Baldurs Gate 3 How To Steal Everything From Everywhere Even On Crowded Places

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now this little trick that I have for you might not be new to PC players but uh hey let me welcome you PlayStation players let me welcome you to the Forgotten Realms to B gate to the sword coast and I hope that your adventures are going to be as tremendously amazing as mine were now like I said this little advice is not going to work that much uh on PC players because we already know about those things but uh how about PlayStation players let me tell you that money is not needed in this game as a matter of fact there's going to be quite a lot of items that you are going to want to have from several merchants in bers Gate there's going to be from several Merchants that you're going to have throughout the world on itself but uh yeah I mean uh sometimes you might be thinking that's just too expensive and they are but H you shouldn't worry about that because if you have a thief then there is no problem about that this guy you'll find it from the First Act of the game and he actually does have quite a lot of interesting things so what you want to do is just press the left Trier right here it's going to open up the characters that you have available and then you select your Rogue in this case scenario we have a Starion all you have to do now is just enter into stealth and then you can pick pocket whenever anything that you want from this guy now um as you can see there's uh quite a lot of uh armors and things that I would like to have uh this is one thing that I would like to have it's a very rare weapon uh that you can get on the second act of the game and it deals tremendous amounts of damage so let's just Notch this little thing and as you can see right here I was able to just take this thing rip for the pecking if I'm going to take something something a little bit heavier or or something more difficult to take like for example his money on itself it's actually going to be quite difficult it's going to be uh uh he's going to probably see me but you don't really have to worry about that because you can immediately turn to your main character speak with him again and yeah people are not going to like that much when you pick pocket from them some even are going to enter into combat immediately but uh I mean something that you can do is just uh save scum when you really want something real real bad but on the other hand if you not really want save scum then you can all you have to do is just this and and that it just keep snatching those things that you want to keep snatching and overall it's going to work one more little thing that you can do if this thing is not working for you that properly then you also have your priests now the priests or clerics I'm sorry they are going to have guidance and guidance what they are what guidance is going to do is that it's going to give you a plus to your ability checks that you are going to have well doing every single action that requires a skill check and yes stealing and pickpocketing it requires a skill check so if I have guidance I'm going to have that much of a chance of being able to steal that thing that I want from that guy to get that success but hey what happens when I want to steal something from someone and there's just too much people laying around and I can't enter into stal because every single thing that you can see of there it's just a zone of detection and it's impossible to just enter into St right here because of it well it's actually quite simple as well my advice is that you enter into turnbas mode because turnbas mode is going to allow you to have access to the rest of your your characters that you have available turn base mode is just an amazing tool and what we really want to do is uh mainly first like I said we want to cast our guidance into the one that is going to be doing the stealing to get those little pig pocket little benefits and then we have our Mage now our Mage is going to cast invincibility and usually this is a spell that a lot of uh casters are going to have access to so you can cast your invincibility right here and then you have 10 turns of invincibility then we enter into our uh sneak and there you have it I can now enter into stealth mode without having the necessity to to do anything because uh even if there's a whole lot of people watching I don't really care about that so now I can pick pocket when whatever I I want to and uh try to get those little chances to pick pocket everything that I want from people one final note to have in mind uh is that it's going to be better if you have quite a lot of H slight of hands proficiency it's ideal for you to be doing this thing with a thief a thing is that uh the thiefs they are going to have expertise with slight of hand as you can see right here this guy has slight of hand expertise and you can see that this thing is higher and the main reason for this thing being higher is because yes one for for once it has the expertise right there but I also have this beautiful amazing ring that there's a link in the video description on how to get it uh on the First Act of the game even so there's a plus two to your slide of hand but also the glowes of th that are going to give you advantage on your slide of hand checks basically doubling the chance of you being able to be snatching all those things from the merchants and the the armors and weapons rare legendaries anything that you want from them if you want to bribe people you're going to have enough gold to do so and then take that money back there's a whole bunch of things that you can do with th and uh it basically if you have a proper th in your party in your crew which I always advise I do have a build for this guy right right here in the channel if you want to go look for it I have several for for this guy actually but uh yeah this how you can just uh take anything that you want from this game if you like the content Lu appreciate it you today that you're a gorgeous and beautiful person you are indeed a gorgeous and beautiful beautiful person I willing you go them go some beautiful people in the next one have a beautiful day and goodbye Riv
Channel: RPJames
Views: 4,949
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RPJames, Baldurs Gate, Dungeons & Dragons, Baldurs Gate 3, Beginners Guide, Tips And Tricks, Wish I Knew Before I Buy, Build, Character Builds Open World Games, RPG, Role Playing Games, ARPG, Action Role Playing Game, Tactical Games, Turn Based Games, Action Adventure Games, RPG Games, Xbox, Microsoft, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Sony, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Playstation, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, PC, Steam, News, Gaming, Gaming News
Id: wvqIq5f8kYg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 1sec (421 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 29 2023
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