Baldur's Gate 3 - Be 100% Unkillable, Best Permanent Buff, Revive ANY Enemy & More - 22 New Secrets!

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hello and welcome back once again to rage gaming and a new balers gate things you didn't know episode today I've got some fun testing details a little law talk another powerful buff to know about and more so why don't we just get right into it we kick today off with a silly idea here but one that could be well very effective what is the maximum possible AC you can get meaning yeah permanent AC you can run in real gameplay but also a look at higher AC you can get during combat or with limited improvements this concept actually comes from a Reddit po by Cream of Drake who made this fun little concept Drake was able to find a way to get your Baseline of AC over 30 in fact right now I'm standing here out of combat with 35 AC and we can get even more in combat now it starts with a class that has a fighting style that you can use defense like Paladin or fighter or Ranger of course the defense fighting style provides you with that permanent plus one to your AC while you're wearing armor so that's a great start we're going to pick up some spells though so we'll level one level into cleric to grab the shield of faith spell providing us with until long rest and concentration another 2 AC then we're going to level wizard a couple times this is going to pick up mirror image and the shield spell since the shield spell can give us a lot of AC on reaction when we're attacked and mirror image for 10 turns gives you an extra 3 AC for each illusion and you create three of them so it's 9 AC then we have three levels into Bard all the way into college of Swords so we can pick up the defensive flourish melee which will give you another 4 AC if you land this defensive here we're also going to want to level our decks as much as possible based on our gear which we'll now explain we'll go through things in terms of the ACT you can get them starting with chapter one then we have our wondrous gloves which can just be found in the Grim Forge this pair of gloves just pffs your AC by one all the time that you're wearing them which is great but in act one we can also technically get the ring of protection while one again another AC plus one but this is a bit harder to get cuz you have to complete the quest from mole to steal the sacred Idol which is certainly a commitment now over in the crash in the mountain pass you could can buy from the quart Master there this weapon the defender flail while warn it provides plus one to your AC which is also great moving on to chapter 2 we can pick up the cloak of protection at the lights hope in from the quartermaster another one while one is just another plus one to your AC and also in the same place from Mattis you can buy the evasive shoes which as you can see not only give you acrobatics but also another AC throughout all of this you can get a shield that just adds plus one plus two to your AC but ideally you're looking for a plus three AC Shield like this legendary you find in act three but let's talk about act three stuff such as the Helm of boulderon which again well worn is another plus one you get this by defeating the challenge below worm Rock and the worm ways and then the final thing is going to be the chest piece we have the armor of agility this actually adds your full dexterity modifier to your armor class so we're getting quite a few points from this while I'm at 20 decks so with all that combined we are currently standing here at an AC of 35 and with just one buff active which is the shield of Faith from the cleric before we even get into combat we can get another AC by just providing a warding bond from a Ally in the party or whatever so that brings us to 36 now but then when we jump into combat obviously this is where we can push it the most if we use Mirror Image we get a plus n to the AC while that's fully active and going and with the item bracing band we can get another plus one to our AC if we shove someone successfully if we can do that in the same turn that we use a defensive flourish from The Bard that's four from the flourish and another plus one from the actual shove all of this combined as you can see can put us to 50 AC which is absolutely insane and remember this isn't even including the plus five that we get from The Shield as the reaction as we take damage from a Target we can activate that for one turn so our cap could be 55 in combat that is insane such a massive damage reduction now obviously this is a bit silly this isn't all that viable we're doing a bunch of different multiclasses but it is fair to say that you could take a lot of this tone it down and make something that would actually work in a real playthrough with a real build so that's my question to you guys how would you take some of this stuff to really push your AC and as soon as possible without going too far with a multiclass that makes something not all that functional what could you do to make this work moving on though we have one from Josh in the series so far we've looked at a different set of Buffs short ones they're potent but easy to miss long ones that go on until maybe the next long rest but but also last more permanently there's a shocking amount to find in the game many of which a lot of us have missed and we've been going through lots of them and yet we have another one here that Sims nuts that was entirely missed by me in act 3 this is Rapture which provides a ridiculous 1d6 to your attack rolls your ability checks and saving throws all until the next long rest this is obviously a ridiculously strong buff and one that I wish I'd known about because I could have intentionally timed to take that buff before say going on a big challenge like say the Big Challenge that's at the end of the worm way for example to get it though you just need to head to the shes building at the start of act three on the third floor you can find this NPC this is now is in a room called the Druid Grotto you will need to break your way in somehow though by unlocking the door once inside you meet now and Jara who actually also has a tadpole in their head now unfortunately Jara is not on your side and at that moment will begin to transform to a flare which we have to defeat to save the NPC obviously just deal as much damage as possible CC the Mind flare you need to make sure she doesn't die and she has very little health so be careful her if you save her she'll be pleased with you obviously but also when you speak with her she surprisingly likes the Mind flare and is disappointed it's dead however she turns her attention to you and you can through the conversation kind of go with what she's saying eventually you ask her what she has in mind and she says the word rapture so you're on the right path and she'll give you a couple of options to choose the one you want to pick in this case is the power option and at the end of this conversation she'll simply give you this Rapture buff which again lasts until the next long rest so very powerful that's for sure one I completely missed and could have really used at different points in act three there are a variety of strong boss fights that having this going into it certainly would have helped in fact you should let us know if you know any other potent Buffs like this that people might have missed things that only last until long rest can still be very useful if you time them right next up a quick follow-up on the strange situation with the whole regain hit points thing that ability that NPCs can use to restore their health out of combat this heal can be used an insane amount of times depending on the current progression of the game the higher level the NPC the more they can use it per like end of day up to 12 times a day it's used by certain NPCs to prevent deaths but as I mentioned it has caused a lot of pains for the community when it comes to stealth characters a lot of you guys in the comments were referencing your own experiences when I talked about that when going invisible midf fight or trying to assassinate someone and they just heal up because they're technically not in combat really lame when you push someone off a ledge and they heal cuz they just barely didn't die which is just an awkward very gamey issue which was seemingly addressed in that not all NPCs seem to do this anymore however despite other companions seemingly unable to do it Gail still can which is really weird because he is a companion and we can really benefit from that to trigger it you just have to hurt Gail and he just needs to not be in your party so I just kick him out the party then hit him and then wait a moment and then he just does it the reasoning for Gail still getting this crazy heel makes sense from a bunch of people's reasoning in the comments about it it was slamming DF and Sparta fly who suggested that Gail kept this silly heel in because well he has that bomb the nether e or blast Gail will trigger this in his chest this orb and it will destroy quote everything and everyone in a wide radius so Gail's a bit unstable apparently if Gail dies a true death then the bomb is just going to pop on its own as the two commenters suggested which maybe is why he kept this extremely strong heel to kind of prevent this randomly or accidentally happening and ruining your playthrough as I talked about last time this means you can use Gail in an incredible way as a warding bond cter putting him to say multiclass of cleric so he can provide that for others easy he'll heal himself Ultra hard multiple times a day every time he takes the damage from the warding bond 12 in my case so he's great for that but it was Outlook Jonas who highlighted the fact that this doesn't just heal him it also hilariously seems to restore all of his spell slots like a true Long rest Beyond say just like 12 short rests a day so as Jonah said even by level three you could have him on a cleric all the way with different buff options that that could provide and have him be like the ultimate warding Bond cter as well as different Buffs you could go hard on this with different classes and different levels just have him out of your party bring him in to do the Buffs kick him out slap him and it'll just restore all of his spell slots and heal every time so the potential with this trick is silly and it's nice we could expand upon this a bit I just wonder how they're going to solve this with a more elegant functional solution if they ever will it might just stay in the game all right our next one is insane a completely ridiculous thing that you can do specifically in act one in the underd dark there's that SP creature glut who can become a temporary companion while in the underd dark he has a little quest line with you in which you pick a side are you going to work with glut or Spore delightful names glut wants you to avenge his fall in circle under the quest avenge clut Circle which all is fine at first but then it goes a bit further than that to a pretty extreme level and during that you can ask L to join you for that mission if you choose to go with him so while he's with you he can actually reanimate monstrosities in the underd dark this means you can kill these creatures and then have glut revive them like a zombie or something to use in the party while you're down here in the underd dark you can bring back minosaur HW Horrors the godamn bulette and even a pH spider The Matriarch that you fight Under The blighted Village because technically if you didn't know you can enter the underd dark by jumping into the Hall in the middle of the Matrix boss room and that also means you could shove her or push her down that hole somehow meaning she's now down in the underd and then you can revive her using glut later which means you can actually control this full-on boss as part of your party for a period which is just incredible I saw this originally from the video by the YouTuber fracture who was attempting to beat the entire game without using any long rest which is crazy in itself now at the point of the underd dark fracture was using glut to revive multiple monstrosities to take on the underd dark without actually long resting really clever stuff it seems you aren't able to heal these creatures in any way so they will just eventually die but they come with their own attacks and abilities much like the boss has their incredible teleportation and so on very strong just incredible at this point in the game so what a concept the revive itself but also fractures crazy attempt to beat the game in this way you should go check out his full challenge the video itself is really entertaining finally our last thing for today is tied to the law of Gail here and mistra his deity now m is a deity a goddess for all the Mages tending The Weave that they connect themselves to apparently all magic is received from her at least that's a quote you can find in the game but it might not be the whole truth Gail's story as you follow it in the early game is that he has that bom inside of him the nether e orb which we mentioned earlier this is within him the wholeway and the problem is he's sort of consuming magic items to put it off but there comes a point where he can't him to stop it and that's when you meet with elminster at the start of act two and through the help of mistra actually prevents the negatives and the need to constantly consume items for Gail he can exist in a healthier State the problem is mistra wants him to use this ability the nees or blast to blow himself up and everyone in a massive wide radius intentionally to take out the absolute Shaw which is is convenient for mistra but also pretty horrible to Gail and everyone he knows but hey at that point apparently mistra will forgive him so how fair all you have to do is blow yourself up in the right place and I'll be happy with you again not that you'll know it cuz you'll be dead as well as all these nice people that your friends with and if you think about it right if you were to blow up the absolute in the brain and everything all of the members of the absolute that have the tadpoles in their head would not just instantly turn into flares right maybe without the brain they wouldn't but there's also a chance that they would and be basically everywhere which would be really bad this all came up though when I saw this little video post on Twitter by the user on a it's a conversation with Minsk about mistra and male magic users in his homeland weave touched boys that weren't revered like the woman Maes there but hidden away have a listen to this G reminds me of the vono of my homeland the man mes of rashim while the girl folk go on to rule as we Clarin we've touched boys were hidden away trained to work the their craft in silence and secrecy in truth I thought it born of caution after some catastrophe rought by wizardly menfolk of old now I wonder if it was not done to hide them from mistra and the snares she sets for young and prideful boys H isn't that interesting the male Mages of his homeland are hidden and trained in secret potentially to hide them from mistra they're able to learn and use magic without her influence and that she's also known to love and ENT TR these young boys just like Gail in his terrible situation maybe the relationship with him was far less like one for one more one-sided than he realized maybe much more manipulative maybe the whole plan was to get him to serve as a useful tool maybe not this way but it turned this way anyway now as people in the comments of that post talked about it really does seem like the truth of Gail's situation that he might have been a bit groomed and tricked by this deity and essentially abused into the position that we find him in is he blameless in this I'm not convinced he is quite power hungry as a character but it definitely twists Gale story into a different interesting light you can even meet m in act 3 if you do certain things and she will speak to Gail directly it's just a question of what she says there is it all true either way this talk with Minsk has me wondering is she all that good is she telling the whole truth is she actually manipulating many magicians not just Gail but there you have it another episode of things complete let me know what you think about today's things if you have anything to add to the various discussions today and of course as always if you have anything you think would be good in the series a tip or a trick a glitch cut content barely known details serious or silly whatever it is drop a comment about it we might just talk about it for now though I've been Hollow you've been new thanks for watching see you next time Josh cotton and Hollow with the videos dropping the humor like a hammer on your tippy toes bringing entertainment on a daily arrangement to take our insanity and turn it into entertainment yes I said entertainment twice to reiterate that it is nice to look into your faces on a mostly daily basis when you let us in your homes to make the whole world our stage is uh goodbye
Channel: RageGamingVideos
Views: 41,438
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: baldurs gate 3 sharess caress, sharess caress, baldurs gate 3 rapture, spore servant, baldurs gate 3 ac, highest ac, armour class, armor class, new weapon, baldurs gate 3 legendary weapon, baldurs gate 3 best spell, best spell, baldurs gate 3 act 3, best weapon, baldurs gate 3 secret, baldurs gate 3 secrets, best class, best build, build guide, baldurs gate 3 gear, baldur's gate 3, baldurs gate 3, gameplay, guide, best, build, baldurs gate 3 best weapon, ac, bg, ragegamingvideos
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 28 2023
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