Baldur's Gate 3: Classes Ranked

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[Music] foreign what's going on everybody mortum here this time bringing you my class rankings for Baldur's Gate 3. now that the game has been out for a little while and I've been able to mess around with the full implementations of many of the classes I thought this would be a fun video to make that said what I'm actually ranking these based on is a few different things for starters things like general power how much I enjoy each class and also their exact implementation in Baldur's Gate 3 specifically because there are some classes on this list that are moved around specifically because I don't care for how individual things were implemented to give an example of that my favorite class to warlock is actually not at the top of this list I mean it's pretty close but still however in addition to that right here at the beginning I do want to stress that every single one of these classes is viable especially on normal difficulty this is a game that prioritizes role-playing over power gaming the tactician build I personally made didn't even go all in on the min max thing and I was still able to beat tactician pretty handily it really comes down to system knowledge and how things interact with each other and because of that these rankings are mostly just for fun and to express some of my personal opinions about these classes and their implementation every single one of them is capable of running through this game in a more than adequate fashion so I would not let any ranking on this list dissuade you from playing the thing you want to play because enjoying the thing you paid for is a lot more important than some random guys ranking on the internet so with that in mind let's get into just that my rankings of these classes starting from the bottom and working our way towards the top we have the Druid it kind of pains me personally to put the Druid on the bottom because I think they have so many things going for them that are interesting and that make them unique like they're wild shaping all of their full spell casting some of their spells I really enjoy like Spike growth and thematically they are such a cool class the problem for me with Druids in this game is how they have been implemented in particular I assume some of this comes down to technical limitations but for instance the wild shaping where a druid turns into various animals does actually let you interact in the tabletop version with a variety of other class features so long as they aren't spells basically however none of that is really here in Baldur's Gate 3 so you essentially turn into an animal that can take a couple of actions in combat for instance but even just beyond that a lot of their mechanics are just very clunky in how they are handled in game here for instance Spore Druid sees us trying to deal extra damage when we have a temporary health Boost from our spores active but the second you lose that you're dealing significantly less damage and while you can raise zombies and stuff and it still has cool themes that doesn't really jive with the fact that Druids aren't really frontliners so it works but it's a little weird and because of that if you just want to go like for Pure Effectiveness you're essentially just building a spellcaster at that point of which there are many so while I do like this class it's at the bottom just because a lot of it is handled so awkwardly but admittedly all of the various wild shapes you can get one of which is a rafter even are still really cool so I do think it's still worth playing however next up we have the ranger the Rangers at the bottom because it is in my opinion a little uninspired many of the things it tries to do other classes just flat out do much better or at least potentially can such as attacking with finesse weapons doing range damage and because of that whenever I want to do those things I usually go to other classes for them however the ranger still does have some things going for it that are really fun here for instance you can get an animal companion which grows in power alongside you which can help out with the action economy there are a couple of subclasses that mix really well with other classes such as Gloom stalker that can let you set up some pretty brutal first round combos but Ranger is ultimately so close to the bottom because really just about the only time I even consider taking this class is for a very specific dip into it to make use of one of its features with that pretty much being the extent of it as it gets outshined by a lot of other classes in most other ways third up however we have the Rogue the reason the Rogue is so close to the bottom here is purely due to the implementation of things like stealth in this game alongside these sneak attack so while I enjoy sneak attack and with some of the Rogue subclasses it can be super useful such as with Thief getting the extra bonus action or with assassin getting some useful abilities like being able to trigger advantage in the sneak attack against enemies who haven't taken their turn which meshes well with Gloom stalker or assassin's ability to start combat and then immediately replenish their action for another attack can make them a lot of fun to play however I do think a lot of that is hampered by the fact that stealth in this game is more about cones of vision than anything else you only really make a direct stealth roll if you get seen and because of this pretty much anyone is capable of sneaking in anything which means that like one of the main reasons you would want to play a is pretty much mitigated by other factors that are ultimately gameplay in nature however it still does a lot of fun useful things here and there such as expertise making a fantastic person to help you pick your locks or disarm traps and the fact that again sneak attack is just super fun to play around with honestly there are still a lot of reasons to play a rogue but I do think their implementation in this game leaves a lot to be desired fourth on the list we have the monk generally considered one of the weaker 5e classes with some changes larion has managed to make this pretty fun now I will admit actually that my personal least favorite in 5e is actually the monk overall which is mostly down to things like class fantasy but their implementation in Baldur's Gate 3 is pretty solid they've seen a variety of reworks that I detailed in my monk overview video that make them much more effective in combat maybe a little too much so if you get down into the mid-maxing of it monks are capable of dealing some incredible damage in this game which can set you up for a variety of sort of ridiculous moments if you really lean into it and it really feels like Larry and went out of their way to give monks a lot of moments to shine which is what it's doing about a third of the way up in the rankings despite the fact that it is my least favorite class personally that said though moving on we have the Barbarian up next barbarians are really fun in Baldur's Gate 3 for a variety of reasons not least of which there are many unique conversation options that allow them to just intimidate things and provide a variety of fun outcomes that are Barbarian as someone who's not typically a face character doesn't usually get so that's pretty cool by itself and then there's just the fact that a barbarian is pretty great melee especially in the early game with their rage and bonuses to hit making them a very solid well-rounded damage dealer I do think they get outclassed by the fighter in the later levels but given their stronger class fantasy in my opinion barbarians are still really fun to play and they are a relatively simple class at the same time but with some of their subclasses allowing them to do really fun things like some incredible throwing damage for instance with improvised weapons even there's a lot of opportunities for barbarians to do fun things which is why they're kind of in the middle of the pack what really holds them back for me though is that they tend to be a bit one note moving on to number six sort of dead middle here we have the cleric clerics have such a wide variety of ways to be approached and built and because of their ability to select a deity they have so many approaches to game play and role playing that they can do so much for a party I do think that they tend to get pigeonholed into being the Healer many times but realistically in 5th edition you don't need an active healer all the time and what clerics are actually really good at in many cases is damage as full spell casters they get access to a variety of very powerful spells such as flame strike Spirit guardian and that's just from their regular spell list and then their domains that they pick for being a cleric also grant them a variety idea of spells which can be really strong Tempest being a personal favorite provides a variety of large AOE storm-based spells that can deal great crowd control and damage and some of their domains even allow them to be very great melee damage dealers which makes them a great all-around class which is perfect for being right in the middle next up bringing us to the top half however we have the wizard I'm a big fan of the wizard class overall I think they get such a variety of approaches to spell casting that they can have a lot of really fun ways to be played now my personal favorite is the good old-fashioned Blaster Caster or the evocation subclass wizard granting us access to a variety of death dealing large AOE spells while at the same time protecting our friends from them as the evocation subclass gets sculpt spells which keeps you from triggering aoes and if larion's recent stats are to be believed might be news some of you need to hear because like 12 percent of all player deaths have been at the hands of Friendly Fire specifically Gale Gale is apparently the seventh highest leading cause of death for other players and the evocation subclass completely mitigates that however there are a lot of other really cool subclasses that allow you to lean into different types of magic with the only real downside to wizards in my opinion being the fact that they have to prepare their spells as they know so many and compared to a sorcerer's spontaneous casting and being able to use metamagic they do feel a little less damage oriented in combat at times and that's kind of because they are as they have a variety of utility Spells at their disposal which can also be incredibly useful overall though wizard is a classic their implementation here is done quite well they are very strong classes if you know how to play them as they can deal immense damage in the right situations but truth be told that's the same for a lot of classes which brings us to number five for the fifth class we have The Bard Bard's in fifth edition are your classic jack of all trades so to speak they get a variety of skill they can do melee combat they are full spell Casters in this instance and with their college subclasses they can be incredibly good at a variety of other things as well they also make a great face character by the nature of the fact that they heavily lean into Charisma bards also get a ton of fantastic dialogue options they also get the ability to perform out in the streets which will earn you gold and can also serve as a distraction for the rest of your party and stuff like that is really cool so bards have a lot going for them in Baldo's Gate 3 and they're very good at pretty much all of them fourth on this list though we have the fighter fighters I think have a lot of potential for class fantasy and role playing as it's just general enough to give you a lot of leeway over what that means for your character but also the fact that Fighters are incredibly strong with three attacks at a base by level 11 and then with action surge potentially six with great weapon Master you can take that a little farther even Fighters are capable of dealing an immense amount of damage in combat simply by swinging their weapon which is something even spell casters can struggle to keep up with so while they can be a little boring in their first few Levels by the end of the game a properly built fighter is just destroying things and with a variety of fun subclasses like Eldritch Knight or my personal favorite Battle Master allowing a degree of Battlefield control you can do some really fun things with the fighter which means they live up to exactly what they're good at which is extremely reliable high damage since they don't rely on things like spell slots or other resources to deal their damage third from the top however we have the sorcerer I as I mentioned previously enjoy a good Blaster caster and it doesn't get much better than the sorcerer in that regard their main class feature is metamagic they also learn some spells as they level up of course but they can cast all of them as opposed to having to prepare them and they can use metamagic to enhance them so while they won't know as much magic as something like a wizard when it comes to dealing damage with said spells their meta magic really puts them on the top of the Heap in that regard which makes them really really fun and also pretty easy to play and thanks to their High Charisma they also make a really great face which means that in a game like this they're great at talking to people they're great at dealing damage and they have a really fun unique class mechanic which makes them a shoe-in for one of the top spots in fact one of the ways you could make a wizard slightly more interesting is by taking two levels of sorcerer and picking up some of their meta magic But ultimately if you just want to deal damage with a casting class it doesn't get much better than sorcerer second from the top however we have the Warlock admittedly my personal favorite class overall but warlocks are a ton of fun to play they have a lot going on for them Role Play Wise they are a Charisma class so again they make a fantastic face character who can do all of your talking and thanks to their mix of class features centered around both spell casting and potentially melee oriented things you can either make this a Gish character that it is to say a melee and magical focused class that can deal fantastic damage in melee but also be a proficient spell Caster you can also turn them into a full spell Caster they also get their unique packed magic which makes sure even their weakest spells are always quite strong and they even get the ability through their invocations to cast a lot of spells without using spell slots at all really the only drawback for warlocks for me in Baldur's Gate 3 is the fact that you are supposed to be able to use their warlock spell slots to cast spells from other classes generally which just doesn't work in balther's Gate 3 and while it's not necessarily make or break here it is a little disappointing again I assume this is probably some sort of technical limitation or maybe it is just genuinely intentional but in either case that's really my only complaint about them here though last and certainly not least we have the Paladin another classic if you want to Smite evil in the name of all that is just in good a paladin tends to be the go-to they are Charisma class which again makes them great at talking to people and they are also very strong mechanically thanks to their class features of divine Smite this is why they are at the top of this list ultimately because Divine Smite is incredibly effective in this campaign specifically because Smite does increase damage to Undead and fiends and there are a lot of them in Baldur's Gate 3 and while Smite ultimately uses spell slots so it is not infinite free damage or anything it is pretty easy to combine Smite with a lot of other features to just do Insane damage there's also a lot of role playing to be had around their Oaths and either trying to keep them or deliberately breaking them to become an oath breaker Paladin instead if you take a level or two in cleric you can even have a deity that you are serving which has its own representation and dialogues so because of this even if you don't want to play a pure Paladin a couple of levels in Paladin benefits almost everyone but especially melee characters thanks to Divine Smite as well as some of their proficiencies and while I would say me many classes have them beat when it comes to doing AOE damage to a number of enemies at once single Target paladins really steal the show and combined with their ability to pass a lot of speech checks and things like that and dialogue and their role-playing aspects to it paladins really just steal the show in Boulder's Gate 3 which makes it no surprise to me that they were one of the most played classes according to larion themselves that though has been my class rankings for balder's Gate 3 I certainly hope you enjoyed it and I'm looking forward to hearing everyone else's opinions about this as I'm sure many people have a lot to say about it but in all seriousness I would be very interested to hear how everyone else is finding the classes because even the ones I haven't really enjoyed that much such as the Druid are still classes with a strong class fantasy that are very capable of playing through the game and as I said at the beginning don't let any of these rankings dissuade you from playing the character you want to play because all of them are very capable especially if you're just playing on normal any anyway with that in mind though like comment subscribe all that YouTube jazz but regardless of any of that truly just thank you so much for watching I really do appreciate it may you wander in wisdom and have an amazing day [Music]
Channel: Mortismal Gaming
Views: 1,020,602
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mortym, Mortismal Gaming, Baldurs Gate, BG3, BG2, BG1, Baldur's Gate, Connections, baldur's gate 3 story, baldurs gate 3, bg3 story, baldurs gate 1 & 2 before 3, bg3 multiplayer, bg3 gameplay, bg3 release showcase, bg3 multiclassing, baldurs gate 3 multiclassing, bg3 classes, bg3 monk, bg3 monk guide, bg3 monk overview, bg3 class overview, bg3 best classes, baldurs gate 3 best classes, bg3 class rankings, bg3 class stats
Id: nGZapA8Am8E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 29sec (989 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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