Baldur's Gate 3 - 5 Best GAME CHANGING Builds You've Never Seen - Ultimate Multiclass Build Guide!

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do you know what the true or best build in Baldur's Gate is wacky waving inflatable arm flailing Tube Man wacky waving inflatable arms okay okay maybe it's not quite that but it is hilarious every time I see that cast animation but I will not leave you hanging for utterly Bonkers broken best fun and Powerful builds I will be bringing you today I utterly adore the theory crafting of setups trying to connect all of the dots into a web of magnificence in really any game I play I am a true theory crafter at heart but in D and D and by extension Baldur's Gate 3 oh are the tools there Beyond most anything I've ever played to do some really beautiful things and that's exactly what I've been doing so I want to share with you guys five absolutely phenomenal builds if I do say so myself that all have a full dedicated in-depth guide on already up if any of them take your true liking that I cannot recommend enough for their combination of both just fun and Otter dominance that they let you command so first and foremost it's true Darkness this is something I was very very pleased with especially when it worked as well as I hoped it would when I first noticed that at level 11 on your Beastmaster your Raven companion specifically does something very neat when it lands from Simply using its fly mobility and that is put down a cloud of Darkness that lasts a couple turns given that the Raven has massive amounts of Mobility he can Dash with both its action and bonus action you can do a lot of little fly hops every single turn enough to keep the battlefield permanently blanketed in massive amounts of Darkness so that's already awesome you combine that then with a little infusion of cleric for that 12th level just to get you a little bit of proficiencies a useful cleric spell options it's War cleric for an extra attack pattern then the core 11 Ranger Beastmaster decked out in some powerful equipment too including the legendary bow but most importantly a item that makes you immune to blindness either the ring or the heldusk helmet and then you can live forever in your kingdom of Shadow having everyone unable to fire at you inside it and everyone who dares to come in next to you has permanent disadvantage and you just don't get hit while you slowly decimate and how do you decimate well remember that little Clary confusion that gives us create water which lets us then use lightning Arrow three four five times a fight to obliterate groups of enemies it's just this really neat little combo of some very obscure and understandably overlooked mechanics especially of the beastmasters permanently upgrading companions through the levels that I think is absolutely magic so following that there we're gonna be talking ultimate surprise if you thought a paladin couldn't be an assassin well clearly you've just not multi-classed a paladin into an Assassin Rogue it's really that easy guys and when you do something really quite fun oh and there's a little bit of a warlock in here too that we'll get to but the basic principle is to use the massive amounts of Charisma scaling to do massive amounts of damage along with a special weapon that extra scales with Charisma along with the Assassin's ability to start a surprise round with all of its resources and get guaranteed crits on everything that it does meaning that we can run around with the infusion of Rogue crit smiting every enemy until we run out of options and we have a lot of them from this mix and then the Warlock that is a little bit of the old one gives us the ability to AOE fear every enemy whenever we crit them which we're guaranteed to do because of the Assassin so you start the fight you crit obliterate every enemy that you see and fear every enemy that still stand funding and then by the second turn you've essentially already won it's the ultimate out of nowhere we are in control and half of everyone is dead and it really is quite enjoyable past that this might be thematically or at least in the pure entertainment of piloting it my favorite build just ever this is what happens when you take some mushrooms and make them really really angry okay this is another thing that happens when you take mushrooms and make them really angry you wouldn't have thought that combining a barbarian a I don't do cast or concentrate I just rastab with a pure spellcaster like a druid would work or I should say a non-moon to it as Barbarian into a wild shape Animal Farm is fairly common and very potent but in this case it's a wild heart Barbarian with a spa Druid the bear heart means that we have actually more effective symbiotic entity Health than if we were a pure level 12 Spa through it and most importantly of all all of the Spore class features are castable while raging we can raise the fungal zombies we can do the reaction and necrotic damage circle of spores we can keep re-symbiotic entity up throughout the fight which is an action and starting raging as a bonus action so we always get to start powerfully and the PHD resistance here is the special Spore keeper armor that you can get that gives you three special spores one of them is an AOE haste for you and your teammates that you can use every turn you just dip in and out of it and the AI doesn't use it because they don't care about it so you put it out the way on the battlefield and you just have this pool of double action for everyone to make use of then you can befuddle everyone which makes Therma just a free kill as they laugh as they die and you can drop clouds of poison poison doesn't affect you because you're still got the access to Druid spells you can buff yourself up with long Strider enhanced dromp resistance to poison and freedom of movement then start raging keep all of those Boons and just be this Unstoppable Spore tank ruining people with 23 strength thanks to the gauntlets the legendary Greatsword and Reckless double attacking every turn with your haste spas and we have great weapons master and Savage attacker to really get the point across with our blade it's this really neat combo where we get to run around at an Unstoppable uh Barbarian while being backed up and casting and using all of this spawn magic even while raging so next up in our line of death dealing options is a bit of a classic but one that is taken to the next level thanks to the items in Baldur's Gate 3. it is simply I want to do magic missiles and I want them to do as much damage as possible can I have them one shot every boss okay I can um that's it we do that that's that's what happens the amount of damage you can stack into magic Missile is absurd you can get up to 400 damage with one level six cast and then do another one with the self haste that's on you you use things like the spell Mike gloves which shouldn't work with magic Missile but do give you an extra 1d8 per missile you're an evocation wizard at level 11 giving you a real reason to be a high level wizard over just the one dip in learning Scrolls as that adds your int modifier to the magic missiles damage per one we Jewel wheeled fire aloof and Mako heshke to do the extra Thunder damage and Lightning Charge damage at the same time playing with that feat which is uh not as common and gives you that perfect Gandalf aesthetic which I think we can all agree is a solid one to have at any given time and a few others just mixed and matched like the radiant rings that essentially result in each missile doing about 30 to 50 damage as they machine gun into your poor enemy and because you can spread them out it's great for groups too and you can cast it with every spell slot every turn so you just maintain that power throughout the fight on top of having three level six casts a day and then all your other Spell choices can just be support a utility or Buffs or control as the only damage you need is the magic Missile and in a game where only like two enemies the entire time use Shield yeah this gets the job done ruthlessly efficiently but it's not quite as dominating as going a different type of wizard abduration in its perfect form you guys really love this one and I can't resist putting it here just to really really hammer it home because if there was any build in the game that I genuinely believe could solo the game on tactician effortlessly this is it you just do not take damage unless you get hit for 51 or more which even when you get crit basically never happens every time you do get hit you reflect up to 100 damage a minimum of about 70 guaranteed we have a little bit of cleric in here for a reaction ThunderBolt from Tempest and that create water to double the cold reflecting of armor of agathies and your cold flame Shield we stack up the barrier from abduration which reduces all damage we take we keep pumping out counter spell and a glyph of warding to build more Stacks as we go through the fight and we just can't really be stopped you don't lose the armor of agathy's bonus health because you don't take damage especially not when you get to the Final Act and you can get the armor of persistence which gives you permanent blade Ward yeah the one sorcerer for AG these the one Tempest cleric for water and the lightning damage reaction and then 10 pure levels of abduration wizard which gets you to the ability to short rest and just gain 10 Stacks which is really useful and past that you just run around the place we even give it Julius prerogative so that we can attack and then double attackers if we were a martial class with the bonus action every turn it gives us some really good Amelia options on top of all of the Spells and they're generally just being Unstoppable and then the compelled Jewel makes people attack you which then causes them to kill themselves with the reflection damage it's just kind of ludicrous there's no real weakness here you counter casters with counter spell and just your actual quite effective stabby abilities and then nothing else can hurt you and everything takes up to 100 damage a time they attempt it and you can just walk through levels as everyone crumbles in a sort of oh um I don't know panic and it is beyond amusing to feel like this much of a pure God so I cannot recommend it enough if you want a real Power Trip and I think objectively speaking it is hard to come up with something just all round better you can do more damage like leaving the magic Missile one in this very video but as a complete package there are very few ways to outdo this even for you Tavern brawling monks out there so I hope that you have enjoyed this look at five delicious options for your Boulders gatoring and have fun with whichever if indeed any you decide to give a spin to for now then like if you've enjoyed this subscribe and hit the bell for more consider supporting the future of the channel on patreon down below and until we meet again oh God Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice Jewel again to your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the Whole World a Stage is is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 248,145
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 best build, best build, best multiclass, baldurs gate 3 best multiclass, baldurs gate 3 multiclass guide, multiclass, multiclassing, sorcerer, paladin, wizard, warlock, fighter, guide, multiclass guide, multiclassing guide, feat guide, feats, baldurs gate 3 combat guide, best class, build guide, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, best, subclasses, level, class, multiclass build, multiclasses, level 12, act 3, rogue, monk, highest damage, endgame, bard, bg3, ragegamingvideos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 30 2023
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