Elden Ring: Complete Stats Guide (Soft Caps Explained)

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so you want to know how you should be putting in your stats to become the best gamer you can be well good thing i'm here now as always please let me know down in the comments if i got anything wrong i'm never wrong the last thing i want to be doing is spreading misinformation but i will say that i personally tested the majority of the topics that i'll be going over so you should be good and if you ever have any questions you can always pop by my stream links down in the description along with my schedule i think it's time to hop in oh yeah and if you find this video helpful feel free to hit that thumbs up button down at the bottom to let youtube know that you enjoyed it maybe even hit the subscribe [Music] subscribe [Music] before we go over all the stats i want to explain a few things it's important the first thing is the red numbers on the screen means nothing don't look at it don't look at it there's also some words and terms i'm going to be using in this video and i'd like to go over them so you know what the hell i'm talking about the first one is hard cap this means you cannot put any more points into that stat so as you can see i'm trying to raise my intelligence up past 99 and it won't let me click it anymore just to make this easy the hard cap for every single stat you see on the screen right now is 99 can't go higher deal with it the next one is soft cap this one's a little bit more complicated this refers to a break point and a stat like a certain number that when you hit it you're going to see a change in the returns you get past it in most cases once you go past a soft cap you'll get less of a return but in some situations you get more i'll explain more in a little bit calm down just as a quick example you'll see that i'm at 1402 health up at the top and if i go to level 40 figure i'm going to go up to 1450 which is going to give me 48 health what if i try to go from 40 to 41 my health only goes up by 26 so we would say a soft cap for vigor is 40. got it good and the last important term very important i like to call this the nice cap this is a completely made up term i just thought of it but it's important nonetheless i'll make this very quick and simple the nice cap for every stat is 69 yes i am a child moving on to the numbers we'll start off with vigor since we've been talking about vigor right what does vigor do well if we click the help button and then go to explanation and then highlight it it says it gives us hp and it also increases our fire resistance and immunity now the main thing we want to talk about here is the hp now as you saw going from level 39 to 40 gave me a lot more hp than going from 40 to 41 but there's a bit more to it than that let's head on over to some spreadsheets these spreadsheets or for my own personal testing i saw the information on the wikipedia i had to test it myself just to be 100 sure and everything did line up so as you can see going from 10 all the way down to 40 the amount of health that it increases goes up every level it just keeps going up that's crazy right it keeps going up and then bam it drops as we said before 40 is a soft cap but i wanted to make sure that you understood that going up to that soft cap of 40 just gives you more and more increased health per point now past 40 hit a hard cut off and now instead of it going up it starts going down going from 26 all the way to 13 at 60 bigger and then past 60 vigor it cuts off again so we can say for sure 40 is the first soft cap of vigor 60 is the second soft cap but how many points do you want to put into it well as you can guess 40 is the minimum i would suggest putting into this health is incredibly important people hit you in the face and it hurts this is where you need to decide if you want to go higher if you feel like you're up in the fray a lot you're a melee character you could consider going up past 40. i would say though the hard cutoff is 60. do not go past 60 it's just not worth it i'm in 1900 health now i'm in 1906 no just not worth it and remember the closer you get to 60 the worse the stat becomes so personally for me i'm gonna be sticking around the 40 to 50 range maybe around 45 but i'm also a spellcaster so i'm mainly in the back you do what you want just don't go past 60. all right so mine's up next and what does mine do well it claims it's the attribute to determine your fp or your mana and it also affects focus and just like with vigor this says it infects your your fire resistance and immunity in general when you put when you put points into stats all of these you're going to see that your numbers are going to go up like if i'm putting things into strength you're going to see that my magic and my fire and my lightning randomly go up it's just like increasing your level it increases your base defense power and immunity robustness all that fun stuff so you don't really have to worry about that too much mainly focus on the first one and again the first one for mind is it gives us more mana or fp but what's the soft cap i do do i put too much in what do i do back to the spreadsheet now if you look on the wikipedia since i already start with 15 mind as an astrologer you're going to see that the plus increase is going to be three all the way up to level 20. even starting at level one but once you get to level 20 it goes up to four then six and then as you can see it continually stays six all the way to fifty fifty is your second soft cap for mind so from levels one to nineteen you get plus three and then going to twenty gives four i guess it's just ramping up to the six and then all the way from twenty one to fifty you're gonna get plus six and then past that you get even more for a little bit look at that wow 51 you get eight nine eight eight eight seven seven six five oh it's going back down what's happening so mine is a little bit weird because you have a lot of soft caps right you have the first one being at level 20. boom right there then you've got the second one being at level 50 boom right there starts going up a little bit and then it starts to drop again so if you're going to be putting points into mind you want a lot of mana or fp you're a spell caster how many points do you want to put into it it kind of just depends on what spells you like to use so take note of how much fp each spell costs and try to get yourself on a nice rounded number so for example if i had a spell that cost 10 mana i could cast that spell 22 times with my current 220 mana whereas putting an additional point into it kind of doesn't make sense if you have multiple spells it's kind of hard to decide but i would suggest anywhere past the 20 mark and give yourself a little bit more so you can get that plus six if you really care about mana obviously and you find yourself being a huge mana battery wanna cast those big kamehameha wave spells i suggest maybe getting up to 55 that's when the drop starts happening again for me personally i like chilling around 35 i'm a heavy spell caster i've got like maybe four or five mana flash bound to it and i never am like oh no i'm out of mana and i don't have any flasks to do it but if you find drinking annoying then you can crank it up just don't go past 55. all right we're building a character wow look at us go next up is endurance endurance is going to increase our stamina and it's going to increase our max equip load now your max equipped load dictates if you're either light medium heavy or over encumbered which means you can't roll at all to be in the light state you need to be 29.9 of your max load or lower to be in the medium state you need to be between 30 and 69.9 percent of your max equipped load 70 to 99.9 percent you're now in heavy mode which gives you fat roll it's a really slow roll and your stamina regen is penalized by 20 and then going over 100 you're over encumbered you can't roll you're dead from my experience light doesn't really do anything and to get to light you'd need a bunch of endurance you need to do a bunch of talismans to get your max equipped load up pretty much you need to be running around naked and there doesn't seem to be any difference in stamina recovery animation the distance iframes might be longer like immunity frames i'm not sure i would suggest staying in the medium range mode but it also increases your stamina which is you need stamina to cast spells you can't stamina to sprint but as always there's soft caps what do you want to get to back to the spreadsheet so endurance is a little wonky stay with me here for every point of endurance you're gonna be alternating between one and two here starting at level ten this is the stamina difference right here one two one two one two this is going to go all the way down to level 18 where you're going to hit a soft cap so the first soft cap for endurance is 18 and alternates between two one two two one two two yes and that persists all the way up to level 32 which you'll hit your next soft cap and it'll just go back to alternating between one and twos again all the way down to level 50 which past that you only get one stamina per three levels not worth going past that in general for equipment load it kind of just stays within the 1 to 1.6 range starting to drop off at level 26 which it ramps back up all the way down until you get up to 60 in which it also has a harsh drop off i would not suggest going past 50 for endurance unless you want to be dual wielding giant colossal weapons while also having a great shield as your backup you know what i mean like it's just it's not worth it and again you can have some talismans to be able to supplement for that me being a spellcaster i found myself around 25 to 30 and it feels good man i mean you can work with it but if you are a melee character wearing heavy stuff give yourself a little bit more but don't go past 50. lastly we have strength decks intelligence faith and arcane i like to look at these last five as kind of a damage scaling slash attribute gateway for wearing certain equipment i look at about 12 strength to where all my equipment so if you're a spell caster and you just want to put the minimum amount of strength required to wear the majority of gear personally i have found 12 strength to be a good number i can wear pretty much anything i want mobile katana requiring 12 strength medium shields are some great ones with 100 physical block 12 strength is enough and this kind of goes along with decks too like i like to use the moonville katana so i like to go up to 18 decks to wear that i don't use anything that requires faith i don't use anything that requires arcane and i use stabs that increase my damage depending on how much intelligence i have so i want to bump that up as much as possible but how much is too much maybe i want to drop down my endurance a little bit and then just scale my intelligence all the way up to 99. i what i'm a spellcaster i like intelligence this is great right this is the best thing i could be doing right now 99 ends that is not a good thing for you to be doing and i'm kind of going to encompass this into all of these stats right here the first thing you want to do is put enough stats into either strength decks intelligence faith or arcane to wear the gear that you want to wear now we need to figure out how are you damage scaling well if you want to smash you're going to be looking for strength if you want a fast katanas swords you want to bleed you're probably looking at decks you want a spell cast you're looking at int faith or arcane and by the way i keep talking about damage scaling and what weapons you're using under each weapon you're going to see a list that shows all of the stats being either strength decks int faith or arcane with a letter next to it or dash a dash means it doesn't scale at all an s means it scales incredibly well so for example my staff scales s with int that means i want as much into as possible for the most part so it increases the damage whereas if i have a strength weapon and i'm a melee character you can see that the strength scaling is s with this that means i want as much strength as possible for the most part and there's ones out there for decks faith and arcane now you understand the whole scaling option the question is once you put in all your stats to wear all the gear that you want how much do you want to put into whatever stat you're doing to pump up your damage and the answer is pretty much 80 across the board to get more technical there's a soft cap at level 20 there is a soft cap at level 80. there's a soft cap at 90 and of course you have your hard cap in 99. now i've tested this with my staff which scales off of s with end and i made another save state where i tested out with strength using a two-handed weapon and smashing the crap out of people that also scales with strength with s and personally i have found 80 to be the soft cap that you worry about the most that's when you start hitting the big diminishing returns past 90 even worse but each weapon is different because if it scales off of like an a value then it might be a little bit less on the soft cap it's kind of hard to say if you just want to know a general thing about strength decks and faith and arcane to sum up you want to put the amount of stats in to wear your crap and then you want to take your main scaling damage attribute and take it to 80. so after finagling around with the numbers a little bit as a level 140 astrologer that primarily uses spell casting slash the moonville katana because it's busted this is what my stats would look like 40 vigor 30 mind 28 endurance 12 strength 18 decks 75 inch seven faith and nine arcane now you might be wondering kami why don't you put 80 points in the end well i use a talisman that gives me plus five ins i haven't really found any other talismans that i really want to replace with it and it essentially gives me five free levels it seems legit to me so i'm using that for now so with 75 based stats plus the five from the talisman that will put me at my 80 soft cap mess around with it figure out what you want to do there's different talismans to give you different stats there's also great runes like for example the goddrix great room which gives you five plus stats across the board so if you planned on having that up as much as possible then i could even drop my ant down even lower and bump up my figure up a little bit maybe my mind and maybe even my endurance but just keep in mind great runes obviously disappear when you die so you have to keep using them and whatever i just want to play it safe make sure i always have the 80 end with the talisman i hope this video was helpful for you guys let me know down in the comments if you want to see anything else i've got a bunch of videos in the pipeline going to be busting them out soon and if you want to know when they come out remember just hit the subscribe button and you know the bell and like and comment help me alright i'm audis
Channel: KamiGG
Views: 1,320,859
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: elden ring stats, elden ring stats guide, elden ring stats soft cap, elden ring stats explained, elden ring stats level, elden ring stats for magic, elden ring stats build, elden ring stats scaling, elden ring stats scale
Id: uhIe39u_Ymk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 35sec (755 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 18 2022
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