Baldur's Gate 3 - Get +2 Ability Score & 12 INSANE Magic Items, Weapons & Armor - Best Gear Guide!

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foreign [Music] [Applause] adventurers of all ages Baldur's Gate 3 has an absolutely eye-popping amount of content in it while you're probably getting overly involved in the quest getting attached to characters made of pixels that you met five minutes ago like a toddler watching SpongeBob for the first time and don't be embarrassed I'm exactly the same way there are other things worth spending your time on in the game as well items worth collecting that could drastically alter the rest of your playthrough once you have them and are pretty easily missed if you do not know where to look with that said today let's look at another 10 powerful magic items and where to find them with a reminder that in these I keep it as spoiler free as I possibly can and I always show locations before anything else if you want to check it out for yourself number one Twist of Fortune This weapon is found in a location that most people go through in their playthrough but not from something that you need to interact with by any means the location is the racewind town Toll House the entrance from the bridge you can easily just go around this location to the side and it's not hard at all or you can just move quickly through without finding the main NPC of the area at all this person absolutely covered in armor that literally drops money as they walk if you talk to them they'll tell you that there is a toll to get passed into the town and if you try to cooperate they'll eventually tell you that the toll is all the money that you have you can just leave you can well give them the money if you want to or you can just you know kill them just saying this fight is actually reasonably difficult if you decide to take it straight up the other choice though to make it easy is to kill all the floating skulls each of these is tied to one piece of the toll Master's armor and every skull that you kill makes them more vulnerable to attack this is also how you make this enemy actually lootable at the End by removing the heavy magical metal suit that is covering them after the fight loot the enemy and you will get Twist of Fortune a rare Morning Star 1d8 piercing damage plus one from weapon enchantment two it has a special effect matching the weapon's name when you roll two or less damage with this weapon re-roll it and use a new result essentially just bad luck protection against low damage rolls on successful attacks they can still happen but the likelihood does go down significantly it's got tenacity as well which lets you spend a reaction to do three budgeting damage even on a missed attack and it has a unique proficiency attack called blood money this is a special attack that you can use once per short rest to deal five additional bludgeoning damage per 300 gold that the target possesses the weirdest but most effective way that I can actually see this working is if you sneak up behind a major enemy that you know you're about to fight or like a boss that you know will happen after a conversation you just get behind them before they are hostile pickpocket them and stick in your entire sum of gold into their bag let's say for some reason that you have 30 000 gold just slowly banking up you stick all of that into an enemy's pocket and then use this and suddenly you'd get a 500 damage bonus to the attack obviously this is a ridiculous situation but it's definitely an interesting concept number two the true love Rings this is actually technically two items but they are required to make each other function and they are both found around the house of healing area in wraith wind if you go up to the main road in the middle of the town you will find the entrance to a cemetery pretty much immediately as you enter this area if you look to a tree nearby you will find a skeleton that you can loot to get true love's caress a special ring in need of a partner to make it actually function that partner ring is actually inside of the house of healing itself immediately upon entering the first door or the front door the room to the left is a line of beds and beside one of these beds is you guessed it a skeleton loot it and you will find true Love's Embrace which is the other half of this pair the Embrace ring lets you cast warding Bond once per long rest on a Target who is wearing the matching ring the caress ring this makes it so whenever that that person takes damage you take matching damage as well but they also have plus one to AC and also saving throws as well as for his distance to all damage so essentially due to the resistance having the damage in the first place you are essentially taking the same damage numbers you would have before as it applies to two characters but because it is split between two it creates more longer term HP sustainability especially if you consider AOE healing as being a thing these rings are quite solid and the best part of them is that the effect lasts until long rest and it doesn't disappear when you unequip them so the real trick here is just use these once per long rest then put on some other Rings that'll have more potent effects more frequently and then just move on with your life number three protective plate for this one the item itself is a bit mundane but the location it is found in is absolutely crazy last time we did one of these videos I told you about a chest located in a weird spot across some rocks from the morgue here but what I've since realized is not only can you enter this little Cavern from the opposite side there is a cave located here in the Overworld in this spot that you'll need to get to and find to enter from the side but from this side you can actually see below your starting platform on the other side there is a skeleton that has Loot on it go down here in a fight start Speed the fight and loot the main skeleton to get protective plate it's a heavy armor item 18 AC and resistance to necrotic damage which is the special part of this one number four the halberd of Vengeance from this point on all the remaining items will have something to do with moonrise towers as far as how you get them in the shadow cursed lands this is a story location so if you have not been here yet you may want to drop out here and come back later but there are a lot of goodies in this area that you can easily miss out on if you don't explore it properly the first one is quite simple though just walk up to the first vendor that you meet upon entry the bug bear vendor specifically and his first item in the list is the halberd of Vengeance not cheap at all over a thousand gold to buy but it's 1d10 slashing and 1d4 of force damage as a bonus a plus two weapon enchantment which is fantastic it also has Sentinel weapon as an effect which gives you plus one two initiative rolls and advantage on perception as well as Android reflexes which just makes reaction attack rolls have advantage and that one is pretty specific as to when it actually takes effect but it's also really good when it does it's just a really solid weapon overall number five the gauntlets of surging accuracy now the last one you may be thinking oh that's just a vendor item well for this one it's also a vendor item and it's actually from the same vendor but you definitely wouldn't see it the first time that you talk to them because it just isn't in their stock instead what you need to do is talk to the commander of moonrise Tower she will tell you that she wants you to collect a relic and once you drag the conversation on long enough exhausting all the options you can tell her that she should provide help if this objective is so important and so she tells you to go to the quartermaster and tell him to let you in on the secret stash part of the secret stash is the gauntlets of surging accuracy this is specifically a top tier piece of equipment for any Fighters or anyone who has multi-class into Fighter for the action surge bonus it makes it so when you use action surge every other attack action surge every attack roll that you make that turn gets a 1d4 bonus to hit chance and then you get plus one to strength saving throws on top of that to put this into perspective with my Lazelle set up in an action surge turn I can do up to five attacks if I also get a kill at some point during that sequence which means you realistically can get up to 5d4 of bonus value during that turn from these clubs not to mention it just makes some other Feats really strong as a companion piece so these are just really solid for anyone even remotely fighter inclined number six the spell Crux amulet this item is just exceedingly powerful so of course let's start off with how to get it and then dive into why it is as good as it is in Moonrise Towers there is a staircase that goes down if you follow this it brings you to the moonrise Tower prison and here there are some tieflings and some gnomes if you're on a good guy type playthrough you probably want to help them organize a breakout no matter what and that will of course be relevant to our next item too by the way if you want this item this current one you need to kill the warden of the prison themselves doing so does not aggro any of the other people off of this floor it only aggroes everyone in the prison so you have to kill everyone in the prison but then once you go back up nobody's angry at you for doing so this Warden is usually located in the central tower of the prison area and if you kill them on their body lootable afterwards is the spell Crux amulet this has only one feature on it but it's an incredibly strong one spell slot restoration once prolonged rest this lets you regain a spell slot of any level like the Rings earlier you can put this on activate the effects then take it off and replace it and the effects still there let's say that your strongest spell on a Caster is level 4 but you only have one level four spell slots this amulet effectively lets you double how often you can use that in that scenario which is crazy strong for something that you can fiddle with outside of combat to make it work and not even have it on for combat itself number seven the potent robe now this one is also extremely powerful and a very aptly named item actually remember the last section now we talked about the Gnomes the tieflings and the prison of moonrise Towers well if you want this item you will in fact have to rescue them from the prison just have a conversation with them and they'll make the plan quite clear it's not difficult at all once you've successfully saved this mayor band of ex-prisoners you can tell them that they should head to the last Light in after doing that if you go to the Inn yourself you can actually find them all inside and if you talk with a tiefling Bard on the side here you'll actually pretty much just be granted their entire inventory as a reward which does include the potent road equipment item this is clothing so no armor but it does have plus one AC as a bonus aside from that you get the gregarious Caster effect which makes your cantrips deal additional damage equal to your charisma modifier which has Silly potential of course then the other bonus gives you temporary hit points equal to your charisma modifier at the beginning of every turn on the whole this is extremely strong for any Charisma based Caster type you may be lacking a bit of AC from the armor but five temporary HP per turn is very noticeable especially when it's free number eight the potion of everlasting Vigor this one is actually quite specific because you need to have a stereon in your party to even have a chance at finding it in the first place on the main floor of moonrise Towers over here on this side you will find a researcher interested specifically in blood after conversing a bit with this researcher they will request to be bitten by hysterian hysterian says that their blood smells terrible so he doesn't want to but you can convince him through dialogue if you want the reward anyways the reward then that is the potion of everlasting Vigor this potion when used permanently increases the strength stat of the user by two that's basically a bonus feat right there or more importantly if you use it on a character that already has 20 strengths because of how you've leveled them suddenly you use this they're at 22 strength this breaks the cap on stats and reaching a plus 6 modifier for strength and that's just incredibly dwelling strong pardon the pun number nine the cloak of Elemental absorption this thing is funky and to get it you need to get access to a set of rooms on the second floor of moonrise Towers you can convince the commander if you're persuasive enough to give you a key or you can lock pick your way in if you're stealthy enough but the doors are right at the top of the stairs and also in the library if you go in from the main stair door you will be in an over top area with three doors in front of you first go into the door on the northwest side lock pick the chest and the foot of the bed and inside of it you will find this cloak cloaks are quite Limited in this game so finding decent ones is always nice the effects of this item then are absorb elements you completely absorb Elemental damage once per short rest you also take half damage for the next Elemental attack that targets you as well as dealing an additional 1d6 of that damage type on your next attack this isn't the greatest it's not the worst though and again there's a limited number of cloaks in the game so it's just useful to have by giving you some effect number 10 the cold brim hat this hat is remarkably close to the cloak simply head back out of the door that you entered then enter the Northeast room in the Triangle it's gross in every way possible in this room don't worry if you have that reaction that is probably expected and on the left side after entering the room is a bookcase that will start glowing with your perception checks you have three interact options here on the bookcase two of them are traps so you want to interact with the top right set of books then grab the heart that's on the stone table in the middle of the room for some reason this guy sleeps here by the way and if you stick that heart in the altar beside the bookshelf do that any bookshelf will reveal a secret room with a chest get yourself inside of that chest and you'll find the cold brim hat this item will once per turn apply two turns of encrustable frost when any condition is inflicted on a Target this effect gives affected enemies disadvantage on dexterity saving throws and if they get to 7 turns of build up they have to make a saving throw or take some damage and become Frozen theoretically there is more of this set out there that will actually help you build these Stacks faster and hopefully sync it together to make this an actually properly appliable effect more often but the idea of it itself is definitely solid and this is where you get the helmet for it and that's it for today everyone 10 more easily missable but important and strong magic items within Baldur's Gate 3. this time focused quite heavily on Act 2 in the moonrise Towers locations in the shadow cursed lands I hope you've enjoyed this breakdown and I hope you have fun with any of this equipment if you decide to go out and get it for yourself like if you liked the video subscribe at the notification Bell for more and most importantly ladies and gentlemen until next time stays sweet Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the Whole World a Stage is is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 110,717
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Keywords: potent robe, spellcrux amulet, potion of everlasting vigour, baldurs gate 3 best weapon, baldurs gate 3 best armor, best weapon, best armor, weapon, armor, magic item, rare magic item, baldurs gate 3 combat guide, baldurs gate 3 magic items, combat, combat guide, best class, best build, build guide, baldurs gate 3 gear, gear guide, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, guide, best, paladin, sorcerer, subclasses, baldurs gate 3 act 2, act 2 guide, act 2, how, bg3, ragegamingvideos
Id: 1iO5wKs4O5c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 30sec (750 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 14 2023
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