Baldur's Gate 3: How To Pickpocket - Everything You Need To Know

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and we're back welcome to fetch Quest my name is Joshua and this is all about pickpocketing in Baldur's Gate 3. the game is full of surprises and I had a lot of fun making this video and my hope is that you take away something you didn't know before when you finish watching you'll have all the tips and tools you need to become a master Thief or at least a thief that can break out of jail when you get caught or you can just murder the innocent for their loot let's get right into it thank you for being here starting off with the basics any character can steal items littered around the world ideally you do so unseen while hiding or at least far enough away from an NPC's line of sight and stealing in this manner does not trigger a dice roll for Success likewise any character can perform a pickpocket the difference is many factors come into play that determine how successful you will be at picking said pocket and then of course the fun ensues once the victim realizes they've been robbed when you attempt to pickpocket the game checks your dexterity modifier and sleight of hand which is a dexterity skill and you make a sleight of hand check with a dice roll what that means is quite simply the higher your dexterity and sleight of hand skill the greater chance you have at succeeding with pickpocketing that item and you will roll for each item you attempt to steal now keep in mind Rogues and bards cunning as they are make excellent thieves thanks to Rogues having expertise in sleight of hand and bards having the ability to select sleight of hand as a proficiency every class can innately have the sleight of hand skill though they won't be proficient at it and the chances of successfully picking an unsuspecting victim's pocket is definitely less than a rogue or bards now let's take a look at lock picking and action A good rule of thumb is to use a cleric or Druid to cast guidance on the character who will be doing the stealing what this does is it grants an additional 1d4 modifier which is one dice and you can get one two three or four as the modifier to your sleight of hand check every time you attempt to pickpocket so here's an example of my Ranger who remember doesn't have sleight of hand proficiency getting blessed with guidance press the hide icon on your toolbar or press C to crouch and get in the hide position and make sure you're not in line of sight of an NPC the line of sight is shown by the red cones and when you hover over the unsuspecting victim you'll see the option a pickpocket now each item has its own Target you need to meet or exceed to successfully steal it and this is where your dexterity modifiers and guidance really help out but notice in this case by the time I attempt to pickpocket my guidance wears off so I don't get that additional modifier and this leads me to another tip which is to go into turn-based mode when you plan to steal so you pause time and you don't lose guidance and then of course you can get out of turn-based mode when you're finished stealing so you can quickly run away unfortunately for me my attempt failed as indicated in the top left meaning I didn't roll high enough to pass the check thankfully I'm LED off with just a warning open the dialog window on the right side of your screen and hover over the sleight of hand text to see how the role actually went in this case my target was a 17 and even though my initial role was fairly high at 15 the only modifier I have is one one for dexterity so I failed to check with a 16. let's take a look at the options you have after you successfully steal this time we have a Starion which will increase our odds of successfully pickpocketing as always we cast guidance and the entire party is just hanging out nearby acting as innocent as possible this time keep an eye on what we roll for the same item with that Target of 17. it's 11 and somehow successful hold on we gotta check the dialogue window so sure enough our initial dice roll resulted in 11. but check out all of the modifier goodies our total sleight of hand modifier is seven and then we got a four on guidance roll bringing our total to a whopping 22 off of the initial 11 that we rolled it's absolutely bonkers so we left the entire team here to demonstrate what happens when you get caught you'll get chased down by the NPC you robbed or by a nearby guard here we have four options you can go to prison we can roll to try and talk our way out of it bribe them with gold or attack if we choose to go to prison the character who got caught has all of their inventories shoved inside a nearby chest and this is where you have the flexibility to role play any way you see fit to gain access to that chest and also to get your character who's currently in prison out in this case uh we distract the prison guards with our fancy words and we have will access the chest and look we even get to keep the item we stole the blooded great ax let's try pickpocketing again only this time while still multiple items a Starion has guidance and we don't want it to go away so we'll enter turn base mode to slow down time this locks the NPCs in place for a turn as if you were in battle ensuring nobody starts walking our way or turns their body to catch us in their line of sight clicking on the various items available to steal lets you see what the target role is you don't actually attempt to steal until you click the steal button so don't be afraid to click around and see what your options are as we steal the items you can see each role happening in the dialog window all right I think that's enough for now this poor guy is just trying to make a living after all we can create some distance between us and the NPC we committed the crimes on thanks to still being in turn based mode we haven't ended our turn yet so the other characters don't get a chance to move we can toggle out of turn base mode making everything real time again and we can run away it seems as though we're in the clear notice how this works for a while and it seems we got away with it but the guard is still on high alert so if we travel back to the scene of the crime we still get a Stern talking to we'll try and talk our way out this time various Charisma modifiers come into play here not dexterity with the sleight of hand as you are pickpocketing since we have a cleric in the party with guidance we might as well get the 1d4 bonus and it just barely got it so we get to hold on to our stolen items in addition notice we are still on speaking terms with the NPC we pickpocketed that's good to know fun fact if you get caught stealing with a Starion and you choose the option to bribe by paying gold a Starion gains an Inspiration Point because he's rich and you just role played the heck out of him so nice work next what happens if our character who didn't do the stealing gets talked to by the victim I want to pickpocket this guy here so sometimes you have to get a little creative to get line of sight away from you will try distracting this group but they didn't turn to look at him so the red area still remained the same thankfully after the dispute was resolved the group dispersed opening up our Rogue to pickpocket the unsuspecting Merchant we do the deed and after a Starion runs away the little dude makes a b line for our party will presents himself as a shield and we are presented with three options we can return what we stole and it will get removed from asterion's inventory we complete ignorance or we can mutilate the bloke since will didn't do the stealing he says we are free to go but check this out look how Relentless this Merchant is he approaches each of our party members asking them the same questions and then he finally makes his way to the actual culprit asterian and this time we can't plead ignorance instead a Starion is presented with various options he'll need to make a dice roll on or of course you can pay in gold so we passed the check thankfully and it obviously wasn't us although I'm pretty sure he's still suspicious of us as he doesn't budge lastly this part was a lot of fun and also if you've made it this far thank you so much you are the whole reason I make YouTube videos so if I made you laugh or you learned something feel free to give it a thumbs up and subscribe if you haven't already you're awesome does it still count as pickpocketing if we straight up murder them and loot the corpse all I tried to do here was steal something and then run away I wasn't sure what lengths the NPCs would go to to hunt me down and turns out Great Lengths I jumped down at the perfect time and nearly die it triggers the dialogue so I just chose to attack but he's way up there and I'm way down here that rude bear was the reason I couldn't use the lift I run far enough away to flee combat then I had to make the Trek all the way back around once I'm back at the top I noticed the merchant wasn't back at his usual spot he was literally waiting for me up here what the heck look at him casually stroll by like he wasn't just after my throat now while he doesn't throw fisticuffs anymore his disposition towards me is very low hold grudges much stop living in the past move on with your life once he's back in his spot I attempt to get back into his Graces by freely offering him loot maybe it was stolen maybe not it helps only a tiny bit something of note here each NPC has a certain disposition toward each of your characters so while he may hate a Starion when will speaks to him his attitude is neutral anywho I want what he's got and we're done playing games so I Gloom hands him to death and check it out you definitely can loot the corpse for their goodies there you have it my guide on pickpocketing which I hope answered some of your questions and equipped you to be the best darn thieves in the Forgotten Realms don't forget to do some fetch quests of your own sometimes the rewards are worth it bye y'all
Channel: Fetch Quests
Views: 117,658
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Pc, Larian, BG3, Baldur’s Gate 3
Id: GbX08R7QHf4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 56sec (716 seconds)
Published: Wed Aug 02 2023
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