Why I love Abjuration Wizards in Baldur's Gate 3

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I love AB duration Wizards absolutely amazing do not sleep on them we pick our class which is Wizards when you pick the Spells definitely pick Mage Armor and shields protection from evil and good is also another good one if you want to be casting observation spells and as a wizard you probably do so I'm gonna level up Gail he's our model once again people do seem to love his guess up here his drip apparently that's the uh cool way of saying it right obturation so obturation spells summon Wards banish enemies and nullify Magic gonna pick some spells I'm gonna pick these because they are ritual spells what do we get we get Arcane Ward I'll show you this later I'm gonna level him up first because it's much easier to do that it's gonna pick my spells any observation spells would be good I don't have all the spells to choose because I am respecting him and he's learned a lot of spells from Scrolls already I'm not paying too much attention to these spells sorry I'm trying to pick arbitration spells whenever I see them next subclass feature is at level six rejected Ward when a nearby Ally takes damage and you have an active Arcane Ward you can sacrifice your ward to reduce the damage they take so it's a very defensive sort of subclass I know that isn't always a necessarily a good thing honestly this is absolutely amazing ah there we are actuation planar binding any sort of banishing spell is an observation spell at level 10 we get our last subclass feature each time you take a short rest the intensity of the Arcane Ward increases by an amount equal to your wizard level and to get this feature your wizard level as a minimum is going to be 10. so every time a short rest you get 10 charges of Arcane Ward again I'll show you what it does very soon now we get level 12. instead of taking two more spells and a feet I'm gonna go through a couple of other spells that are arbitration spells but not usually available to wizards so clerics they've got resistance which is an observation can't trip and also these three Spells at the front here so Shield of Faith protection from evil and good although we do get that as a wizard and the sanctuary all absuration spells unfortunately none of them are rituals spells it'd be a bit broken if they were herods don't get anything extra compared to clerics I'm going to come to warlock there's an amazing thing we can do here I'm going to take warlock in particular we want armor of agathis because it is an abduration spell and I'll show you some yeah a very very good trick we can do with it later it's going to cost Mage Armor since [Music] it's a level one spell and I got one turn of Arcane Ward the Arcane Ward blocks damage equal to its charges and then loses one charge so at the moment it will block one damage and then the charge number goes down by one so you might think oh wow it's just one level what we do want to do is try and increase those charges as much as possible here I've got all of the obturation spells that Gail currently knows I would wage if these the majority of them to protect you from evil and good and these are all available available to wizards Shields Mage Armor Arcane lock Glyph of warding remove curse counter spell protect you from energy sadly banishment Stone skin playing The Binding and globe of invulnerability so let's say I cast I don't want to cast many of these outside of combat let's cast Arcane lock let's cast it on the Rosewood desk that was a level two spell and the number of charges has gone up by two a total of three so instead of blocking one damage this now blocks three damage then the charge number goes down to two which can then block two damage and go down to one so for a total of six blocked damage this also works for Scrolls so let's say I had protection from Evil and goods he was up to four because it's a level one spell and since we are Level 10 well level 11 in a wizard if I take a short rest it goes up by 11. and that's massive I'm going to take another short rest get over the top we're up to 22 turns remaining Google reliably informs me that the sum of the first 22 natural numbers first two integers it's 253. that's the maximum possible damage that can be blocked but that doesn't mean we'll always block that much so if I get my monk here as well that ends to hit Gail whack the girl took no damage because I rolled 11 damage minus 22 so actually I only blocked 11 damage there but if there was a more dangerous spell that had been incoming it would have blocked more damage I think girl has 21 different charges left I use Moonbeam here that should have worked but then attack historian we get the reaction projected Ward when a nearby Ally takes damage you can use your Arcane Ward to reduce the damage equal blah blah that didn't work with Moonbeam just now but it seems to work with attacks boom stopped now again I didn't actually block 21 damage those will have 12 minus 21 equals minus 9 damage so only blocked 12 damage but it stopped starting from taking any damage so I'm gonna go find some trouble carrying out my favorite pastime of fighting the Flaming Fist and then I'll show you something ridiculous so the Ridiculousness is going to start with Gail casting armor of agathis but instead of using a level one spell slot I'm gonna go to the extreme and use the level six spell slot what does armor of agathis in case you were wondering every level of spell slot that you have used you get five temporary hit points and you deal five chord damage since I've used a level 6 spell slot I get 30 temporary hit points and ideal 30 cold damage to any creature that hits you with a melee attack in fact I don't particularly want to have an overly High Armor class so I've got that then I'm going to cast blade Ward then I'm going to start a fight or in fact boys start a fight again this is just for the purpose of the video so I'm going a bit over the top compared to usual but it'll do I made some people work she's going to attack I'm gonna wait for girls to turn this girl girl's Gonna Miss This step so the Ridiculousness comes in Blade War doesn't even really need it but I'm gonna try and get opportunity attacks from these guys so what's gonna happen they're going to attack us if they hit us they're going to do basically no damage I've lost one charge of Arcane Ward and he just did 30 60 damage to himself because he's wet and the best thing is because no damage was done to Gail he still has his temporary hit points as soon as he loses his temporary hit points he stops doing 30 damage or 60 of the whip to enemies who hit him I hopefully you can see that yeah it's going to be very difficult to take down good this one's coming closer and I can if I want to can put the ward out onto tab I've got so many charges left I may as well there is a reaction so we can only use it once per round we can't reduce the damage for every single attack oh well sadly the lupus Optimus wasn't wet it's just been summoned enemies who have ranged weapons will not take opportunity attacks so there'll be no point in running up to here Mr Clover I'm gonna try and get these guys to attack me in the middle there we are 60 Damage Done I actually want to stop that now this will actually recharge some of my wood there we are okay we'll just back up to 20 it was at 17 before do you want to point out that there is this Shields Shield of devotion which gives Aid which is also an OB duration spell counter spelled okay not getting that this time so at this point I'm probably not going to be able to get anyone to attack Gail with an opportunity attack but even without enemies that are wet if Gail was by himself and everyone was ganging up on him and melee she'd be doing loads of damage and I might actually go and do that I'm back here like nothing ever happened and Gail is here by himself this time and I haven't made anyone wet let's see what happens I'm not gonna use Shields yeah just took 60 damage that what I'm going to do is provoke some opportunity attacks I want to use any of these one thing I will say is that if you have to use the Arcane Ward on the wizard that that doesn't use a reaction it's just when you're trying to save someone else that it uses a reaction well two bit of damage oh cancer spelled through the wall a bit annoying can I provoke another attack yes I can hopefully not being not grown so we're losing a few charges that's what we're going to do gonna get these charges back they're casting Arcane lock so these guys can't get in unless they knock down the door apparently we can look through the walls the maximum number of charges for Arcane Ward is equal to two times your wizard level I'm gonna go a bit over the top of wasted effectively in our game will charge there but I'm not maximum again oh and it's gone right my turn slightly annoying so can't get very far I can get far enough right what am I gonna do I give Gail some water oh here it is so I can get some of these people wet not everyone that area isn't huge one person what Dixie damage thank you very much oh I miss no damage down to 19 Wards I'm gonna be safe for some time yet all right my turn what am I gonna do just gonna walk away time 30 damage to you dirty damage to you dirty damage to you this is why we don't want a normal class that's too high because then actually we might not be able to get a hit if we don't get hit we don't do any damage I have used the level 6 spell slot to do this bear in mind I took one short rest also to maximize his Arcane Ward charges anyway I don't need to show you anymore I don't think you can see here that with this combination of armor of agathis and Arcane Ward we're doing going well over the top well let's do some damage that did negate 16 damage it actually took some damage because it was quite a high level spell that was cast there let me know what you think about AB duration Wizards have you been sleeping on them are you gonna use this slightly ridiculous kind of combination that we've got going here so thank you very much for watching I hope you've learned something here and what abbreviation which is great oh goodbye you've made it this far please do consider subscribing and hopefully I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Casual Veteran Gamer
Views: 57,946
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, bg3, baldurs gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, bg3 abjuration wizard, baldurs gate 3 abjuration wizard, baldur's gate 3 abjuration wizard, abjuration wizard bg3, abjuration wizard baldur's gate 3, abjuration wizard baldurs gate 3, abjuration baldur's Gate 3, wizard baldurs gate 3, baldur's gate 3 wizard, bg3 wizard, baldurs gate 3 wizard
Id: Ix50xFVjJTE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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