Baldur's Gate 3 Cast on High Rollers Actual Play | Full Interview

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I stand by my choices and I regret nothing # no justice for Bing Bong today's interview is brought to you by Noble night games they are these site to find the world's largest selection of games including new releases out of print rare and collectible items use promo code ttn 10 off for 10% off your next purchase at nobl hey I'm Katie Wilson here with the voice cast from balers Gate 3 you may have seen them recently on high rollers playing D and D as their actual characters from the game I do have to start off with the most I think important questions that the Internet is just dying to know deah why did you kill Bing oh God why did you do it oh listen get yourself away from the screen Jennifer English for shame for shame I would just like to State for the record that it is now written into all my contracts that I do not mention the Imp okay I cannot talk about the Imp anymore I think we all just want to know what he did to you you how did he hurt you right can I just listen can I just say something um right Sam can you speak up here because it's not just me that wanted to get rid of Bing Bong was it s I mean it's getting rid and there's murder isn't there yeah I've been thrown under the bus my statement is this okay I stand by my choices and I regret nothing # no justice for Bing Bong well in all reality though you all did such a fantastic job on the actual play who here had D and D experience before and who who hadn't I had no experience a few of us did though for those who had not had experience um what was that like for you there's a lot of maths and a lot of dice yeah a lot of dice I agree with that second that I'm very grateful for having Sam set sat next to me and luckily I think they did cut out a lot of me going what the hell does that mean yeah and then cut me going oh oh I haven't played on paper for a while while hang on where is it Mark where oh it's where it used to be it's just tiny in terms of role play that was easy bit that was easy bit it is the mechanics that's really hard I said I haven't I've been playing like online when when during the lockdowns and everything we sort of got into that Rhythm so I hadn't touched any dysing yes all of us have been with our characters for so long that to play them for real was a real cherry on top of a cake kind of moment because we we got to write the story um yeah beyond the story that was amazingly written by Lan um this was a really interesting like wonderful improvisation with characters we know super super super super well to really just have a bit of fun and just try something completely random with no real destination in mind which was really exciting I had a great time well I didn't have a character in this that I voiced in the game I mean I did the the uh reading for the introductions and stuff and that was site reading I genuinely had not seen that script before in any way and the font was very small and I was certainly very aware of how old I'm getting um but aside from that the character that I did get to play at the end uh I knew nothing about until the night before and I only got my character sheet during the break uh in between episode one and two so while everybody was filming and enjoying the episode I was furiously like okay that's what that skill is that's how that happens uh it was so much fun though I mean no pressure bringing bod or renas to life but I would play her till the end of the Earth so how different is role playing for an actual play than recording a voiceover so I think the obviously fundamentally the difference is that you have a very well-crafted script but you you're playing the scenes you're playing the moments with your character so obviously there's a lot more preparation in terms of each line and you have to go through you might be recording hundreds of lines in a session and obviously we're doing full performance well those of us that are doing um the origin characters the 248 actors that play the characters in the game um we're all doing full performance um so you are physically living it in in totality but you're dealing with a scriptor um story so obviously there are choices that the player makes which can be almost not not infinite but definitely huge and wide and that's kind of set so you're playing with these parameters of what the what the path of your the of your characters going to be whereas obviously role playing you're all collectively making the story in the present moment and you have no idea where it's going to go and it's up to obviously a great dungeon master and we we were very lucky with ours high rollers was amazing uh to help guide us towards the most fun we could have depending on whatever choices we made collectively so I think that's the fundamental difference really is that you know as a role player in a in just a small group of playing dungeon dragons for instance you don't know where it's going to go um and even the dungeon master doesn't know it's going to go whereas when you're playing in the volume obviously you have a script and you know the destination in mind you you might know the full story or most of the skeleton of the full story let's say so you have a destination in mind kind of not with your character necessarily in a given moment but definitely you know where the paths are kind of going to lead you a little bit did anybody else just get this massive Rush of excitement at the realization that you were finally going to get to play with the rest of the cast because all the moap the game all the most voice recording was done completely solo like we the players are the ones that get to experience us all together so that was the first time for us we'd all been in a room together first time we'd all met yeah yeah we'd all met in isolation like some of us knew each other for a while other people met other people but quite a lot of us hadn't met everybody and so and like you said Amelia like everybody got to play as a characters together in a room uh in this group um it was amazing it was awesome some of the combinations I was not expecting to go the way they did as well like Gail and will at the beauty salon heart's doomed shopping trip I think that was one of the the biggest differences is that we we got to combine a list of our characters that we all know and love with with a bit of ourselves right because I don't do I I do not believe that Lael and Shadow heart would ever volunteer to go on a shopping Mission together but Dev and Jen might so it was lovely to kind of marry marry our characters and ourselves and have a lot of fun with it it was kind of yeah delicious it's such Peak D and D to adopt the random MPC as well you had no clue what you were doing in that moment second were there any specific personality traits or characteristics scks from your characters that you really really wanted to make sure you brought to the actual play uh yeah carac has itation as as a barbarian trait which I got to use in silence I guess for will just um bravery was one thing I wanted to bring to the game but um that kind of got me killed so I think I think all right so if you had to do another live play that was balers Gate 3 themed but you could not play your own characters uh I'll start with Neil who whose character would you choose um I'd love to play one of the sort of minor characters maybe like one of the big ogres or something that'd be really fun to play something diametrically opposed to what a staran is like one of the big ogers there's three ogr in the game that you meet at a certain point and they're they're weirdly existential but also kind of stupid I like the idea of that it's really fun I think if I'm going to like be anyone in real life or want to be Gale I think we're quite similar we like books like cats like the Finer Things in life easily manipulated I think I'd be a great girl I'd probably have to say Bing Bong but he sing as he's not officially part of part of the um you know the story um any other Bing Bong us hey look he's been giving it back to me so he like he has it coming now at this point um loves that b trolling he's trolling me everywhere he keeps leaving multiple comments and now he's got fake accounts anyway it's fine any look too much my time now with bing bong bing bong or some other R I'd love to play a little stop with the T-shirt i' love to play some other like animal animal cre animal or creature maybe a houseb I found out they exist the other day and they look very mean and and and they've got tusks I like that um Raphael cuz I'd get a new song in every battle pretty awes I think I'm gonna have to say Gail as well um just the Wizardry the Spells the different things he can do in game uh there was one point where me and Gail were trying to get uh some information and I just offered money and Tim was just like no let's use instead and I was pretty jealous of that so I'd probably say Gil either carac because I just I love her whole vibe and kicking the world in the face doesn't want to do that so squ and geeky as well and yeah that's that's kind of me in real life um but if I couldn't play that I would say one of the cats because the cats in this game are amazing and and I love them especially when they they speak Mar that's so cute that's awesome okay so I now have a little game for you all if you're up for it uh we like to call it impressive Impressions and I have uh very recognizable voice lines from each of your characters and uh I will randomly select one and we'd love it if you could do your best impression of who actually says the line in in the game I'm going to start with Amelia ooh it's will Line Get Ready ooh sure but think of the stories you'll be able to tell sure but think of the stories you'll be able to tell awesome I can't do a will impression that's a tough one honestly that's a tough one but now it's Theo's turn so let's see what we get for Theo oh a carlac line please don't open the creepy book please don't open the creepy book I mean carlac approves Sam for you we have it's a LEL line enough waiting I crave blood enough waiting I I crave blood that good that great that was pretty good all right Deborah for you we have ooh a staran line oh hello done this already don't worry about it don't you look good enough to eat oh hello my don't you look good enough to eat all right for Jennifer oh we have uh a narrator line scratch's tongue lulls out happily his tail wagging even faster that's a really long nine hang on scratch his tongue lulls out happily his tail wagging even faster ority feel that's amazing all right our last one is for Neil oh and it's a shadow heart uh voice line you can't just stick your hand in every strange hole you come across you can't just stick your hand in every strange hole you come across I can't do it man it's too difficult so now that we have done impressions of each other I have to ask do you have personal to you favorite voice lines for your own characters oh it's a line that I give um it's a line that I give to aarian which is hilarious you belong on stage perhaps the blood stain sort with a hooded man standing by ax in hand that fleshy nose of yours looks like a mistake it's amazing but the one that's in my head right now is uh you can take carlac to the circus which he's really excited about but then when you get there she says this better be violent sexy or both mine's just the blade of Frontiers just cuz it's so powerful love doing that every single time um also actually the surface one was really fun but I don't know if I can swear on this thing or not it's where it's same situation when car's there and starring can be there anybody can be at the circus and uh he gets pushed on stage uh by the player and he says something like um of course what fun I'm going to kill you and that's really I really like that one it's really funny last question for you all if someone wanted to get into ttrpgs DND D tabletop gaming in general what sort of advice would you give to them this is a team sport play it um in a in a way that allows you to give other people opportunities to interact with you don't worry too much about um doing accents or anything like that just play have fun I say like basically what what um Amelia said have fun and and enjoy it because I think that's that's what it's about I mean for me personally I found that I love as an actor I like the role playing so much um and maybe not so much the combat but I think that other people haven't had a chance to experience that absolutely should because that's where you get a lot of the good the good juicy stuff you get to have fun with your friends essentially and don't be afraid to make mistakes at the end of the day because it's a game and it's it's meant to be fun it's not meant to be tense in any way so just go out there um like media said have fun and yeah enjoy it I think that's it the mistakes are actually part of the story and sometimes the best times come out of the mistakes the happy accidents which I think is the Sometimes the best parts of role playing together in a group is that you're playing together like Amia said and you know like the said mistakes are there to be made and it's okay if you make a mistake is actually sometimes a good thing the character is more important than the system I think I think that's what became apparent when we had people who've never played before just took absolutely took it like they look like ducts to water you know what I mean it wasn't about all the abilities and everything you'll be helped through that just worry about yeah the role play and the character and the interplay like everybody saying that that collabor storytelling and um someone will help you with the dice oh yeah I was going to say um just yes and everything so somebody offer something just go with it even if it's not what you were expecting or had planned to do I think just go all right then why not rather than block anything um and I think that's why we all had a lot of fun and ended up going to like the spa or or adopting him so I think just yeah yes and thank you all so much for joining us today we loved seeing you on the actual play and we hope you guys will do another one uh because I know that all of the fans out there would love to see it I love doing that it always sounds likeing of [Laughter] chaos brought to you by Noble night games use promo code ttn 10 off for 10% off your next purchase at Noble um
Channel: Tabletop News
Views: 59,724
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Baldur's Gate 3 Interview, Tabletop News Baldur's Gate 3, Tabletop News BG3 Interview, Devora Wilde, Neil Newbon, Jennifer English, Theo Solomon, Amelia Tyler, Samantha BĂ©art, No Justice for Bing Bong, Bing Bong BG3, High Rollers D&D, High Rollers Actual Play Interview, Astarion Voice Actor, Lae'zel Voice Actor, Shadowheart Voice Actor, Wyll Voice Actor, Karlach Voice Actor, Narrator BG3, Tabletop News, tabletop gaming, ttrpg, dnd, tabletop games, dungeons and dragons
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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