Dominating Baldur's Gate 3: The Ultimate Monk Build Guide

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Hello everyone and welcome to my monk  build for Baldur's Gate 3. In this guide,   I'll show you how to build one of the most  destructive and mobile characters in the   entire game. This build will enable you to attack  11 times dealing up to 660 single target damage   PER turn and with a finger snap decimate an  entire group of enemies even on Honour mode.   In this guide, I'll provide you with all the  information you need from character creation   to leveling up, feats to consider, Illithid  powers as well as gear choices from Act 1,   2, and all the way to Act 3. So without  any further delay, let's get started.   Just by choosing monk, you get arguably one of  the strongest abilities any class can get at   level 1 and that is Flurry of Blows. This allows  the monk to attack twice using your bonus action   and 1 Ki point. This is going to be your bread  and butter for the majority of your playthrough.   Every time you have 1 Ki point and a bonus  action, you'll want to use Flurry of Blows.   Ki or Chi is a special resource unique to  Monks that expands their capabilities. For now,   you can only use it on flurry  of blows but as you progress,   you will unlock more abilities to spend it on. You  can replenish your Ki points after a short rest.   You'll also get other class features as a monk but  I want to focus on Unarmoured Defence and Martial   Arts: Bonus Unarmed Strike. Unarmoured Defence  enables the Monks to add their wisdom modifier   to their total Armour Class (AC) if they're not  wearing any armor. This is very similar to the   Barbarian class with the exception that Barbarians  use their constitution modifier instead of Wisdom.   If you are curious about what qualifies as  armor, any piece of gear that says light,   medium, or heavy is considered armor. To see if  your character benefits from Unarmoured Defence,   simply open the character sheet  and hover over your Armor Class.   Next Martial Arts: Bonus Unarmed Strike. Every  time you strike your target, even if you miss,   you can use your bonus action to attack  a second time. As I mentioned earlier,   you always want to use your bonus action on  Flurry of Blows as long as you have Ki points   to spend but if you run out of Ki or simply the  target is too low to waste a Ki point on, you   can use Unarmed Strike with your bonus action. For this build, I recommend that you play Astarion   as a Monk and I will explain why later in the  guide. But if you're determined to create your own   character, I would recommend Half-elf because you  gain proficiency in shields to improve your Armour   Class along with useful perks like Darkvision  and Fey Ancestry. Also, make sure to choose Wood   Half-elf Subrace for the extra movement speed. The main abilities we are going to focus on for   this build are strength and wisdom. The  reason we are going to rely on strength   for attack rolls and damage instead of  Dexterity is because of the Tavern Brawler   feat at level 4. But more on that later. You might be curious why our strength score   is only 8 after all this is a strength-based  build. The reason is that we will rely on   strength elixirs throughout the entire game  to boost our strength score. Additionally,   this approach allows us to allocate more  points to other crucial abilities. Don't worry,   I'll show you how to get an unlimited supply  of Strength elixirs starting from Act 1.   Dexterity will increase our total armor class  and also dictate who goes first in combat. you   will also rely on dexterity to determine  your attack rolls until you reach level 4   and unlock the tavern brawler feat. Constitution will increase your total   hit points hence your survivability. Wisdom is the second most important ability   for Monks after strength. It contributes to  your total armor class if you are not using   any armor. later down the road, you will obtain  a certain item that will allow you to add your   wisdom modifier to your unarmed damage. Wisdom modifier will also be added towards   manifestation damage dice at level 6. Outside  of combat, wisdom directly influences useful   skills like perception and survival to  uncover hidden clues around the world.   Add the +1 Bonus to Dexterity and the +2 Bonus  to Wisdom. Set Strength to 8, Dexterity to 16,   Constitution to 15, and both  Charisma and Intelligence to 8.   Set wisdom to 17 if you are planning to spare  Ethel the Hag in Act 1 and accept her boon to   boost your wisdom score to a total of  18. If you aren't planning to spare her   or want to give the boon to a different  character in your party, that's alright,   in Act III I'll show you the location of an  amulet that gives +1 to wisdom score.   For the Background I chose Outlander and for  skills, I chose acrobatics and insight.   At level 2 you gain unarmoured movement which  improves your movement speed as long as you   are not wearing armor or using a shield. You'll also expand the use of your Ki points   with 3 different abilities. For one Ki point and  bonus action, the Patient defense will bolster   your survivability by giving a disadvantage to  every enemy that tries to strike you for one   turn. I especially enjoy the Step of the Wind:  Dash. This will double your movement speed and   remove the bonus action cost on your jumps. It's  simply hilarious how far you can jump around   in a single turn when using this ability. At level 3, you get to choose your subclass. We   want the way of the open hand. This will enhance  your level 1 Flurry of Blows into 3 different   actions. For the most part, I was simply using  Flurry of Blows: Topple to knock enemies prone.   knocking your enemies prone gives you as well as  your party advantage when striking them down.   As a reaction, you can use Deflect Missile to  reduce incoming missile damage taken and if you   reduce the damage to zero, you can spend  one Ki point to send back the projectile   for some really nice ranged damage. However,  sometimes the projectile hits structures between   you and the enemy archer so be mindful  of that when using Deflect Missile.   At level 4 is where the magic happens; we are  going for Tavern Brawler feat which is an insanely   strong feat. Tavern Brawler allows you to add your  strength modifier TWICE to both your attack rolls   and damage dice. To fully grasp how powerful  this is, using Elixir of Hill Giant strength   which sets your strength score to 21 means you  will be able to add +10 to both your attack rolls   as well as damage dice. This means you will hit  like a truck and rarely miss your attacks. This   gets even better once you gain access to Elixir of  Cloud Strength, increasing that number to +13.   Tavern Brawler also gives you an extra ability  point to spend in either Strength or Constitution.   Invest that one in Constitution to  bring the ability score to 16.   At level 5 we get Extra Attack. After every  successful attack, using your action points,   you get to attack a second time. This gives  us a total of 4 attacks in a single round,   2 using your action point and 2 using  your bonus action if you have at least   1 Ki point to spend on Flurry of Blows. You will also gain access to stunning   strikes to apply crowd control when needed  by stunning your target for one turn.   Level 6 is kind of a big deal for  monks. MANIFESTATION OF BODY, MIND,   and SOUL will enhance your unarmed attacks with  different types of damage like Radiant, Psychic,   and Necrotic. Further increasing the damage  output of every attack you land. However,   you can't have more than one of those passives  active at any given time but you can freely switch   the type of damage during combat for free. The  damage of these manifestations is d4 + your wisdom   modifier. Go to the passives tab and make sure at  least one of those manifestations is active.   You'll also get "WHOLENESS OF BODY". This will  immediately heal you and replenish half your   Ki points and for 3 turns you regain 1 Ki  point every turn but more importantly you   get a temporary bonus action to use during that  time. This can be used once per long rest so you   want to save this for big battles. Ideally, You  should try to cast it before entering combat.   You also gain improved unarmoured movement,  further improving your movement speed given   you're not wearing armor or holding a shield. Finally, Ki-Empowered Strikes "Your unarmed   attacks count as magical for the purpose  of overcoming enemies' Resistance and   Immunity to non-magical damage." I'll be honest when I first read   this ability I was like "wooh, does that  mean my attacks will deal full damage now   regardless if the target has resistance or not?" The answer is yes and no. You see, there are two   types of resistance in this game, Magical and  Non-magical. You can easily find out by inspecting   your target and hovering over resistance. If it  says Non-magical resistance then yes, Ki-Empowered   Strikes will enable you to penetrate their  resistance and deal full damage. If the target   has both magical and non-magical resistance,  then your damage will be halved regardless.   Another quick way to check is by looking at  those small arrows. the white one represents   the non-magical resistance while the blue  one is for the magical resistance.   At level 7 you get Evasion. Normally when a  target succeeds in a saving throw against a spell,   they only take half damage. However, as a monk,  if you succeed in a dexterity saving throw against   any spell you don't take any damage at all. You also get Stillness of Mind. This will   automatically snap you out of any charm of fear  effect for the cost of one action point.   At level 8 you gain another  feat. Take ability improvement   and increase your wisdom score by +2. Look, it's no secret that Monk is one the best   Single target damage dealers in BG3. But at level  9, you become one of the best aoe damage dealer as   well. Ki Resonation: Punch enables you to plant a  resonating bomb on your target using your action   and bonus action. While Ki Resonation: Blast will  detonate that resonating Bomb as well as any bomb   in close proximity to the main target. The idea is to group up as many targets as   possible, Illithid Power: Black Hole can certainly  help with that, and plant as many resonated bombs,   then use Ki Resonation: Blast in the center  of the group to create a big explosion that   will decimate all nearby enemies. If you're curious what happens if a   target dies when you're setting up your  resonating bomb? The answer is, you can   still deonate the bomb on their corpses. You also gain Advanced Unarmoured Movement to   make sure difficult terrain no longer slows you  down as well as improve your jump distance given   you're not wearing armor or holding a shield. From level 10 we are going to multiclass into the   Rogue class and more specifically the Thief  subclass. We're doing this to unlock Fast   Hands at level 3 Rogue, which provides us with an  additional bonus action to use. This will give us   a total of 2 bonus actions and 1 action to use  every turn so you can strike your target up to 6   times without using Haste or Wholeness of Body. Multiclass in the Rogue class also provides you   with 1 proficiency point and 2 expertise points  that you can spend on specific skills. I chose   Perception and Atheltics but feel free to pick  whatever you prefer. You could have potentially   started this adventure as a Rogue because you  get more proficiency points to spend this way   as well as a wider variety of skill choices like  perception and sleight of hands to choose from.   Now let's explore your gear  choices starting from Act 1   Bracers of Defence can be obtained from inside a  secret chamber below the Blighted Village in Act   1. It provides you with a +2 bonus to your Armour  Class as long as you are not wearing armor.   Haste Helm improves your movement  speed for 3 turns at the beginning   of each fight. You can find it in a locked  chest in the center of Blighted Village.   Crusher's Ring will improve  your movement speed.   Boots of Genial Striding will make you  unhindered by any difficult Terrain.   You can also use Disintegrating Night  Walkers boots, which gives you one   use of Misty Step per short rest. The best chest piece you can get until   Act 3 is the graceful cloth. It will increase  your Dexterity score by +2 and give you an   advantage on dexterity checks. You can buy  this chest piece from Lady Esther. She also   sells gloves of cinder and sizzle, making  your unarmed attacks deal an additional d4   fire damage. If you are feeling tanky enough, you  can use them instead of Bracers of Defence.   In Act 2, you should aim to  get Cloak of Protection to   boost your total Armour Class by +1. Evasive Shoes increases both your Armour   Class and Acrobatics by +1. If you decide to use shields,   Sentinel Shield provides a +3 bonus to initiative  as well as an advantage on perception checks.   Ring of free action is certainly a good one to  have for any melee class including Monk.   These are the essential items that I believe  you should obtain before you reach Act III.   Now let's take a look at the end  game gear for your Monk class.   The first endgame item is the Boots of  Uninhibited Kushigo. These boots will   enable you to add your Wisdom modifier  to your bludgeoning damage dice.   You can miss this item so I'll show  you exactly where you can get it,   hopefully without spoiling too much of the story.  At the end of Act II, you'll be teleported to the   Astral Plane where you have to fight a punch of  Gythianki monks. Surrounded by dead Gythianki   and intellect devourers, your boots can be  found in the possession of prelate Lir'i'c.   Cloak of displacement gives a disadvantage  to attack rolls that target your character   until you take any damage. However, the effect  will refresh at the beginning of your turn.   The best helmet for your Monk has to be Mask of  Soul Perception. It gives a +2 Bonus to attack,   initiative rolls as well as perception checks.  This can be found inside a chest on the second   floor at Devil's Fee in Lower City. Vest of Soul Rejuvenation is the best   chest piece for your monk. It gives d4 hit  points if you succeed in a saving throw   against any spell. It also boosts your Armour  Class by +2. And as a reaction, you can make   an unarmed strike against enemies that miss  you. Sometimes, I purposely provoke an attack   of opportunity to trigger the Greater Kushigo  Counter. I noticed that you can get an extra   attack after triggering Greater Kushigo Counter  using this method IF you aren't hasted. You can   purchase Vest of Soul Rejuvenation from Sorcerous  Sundries in the Lower City of Baldur's Gate.   One of the strongest items for your monk is  Gloves of Soul Catching. You can obtain this   item at the end of House of Hope. It will cause  your unarmed strikes to deal an additional d10   force damage. It also increases your constitution  score by +2. After scoring an unarmed strike,   the gloves give you an option to regain 10  hit points. However, if you don't use that   free healing, you'll get an advantage on both  your attack rolls as well as saving throws   until the end of your next turn. So ideally  you should NOT be using that free healing.   Khalid's Gift is the only item in the game that  gives a +1 to wisdom score. You can find this   amulet in Jaheira's hideout next to Baldur's  Gate portal. To access Jaheira's hideout,   enter her study room in her house and use a  Harp-Shaped Pin in the pin slot on the side of   the disk to reveal the secret passage. There are  3 known locations for that pin but I will show you   two locations that are very close. The first one  is on top of the house itself inside an Old Pouch.   The second pin is found in a child's possession  inside the house's second floor. If you bring   Jaheira with you, he will give her the Pin. Enter the hideout and pass the traps by using   a spell that corresponds with each  trap like Fire Bolt, Ray of Frost,   Lightning Bolt, and Poison Spray. Inside the  old house, the Amulet can be found inside a   display case behind an old bookcase that you can  lockpick after succeeding a perception check.   Finally, Helmet of Grit. This is a high-risk  high-reward kind of item. It will give you an   additional bonus action to use, so you can  potentially land two additional attacks in   the same turn if you are at 50% or less maximum  hit points. I personally don't like this helmet   at least for this build because you'll lose  so much mobility advantage as well as armor   class since this is a light armor. Also  maintaining that low hp threshold is simply   cumbersome and fatal in Honour mode. For the Illithid Powers, I usually take   Favourable Beginnings on all my characters.  This is useful in and out of combat.   Luck of the far realm and ability drain are  also useful. However, you have to take Cull   the Weak on your monk because it has  insane synergy with your Resonation:   Blast. Every time you set up a big aoe, Cull  the Weak can start a chain reaction that can   decimate an entire group of enemies close to  each other. That's why I also recommend Black   Hole to group enemies closer together as well as  apply the slow debuff. Keep in mind that Cull the   Weak becomes stronger relative to the number of  Illithid Powers invested. That's why I invest any   extra Illitid Powers I have into my Monk to  boost the effectiveness of Cull the Weak.   Tavern Brawler Monk is a strength-based  build and as promised I'll show you how to   farm an unlimited amount of Strength Elixir  that will last your entire playthrough.   Vendors in BG3 will refresh their stock  in at least two cases. For example,   if your party took a long rest. That's why some  guides recommend that you take a long rest and   go back to check the vendor for new stock. This  is simply boring and tedious at best. The other   case where vendors refresh their stock is when  a party member levels up. The optimal way to do   this is to either retrain your character or  hire a new party member and sit next to the   vendor. Level once and then check the vendor for  stock. You can simply do this as many times as   you need by retraining the character(s)  every time you reach the max level.   You can use this method in Act 1 to farm Elixir  of Hill Giant Strength from Derryth Bonecloak in   the Myconid Colony in the Underdark. The best  thing about this vendor is that at level 6 she   has a chance to sell Cloud Giant Finger. This  means you can craft Cloud Gaint Elixir as early   as Act 1. Most vendors in Act II and III have a  chance to sell Elixir of Cloud Giant Strength.   If you really want to optimize this farm, you  can place a party member at a different vendor,   level once, and check each vendor  for stock before you level again.   I mentioned at the beginning of the guide that you  should not create a new character and instead play   Astarion as your Monk. The reason, is at the  end of his story, you can gain an ability that   will add d10 necrotic damage to your unarmed  attacks which is huge considering that you   can attack up to 11 times in a single turn. In Act III you can use Mirror of Loss to boost   your wisdom score by +2. Although I could  use it with Astarion, I had to forfeit the   forbidden knowledge passive that comes from  deciphering the Necromancy of Thay. I wonder   if you can keep the knowledge as well as  Mirror wisdom buff by deciphering the book   after using the mirror. If someone knows,  please let us know down in the comment.   The way you play this build is by using Wholeness  of Body as well as haste buff on your monk before   entering combat. If you also know there is going  to be a lot of movement, use Step of the Wind:   Dash. This will give you 3 bonus actions as  well as 2 Action points to attack 10 times and   if you provoked an attack of opportunity while  wearing Vest of Soul Rejuvenation, you can land   an extra attack using your reaction. This fairly simple and powerful build that   doesn't require any setup like my  lightning sorcerer build. However,   that lightning build is flat-out broken. Make sure  to check it out if you haven't already. I recently   finished the game using this Monk build in Honour  mode and it couldn't have been an easier run.   This brings this guide to an end, thank you  so much for watching. I would like to thank   everyone who supported me and my channel with  their kind comments as well as constructive   feedback. If you have any ideas or tips on how  to improve this build or my content in general,   please let me know. Once again thanks for  watching, and have a great day.
Channel: Kimo Chaser
Views: 57,296
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Keywords: baldur's gate 3, baldur's gate 3 monk, baldur's gate 3 monk build, baldur's gate 3 tavern brawler, baldur's gate 3 best monk build, baldur's gate 3 op monk, bg3 monk, bg3 monk build, bg3 tavern brawler, bg3 best monk build, bg3 op monk, monk tactics bg3, tavern brawler monk guide, baldur's gate 3 end-game items, monk mastery in bg3, dominating baldur's gate 3, ultimate monk build guide, baldur's gate 3 strategy, monk Flurry of Blows, best monk abilities bg3, op bg3 monk
Id: ciKAxgBIfQU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 27sec (1227 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 18 2024
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