Baldur's Gate 3 - The 10 Best MOST POWERFUL Multiclasses in Game - Ultimate Multiclass Guide & More!

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hello and welcome back to race gaming in the new Baldur's Gate video today I'm following up on a video I made about multi-classes recently the potent Concept in larion's take on DND for sure without forgiving they are on a lot of mechanics I made a video explaining the concept and how it works pitfalls to watch out for that type of thing while also giving out a few neat examples as a guideline the response to that video was bigger than expected so much discussion about different Combos and cool ways to make things work happened I'm back today then to bring you a full list of more potent multi-class options that you might consider yourself so with that explained let's begin let's start with fighter warlock a very strong combo there's two sides to this That's so exciting firstly the fact that you're actually able to reach triple attack actions per turn with no haste or action surge relevant thanks to the fighter passive extra attack and the deepen Bond pack extra attack of warlock actually stacking and working even though you'd expect them not to they do and through this combo we don't have to full commit to fighter to reach that triple attack and so we end up with yeah action surge for another swing on top of that and can benefit from all the perks of warlock that's of course the insanely good can trip that is Eldritch blast in its agonizing version which you can even enhance to make a knockback with lots of potential there the other awesome side of this is thanks to The Pact of the blade warlock allowing you to scale your weapon with Charisma instead of say strength or dexterity allowing for a high Charisma build on a fighter where it actually makes them hit harder High Charisma also Powers up your warlock Spells Of course leading to very strong gameplay Synergy especially when you triple attack action Surge and maybe even have haste on that turn from a party member you can hex enemies smash them with the silly amount of attacks per turn blast Falls from range it's just versatile it's strong and it's very fun to get this going in an ideal way you want to start with level one as fighters to get the proficiencies from that like heavy armor for higher AC then we can level warlock to get its subclass going for the pack then we can finish our fighter to level six in English both extra attack and the feat the fighter gets that point and go ham on warlock for the rest of the levels for spell slots and so on for the fighter subclass Battle Master just works perfectly here the superiority die attacks actually restore on short rest just like warlock spells and action surge so the build Goes Ham every fight after a short rest it's a super good and fun build I have a whole video about this build on the channel now if you want to see full details for the next build though we can't talk about melee Warlock multi-classing and not then also mention Paladin in the mix of that basically it's another clear Powerhouse combo of Warlock and an extra attacker in Paladin and warlock once again through pact of the blade we can scale our damage through Charisma the thing is Paladin was already scaling spell damage through Charisma so making its melee attack scale from Charisma as well is really good Synergy there Paladin compared to fighter though benefits from smites and at level 6 it also comes with the all-important protection Aura the Paladin and nearby allies gain a bonus to saving throws equal to the Paladin's Charisma modifier so perfect Synergy there you've got Murphy Eldritch Blast for your pack weapon melee attacks and it'll power up your protection Aura for you and your party mix that much like you would with fighter using a big two-hand weapon then for great weapon Mastery and you're ready to go plus with the way that warlock spell slots work you can actually use some of those to Smite and then short rest to restore those when it comes to leveling the build I would say you would start with two levels into Paladin for the subclass most likely Vengeance and smites then it's your choice to either go four or five levels into warlock with five levels you'll get the deep and packed for another extra attack but then you won't be able to reach level 8 on Paladin so that's a feat you'd miss out on so that'll be your choice but after you put those levels into warlock we can pump the rest into Paladin eventually we'll get Paladin's extra attack the aura and both remaining Feats if you choose to go that hard on the points but considering the way that deepened pack extra attack actually works with a normal extra attack it seems like a loss to miss out on that moving on from that though let's talk about a different concept rather than a specific build let's talk about just a concept for casters basically if you know Wizards can learn scroll spells permanently you just need to have the correct spell slot level so yeah that actually means what you might think you could take a level one Wizard and then for the second class you can have a high level main spell cluster like cleric sorcerer whatever true Caster you like because you get your sixth level spell slot at level 11 on any true Caster that would then leave you with the slot for level 1 wizard to make the use of spell Scrolls and other wizard spells just keep in mind your Mac spell slot currently will limit the highest level of spell scroll you can learn at the time so if your highest spell slots are Level 4 you could only learn level 4 spells or lower from Scrolls at that time this is why it works best with a true Caster who can reach the highest slots fast okay so let's switch gears to a totally different build concept like the Gloom Ranger Rogue for its Ultra burst potential at the start of a fight Gloom stock arranger has nice perks to stealth which leads to consistent surprise or stealth attack opportunities meanwhile as Assassin Rogue has advantage on any creature currently not in combat so through that simple concept the build aims to open a fight and end it in pretty much its opening attacks you're benefiting from stuff like Dread ambusher for the bonus plus 3 initiative meaning the first tone of combat has extra movement a bonus attack with extra damage the Assassin Rogue also allows for a sneak attack whenever you have that advantage and there's the ability to regain action and basic actions upon entering combat itself so you've just got really high potential for high burst in the opening of the fight Initiative for the first attack lots of perks to stealth and using stealth attacks generally and you can restore your actions as you enter the fight to get multiple attacks a very powerful concept when you know how to pick your targets as you begin the fight of course you'll always ideally surprise enemies with the opening attack then letting you get two turns either way because they have to react to being surprised surprise targets then also are an automatic crit for Assassin Rogue so yeah lots of synergy here Gloom stalker on the other hand gets an extra attack on the very first turn dealing extra damage there all of this is to say you open the fight from stealth surprising the enemy and attack many times cleaning up with the high burst potential you have you want to end a fight basically as it begins and that's the skill of this build the ordering of the levels can be a bit varied but you want four levels into Rogue for the first feat and obviously the perks of Assassin Rogue and eight levels total into the ranger gloomstalker for the other two Feats and all the other perks moving on what about a very strong spellcaster concept storm Sorcerer And Tempest cleric it's all to do with big AOE hits every round now the Synergy between these two classes is key it leads to high lightning damage as the focus of the build thanks to the ability to create water with tempus cleric while using lightning spells from the sorcerer basically all ties into the wet concept by making your enemies wet with some kind of liquid you can deal double lightning damage to those targets that ties perfectly with these two classes with the ability to spread the wet debuff to multiple targets yourself and and then blast with lightning or thunder damage tied to your sorcerer level now technically there are ways to spread wet effects via another party member even through throwing items but having your own consistent method on your own character is definitely worth it with this concept in mind Tempest clerics can Channel Divinity letting them roll Max damage on lightning or thunder spells once per shot rest leading to double damage right there essentially every shot rest then you can deal four times the lightning damage when used on our enemy while also enhanced by your sorcerer level there's even potential twin casting or magic to push things further so very potent indeed the multi-class will focus on sorcerer levels but to begin with I would say start with one level in sorcerer the next two in cleric and then finally dump the rest and sorcerer a 10 and 2 split with a focus on Charisma rather than wisdom okay so let's now think about a nice bad combo they pair extremely well with paladins simply being a paladin under whatever subclass or playstyle you like and then weaving in Bard can work in multiple ways whether you're going Caster or male melee fighter specifically though this concept is the College of Sword Bard with Bard spells also scaling with Charisma just like Paladin it's great Synergy buttock inspiration die allows for the blade flourish actions providing a greater variety of secondary attacks through Paladin the burden Paladin combo is comparable to Paladin and Sorcerer And that they both provide spells and spell slots and the Charisma scaling for your spells but the bad combination allows for a greater focus on melee compared to sorcerer with most levels being spent on Bard in this case but itself with the sword subclass does get its own extra attack at level 6 so you don't have to get five in Paladin for that Paladin is super good for multi-classing thanks to the minimal levels needed for its big perks like getting it so class immediately level 1 and the all-important Divine Smite at level 2. you can set Divine Smite to reaction smashing out a Smite after each attack benefiting from all those bad spell slots that you're getting so I'd say starting as a paladin makes sense spending your first two levels to get the Smite unlock the subclass and the proficiency for heavy arm then we can spend the remaining 10 levels in Bard a 2 and a ten split but is generally a very fun class for out of combat silliness too providing a lot of different ways to engage with NPCs in the World At Large so it might appeal to you for that reason moving on how about the potent and fun combination that is Sorcerer And warlock things are a little bit weird right now with a bug that seems to be happening with warlock I'll explain in a moment this build has a heavy focus on sorcerer but with a bit of warlock so you can have high spell slot counts that return on short rests compared to Long rest allowing for a more aggressive gameplay per every fight on this sorcerer build potentially you'd be sacrificing warlock spell slots then from meta magic points which would be amazing but this is what I'm saying there's a lot of reports about this interaction not working correctly or not being allowed some sort of bug that hopefully we see hot fixed hopefully by the time this video goes out or not soon long after they'll fix this issue because it's being talked about a lot we've seen a good amount of hot fixes for the game so far so I am hopeful the build would start with sorcerer though and then drop two levels into wall lock as you'd expect that would be for the standard benefits of Eldritch blast enhanced into agonizing of course as a really strong can trip to rely on for the build then the rest of the levels would go into sorcerer for a nice 10 and 2 level split next we have the super tanky option of Barbarian and moon Druid this simple combo allows for Bare wild shape to be very tanky but you can actually use Barbarian rage while in Bear mode which is how it's so tanky in this case class benefits and abilities like rage carry over to your wild-shaped form so while you're raging you're effectively doubling your wild shape hit points leading to that super tanky concept it's because during rage you actually only take half damage from physical damage as the most common damage type to care about with that interaction so high hit points and you're taking half damage the split here would probably be a simple eight and four eight levels will go to Druid four to Barbarian just for the subclass and the feet there and that would logically be wild out for the subclass with bear heart as the pick and you'd want to maintain the rage consistently in every fight but always at attacking each turn we could start Druid for two levels taking circle of moon at level 2 and a wild shape then Barbarian for the next four netting us the subclass and the feet and then all the remaining levels into Druid so having a Super Tank in your team appeals this could be a great multi-class way to do it moving on from that we've not spoke on monk at all in this list so let's do that this combination of fighter and monk allows for super high strength benefiting from The Tavern brawler feet in particular that feat Works interestingly as a great thrower feat which is a funny term to use it means when you make an unarmed attack you can use an improvised weapon or throw something which takes your strength modifier and adds it twice to the damage and attack rolls you'll also get plus one in strength or Constitution which is very helpful for reaching 20 strength if we start at 17 and basically thanks to high strength you can throw objects or your allies or enemies very effectively or just make use of improvised weapons to smash your foes it's a unique playstyle how would you level this combo though well its majority monk of course but the first level could start with fighter with one level in fighter first you'd be able to use heavy armor on your high strength monk throwing your weight around and others quite literally we could take the defense fighting style for the plus one bonus to your armor class and you can even equip a shield to get your AC even higher but yeah most of this would be a monk of course so one inviter and then the following 11 levels in monk this high strength monk should be very fun then whether you're punching improvised weapon smashing or leaning into the throwing concept not only will it be very strong literally but yeah very fun finally what is the last multi-class build suggestion for the video I am gonna say something potentially a bit generic but it's an important thing to say in a video like this you should do whatever you want like just try something that seems cool and if it doesn't work out you can just easily respeck and try again Boulders Gate 3 is incredible for build testing especially with DND in mind you can just do it try it and modify it and that's a big part of what's so cool about this game meta concepts are fine and if you want to try any of the suggested builds today sure go for it but I also want to say keep in mind it's very fun to come up with your own stuff and mess around with silly or cool Concepts to see if they work but there you have it a bunch of multi-class Concepts and suggestions I hope this was a good variety to touch on lots of playstyles whatever your interests and if you guys have other strong multi-class ideas then let us know in the comments you might just Inspire someone to try it for now I've been Hollow you've been you thank you for watching and I'll see you next time Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice you look into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world of stage yes uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 372,250
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best build, baldurs gate 3 best build, best multiclass, baldurs gate 3 best multiclass, baldurs gate 3 multiclassing, baldurs gate 3 multiclass guide, multiclass, multiclassing, sorcerer, paladin, wizard, warlock, fighter, guide, multiclass guide, multiclassing guide, feat guide, feats, baldurs gate 3 combat guide, best class, build guide, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, best, subclasses, level, class, multiclass build, multiclasses, ranger, rogue, druid, level up, bg3, ragegamingvideos
Id: Zn9x0sTVGO0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 44sec (824 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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