or you know have someone else do it you know with thunderous Smite it's easy peasy it's just so much damage uh and it's really just a hell of a lot of fun so guys that'll wrap it up um I think this build really just speaks for itself you're gonna be just dominating anything however which way you want to you could push them off maps you can slap him in the face with a giant Smite and you know take a short risk get all your smites back um there's no downside to this build and I mean that uh it does kind of suck the way they uh make it so you have to use all of your regular slots before you use your warlock slots I think that should probably be fixed um but yeah you you have everything under the sun uh in terms of utility uh uh High defenses you know everything you need uh so that's my build guys I hope you enjoy catch you guys on the next episode I'll come up with more builds here pretty soon uh later dude all right
Channel: Itchy4Reelz
Views: 41,468
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Gaming, adhd, live, react, AMA
Id: L1OASUcmzwk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 36sec (1476 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 20 2023
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