The Frost Juggernaut Baldur's Gate 3 Build

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the frost Knight is a version of the eldrich Knight that uses its utility to not only bolster its own defenses but set up the enemies for devastating cold damage from itself or from its Frost Mage Ally It's a front tank that has exceptional damage reduction on top of having some great utility it's a really fun frosting build so let's go ahead and break it down all right guys it is time to talk leveling and all that fun stuff for the frost night and I do want to say before we dive into anything race doesn't matter pick whatever race you want it's going to have very little effect on combat for the way this actually plays when it comes to your actual fighting style you are going to be a fighter starting out big surprise there your fighting style I'm going dueling because with this build it's extremely tanky and having a sword and board just fits the theme of how I play it and ding just gives you extra two damage for your weapon and you can use this while wielding a shield as well which is pretty cool ability points I have 17 strength and I know I'm going to get the comment about it well why don't you just use the elixir of Hill giant strength you certainly can if you want to do that and put your strength points into something else feel free some people find it to be tedious to have to farm the Elixir to do that so I'm not building the build around that dexterity is low we will mitigate the low initiative later on and when it comes to your skill proficiencies this is what I went with feel free to move this around but definitely keep perception in my opinion all right so we're going to start leveling up Level Two fighter action surge fantastic level three fighter this is when you start to get to the fun sub classes we are going eldrich Knight here this will unlock your weapon bond you essentially make a pack with the weapon it can't be knocked out of your hand and if you throw it it automatically comes back cantrip wise you want your ray of frost as soon as possible because you are a frost Knight and if you are trying to make this like a frost de Knight then you might as well get bone chill as well but I do find minor illusion to be pretty useful too pick whatever you want spell-- wise I go with magic missiles being able to hit any Target from range that especially to kind of like knock off low HP targets is pretty useful and I also like taking shield shield is insane this is a really good re action spell that will just give you plus five AC for that entire round expended spell slots here go with long Strider the extra movement speed for you and your friends is actually huge you could take ice knife if you did want uh another ice spell right away but I like having long [Music] Strider okay level four this is when you get your first feat and spells so so spell wise here pick whatever you want chromatic orb can be changed to be cold damage if you did want that Thunder Wave is a good spell to knock back pick what you want here your first feet I know what you're thinking ability Improvement uh no we're not doing that if you're following my build then we are actually going to be going heavy armor Master this will give you plus one strength and it reduces all non-magical damage by three while wearing heavy armor this is really big and this will stack with other stuff we'll talk about in a minute all right before we level up again I do want to showcase you can see I only have 18 strength right now in act two if you have a Starion in your group you can bite an NPC called araj at moonrise towers and she will give you the potion of everlasting Vigor which you can then use to get yourself the 20 strength all right fighter level five extra attack fantastic and now you have fighter level six this is when you're going to take the alert feat getting plus five initiative is fantastic because you have really low decks normally you would need 20 decks to get plus five initiative so that gives it to you base which is pretty cool and you can't be surprised all right so hero and out I want you to think about the build and how you want to play cuz this is going to be really important firstly do you want this to be a frost de Knight kind of like wow like the Lich King if so the remainder of your points will go into wizard for six levels to unlock the better necromancy stuff that's not how I like to play but you do have that option so I do want to say that now if you would prefer to be more of a necro Frost Knight and summon a bunch of Undead that are really powerful you can certainly do that but you will need to put the remainder six levels you have into necromancy I tried it and it does work however keep in mind that's not what I'm building for instead I'm putting my first multic class into cleric and I know you're probably wondering why well first let's choose our domain we're going to choose the war domain this will give us a thing called a war priest charge I can spend a bonus action to use my weapon to attack again which is pretty useful and this is a way to get three attacks in one round while still maintaining higher level spell slots since eldrich Knights normally only get up to level two this gives us a few can trips we're going to go with all utility here so resistance guidance and thong matury in order to get the everything we need for like outside of combat and NPC chat your DD pick whatever you want it will have very little like meaning for the game itself so pick whatever you want here and prepared spells we're getting rid of guiding Bolt the main reason you want to go cleric one level is either for bless if if you want to be the bless spot or for create water using this is amazing I can now create water and put it on my enemy and if you pair this with the frost Mage that means you and the frost Mage will automatically be doing double Frost damage to the enemy right from the start of combat it's really really powerful although there is gear and other ways that do that regardless this is just on demand make this guy bonable to cold damage and you're good to go all right from here on out you are going to be going wizard cantrip wise pick whatever you didn't have before is not really going to matter all that much spell wise get rid of all this because we're going to talk about spells in a minute a lot of these spells the benefit of being a wizard is the fact that you can use Scrolls to learn spells and there are a ton of Scrolls in game you can get to keep that in mind so for me featherfall enhanced leap I don't have those yet find familiar ice knife tasas those are my picks here and then the other spells pick whatever you want cuz they're going to get replaced anyway all right your character level 9 wizard level two you get your subass for your wizard there are a couple things you can choose if you were paying attention earlier and I said you wanted to be the necromancy type kind of warrior like a true de Knight you would be six alri Knight six Necromancer anyway that's not what we're doing we're going for a very defensive utility burst damage build so I'm doing abjuration this is going to give you Arcane Ward basically Bally it's a stacking shield around you that prevents damage and then the charge is reduced by one and you can increase the charges by casting abjuration spells and almost all of your defensive spells that you have as this class are abjuration so it's really nice spell wise here doesn't matter because we're going to replace most of the stuff with Scrolls anyway so pick whatever you want hold person definitely get this really really powerful you could do invisibility if you needed it for like a get out of jail free card but I also like having Missy step as well although we will have a pair of boots that gives us Missy step you definitely want to use this wizard level four you get your another feet here so if you are fine if your stat spread the way it is feel free to pick any other feet i' say go ability improvement with the plus two potion the strength you're already at 20 so this would put me up the 22 strength if I wanted it I could get my Constitution a little higher to be 16 I could get my intelligence to be higher to 18 to help out with saving throws and things like that it's going to be up to you for the most part majority of the Spells I use are mainly for cc or for defensive stuff anyway so you could go con institution if you wanted that it's up to you and what you want to do here more damage go intelligence more survival go Constitution you get another cantrip pick whatever you want spell wise again most of the stuff's going to get replaced anyway so feel free to pick what you want wizard level five so you have to make a choice here cuz this is your final level you could go seven points right here or seven levels I should say and get War magic meaning you can use a cantrip and after casting the cantrip you can attack with your weapon now this does have some nice Synergy with like ring of Elemental infusion the Arcane Synergy ring and things like that I'm not a big fan of that play style instead I'm going wizard at level five wizard you get counter spell and this is an abjuration spell which means that procs the shield the other thing pick whatever you want here haste is probably useful as well [Music] well all right and before we talk about gear and stuff like as you can see my Frost Mage is door Wheeling staffs that'll be a build for another day but you can see I have two Arcane Ward charges I just want to showcase real quick a take a look at your spells the cool benefit of being a wizard is the fact that you can learn spells through Scrolls this gives you so many more spells you can actually learn like ice storm for example I just learned ice storm fantastic so taking a look at our spells we want to make sure certain ones are on glyph awarding is a really nice spell and it's an abjuration spell definitely want that I don't need disguise self right now even though it is a nice ritual spell I don't necessarily need it we'll go hold person I don't need my fine familiar right now it is a ritual spell outside of combat but I don't need it this is act second so I'm going to take that off and instead I'm going to put on my Missy step and take a look at all my spells and everything like that I do have cantrips I can mess around with you got these cantrips from Wizard I got my cantrips there there's a lot of different things depending on how you want to play it put on what you want if you want to have some Undead I gave myself animate Undead for a scroll as well I don't want ice knife I'm not going to use it all that much I don't really use Thunder Wave all that much I'm going to take that out put in my counter spell now taking a look at these spells do I need featherfall right now no so I'm going to take that out as well and I could put haste on I could put my ice storm on there's a bunch of different things you can do so for me personally I'm going to take off my Tasha instead I'm going to put on haste and then the other spell I could put anything else on like my ice storm so I at least have a level four like powerful spell I could do so real quick I do want to showcase you can see two Arcane Ward this will go up whenever I cast a spell that's abjuration my abjuration spells for example is going to be Shield of faith and you can see if you cast this at High levels it doesn't do anything so you always want this as a level one you can see it went up I have three Arcane charges now take a at your level two spell slots none of my level two spells I have are going to be considered abjuration which is fine because we don't necessarily need that because our level threes are so counter spell as a reaction spell abjuration this will give us plus three to our charge G awarding which you can choose to be frost is considered abjuration so I can put that down to give me plus three to my charge it's really nice basically you use your spells for utility and CC for the most part and as you do that you will just periodically increase your charges you can see spell-- wise I have the dance macabra once per long rest you do need to go through the Sorcerer sundrees And I already have the necrom fancy of f red this will unlock this if you want a more detailed to guide about that just Google it cuz it's a lot to it and it's too long for me to explain in this video but this is another way for me to get zombies as this build without actually going deep into the Necromancer stuff okay with that being said let's go ahead and take a look at my gear because there's quite a few different gear pieces that you can use as you level up I will start with the lowle gear and make my way forward so at low levels your Helm is going to be up to you and what you want to use the Grim skull Helm is really nice regardless of what level you're at whether you're in act one or act three just because you not being a to be crit is really big you gain resistance to fire damage as well which is pretty cool and you can use Hunter Mark once per long rest so this is just an all around great helmet to wear if you don't want to use that Circle of Bones you get inside act two it's just is nice this will give you animate dead once prolong rest for free and then my Undead minions have resistance to bludgeoning slashing and piercing damage cuz right now you can see I have create Undead or at least I thought I did it's probably not prepared yeah I don't have it prepared but normally it's a level three spell so that's a way to get it for free you just can't upcast it normally you can upcast it to make better zombies if you don't want that and you say you want a little bit more initiative uh the fist breaker Helm moonrise Towers vendor sells this plus one bonus to spell save DC plus one bonus to initiative which is also nice if you want even more initiative circet of hunting you're never going to use because you don't have hunters Mark or anything like that the hunters Mark I have comes from the Grim skull Helm the other really useful item if you are a gith Yankee this is nice just because it's more saving throws and then the last piece I would recommend is the diam of Arcane Synergy whenever you inflict the condition you gain Arcane Synergy and Arcane Synergy is basically damage to my attacks equal to my spell casting modifier because I have 16 intelligence that would give me plus three damage so it's going to be up to you Cape wise the nymph cloak is amazing I get this at the end here in act three gives me dominate person a level five enchantment spell that normally I would never be able to get as this class but as you level up one of the best cloak you can get is Cloak of protection plus one saving throws and plus one AC really really nice chest piece so in act one there's not that many great heavy chest pieces but inside the Grim Forge you can make two different versions of the uh adomite stuff the heavy version which is what you would want to use that way it Stacks with the heavy armor master all incoming damage is reduced by two so with that feet it's all physical damage by five and all magic damage by two when the enemy attacks me they're sent reeling if they hit me and they have a negative one attack rolls this thing is really really powerful and this will last you majority of the game once you get to act two and you beat the final boss you get the Reapers Embrace this is great because this just reduces all damage by two again you get a cool ability which is a toggle ability if you take a look at my passives I can turn this on and off right now it's off right now it's on and you can see when activated I can't be moved by my will by by any spell or action like that but I do have disadvantage on dexterity saving throws and if you want to be extremely tanky to the point where it breaks the game in act three Damon sells the armor of persistence I equipped it and you now you can see I have resistance to all physical attacks because it gives me blade Ward it reduces all damage by two and it gives me resistance I got a 1 D4 bonus of saving throws as well the thing is extremely powerful it's so good and I can easily dye it if I want it to look a little bit better uh for example let me actually Mo my dyes here I got this borro blue dye we'll use this with my chest piece to try making it look a little bit better and it looks a little bit better I still don't think I look very death 0 but this is the best chest piece in the game if you want to be defensive it's extremely good the problem is I think it's too good and on tactician I mean it just breaks the game it's so powerful so instead I like using the Reapers one here hey it looks cool it also gives you a cool ability how the dead which you can use right here here you can see it's once per short rest it's a bonus action counts as a can trip so I numb my enemies meaning I have advantage on attack roles against the affected enemy which is pretty cool and because it's a can trip if you did go seven points into fighter that I mentioned earlier this does work with warcaster glove wise so there's going to be a few different gloves you can wear we're going with the Winter's clutches this will give you anytime you deal cold damage you inflict two turns of encrusting frost encrusting Frost enemies have disadvantage with deck saving throws and once you get it to seven Stacks or more they have to make a constitution saving throw and if they fail they become Frozen and Frozen targets they basically you can shatter the ice and deal double bludgeoning Thunder or Force damage and then remove the effect you can actually get two pairs of these you can get these in act one and you can get the season act 3 by stealing them within the shop which is really really cool and I'll showcase that at the end of the video if you want to see how to steal them boot wise there's only one pair of boots I want you to use the night Walkers if you don't use these I would say use the hor Frost boots right here I mean this just makes it so all the ice fields that are going to be around the enemies you attack aren't going to affect you which is really powerful I have the necklace of Elemental augmentation here and I actually have two of these uh because you can get one inside the GI Yankee crush and I will show on screen now where to get the second one this just allows me when I do cast a canant trip I can add my SP casting modifier to it this is going to get replaced feel free to replace this with anything else that you want I like having it just because occasionally when I do need to use the can trip it's there but once I do on this file get the neck piece to get my Constitution to 23 then that's what I'm going to use and instead I will dump all my Constitution into intelligence once I do get that ringwise so there's quite a few different Rings you can use so in act one inside the gablin excuse me in the goblin Camp you have crusher's ring if you kill that Goblin he will give you plus 10 movement speed this thing is amazing and great on any Melee character the reason I don't necessarily need that though is because I already have long Strider as a ritual spell so I can just cast that and give it to myself anyway the snowb burst ring is huge anytime I do cold damage I create a circle of ice the weapon that we use in act three always does cold damage so you always create this from melee hits I'm using the band of the Mystic scoundrel here this is something you can only get inside act three you get it from a dead skeleton while following the genie for the legendary spear if you read it after I hit with a melee attack I can cast an illusion or an enchantment spell as a bonus action remember that cap from earlier dominate person it's an enchantment spell but you know what else is hold person is as well and hold person's crazy because if it hits the enemy and it works guess what that means my next hit is going to be a crit it's really powerful so that's why I like that uh feel free to replace that with something else if you don't like it my bow is from act three the hell Rider long bow this just gives me plus three to my initiative and gives me advantage on perception ability checks so with this in combination with my alert feed I have plus eight to my initiative really powerful now it's time to talk weapon so in act one you could use a staff I have it on my Frost Mage at the moment the morning Frost but you can use this if you wanted to use it on this character uh but in act three from the vendor which you can get right away I have the flow of Ages this is amazing as you can see it is a blue weapon but it has some really nice stuff you can see it has Elemental age so when I cast this always go the cold version so now my weapon will do cold damage but you can see because it's doing cold it will actually apply chill as well and as you can read Shield makes the enemy vulnerable to cold damage but resistant to fire so this is really powerful so this weapon in combination with the Winter's clutches and then your Frost Mage which I will make a build on my endgame Frost Mage also has the winters clutches on top of having the legendary staff and morning Frost like you stack so much cold damage on people so quick it's unreal it's so powerful and then Shield wise I have Krick Shield here you get this from killing pic dishes gives me a plus one bonus to my spell DC and attack roles it gives me advantage on dexterity saving throw checks which is why I like it cuz it basically helps mitigate the disadvantage that the chest piece has if you don't want to use this uh the same vendor that sells this bow here sells an offhand dagger called cold snap gives me plus one bonus to my AC and as you can see when the creature misses me with an attack they have to make a saving throw or they chilled for two turns so if you want to dual wield you certainly can and you can go with the cold snap and it's pretty fun because you get so much AC as this build especially when you uh use your reaction to cast your uh Shield like it's just it's really fun to chill people that way but I like the sword and board just for the extra spell DC and stuff like that and one thing I did want to showcase uh in case you wanted to use this with the frost Mage as you level up there's not that many weapons that apply cold damage so if you use the Drake throat GLE you can use use Dragon Elemental weapon on it weapon on the ground so I could like put cold damage on this two-hander for example and if I equip this two-hander now you can see it has coal damage so that's a way if you wanted to have a weapon doing coal damage as you level up with the ice Mage and let your ice Mage use the staff you can and one alternative to the kric shield if you didn't want to use this in act two you can get the absolutes power another really powerful Shield this reduces all spell damage by one if you're branded by the absolute but it also gives you the fires or fire Shield chill so I could use this once prolonged rest which is really nice because I only take half damage from on fire damage and I deal cold damage back to anyone that would normally hit me with a melee attack so this is another great Shield to have if you don't want to use kri Shield but I like kri Shield I think overall it's better at [Music] [Music] endgame all right so before I attack these guys I do want to say I'm not going to Showcase this with the frost Mage for this video this fight here I'll showcase it in a separate fight in a second cuz these guys are just so weak they're going to get wiped out anyway but I do want to show that I have my fire Shield chill one if you equip the other shield first use the spell and then switch Shields you will keep the spell effect even though the Shield's not equipped anymore which is pretty cool so I'm coming up here and what I'm going to do is to open up I could cast haste on myself if I wanted to I'm not going to I don't think it's going to be all that needed instead I'm going to get these guys wet from a level one spell and they're probably like what the hell like why are you attacking us it's okay man it's cool don't worry about it so now I'm going to come up I can't really move any further so I'm just is going to end my turn all right so back to me they're all still wet normally I would have my Frost Mage open up but because it's just me I could now use my glyph and you can see this is at level three so I'm going to do my glyph here as Frost and I'm just going to leave it as a level three I don't think putting as level four is that big of a deal we'll put that down and I'm just going to end my turn yep attack and now I just did a bunch of frost damage to all of them and that's one really fun way to open up he missed all right so now it's my turn so you can already see like that guy he died already these other guys are all kind of low one got knock prone like and they're all still wet so they're all going to take double damage from cold damage which is pretty cool so if I had my Frost Mage with me they should straight up nuke these guys they could instead I'm just going to attack this guy to Showcase I attack him I'll crit him why not all right he died I'll put another ice field but because I attacked him because of my ring down here where's it at the band of Mystic scoundrel I can now use a bonus action to cast a spell so I could do like dominate person for example I could do that I could use my hold person and I can upcast it if I wanted to hit multiple people so let's upcast it and try to get both of them at once it's not needed because I mean they're already almost dead but I did want to showcase the potency of this build so I was able to do that so now they're both Frozen I can also walk up and because I already attacked once I still get my extra attack so now I can attack him and it's a guaranteed crit dead and I'm out of movement which is unfortunate if I had haste I'd be a to hit him from here because even if I go to use action surge I don't think I'm going to have enough uh movement to get to him so I'll just end my turn so the whole hold person ended because he was saved which is fine she was not pruned had to get up to heal and that's basically how this build works like this you can definitely set it up to be a little bit of a different play style if you want to use the cantrip into your good old powpow like attacks you can certainly do that I don't think it's needed though but that is another way you could do that kind of build so she's down so I'm going to come up let just attack her he's in Crossing with frost and she's chilled so now she's going to take double damage from my cold spells and from my ice Mage regardless of whether they are wet or not and she's dead let's come over here let's kill you let me use my action surge attack him again he's dead do I have enough movement I do and then we'll attack this guy and that's basically how I I play this build it's definitely not as bursty per se as the frost Mage this is set up to be a extremely defensive like they haven't even hit me once and if they did they would take cold damage on retaliation if they did hit me but I have Arcane Ward so the damage is going to be reduced anyway on top of having my chest piece reduce it on top of having even more because I have heavy armor master so I take very little damage like it it's really fun because of that all right so I'm going to enter turn base mode real quick I'm with my Mage here my Frost Mage and I'm going to use my twin spell to cast haste on myself and on my Frost Knight I'm going to have the frost Knight come over and you can see they're all fighting which is fine we're going to wipe out everyone cuz I just don't care about these guys eventually I'll get my turn okay so here's a scenario why I like counter spell so I could use counter spell with Gail which is fine cuz he has way more spell slots than I do or I could use it with my character and if I use it with my character I will get increased Arcane W charges so now you can see I'm up to six which is pretty huge so they're attacking him so he's just going to cast Shield that way he blocks the stuff and you can see even though I had plus eight initiative I still didn't go first on my turn so you won't always go first but at least I'm certainly not going last and more than likely I'm going to go before my wizard which is really what I want because I want to be able to put create water on all these enemies over here so I could upcast it to be super high if I wanted like look how much area that is that's going to hit everyone if I have it as level four which is what I'm going to do so let's put it like that they're all wet now normally I would follow up with Gail and have him just knock everyone G uh which I'm going to do I have a certain build of Gail to where he's using meta magic but also won't affect me with his spells which is really really cool so I'm going to come up here so I still have my bonus action I have my dance right here on top of my regular action so and all about like like big time combat I would use this so I'm going to use this now get my guys all set up let them come in I'm going to use action surge now I can either choose to attack this woman here in front of me or I could use some spells like I could use ice storm or if I wanted to cc all these people I could CC more people you can see it goes up to three people I'm going to take a look at the ratings on what they're all at I am a big fan of glyph award and cold because it just gives me even more Arcane charges so we're going to do this up there ah I don't have enough movement really unfortunate well I guess we're going to have to do it down here on top of all these guys that are considered good or neutral I should say but look at that I'm up to nine Arcane Ward charges nine guys that means my next attack if I get hit it's going to be reduced by nine on top of all the other modifiers that I have absolutely insane if they even hit me cuz right now I'm at 25 AC and you can see they're still wet cuz it lasts for three turns well some of them are wet this guy isn't and she's dead now the zombies that you summon with that you can't actually control which is okay all right so now let's do some uh big time damage okay first off I want to use my Arcane battery so I don't use a spell slot good my six level spell let's get our ice storm as a six level spell and let's just wipe out some people I don't want to want to try keeping some guys alive to Showcase some other stuff but so we'll do it like this and you can just see I mean I did so much damage of Gale because they were wet on top of that insane and I didn't even use metam magic I could used metam magic with it if I wanted to so let's go ahead and use metam magic to make this a Quicken spell hit all of them and you can see like it just does so much damage what the heck this one little person going to do like I feel bad for this guy I I really wanted to showcase the damage with in Crossing Frost but I I kill things too quickly like she's already chilled which is crazy that means I'm just doing double damage of my Frost stuff but that's basically how the build works like as the frost Knight I go in and it's my job to get the enemy wet or to instantly start putting the chilling effect from my weapon on enemies that way enemies all get rable to Coal damage that way my ice Mage can come up and just start wiping things out hardcore and that's the build um I'm sure you could build it for way more burst and you certainly can there's some really nice two-handed weapons you can use later on if you wanted to build it that way but that's not what this build was meant for this was meant to be a build to really pair well with the frost Mage and that's why I really like it if you would like to see other builds feel free to comment down below but this is how I built it and if you would build it a different way I would love to hear why and how you would do it I'm Ronin thank you so much for watching I'll see you guys in the next one and the dual wield Frost Mage endgame build will be coming soon so stay tuned for that bye-bye
Channel: Blood Ronin
Views: 33,037
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3, encrusting frost, ice, frost knight, Eldritch knight, End Game, flail of ages, chill, cold, death knight, winter's clutches, Mourning Frost, Ice mage, sorcerer, coldbrim hat, encrusted frost, gale, ray of frost, potent robe, nightwalker, Ring of Mental Inhibition, snowburst ring, Necklace of Elemental Augmentation, frost mage, frost build, build, baldur's Gate 3, Ice Knife, Ice Storm, cone of cold, ice wizard, ice build, ice set, freeze, reverberation
Id: dSASqZviLoQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 26sec (2366 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 14 2023
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