Baldur's Gate 3 - NEW TRUE IMMORTAL INFINITE DAMAGE - Best Sorcerer Wizard Build Guide & Multiclass!

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okay I'm going to walk away from you just don't hit me and oh okay but you two saw what happened right so if you just don't why are you killing yourselves please no no no don't hit me you'll oh hello my fellow adventurers and welcome to without question my favorite build in the entirety of Boulders Gate 3 in its new Ultimate and perfect form you see this is the evolution of one of the very first build guides I brought you many many weeks ago now back then I was still like level 9 I didn't know nearly as much about the game as I do now had access to a fraction of the equipment that you ultimately end up getting through the massiveness that is act three and basically while the core concept was undoubtedly solid I had no idea back then just how good abjuration wizard tanking can get and to put this bluntly whenever an enemy attacks you in what I'm about to present they will take a guaranteed 64 damage plus 48 damage every single time that is nearly 90 damage every time someone attacks you that does not leave people alive for very long on top of that the only way for you to take damage while playing like this is if you take a hit that does 41 damage or more how often does that happen and even then even if you get hit for 50 damage you'll still only take 10 damage so oh no the amount of times I have been crit and still a zero has popped up above my head is amazing it truly is and one of the biggest weaknesses of the previous Incarnation is it did need enemies to attack you now it doesn't need that to happen because you're incredibly powerful even without the damage reflection while remaining you know immortally unkillable but beyond that I have now also baked in multiple ways to force the enemy to attack us thereby rendering all of that moot anyway look to put it in perspective this build on tactician solo soloed the entirety of worms Rock Fortress every single enemy of which there's about 40 and everything that you can find within there yeah this walked through it with contemptuous ease I really can't stress enough how much of a fullon God you are going to feel like when you have this in its new and true perfect form honestly if you ever end up with any actual Health missing while doing this I will be genuinely really impressed so strap in get ready and prepare thyself as I go over in detail how to become the most powerful force in all of Boulder's Gate levels 1 through 12 what when and why is our starting point as always we're going to begin as a sorcerer for those sweet cones and indeed to get to the key ability that powers this entire engine can trips take whatever you feel like if you do want to follow this build from level one then make sure you grab blade Ward but otherwise do what you feel is best on your actual spells then you do want to grab Mage Armor if you're again doing this from low level if not it doesn't matter as much but definitely do grab Shield it's a really nice spell to have it gives us stacks of Arcane Ward and lets us have a little bit more control over whether we want to get hit or not as deciding when the right time to get hit to reflect damage is actually quite a neat little decision to make while playing this we want to make sure we add draconic bloodline so that we can specifically choose this ancestor to get armor of agoes and of the two main ways to grab this the other being warlock sorcerer gives us the advantage of as I said Con saves but also leaves us with a level six spell slot as we will be a full level caster and then for your abilities this is what you're looking at we don't care about Charisma all of our casting will come from our wizard so intelligence at 16 con at the 14 for those saving throws and dexterity over at 16 is the next best for our weapon damage the rest do as you see fit so when we reach level two we can get our other class dip as this is technically a tri class build though it's 10 one and one if you are doing this from lower levels you can wait to take the this one till around level seven or so but as I'm showing it at Max 12 we'll just grab it now and it is cleric the reason for this is a couple folds but primarily it is to get heavy armor now we have three ways to do that chiefly the life domain the war domain or the Tempest domain now the life domain is nice but it's not something that we need too badly with this build because we're not taking damage so so extra bit of healing isn't the best or really isn't going to come in handy at all W domain isn't bad getting those extra attacks but at the same time our bonus action is quite busy in this setup so we don't really want to be using it on this and because of the weapon we'll be using we have a bonus attack extra attack for free infinitely anyway which leaves Tempest domain does it get us our heavy armor but Raff of the storm may wait to use our reaction to deal more lightning damage is hugely synergistic in this reflect damage when we get hit ethos we're going with and then we grab ourselves of course the Thematic mster as a wizard and I would recommend and by recommend I mean definitely do take create water as your one cleric spell as it will pay off massively going forward then we can start dipping into the wizard and by dipping I mean literally the other 10 levels now are going to be wizard your can trips take them as you see fit and the same with your spells it will be a while before anything is super key so we'll just power on through level two we get to specialize in to abjuration and here is where we get the main tankiness Arcane Ward this is very simple but we'll explain a little bit more in depth when we come to how to actually play the build but know that this is glorious we get our level two spells I would definitely recommend something like Misty step it's very nice I like knock for the utility but again nothing absolutely required yet moving on to wizard level four the situation remains very similar on the spell fronts it's say choose whatever you enjoy actually using and then we get our first feat what we will be grabbing here then is heavy armor master and is at this point you really want to make sure you are using heavy armor if if you don't have your cleric level yet then instead get warcaster for the advantage on concentration but because we do well we want heavy armor Master to just reduce all damage we take outside of magical by a flat free this really makes a difference and it is now ours and yes you can change your initial ability scores so that this plus one strength actually gives you an even number but I'm not really too bothered it's not make a break when it comes to everything else going going on then at wizard level five we get our level three spells and it is here that there is now very important ones we care about abjuration spells so by far one of the best ones is Glyph of warding it lets us actually do really decent AOE damage while building Arcane Ward stacks and then of course we want haste for those double actions every single turn and job is a good then there's a few other level three spells that we want to make sure to grab but first now that we are level six we can project our award which when you're playing this in a group which of course you can especially now this one no longer requires you or at least his best solo because of a few little tricks we'll be using and this will let you protect your allies massively and it's honestly a little bit busted then we want to grab counter spell another abjuration so every time we shut down enemy Caster we get loads of sacks of our barrier which is really nice and then you can't go wrong with a classic bit of Fireball so rolling ever onwards towards that final level of 12 we hit the wizard 7 and now we can go into those level four spells nothing to required here so get whatever you think you're going to get the most use out of and move on with your life over to the realm of the level eight wizard so now at level eight wizard we want to make sure to actually grab fire Shield as it is a required important component of this setup and the rest of it again just to do whatever you feel like for our second and final feat then as I mentioned if you've already got heavy armor Master what we want is warcaster for Advantage on concentration saves as obviously we'll be getting hit a lot so advantage on top of proficiency it basically takes you Nat failing to actually drop it twice in one roll and that's just very very unlikely and we'll get to why concentrating is so important in a little bit outside of you know the benefits of the spell you're concentrating on then we get to level 9 and get some level five spells cont Elemental is always worthwhile and then choose whatever else you like the look of so finally we reach wizard level 10 and unlock the final feature of abjuration which is a really nice thing to have because this means when we take a short rest we immediately get 10 Stacks equal to our wizard level of Arcane Ward that is huge and it makes up for not having the Warlock trick which is getting to level two warlock getting Shadow Armor and just repeatedly free casting Mage Armor to build up your Stacks it's just not necessary here and because we're wearing armor that's not really a thing either get your final cun trip and get your final set of spells nothing really is too needed we have all the abjuration one and then you are done here we are then with everything in place and ready to go we've got our level six spell slot which is really nice and we've got a healthy amount of stacks of Arcane Ward remember because we're level 10 wizard we can short rest which boom will give us a load of stacks to our cap of 20 which is double your wizard level so Arcane Ward then with 20 Stacks what it means is when you take damage it will get minused by 20 before being applied to you so getting hit for 20 damage or less means you'll actually get hit for zero damage and now the ward will drop to to 19 then you'll get hit again it'll reduce it by 19 and drop to 18 so on and so forth until you lose all 20 Stacks to get the stacks back you cast abjuration spells and you get Stacks equal to the spell level so we've got armor of agathys which you always want to have on at level six both for the maximum temporary hit points but mainly to scale the cold damage to 30 this is so potent because we are getting our damage reduced so much we actually never use these temporary hit points so we still reflect damage even if we take zero damage so it's just free infinite reflection and this 30 damage is guaranteed it's not a save it is not variable if they land a hit they take 30 cold damage that's it and that is delicious as it is abusable so your basic setup is have Max stacks of Arcane Ward have have a highest level cast possible of agoes and then just let enemies whale on you and then you can cast your glyphs to blow them up in many ways that you want with the correct damage type that they are probably weak to which you've got access to all of them have yourself a haste on so you've got your double actions per turn and because you've got Advantage from warcaster and proficiency it's really hard to stop concentrating on this despite all the hits you're doing then past that we want to add to our damage reflection with fire Shield ironically we'll be using it with the chill variant so now whenever anyone hits us they take 2 d8 cold damage they take 30 cold damage and we'll take a little bit more once we get to the items in gear section too so this is kind of standard and what we had before and why it's so effective because we don't take damage but we obliterate anything that dead to hit us but we can get a little bit more in depth here remember how we took the one level of Tempest cleric and got create water well when we create water which you want to do on all of the enemies that are going to be trying to kill you well we wet them and now they are vulnerable not just to lightning damage but cold damage which means that any given enemy that hits you will take 60 guaranteed unavoidable unmitigable cold damage as well as 4 d8 cold damage and again a little bit more once we get to the Gear section that is ridiculous then after that you have just got all of your usual bits and Bobs that you've chosen summon your Elemental throw your Fireballs drop your ice stoms they'll primarily use Glyph of warding if you're going for an offensive spell and just use your toolkit as a wizard can use to do things a wizard needs to do it is the gear choices that really bring this into another realm of absurdity so let's actually look at that we have this gorgeous legendary weapon we've of course only got it equipped by itself so we get the full benefits and it does a lot for this build not only do we get an extra reaction per turn which means we can do an extra Tempest clerics blast of lightning damage when we get attacked which then yes is doubled by the enem being wet so that really layers in we also get challenged to Jewel and this is one part of the two-part solution to making enemies attack you despite the AI a lot of the time not wanting to when they know it will really hurt them because when you challenge an enemy to a jewel which you can do every single turn it doesn't cost anything it's not one time only with this weapon it forces them to hit you they can't not and that is so obviously powerful when you know that if they hit you they will just die the enemies really respect being challenged to a jewel in every turn we can do so and then past that it's just a really strong weapon because a we get to attack with it obviously normally but B we then get to use the enthusiasm to do an extra attack and thanks to the cleric we are now proficient with it too so we can use it to its full potential so that one cleric level does a lot for the abjuration tank so we get to double attack per turn if we're not using our bonus action on a spell we get this Jewel to force enemies to play into our hands with the setup the actual stabs do a really healthy amount of damage we don't need to rely on reflection we don't need to rely on offensive spells we can just chase people down and do a little bit of manual murder and there really couldn't be a better weapon Tailor Made for This you hit me me you die I can't ever be hurt play style after that then we have the pair of radiant damage Rings what this means is every time we deal damage we do an extra two damage so when the enemy hits us takes damage from agathys they then take an extra two radiant damage they then take damage from the fire Shield they then take an extra two radiant damage they get hit by the jewelist they take two radiant damage then they take the extra reaction withering cut necrotic damage they take two more radiant damage the amount that this actually applies to because it happens to every individual instance of damage is kind of silly so they're a really nice healthy addition we have the spell Crooks amulet which is really key this is from the warden moonrise Towers to give us two lots of a level six slot per day so we have two max level agathys to work with on the off chance we somehow take 60 points of damage from enemies doing this then for the cloak I've just to gone for the cloak of the weave which you buy from the hell shop that has the portal to the House of Hope in the top just to give our spells a little bit more kick and then we've got the initiative from the mask of Soul perception which is in a chest next to the portal to the House of Hope in the hell shop not only is the extra two to attack rolls nice for our stabies with the rapia but the initiative to make sure we get to set up if we're ever actually caught by sudden combat is really key then we've got for the hell dust gloves again more spell goodness just nice to have on a primarily cast a play style because we still have all of our normal wizard goodness here and then the extra fire damage on our stabs plays into that it's really really nice for every aspect then we've got the boots of persistence you buy this from Damon in the Forge in the lower City to the left of the elf song Tavern and this means that we can a run a lot in Long Strider which outside of being useful is actually really important because one of the best ways that this build can do damage is forcing enemies to attack of opportunity you which as you've been seeing then reflects damage and kills them it's like one of the best strategies you can employ just running around making people hit you and then paying for it and getting permanent freedom of movement is no bad thing too then the last bit of armor also sold by Dam is this the armor of persistence this is what really tips this whole thing over the edge because not only do we have all damage reduced by two on top of the three from heavy armor Master on top of the 20 here means all damage reduced by 25 we have permanent blade Ward which halves the damage from bludgeoning piercing and slashing yes Magic still does its thing but we're exceptionally good at shutting down magic and we've got counter spell this means that you have to get hit including the two damage the heavy armor master and the 20 Stacks you have to get hit for 50 damage before you will actually take damage technically 51 that is right what else do I need to say at that point your minimum threshold for actually taking a point of damage and losing agy's health is 50 W this is so good and I am so happy with it I am so proud of it and I am so glad it has been able to evolve into this kind of level of power in the late game so your actual kind of play-by-play goal here is very simple you want to enter combat with the following applied to you ideally if not get this set up as soon as possible in combat give yourself a light so your glowing ring are definitely working give yourself a bit of haste make sure your armor of agathis is on you at the maximum level six that it can be make sure your fire Shield is on you with the frost option and then just run around challenging people to jewels causing attacks of opportunity blowing them up with Wards on the ground and then hitting them with your bonus duelist attacks your main jeus attacks your rea from Tempest cleric throw a fireball every now and then just for a bit of fun and just kind of enjoy yourself because no one can stop you or damage you and people will just literally Die Trying it's quite that simple and because of your extra movement and freedom of movement people can't really even lock you down that easily either you've got counter spell for casters you can teleport if you need to and altogether everything is very sweet so I said earlier that concentrating was important and there was two reasons that I have solved the people won't attack me and well that's because when you are concentrating on a spell the enemies absolutely hate it they will stop not attacking you and start attacking you just to get rid of your concentrating spell and that means that coupled with compel to Jewel you will actually get consistently hit and that is really really important it plays very very sweetly it does this and again I really really cannot recommend it enough so everybody is now set up and essentially we've kind of already won I can sort of just have fun if I want to for the rest of this let's compel this guy over here hopefully he falls for it he does indeed and then we just sort of watch the loveliness happen this man just took 88 damage from attacking us wait actually no he didn't he took 88 plus another 12 he took 100 damage for attacking us oh it's so funny just manage your Arcane Ward Stacks cast abjuration as you need to keep them topped up but it's a while before they ever get run down and we really can just watch it F and because we do have fairly decent AC with Shield we can very much choose as we see here when we get attacked and this is what I was saying sometimes you do want to get attacked because we're being punched by this soaked vulnerable poor po man who is now going to it's so good and then we'll use the shield to help with the scorching Rays essentially for spellcasters and such you can ignore mle guys cuz they will just eventually die trying to kill you so for ranged and spellcasters just chase them down and stab them with your julus prerogative you w really need to do anything more advanced than that and everything else just kind of falls into place while that's happening this guy knows it's the correct Strat so of course he's copying me here and well this is how it' be because of the jewel because of the concentrating on haste that is making people want to kill us we can have our other three allies here ALS so fighting in the room like normal that you would expect and that's all well and good so now we're surrounded okay and we've not lost haste cuz we've got really good advantage on all of that first and foremost we will cast ourselves this at fifth level do a load of damage to these guys and then we are going to go do a little bit of stabbing while triggering a load of reaction attacks that will hopefully very much brutally hurt everyone who tries to stop us going and then we will use our bonus attack extra stab and keep that going as well and you just you see how effortless this is I don't really have to think too much I don't really have to do too much I mean look how much damage it pours out oh we actually got hit there and lost haste and the thing is it doesn't matter we're going to skip our next turn because we're lethargic but we don't need to actually be in control here the AI trying to take advantage of us being prone so they'll still try and hit us and that'll result in them just wiping themselves clean and yes the combination of a big create water alongside your lightning Glyph of wng does also give you this huge zone of extra shock fright damage on everyone who's trying to stop you so they are kind of just going to be confused in the middle of nowhere now he doesn't want to move he's very very upset and very very confused that honestly that is the the main downside of this build sometimes enemies will just stand there with no one home and then eventually the game goes okay I guess we'll just skip their turn now all right that's fine and so it is so yeah little bit of an easy example of how it actually goes and oh no I've had to skip my turn that's really unfortunate oh I'm totally vulnerable now oh how did he Dodge that that little BL you're just making this harder on yourself am I I've not even taken a point of damage yet don't hit me you oh you fool I've still got the full 30 agoies I have literally not taken damage oh oh it's fun isn't it it's it's really really quite fun go on hit me oh God that is that is something it might not be the most elegant looking build to play as you spend time spread eagled on the floor but you know that's all well and good all right then guys I hope you have enjoyed this extra little look at Super agy's tank with endgame Gear with the correct extra little sub classes mixed in in the correct order with everything minmaxed to its highest possible potential because really it is just magnificent and I cannot recommend it enough as a way to play and I wish you luck in using it yourself if you choose to it really is I honestly do think the strongest build in the game because yes you can do more damage in one turn you can do a Tavern brawler and you can do a monk and all of that stuff but does that really matter when you get to just straight up be a God Like An unkillable God that still absolutely ruins everything cuz I just I feel like it doesn't I really feel like it doesn't for now then like if you've enjoyed this subscribe and hit the bell for more and until we meet again consider supporting the future of this channel on patreon down below it really does mean a lot that you guys like what we do here so much and I hope to be able to continue doing it for you for as long as possible oh beautiful a goodbye Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your H to make the whole world our stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 481,867
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 abjuration wizard, baldurs gate 3 wizard, wizard, wizard build, baldurs gate 3 sorcerer, sorcerer, best sorcerer build, cleric, abjuration wizard, sorcerer build, baldurs gate 3 best build, best build, baldurs gate 3 best multiclass, multiclass, level up guide, feat guide, feats, best class, build guide, baldurs gate 3 combat, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, guide, best, subclasses, class, best feat, endgame, new, best armor, armor of agathys, ragegamingvideos
Id: Jb1RH8K_7cU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 56sec (1736 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 16 2023
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