Baldur's Gate 3 - 7 ATTACKS EVERY TURN - Best Warlock & Fighter Build Guide - Ultimate Multiclass!

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hello and welcome back to race gaming in a new Baldur's Gate video today I have for you my first build video for the game this is the multi-class combination of fighter and warlock it kind of functions like an Eldritch Knight except with better ranged options triple attacks per turn and perfect Synergy for short rest resetting the fighter warlock is able to reach three action attacks per turn without needing to full commit to fighter this is thanks to the fighter passive at level 5 extra attack and then again at level 5 Warlock and deepen pack somehow these stack despite other classes extra attack just not working like that and other than that insanely strong aspect this class combo provides a variety of incredible perks such as the best offensive can trip in the game Eldritch blast a 1d10 for force that you can conjure not once but twice in one go and it also looks incredible it can also be turned into a very powerful knockback very useful you can also see that our main stat is actually Charisma not strength as it thinks it is this is thanks to the bind packed weapon it takes your weapon and makes scale with Charisma as you can see it says so packed weapons use the wielder's spell casting ability modifier instead of strength or dexterity so this means we're scaling a weapon damage via Charisma which also synergizes with our casting specifically Eldritch blast which is scaling from Charisma too through this playstyle we're able to cast multiple spells of fight attack three times a turn without haste currently buffed on his mind and then we also have action surge which per shot rest immediately gives you an extra action to use that turn so you can even attack four times with that in mind for our subclass we're benefiting from the Battle Master subclass for the superiority die roll attacks which as you can see can be incredible in the form of fainting attack giving us advantage and bonus damage on that attack disarming attack which can be absolutely incredible for dealing with a very powerful enemy getting rid of its weapon temporarily and then the third option is up to you but I really like weeping attack because it gives us another AOE option especially for weaker enemies alongside cleave if you're running a weapon with that so awesome combination there one of the best parts of this combination for me is how both warlock spells and the Battle Master dice attacks reset on short rest as well as action surge obviously so it's all really good Synergy there it means we can go ham in one fight then shot rest to heal back up and be good to go fully straight away no long rest needed at all at higher levels we'll also unlock extremely useful spells like counter spell and fly and are even higher there's going to be fire shield for super good defensive perks and banishment is a hard CC for a scary enemy of course this is all while wearing heavy armor because we have the fighter class as our first level so we're raising our AC nicely because of that making us relatively tanky inherently so yeah this concept is both strong and very fun so let's explain it so let's talk about leveling how do we achieve all of this I'm gonna cover the levels one to eight in game because that's a fair wrap presentation of the setup before completion and should be where most players are going to be roughly finding themselves right now however I'm still going to reference what to do with the last four levels so don't worry let's begin we start with fighter this is really important because of proficiencies you can see on the right what you'll get at this level including if you take fighter at level one heavy armor so we absolutely must take fighter level one to benefit from that for fighting style we're using a two-hand weapon so great weapon fighting is going to benefit us the most with that and then we have kind of a weird setup with our ability points as you can see we're lowering our strength down to 12. we're getting our dexterity to 16 with the bonus plus one constitutions at 14. we drop intelligence and wisdom because we don't need these at all so we can just dump them and our Charisma is nicely high at 16 but we will be getting this to 20 with the total levels again as explained in the intro your damage scaling on your weapon is coming from Charisma and your spells from Charisma so this is your most important stat whatever it thinks because you've taken Fighter the first level now at level 2 we can start make making things interesting as good as level 2 fighter is we need to get warlock going pretty much immediately so we're going to multi-class at this point picking warlock of course for the can trips then I would recommend Eldritch blast obviously this is the kind of biggest deal about this it's an incredible spell for a can trip and then the other option is up to you really I would suggest blade Ward as a nice two-ton benefit keeping yourself survivable in tougher situations for sure but there are other reasonable options here those are the ones I'm gonna run though then we have our subclass where we're going the fiend this provides us with another defensive spell that we can use until long rest armor of agathies will apply five temporary hit points and you'll deal coal damage five call damage to any creature that attacks you with a melee not Ultra necessary but a nice defensive option should you find yourself under attack by a lot of little creatures perhaps for the second spell though I would strongly recommend hellish rebuke a heavy hit of fire damage on reaction helping you get just an extra turn of damage and it can be pretty gnarly if they're weak to it the subclass fiend actually provides us with the dark one's blessing meaning when you kill a hostile creature you just get four temporary hit points which again will help us stay alive so obviously that level is very impactful and that's why we go for it at level two at level 3 though we're also gonna level warlock once again for the spell slot here I would recommend hex it basically means your attacks deal external crack damage as you attack so just further improving your damage and gives it disadvantage on whichever ability you want to choose as you use this it actually becomes a bonus action only to reapply the hex so you can apply it to multiple Targets in a fight then for our Eldritch options we're of course going to take agonizing blast this is how we turn eldrix blast into a Charisma modifier making it so powerful this bit for this build and I recommend repelling blast which makes it a hilarious four and a half meter push which can kill enemies reposition them in terrible spots or force them to realize if you want that it can also be useful as a ranged way to get someone off say your squishy casters it's just got a lot of uses it's really cool which brings us to you are level four where we're now getting warlock level three which does in fact mean we now get packed of the blade pack to the blade is how we're turning our weapon scaling into Charisma so this is the point where the build really comes online as you can see it gives us back to the blade similar weapon to your hand we're not really using that but bind packed weapon this is what you want so we make sure this is applied for spells we now have our level two spells where I would recommend Misty step so you can always reach your Targets in a fight or out it's just very useful obviously now we hit level five it's time to go back not to warlock but to fighter to get action surge every shot rest get an extra action to use that turn obviously devastating and then level six will once again go fighter which means we get our subclass Battle Master of course as we've talked about the superiority die are incredible and we get to choose what we're going to run with it so two of these I would strongly recommend one of them is kind of up to you but I'll tell you which one I like the most important one here is fainting attack you can use both action and bonus action in one turn to attack a target with advantage and deal additional damage this is just your go-to attack after that I like disarming attack again you get to knock a weapon out of an enemy's hands which could be vital for winning a fight or making it much less threatening when that weapon is very strong the third option is up to you there are a bunch of options where post is obviously a popular one but considering we're using that spell slot to blast with fire perhaps you want to go for something different like sweeping attack to guarantee you have a weaker AOE for dealing with weaker enemies or Landing multiple hits in one turn with one strike now we're at level seven we're going to again level fighter which does mean we get our first feat which obviously we're going ability Improvement and obviously going 18 Charisma to get to the plus four on Charisma checks getting us closer to 20 which we want as soon as possible this brings us to our current stopping point for at least in-game footage which is level 8 and we want small go fighter to finally get extra attack which is where things get absolutely silly a free additional attack after making a unarmed or weapon attack means you're going to be attacking two to three times a turn regularly and that's only gonna get better at level 10 when we get the one from warlock as we'll explain so this is our in-game stopping point what should I do for the last four levels level 9 10 11 12. well at level nine you definitely want to go warlock this will unlock your next fee option so we'll go for ability improver and get 20 Charisma as I just mentioned then at level 10 we'll go warlock again this will provide the extra attack Through The Pact meaning yes those three attacks a turn will be unlocked at that point and holy hell does this become strong levels 11 and 12 will both go to Warlock and ultimately unlock your fourth level spells which is obviously going to be incredible as I mentioned in the intro I would recommend for your third level spells counter spell and fly counter spell to stop nasty enemy Spells Of course but fly it's actually even better than Misty step because it gives you flights for 10 turns rather than just one turn with Misty step and obviously that's great level four warlock Spells at full build level 12 you can consider fire shield and banishment because they're both very useful defensively so now with respect we want to make sure that we have bind packed weapon on so we're benefiting from that giving our weapon pack weapon buff meaning yes it's scaling now with Charisma instead of strength or dexterity with our setup we're going to want a nice two-hand weapon as you can see I have a soul breaker Greatsword but there will be better options that I'm looking for soon and you can use pack to the blade to summon one of these weapons to your hand if you don't have one like a big great sword or something but ultimately you want a proper blue or purple weapon yourself for the perks of that in regards to how you want to play this then you want to make sure that you're hexing a main target that you're gonna smash something with a good amount of Health to benefit from the hex from most turns this is a bonus action and level 2 warlock spell slot we only have two to begin with at this point so you want to make sure using that intentionally when you press it it gives you an option of like what are you gonna Nerf and you probably pick something based on what you're attacking potentially Constitution to lower itself or if you know it's scaling with strength or decks or something you could go for that then you'll begin absolutely smashing the target if you've just hexed you may have to use a basic attack or maybe a special weapon attack like so breaker here but your top priority when you can do it is to use an action and a bonus action and a superiority die to fainting attack for the bonus damage and Advantage this provides you'll always want to consider whether you need to disarm the enemy you're attacking if that will be helpful in any way and whether you'd AOE with sweeping attack in this case and potentially cleave if that's an option ultimately though we're hexing a Target and absolutely smashing it with our best strongest attacks available that turn we may even action surge to be able to go again in terms of buffing up in the fight you may consider giving yourself an armor of agathies or blade Ward for the damage reduction that will provide but remember armor of agathis will reflect some cold damage to those that attack you and give you health so if you're under attack by multiple melee targets that can actually be really good especially if they're low Health targets where you just pop them we can reposition with Misty step or fly if you have that later and as we are a fighter we can heal ourselves with second wind whenever necessary on a bonus action my advice to you is to go absolutely ham in every fight AI use everything you've got use all your superiority die use your warlock spells accent surge Second Wind go ham go hard because after the fight's over you're probably gonna short rest and that will restore everything we've just talked about which is a major part of why this build is just so strong and so fun for combat purposes remember you have Eldritch blast which is scaling really well with our setup so you're able to fire not one but two blasts at Great range if you need to with that setup with repelling blast that will knock them back which could be an instant kill if you're sending them off a cliff or something or a reposition tool to get them off an ally a spellcaster or someone squishy you don't want under attack by whatever's on them there is plenty of ways to play this build depending on the scenario and you have the options but there you have it my first build for Boulders gate three I hope this was interesting and useful to you if you're considering maybe trying some multi-classing it's super easy to respect and try something totally different in this game thanks to Withers and it only being 100 gold to do so if you've enjoyed the build video please do drop a like on it we do consider these a good amount but for now I've been Hollow you've been you thank you for watching we'll see you next time Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice Julian to your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world of stage is is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 303,752
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 best build, best build, fighter build, warlock build, pact of the chain, battle master, baldurs gate 3 warlock build, bladurs gate 3 fighter build, baldurs gate 3 best multiclass, multiclass, level up guide, feat guide, feats, baldurs gate 3 combat guide, best class, build guide, new player, baldurs gate 3 combat, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, guide, best, subclasses, level, class, bg3, best warlock build, best feat, best fighter build, bg, ragegamingvideos
Id: fPx1jWfhoHs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 29sec (749 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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