Can You Beat Baldur's Gate 3 With Only Magic Missile, No Companions, and on Tactician Difficulty?

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welcome one in all to balas Gate 3 a game of thrilling adventure action diplomacy uh and whatever this is today we take on a challenge only one as stupid as myself would to beat balers Gate 3 with only magic Missile no Companions and on tactician difficulty no less why do I do this to myself although this was a great set of streams that took me over 30 hours to complete I so generously condensed it all to just under 2 hours isn't that kind of me I even cut it up in a nice little episodes for you so you know if you need to take a break you can just come back and start it that next episode you know it's kind of I try to make it easy to watch now let's begin our journey creating our beautiful man M who will conquer the world in balers Gate 3 oh wait sorry wrong game we're going to do tactician honor mode I don't not yet I'm going to be choosing sorcerer okay I think drought could be fun too is magic Missile good it's not great but there's some really cool interactions with stuff you can get that I think makes it cooler I'm think I'm going to go for shield cuz if I'm solo I need to survive let's do storm I think we'll do Guild Artisan insight and persuasion could be solid I will be multiclassing more than likely yes so uh my idea for this guy as I wanted him to be called the the mighty missile man Triple M for short you know what I mean the nice thing is about going sorcerer though is you get uh charismatic as well so you can actually talk with people which is partially why I'm choosing that over wizard it's cuz I can actually talk with people then and make arguments and stuff which I think is going to be really helpful he's going to be Triple M dang okay shoot also I can't stop LEL from joining my team at the start here so we're just going to kind of cruise through this intro segment mini missile man magic Missile man Mighty missileman whatever you want to call him his name is just m yes hi lasel let's do it we go almost we're just going to get through the nautiloid cuz there's really nothing I can do about all the companions just get us out of here hi Shadow heart how are you the okay fine fine see you Shadow a hand wow you want to join me cool hey I'm going to leave you a camp best for me another time there's probably like a optimal Build That Someone's made but I'm just doing what I know and I've seen jump yeah I think enhanced leap I think you're right enhanced leap allowing me to like get places could be really good hi estaran oh right hey uh estaran oh it's goodbye nice how am I going to kill them I don't think I can do enough damage right now nope I need my spells no oh gosh please don't kill me please don't kill me oh I'd really like to make sure you just disappear please do a good roll okay well I think we got to try to get out of combat we'll come back do I really have to Long rest now just for I do I'm out of spells I'm going to need so many camp supplies I don't care about your condition ah yeah you're dead I hate that I had a long rest for two damage wow we'll journey together not we're going to make another spell slot and I'm going to try to stay out of combat here and just let them go at it let's go will oh fine at least Gail approves Gail you're not even here shut up forgive I wouldn't have looked to a Dr Gail approves Gil you're not here what we're going to do is we're going to immediately go for a staff let's get the doggo we have doggo now come you got sh Lady by the time Aid arrives it might staff definitely the best item to get from her so if you don't know what this um staff does whenever you deal damage with a can trip or spell it gives you two lightning charges and then lightning charges lightning courses through you you have plus one to attack rolls and deal an additional one lightning damage when you have five charges it does a 1d8 damage on top of that and because magic Missile is a guaranteed hit so every hit's giving me two charges it starts to really pile up and do some funny stuff so this staff is kind of the the foundation of this build surprisingly and it's so early on to get which makes it kind of fun what step apologies you Lord ship hard making you out from mve it my man your prisoner is now mine I like it not proficient with medium armor no avenge your brother what is K your right enhance ability could be clutch for this yeah I'm cool with it I took back the idol of sylvanis yeah yeah whatever I I actually don't care I do want to try and get the ring that gives Armor class and saving throws by exposing her and then stealing the statue better yeah and then I think we'll long rest actually we have enough spell slots we could probably go take got a couple things with it that's not bad it was at 18 damage for level two make me an offer tempt me nice let's go I eventually do want to kill him cuz I want his crown yeah I think long rest time you don't maybe you no I don't don't want disadvantage I'm not taking the negative one to attack rolles and stuff scratch best boy Gil approves it's always Gil Vision yeah yeah yeah Visions wow cool draw Raglin Bravo uh I'm going to get the absolute brand there's a ring later on that having the brand might actually be really nice I don't know for sure yet though but I'm just going to get it just in case I want him but I hate for our friendship to end here perfect 35 Health 22 thanks lady success I think the main problem is my lack of spells I kind of want to go into the underd dark cuz I want to go down there and there's a necklace down there I really want and we're going to Long rest I don't even get to use my short rest because spell slots oh yeah L's going to try to kill me oh and this tow you are transform me I forgot we have a muscle Mommy we're in Powers let's go [Music] consume thank you oh yeah the Priestess how much health does she have 52 I mean I could try to kill her real quick I would use a lot of spells [Music] though we're going to we're going to reset that that's a problem time to press can I do 97 hit points I guess let's find out give us a good estimation of like what we can do good miss good [Music] misso got a Max roll on the lightning let's go the staff I have is absolutely carrying there it is that's what I wanted okay I want to see if I can make it past the minotaurs you are correct it is the Hobgoblin that sells the necklace that is why I'm here I don't know how expensive it'll be I hope we have enough money we'll find out no are you looking to have it extracted wow there it is 163 oh easy the lightning charges Crown as well starting to turn out pretty good here so now level Ones cast four missiles okay oh we can go to over grown ruins that'd be perfect long rest for spells ooh let's get the eye Volo carefully holds one of your eyes open begins to prod uncertainly with the needle this hurts and begins to stab I agree it's a feisty Critter just stabbed out my eye take this so now he gave me an eye that lets me see invisibility anything tries to go invisible on me no no no easy please get it oh natural 20 all right cool H you're dead I I don't think so goodbye we're starting to get cracked oh level up dual wielder and that sword's the one that's in the The Rock correct in the under dark it makes magic Missile 2 D4 plus 2 oof okay let's do it I can always resp if I ever feel the need oh no I want invisibility if I want to go grab the information to accuse what's her face yeah cuz if he rages goodbye that went pretty well you know didn't even get hit Blade impales the stone before Let's Go All Enemies Within 6 M range take a 1 D4 penalty Charisma and take an extra 1 to four Thunder damage that's I will give you guys that that's good okay let's get carlac I'm did we just long rest now yeah I think so ah good old will will get out of the party nobody wants you so much talking that I've already done so I don't care I need food oh oh uh ooh that's a problem let's do shriek okay I like the dash h i i it's kind of a problem guys I'm probably dead let's see what happens I think I want to make sure this guy dies all the text behind my head holy O A no okay great dude what is your hit chance with that oh triple shot okay we're good I think I just need a long rest oh how are you maora let's do a level two oo look at all that food food has become so valuable to me now holy the shock you see Authority get we should guys sit back and watch this happen you know she is still raing us please oh let's go hit her again okay man who will be the Victor stop I think it's time not dead fascinating magic Missile man Mighty missile man magic Missile Mike whatever you want to call him they all work for me we just call them M here okay bye yeah I think we're going to have to Long rest you carry a GI yank Relic walk away oh yeah yeah blah blah blah long rest with no supplies can you do that okay let's go confront kga or let's not do it yet we need to free another one of the the kids going to hope that the lightning charges Stacks perfect I mean I need find uh let me try the long rest thing you were talking about partial rest ah yeah that'll definitely make things go further it's a good call how often can you do that you can only do that like once between a long rest or can you do that like every time no limit I guess if I Health to go I might as well just keep doing that uh we need Shadow heart I want to steal that Big Shiny Idol there all chanting okay well just leave her there all right now another simple fight look at all those numbers time to steal an idol welome whisper to dis I had a feeling you'd be back thanks kid Armor class and saving throws what's a easy small encounter probably the blighted village I could just take out like a crew of goblins real quick you're dead son after clearing the blighted village in our hero reaching level four it was time to rest for the day before jumping into our next Adventures our hero dug through troves of archives known as the bg3 wiki looking for items that could help him along his journey and so eager to get back to it our hero pursued quests that would unlock a shop of a special flailing tentacle man giving us access to these fancy boots and this beautiful necklace and with this our hero was ready to clear the goblin [Music] Camp so I can maybe go try and kill the uh this Goblin lady over [Music] here okay see this is an issue this is a big issue I could just try and run no reaction okay that's good I think maybe I should wait on her then if it's going to make this whole place probably aggro to me cuz she's alerting them yeah okay I think I'm going to go for like Menara first your vandalism has personally I think it looks better like [Laughter] this no is she going to hold person okay yep up but it was an accident ready Menara takes a fight please don't hold me oh right I forgot she has that Ah that's annoying whoa that did a lot more damage that time stop it at least she keeps eating up her action with that I guess okay yeah I'm wondering if her armor would work really well for me that's partially a thought that I have one damage oh gosh double eight that's crazy oh that's so good I love this build okay we're going to drink a potion and then we're going to do a level two I think we're going to be okay ooh scrying eye please just stay there H don't oh gosh too much to okay I need to dang oh he's almost dead and I'm almost dead I only have one more set of magic Missile if I Shield I'm going to try to get lucky the parasite in that corpse okay oh also I did get the boots from melium I need to put on you've been noticed outside of your cell clearly a mistake no we'll go one more there we go did did me convincing them just like make them not care at all anymore excuse me uh they care if I loot her though partial rest recruit her she's dead t you're alive love this game see you tment excuse me Sho okay we need to Long rest now I think we're at that stage can I kill you without the others knowing or I mean a level one let's go the bear sizes you up wary but yet it h he's going to let the wars out this might get spicy he gone four should do it let's do four dude this sword makes crazy stuff happen we're pretty much in the long the Long Haul here we're we're going to be trying to clear this place out I said this before but situations like this I will allow myself to have a companion it's like story driven I am kind of worried about draw Raglin oh yeah I do have the three ogres could I call them here well dude all the numbers are always so exciting to watch where are you going we have work to do enemies to kill Alon will be okay jeez you believe that guy nice he's full health again let's go oh hson always getting spotted aren't you food food stop your B brother no no not the spiders dudes not the spiders okay we're restarting I think hson can't sneak in Bear form oh no he can nice and quiet now there's something about a bear Crouch down like this that's [Music] hilarious what a spawn brother well uh I'm out of initiative so let's cast this good start Good Start oh another one let's go oh let's go what a start D howon taking some hits that's not good wow goodbye draw Raglin ah yes as it should be can you even summon anyone I think everyone you would summon is over here and they're already dead I mean I'm cool if you do cuz I think these ogres are going to absolutely destroy all of you wait what's why why the ogres we're we're not done here also draw Raglin how did you get up what is going on in this fight I think I'm going to take the a little bit of damage I might take to put them in the shrieking thing you're in a very bad spot my friend another parasite there's more goblins you guys want to fight them after the next fight heck yeah that's what I want cuz I I want to kill him [Music] let's go good start okay these guys are already fairly weak that's really good level one right I love it okay one of them is down wow two missiles did over 19 damage you did it no that's not right I'm not going to have pal if I want to fight them sounds good dude TR rest hey Frank where where did they what I really want his crown I went really low intelligence so I could hopefully take it from com the deal is done no do I refight that that was a really chill fight I could easily do that again no I the last time I saved was before draw Raglin cuz that would be a big jump from a minus one to like what a plus three in intelligence if I ever need to make like checks or any sort of roles with intelligence is it worth it to do all those fights over again yeah I think it is worth it to so yes this Crown was too great for our hero to pass up and so after performing the magical feat of reloading a save so he could refight these encounters our hero made sure to reconquer the goblin camp and kill the ogres in the process taking the crown for himself and with that it was time to return to the Grove our hero spoke of great Valor they threw a grand party and had a giddy time man why am I talking like this what happened to me with the first major chapter of Our Heroes Quest behind him it was time to continue in his grind for items and levels but before that there's one foe he must Vanquish before moving on yeah yeah yeah yeah I already know she's a crazy witch HCK lady oh they're both still alive ooh not good okay he's still out there why I'm just going to partial rest so it'll auto save which a partial rest also gives me two of my sorcery points back that's actually kind of sick four should be enough i' I'd rather you just die rude oh that's not good stop dude stop it okay I think we'll long rest before Ethel though glorious vaulting cast [Music] good idea is it going to let me jump even though I just lost the no you stop oh it let me come on level up all right uh-oh that seemed like such a good start and it wasn't yeah let's let's level like I talked about I'm going to go cleric that way I still get spell slots guidance will be helpful to just have I feel like TS just because it has lightning symbols I forgot to drink the oh oh why did I stand 41 see if I can get this off you want the not nice she got a [Music] crit okay okay don't let that hurt me level five level one so that's her let's go clevers oh I'm tempted to just make sure I don't want her to die though F5 yeah good call good call hey you want to beg for your life please no uh so I think we're only going to hit her with like two maybe three cuz if she's below 20 I think is the the limit okay wait yes yes B by best of luck I will take Charisma and now we eat her hair 17 and now if I get rid of this ring we're up to 18 hm okay here's the thing so I thought the plus three was cuz of my Charisma but I think that just means I'm shooting three missiles plus three they're doing 6 to 15 I take this off 6 to 15 so if I Stay full Charisma all I get is conversation stuff right whereas if I start dumping intelligence then when I'm a wizard if I decide to multi-class into a or change into a wizard uh level 10 you can apply your spell casting or your intelligence bonus to your spell spells which could make magic Missile absolutely cracked especially cuz uh you can get the plus one from aunti ethyl and then the plus two from the mirror I think that's actually a smarter play if I'm going to try to actually like beat this game you know what yeah we're going to do ATI Ethel's hair I'll think about it some more but I think I'm going to change it to int yeah so now I need to go get some some good heavy armor which I would love to go get uh the heavy chest piece from the Grim Forge eventually I think that'd be great oh I could get her husband back for her here's the wand good luck nearby creatures take one D4 psychic yeah cuz to me that feels within the rules I'm doing damage with magic Missile and then they're taking psychic because of it as [Music] well feeling like it's finally time to move into the next Zone our hero Begins by taking the mountain pass and making his way to the gith Yan crash inside he buys a parag gloves that give 18 dexterity in case he needs to do some lockpicking and such and he seeks out a second pair of gauntlets located deep within the crash and so after stealing a key turning himself invisible and sneaking his way through he grabs these gauntlets now these gauntlets add reverberation Stacks every time our hero does thunder lightning or radiant damage and currently our staff does lightning and our sword adds Thunder and so every magic Missile is now adding a couple stacks of rever Liberation which also deals four additional Thunder damage and knocks them prone when they have five stacks of it quite ridiculous and so our hero with his new found powers decides it's time to make his way to the underd dark and to begin clearing out the dger you guys can't see invisibility right like we're chill good 18 yeah it's great and then these gloves with 20 Armor class dude we're looking pretty good right now let's go fight the dudes in the underd dark what look at this damage feed holy let's see if we can get away with a a level one on this guy oh rude okay uh I want you gone oh silence is actually bad I knew it this might be an issue you know what it's not an issue we got speed not dead okay dang it'd be nice to kill him before he does that okay he's dead how much health 28 I don't have enough spells I need to kill the guy who summons before this all starts breathe deep what move GE got someone sneaking up on [Music] us enemy is surprised okay we do five one on you torment that's a w all right I think we're just going to talk our way through this with the jogger down our hero makes his way to the Grim Forge in pursuit of two more items items one a ring and the other the adamantine chest piece because he has multiclassed into cleric it means he can wear heavy armor now and the adamantine heavy armor is quite delicious now Although our hero doesn't feel ready to take on the big man Grim himself he decides he does want to take on near and get the ring he wants and so after having conversations he begins the fight with neara okay bye I'll see you later clean up this first EP is die out of the way what are you waiting for okay I was about to be like excuse me okay yeah we got we got friendlies oh let's go not optimal I please don't push me in the lava I swear if one of these dudes runs up and pushes me what did I say what did I say see this is why we're not playing honor mode it's crap like that love this game man so good all right near your and then we'll do a level two oh so close Armor class increased by three the attacker takes 2 to 12 psychic damage when they hit near with a melee attack a yeah we're chilling uh we'll do three just to make sure he dies and then let's do one on the guy who M Mastery there we go finally the eye can stop hey let's go you're not dead dead well you're going to be I can't do anything so I have to shove it scrying eyes have all of a sudden become really difficult to deal with I feel like they used to just be something you poked away but now they're actually like kind of annoying no way it survived Smash It smash it please stop enlarging and stuff just smack it go dude a I can't deal with this thing what the heck and now I'm going to slip trying to shove it this is ridiculous I swear if I slip okay please one of you please I'm begging you why can't you guys do anything throw it oh good call good call too heavy to throw I'm weak as heck I'm going to spawn a mage hand can the Mage hand throw it finally someone's hitting it yeah oh good the eye is prone now please too heavy I don't have a solution to that my magic Missile won't do enough damage we're going to try a full volley and just see what happens maybe I'll get a nice charge yeah nothing okay an elixir of strength I do I could pop an Elixir this is the weirdest thing I've run into though I was going to save it for a you know a bigger situation where I needed strength but I I think weirdly I need it no shot you're still alive what is the dumbest thing I've ever experienced in this game I didn't even know you could go down there near and finally there it is that's the ring I wanted when the where has the absolute brand which I got do one additional Thunder damage with spells and attacks how many cam supplies 420 oh hello Missour yeah yeah yeah you're trapped down below oh I forgot about our muscle mommy she's our magic muscle mommy but I really want to get to moonrise Towers there's a lot there that would be very beneficial for me will this protect me oh it seems to be working I like that cuz it makes me not have to unequip any weapons stop who's there hides behind the tree my name is there's come oh she dead oh she dead nicely fought you've got some chops thanks d dude why have you come here then you settle okay I want this lady's cloak I okay take care I'm happy to help there it is with simple weapons or short bows does that mean I can't use its ability huge I don't care if I can't get like the proficiency to shoot it or whatever that's what I want though to be able to just haste in combat she's up okay let's do just a partial rest for this as well I think we'll be okay with that with everyone else here I think we'll be okay so what I can do is go haste come along really that's still not enough in close no please stop no he's going to grab her if she goes unconscious it's so annoying good oh it's so satisfying nice uh so we're going to do a partial I imagine I have to talk to him to start this thing Attack Trey ooh please R Sanctuary ah you're so dumb torment I should have drank a potion CU if this guy kills me right now I'm dead like that's that's game over yeah okay torment [Music] torment I'm really going to need them to put in work here I'm like out of spell slots so like I have two more casts uh I need that yeah charm him Charmed okay reverberation okay you guys got this right please Tormentor oh let's go yeah Tormentor oh come on no no way that's so annoying I'm begging you please do 16 damage excellent thank you shame in her name yes mhm how can I be I'm going to pretend I don't know you cuz I just don't care there it is a level three Magic missile no less and she sells a magic Missile scroll I'll just take that uh when the wear deals Thunder damage to a reverberated creature it becomes dazed I think that's kind of big yeah we'll do this first you heard the general the Goblins are yours oh price I don't want to take on another fight we must learn what fuels his power yeah yeah yeah yeah I know I know I know know uh atorian I need you and then we're going to short rest for health and I want to level up could be good to just be able to cast haste invisibility I have a ring that now does that yeah we'll get counter spell ar I'd like to offer my services potion of increased strength by two let's go drink it up to 12 uh and then she also sells stuff welcome back whenever a creature with reverberation deals damage to the wear the creature needs to make a constitution saving throw or become dazed uh atorian time to go back oh I also want the necklace of Arcane cultivation from the the uh the warden down below bus a warning none I know you just climbed the ladder okay why can't I see her oh she's right here though can I do this oh I can sick okay tor I'm allowing myself to use items to kill those things cuz they're just that stupid can I throw this now that I have two more strength I'm at disadvantage okay let's try it again oh no the other one saw me I got to get rid of them cuz they suck oh there let's go huge no more scrying eyes that could be really bad I think just one level OH Close Charmed oh let's go he's dead yeah oh no your friend's dead what happened to him I [Music] wonder nice okay let's free the prisoners uh I'll go go with you that's no I really want to go get the ring now that'll help kind of finalize this build killing everyone who got in my way you should have look at all this stuff she gives us this is the this robe is so good I literally that's my endgame robe for my warlock wbr so rude to barcus business is well smell it all if you find it bring it to me whenever I'm hit by a foe within 2 m it might take 1 D4 fire damage I mean why not you know look at us oh I need to remember to go kill the spiders cuz I want to get the dark amethyst I might actually go do that after I get this ring uh I want to try something okay cool I can I can do that fight [Music] later right tool will do the trick no way yeah 7 to 10 I have to roll a 20 let's go there it is okay uh we are going back to the blighted village and if I cast light yeah so my staff is glowing that's what I want I was just about to use it no come over this one this one no so if I shriek so now if I only do like a level one will we get radiant damage look at all those numbers numbers that's incredible holy how much damage did we just do magic Missile four Force two radiant three Thunder two radiant four Force two radiant three look at all of the radiant damage so I think I just need to kill one of these and then psychic damage will cause them all to start exploding I'm going do three there oh it didn't let's do like two of them I only need one more there so we'll do three jump over here something have it your way 162 Health with number three 99 damage so on average each magic missiles doing like almost like 15 damage wow all right see you incredible I love this game yeah if I just keep my weapon glowing at all times then I do two extra damage if I'm up close but I want to be up close because my sword also gives me a buff it's just like it's it's so perfect not only that but these gloves if I do radiant also inflicts reverberation so it's getting the Thunder the lightning and the radiant damage to trigger reverberation which is doing additional Thunder damage this is so fun honestly yeah the satisfaction of a build coming together is so fun I have a thought can I if I do this and this I do another level three it could we partial rest again yeah so then now I can another level two I'll save that charge for a level three and then we can use another sorcery point for level one look at that we're full again yeah like two short rests I could fill up all my spells again or two partial rests radiant retor what does that do whatever the we takes radient damage reflect it back at the attacker twofold as Force damage ooh okay uh lights aren't good for these people yeah okay we need to restart okay we can't we can't use the glow ring here oh no there's so many of them and two more I think oh they were lit up my ring he was standing in light so my ring triggered I mean they use like all my spell slots but oh if you lock pick the door he can help in the fight before you talk to him interesting I'd be down for that I think i' need all my spell slots back again though so we want to lockpick the door it's a 30 I have to get a natural 20 to do a 30 I'm curious how this fight might go though real quick let's just see what happens just keep going at it 19 Armor class coming in cludge though oh whoa I've never actually let that thing spawn this dude holy he's huge yeah not having companions here is a real problem we're not ready for this Andor like you guys are saying we need to use knock and we need to get him out go for the natat 20 I don't feel like brute forcing that right now I already brute forced for this ring also it's sad that I just got this ring and now I can't use it so I kind of want to go do some fights where I can use it with our hero feeling quite set up with all his gear there's one piece he's missing that he still wants and that is the adamantine chest piece made in the Forge which means it's time to go fight the big boy Grim himself but there's just one issue Grim is resistant to a lot of things making the damage output that the mighty missileman can do very minimal and so he has to lean heavily on the forge hammer and find a solution to make it work and after many failed attempts our hero has a plan what if I drank a potion of invisibility once some methods showed up it's looking for me of course now I'm getting targeted again yes yes kill it kill it don't slam again please don't slam again it's going to slam again oh I saved let's [Music] go no okay so I can action this and now I just got to save this SL let's try before I went invisible cuz I got to keep my health up for when it's just me because I need to use all of my actions and bonus actions to be doing stuff also the methods not getting the heat metal off making me drop all my weapons like there's a lot that went wrong that attempt and I could quick spell shoot a huge no no no no no it got off the oh it Circle isn't on the thing we'll try let's get this over with it why did you move you idiot my guy is like oh I got this let me run on the platform to shoot my arrow oh huge oh huge stop that's fine so if I magic Missile the lever and a couple more on him just for Safety Not Dead okay I'm just going to Quick spell this turn and do as much damage as possible cuz I think it won't be able to move don't die don't die from The Stomp don't die from The Stomp there's no way there's no way I'm dead okay dang come on Hammer give me a good roll 15 Health okay I got it I got it I got it speed potion two actions fog Cloud walk further away magic Miss uh speed I can't see it we need to move the fog so I can see isard that took way way way too long holy give me that armor let's get out out of here first [Music] try our hero having now achieved all the gear he desired it was now time for him to Vanquish the foes that stand before him and so taking the gauntlet of sh making sure to complete all the trials it was now time to go face Balthazar and after much consideration our hero uses the magical ability of saving and loading and brute forces the door open rolling a natural 20 with Bazar now in the fight our hero sits in the corner and waits for People's Health to get low waiting for his precise moment to strike ooh am I going to have to run through the cloud kill tor oh thank you wow that's very kind of you uh please don't hit me no okay that's fine no he broke haste that's rough actually at least I have at least one more turn with this sword one more turn Okay so we're going to we're going to drink a speed potion fool think striking down my body will be the end of me kind of let's go we're coming out on top I love diplomacy I don't know why I said that oh it had nothing that thing was massive it should have had something cool I almost feel like I should long rest before this fight I don't even know if I can do this fight this feels more like a use a ring of invisibility and go grab the gem yeah we'll try we'll try going in the front and see if we can do anything we convince him I got the this if I wanted I barely have a thought to share among themselves kill yourselves back I still hear it stay very still my beauty I'm going to cast friends on him I don't even care maybe that's true oh whoops I messed up okay well I guess I'll try and kill him real quick let's not use the sword I think the the radiant ring okay wow you're very alert aren't you please tell me I can hit you screw it torment torment Tor level up let's go give me more spells oh knock duh that's what I'm getting yeah now the rats are on the throne I love it dude oh it's so funny I think I should do a selling spree before I go get the Night song real quick I think we're good to kind of go for it here test awaits again a dog my party you mean me right I'm ready to fly this place let's get alen oh yeah I didn't lift the shadow curse there's no way that's happening you finally showed yourself uh-huh I thought you might try I had bye Shadow heart nice knowing you thanks for the backpack I feel like some of these people have decent stuff oh carrot it's funny I'm excited to see a carrot I'm just that desperate for food right now join me jira my feet still alive huh okay good yeah come come on he slipped yes kill him these guys are an issue come on thank you okay I couldn't counter it bummer okay uh so I need to kill you please don't break my concentration I'm tempted to try and close these doors cuz are the are these guys in the fight yet I don't think so and they're kind of a problem it's like if I can fly here close the doors and then I'm going to try to take out this guy okay oh great uh best be on my way best be on my [Music] way okay she didn't even get to use it at all that's great you know please please make please hit yes did they all Dash no only two of them did still a step okay oh jir is dead okay uh two more turns of haste I should have taken an elixir of blood lust cuz now my sword is I don't have singing sword anymore oh they're alive oh yeah get him yeah good oh almost all four of them hit that's crazy okay uh I'm going to go lethargic here going do one rest on you okay uh and then we are going to dip as far as I possibly can you got this guys I kind of believe in you oh they're dead oh they're so dead cuz they're too dumb oh my gosh there goes one you know if you kill the people who actually summoned them it's a little better so we're going to try hiding and then drinking this holding up kind of Wow Let's Go I can't use this again I short rested though is it do it not count I think we try and go this Wayward I don't have my sword so I think I'm just going to kind of blast from up here to press ahead see getting them to Dash is going to be so good here that's fine they can get a couple shots that's two more I think we got this guys somehow yeah I'm going shoot all five she's death Ward still just making them run in circles this is great you take two and you take two you take one come at me huh you think you could face me huh and that's a dub wow everyone's dead I can't believe that worked though me running away and sleeping for two turns to regain those hit those uh spell slots was kind of clutch so I think what I'm going to do is I'm going to drink one of these I think I'm going to chug an Elixir blood lust you did I do it fast enough so I'm still invisible cuz that'd be kind of sick wow she missed all of them that's really bad cuz she does good damage where am I oh dang it so we're going to go speed potion Screech we're going to go level three blast T her out of existence I'm frightened I mean just don't move just stay here stay here stay here yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah perfect dude that was your action that was your action that's what you're going to choose to do okay sure that's fine I guess man he really doesn't take damage does he that's not good for me oh this is so bad I'm realizing now all incoming damage reduced by two my the whole point of my build is little tick damage like twos and fours and threes that's not good alen I swear you better put in some damage let's go yes go again you missed okay well that was good damage I'll give you that oh enough yes my Lord it cost me everything did aen is aen leaving she left oh I'm so screwed I'm going to be theic and I aren't I oh no please please no oh freak this game dude enough his Lord beckons him how can such a thing be possible I'm still frightened ooh wow I think we're chilling this time guys okay okay okay I'm still frightened why am I frightened am I frightened I'm frightened why am I still frightened I've got to have something of heroism right I guess not I think the game's bugging if I get out of combat by killing these guys please please I don't care yeah you guys didn't see anything it's fine to there it goes I'm going to say it was okay because my game was glitched leap into the tentacle uh sword is still glowing and we can cast blur wait why can't I do that did it not refresh my tools the long rest doesn't refresh these though I'm really glad I have this then I was going to wait to use this on um I'm hoping aen can focus Krick and then I can maybe kill Merkel so obviously I mean this dang it the necklace didn't recharge but the weapon [Music] did find a way forward this mind flare is going to be an issue stepping into this fight our hero had a plan of success in Victory please don't blast us please don't St me please don't St me you're so dumb you're so dumb but it was faced with a lot of death like like a lot of it like almost 2 and a half hours of time spent trying to just kill these guys and I couldn't do anything about it and so after much consideration our hero went back made sure to get a long rest to have all of his gear available and ready and decided to start the fight from the beginning once again this time however his plan was very straightforward let aen deal with Krick while his plan was to deal with Merkel krick's damage reduction means our hero can't hardly do any damage to him however Merkle without damage reduction would make an easy target for our hero and so with this plan in place he does everything he can to keep aen alive and fighting strong we could try to hit it alen with it if she's up I could try to haste her but if she can get off a ton of attacks with haste that would be very beneficial for sure okay scratch Gator okay one's going to blast probably me that's okay I got my turn before him okay back in your okay yeah so she's far away so he shouldn't be able to hit her on his turn he'll probably just incubate death so I should be able to haste her see what happens I have just a thing another action I think I'm just going to use that action to switch off to this crossbow I'm just going to save right here just in case yes get closer that way she doesn't have to burn any spells or dashes okay good she should have a ton of attacks now hit him please please hit him do you have another attack I need her to hit those okay good not good very good Okay Okay We're Off to the Races here man if she she'd hit all three of those though we'd probably already be in phase two get rid of him scratch let's go scratch best boy okay I'm going to go lethargic this turn so I really want her to stay up no I really needed her to stay up no not scratch oh I keep concentration though that's kind of crazy what did we activate the sword I think we'll wait trying to get rid of some of the ads cuz they can heal the the boss please miss please miss please miss let's go okay I need to make sure he dies he hit you and then we're going to sing I will not take opportunity that's okay five magic missiles I think that will be enough it's not enough oh no hit me hit me hit me no oh good good oh this is huge hit him oh one more time one more time oh yeah she's hasted yo okay okay okay I am Eternal you sure about that I so sick this game does cut scenes right you know what I [Music] mean okay good I saved concentration okay so here we go this is this is where we kind of need to go in Sano mode I think this is this is our chance right here I have enough spells I just need to survive his attacks frightened that's completely okay good he missed oh this is huge Sanctuary myself okay okay okay I think it's I think we're in here I think we're here guys three turns it's amazing how Krick was the harder fight for me what impossible impossible well chill alen chill big orc Mama blah blah blah blah blah lore set up blah blah blah our hero now stand at top the grave of a God and taking the netherstone for himself it was now time for our hero M to make his way into balers gate in pursuit of the other nether Stones yes I realize my accent is getting thicker as we go I'm getting more into this okay and while resting at Camp along his travels he gets invaded by the gith yane seeing a portal in the distance our hero scampers into the portal and finds himself in the astral plane and discovers a most horrifying truth you can't be you can't be my my orc wfu and so after helping this tentacle FL boy our hero is given clear instructions on his next goal which is to achieve the final two nether Stones however our hero is currently only a level eight and that's not strong enough and so moving into bal's gate it's time to get to some [Music] grinding yeah I just killed the Avatar Merkel Y come on boys and thank [Music] you thank you for the money who we rooting for I'm rooting blue oh no blue bad start oh okay oh dang it blue you failed me ah so funny okay bye and I will peel it from your skull what okay I didn't even tell her I just literally started attacking this guy your body is my Ultimate gift to my Lord you might have blades but I am magic incarnate I'm done I'm lucky you showed up when you did I have more magic in my little finger sorcerer is funny I read it right away all right I didn't mean [Music] to beautiful okay so I really quick need to test something now take off all of our magic Missile buff we we'll go shoot this lady real quick so turn base okay so we shot it it did do magic Missile magic Missile is just a plus one right I got a D4 plus one I want to see like if it's a big enough damage jump to go to Wizard or does it matter I do like being a sorcerer because of my Charisma though okay so here should be the big buff that I get here the intelligence modifier TI your damage rules with any evocation spell that's the whole point we're going to wizard it's for that thing right there I'm going to miss my Charisma and then we go cleric okay see it's only saying I gain plus three like it did before the whole point I'm doing this is for extra damage and if it's not giving me extra damage I'm staying sorcerer for sure so how much damage oh takes a fight yeah I gained plus four damage instead of plus one for every magic Missile I rolled a one and I got six damage I rolled a two and I got seven damage ooh yeah see this is kind of a big deal guys this is kind of a big deal that's a lot more damage dude that's that's actually like not bad damage too that's crazy okay yeah let's get let's get set back up uh and let's go finish off the steel watch Foundry feather fall enhance leap haste switch out the bow pinned down oh you suck I can jump right cool dang it I should have done max [Music] level going to detonate okay yeah it's detonating time to press ahead okay that one should detonate then yep good wow how much damage is that 201 damage in one turn holy I love this wow this is great the unyielding dealing at least 15 can harm this so yeah there's no way to for me to break it but if I can kill this one and then now it explodes while I run away that's that's nice uh we'll just back up no shot that was that easy That's crazy dude that was so easy what the heck there's the bow cuz I think this haste doesn't it only lasts for five turns but it also doesn't uh make you go lethargic when you lose it which is so nice I'm Coming For You Gort Das with every piece of gear our hero could ever need and the skills to accomplish any goal our hero finishes the last Endeavors to completely shut down the steel watch Foundry and begin in the Final Boss Rush may all quake in the presence of M our hero begins his Conquest with Lord gach now previously he had already fought Lord gash but it ended in Failure our unlikely hero M couldn't do damage fast enough to stop him from transitioning to phase 2 in Phase 2 he gains immunity to thunder and force damage and so it negates a large majority of Our Hero's damage however gaining the extra level since then and having the extra damage from being a wizard our hero pursues Victory so first things first equip sword make it Glow feather fall and sleep Celestial haste okay good still got five turns on Celestial haste I love surprise turns it's almost tempting to try and activate the sword but I think he's yeah he's immune to thunder so there's no point okay we might be able to do this here cuz I was a a five and a four and he's at half Health right now so if we get good rolls this might do it oh no don't shoot the chandelier please thank youor okay give it to me come on game oh no way oh can I get another action please anything dude he's going to go big mode and he's going to gain 150 hit points get reflective Shield let's just see what happens let's just see what happens we don't have the seel watch so we might be able to just to like last through a turn yeah cuz I can't blow these up if I could blow these up dude this would be so easy no you don't do that that's bad yo I made him skip his turn oh we're good we're good get the heck out of here Gort oh get melted incredible a legend truly stop bro what did I tell you I love this I love this so much I'm having so much fun with this uh so I guess let's start doing the stuff to go after Orin which I believe we need to get the invitation from her father a I will not interesting the door's not open though so can they even do anything I don't think they can oh no my haste oh well that's fine get melted see you sok okay did it think it could protect did it think it could save oh let's go come I swear oh [Music] they're stunning gays and they can all use it see this is going to be an issue cuz of because of her allies it looks her vigilance I want to try going invisible and see if I can get point blank with her like it's not going to throw me into a conversation is it so be it oh wow okay you just go to Slayer form now all right cool surprised good I'm glad you're all surprised what is happening whoa what the game is freaking out don't don't good why is my turn being skipped what is happening your throne of blood what is what what what is happening bro is she well lit she is perfect do as much damage as we can before Unstoppable okay's take our Zeal take our can they still confuse me if I have Sanctuary let's try let's go no I can't Sanctuary again let's just hope we'll be okay slow I'm okay with slow I'm not okay with yeah yeah yeah get your Unstoppable stuff back multi-attack I'm more worried about that I oh I can't stop that that's so annoying I thought I could maybe counter that but I guess [Music] not straight why did it skip my turn oh cuz of the speed potion wore off no good give me a turn give me a turn game do not skip my turn again thank you we just Chuck another one of these 1 2 three four five maybe two on you not very invisible are you it's fine can't even hit me when I'm on the ground let's go max level lelle I got you don't you worry get out of here thank goodness lasel is so critical level up time ooh actually could be cool Prest silence let's go kill a brain let's go M intelligence dang it dexterity that's my next highest nice yo Tim remember when I rolled a Nat 20 on the 99 check no shot twice in a row on stream was it a 20 what it was a 20 excuse me oh well it's not what the heck game was just like no game really doesn't like me right now I think guys yeah exactly how did I roll a 66 it makes zero sense I did get something harder than an at2 at 66 a literal number I think you could never get yes make me a mind flare all you have look at me an eat the brain the greater challenge Now lies ahead of us oh you're right I can't un so that's progress I mean invalid Target dang it oh fine I'm just going to make him not attack anything see if I can do this although I have orus with me which is kind of an issue or the emperor I mean I could just let him die bye-bye Emperor Expedition retreat too easy is orus or is the Emperor still down there hey you know meant to be solo anyway so I probably want the Elixir vigilance that's just the most valuable For Me Maybe not is it cuz he's not here I mean I guess I just got to kill these three yeah die I like the sneaking it's good so Sly all right Emperor I know you're not looking too good but I think we'll be fine yeah we'll just drink a speed potion when we get to the brain think we're going to go invisibility sure wow all right Emperor you can just chill there okay I'll take care of this don't worry about it watch me get stunned but did he just magic Missile me how dare you that's my job Emperor down bro what what did you even do to me okay okay I have new idea idea seems to be working this is it protect your elth ally while they cast the spell I'm your elied ally bro good try oh no whatever will I do he's shooting magic Missile at me oh no big Fireball didn't hit me what all right just you and me now Mr brain resistance we have two actions 450 Health we're going to fly down uh it is not well lit for some reason even though I'm what if I get a little closer can it not be well lit my staff is glowing isn't it I'm going to go lethargic next turn let's just buff why did that eat both my actions excuse me it will break you shut up finish your turn wait cuz I'm going to be lethargic am I about to just die here I am going to die aren't I okay don't drink a speed potion okay that's perfect okay so now I shouldn't get countered here I got rid of haste that's fine uh two turns of Sword we're good oh we got this let's go bra did it stop my magic Missile partway through one two three I only got three magic missiles off and then it did its stupid thing that stunned me you're a cheater all right just me in the brain it did it again I that slide drink see that's what's supposed to happen goodbye brain resist big brain move arm man it's going to take over the world let's go magic Missile Master truly we have become the m master of all in my name and there you have it the mighty missileman beats balers Gate 3 tactician no Companions and with only the spell magic Missile to be real though everyone if you're making it all the way to the end thank you so much for watching I had a ton of fun not only doing this playthrough but honestly editing this if you can't tell from the stupid voiceovers I was doing I was actually having a lot of fun with this one and I hope you guys enjoy the final product this ended up being a way longer and bigger project than I originally thought when I started the run but I'm super happy with how it turned out and I hope you guys really did enjoy it obviously if you watch to the end I'm guessing you enjoy it I think so I don't know I'm excited to do more runs in balers gate in the future and I'm super thankful that you watched all the way to the end and I hope to catch you guys in the next one the mighty missileman signs off
Channel: AbraHamSandwich
Views: 255,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3 gameplay, baldurs gate 3 classes, baldurs gate, baldurs gate 3 review, baldur's gate, baldurs gate 3 guide, baldurs gate 3 walkthrough, baldurs gate 3 ps5, balders gate 3, baldur's gate 3 story, baldur's gate 3 classes, baldur’s gate 3, baldur's gate 3 walkthrough, baldurs gate 3 tips, boulders gate 3, Challnge run, challenge, solo Tactician, magic missile build, bg3, build, Magic Missile build, romance, shadowheart, op build, over powered
Id: SlLy9Zdi1uM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 35sec (5795 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 21 2024
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