Baldurs Gate 3 GOD Tier Build Fighter Eldritch Knight Build Undying Flurry Of Attacks! (Reupload)

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foreign before we continue with today's video I would like to take a moment to make an apology to you guys and all of this is going to be a structure and timestamps so that if you're if you don't care of sitting and listening through my lame apology and you're more more than welcome to choose to skip to whichever part of the video it is more interesting to you the thing is that this is just a re-upload of the video that I posted yesterday that I that I that had a huge huge mistake and it was a a very very bad mistake not that that build is not going to work yes it is still going to work it was being showcased on itself on screen you were being able to see that the build actually did work as a solo but it could be much much much more powerful than it was being showcased as in paper I had the idea the thing is that I didn't test it enough I always test my bills I always play my fair amounts of gameplay before I actually post them and since I did that I thought that the builds was actually doing something that it wasn't doing and the video had already been seen by 15 000 people so I really hope that those 15 000 people that watched that video and that wanted a build that they could make and uh they could try because I know that a lot of people does try the pills that I post right here in the channel uh I hope that you find your way in here I want to humbly make an apology to you because that builds is potentially going to be much more of a hindrance than the reward that you are going to get from that builds so yeah like I said I'm truly sorry about that now I am also going to take a a moment arrive here to address some of the concerns that the people had on different aspects of this game thanks to that I'm going to tweak a little bit this video a little bit more for it to be more powerful broken than it used to be and also to give you a better idea thanks to those tweaks that we are making give you an idea of what you should be getting on the First Act of the game on the second act of the game the items that you are going to need on those acts what are you going to get in return for these PLS because yes this is going to be a very very powerful builds is going to be broken from the very start of the game because of some aspects that we are going to have right here and also it's going to just keep becoming more powerful and Powerful as you progress to the game so while I do have end game items right here this build is going to serve you as a whole playthrough whole entire playthrough so yeah that being said let's begin with character creation we're going to be fighter we're going to have our great weapon fighting right here because we're going to be wielding A2 Handler and then our abilities course uh this was the first mistake that I made I made the mistake I was tweaking the points right here and I think that I that I left something like uh like this I can't remember very well I left two numbers uneven numbers here that was very very dumb on my side I never do that I it was just a little mistake that we are going to be correcting right here your main focus is going to be strength and then the second focus is going to be Constitution we are going to be needing quite a lot of constitution to sustain concentration and then we're going to pump up the externally to have a little bit more of the initiative this is the mistake that I had this is how I had the stats and no you shouldn't do that uh the stats should always be on even numbers like for example right here I don't want to have the negative uh saving Throne wisdom I would very much rather to have an in Charisma so this is how you are looking this is how your build is going to have this the stats we are going to respect these stats once you enter the act 3 of the game but once we get to that point I will show you what we are going to be doing and why are we going to be doing that but we need quite a lot of constitution in the early stages of the game to sustain concentration because we are going to be using quite a lot of concentration still the enemy is never going to be able to hit us never never and I mean never even much more for the tweaks and changes that we are going to be making on the itemization section of the builds nothing really interesting is going to happen in level 2 you're just going to get action search but at level 3 you are going to be able to choose the Eldritch Knights the Eldritch Knight is going to give you access to spells although like I said on the previous video These are not important the only thing that it is going to be important is going to be shield and like I said on the previous shield and the previous video yesterday Shield is a balanced thing Shield is used for uh spell casters that not have that high Armor class and they need a little bit of an edge so let's say for example that your major your sorcerer has like a 13 armored class thanks to dexterity you increase that to 18 which is something of a balance but with this guy that we have like 21 Armor class which is actually quite High you increase this thing to 26 thanks to this thing so it just breaks your character a little bit more and also when you have a hasted character you get plus two two Armor class that's 28 if you are a shield of Fate with your cleric to this character that's a plus 30 and that is going to virtually make impossible for the enemy to land Heats on you that is why it is so powerful to have shields on your characters for the rest of the Spells and it is not going to be important we're not going to be using them so it's up to your personal preference if you want to take utility spells we're not going to be using spells for damage although like always magic Missile is an amazing spell because we not need intelligence as an attack rule to deal damage with this thing because it's always guaranteed so that is always nice level four we are going to receive our class fit again like the Spells the spell spells are not going to be important just pick whichever thing that you want right here we're not going to be using spells with this character the thing that we are going to be choosing at level four is going to be the great weapon Master to increase our damage and thanks to some things that we are going to have access to on the First Act of the game it's going to have to be a thing that you're going to be swapping back and forth back and forth back and forth because you are going to receive a minus five in your attack roll so that it's going to be a bummer but as soon as you get to the second act of the game you are going to have access to a very powerful combo that we're going to discuss on the itemization section of the build so that it's actually going to be quite amazing level 5 you are just going to receive your bonus attack again nothing interesting is going to happen right there Fighters actually get new feeds every on level six which is something that not all of the classes have here is where we're going to start beginning to where we're going to begin to improve our strength to have a little bit more Attack rules and damage roles and what have you and then on level seven we're not going to get anything interesting it's just more spells but here is where we're going to have access to Darkness now Darkness you're not going to be able to use it right away because it's going to require for you to have devil sites we don't have devil side because we're not multi-classing into a warlock right here but there's two items in the game that is going to allow us to use this thing and we'll discuss those on the itemization section of the of the video just to have in mind that at level seven you're going to have access to your Darkness a little late you're going to have access to your Misty step as well and this is actually an amazing choice to take early on to be able to move around we're going to have so many attacks that we want to have Mobility on the battlefield as well because we're going to be killing quite a lot of people and since we are going to be killing quite a lot of people we want to have mobility in the battlefield to jump to the next character that we want to kill next and then on the ability Improvement we are going to have strength a little bit more to reach our maximum strength that we are going to have right now and this is going to be like on the Act 2 of the game so this is just the max damage that you can deal with your attack rules at level 10 you get an extra subclass feature which is going to be the Eldritch strike and I also want to make a little note right here and we're not going to be choosing the Eldritch Knight to be a fighter that is also going to be able to shoot uh Fireballs from his fingertips no this is just uh to make our character more durable and more powerful and more broken so this virtually is not going to do anything for us at level 11 though you are going to receive your class feature which is going to be one more extra attack meaning that you can attack three times on one turn six times if you are a hasted character nine times if you use your [Music] um action search and then 10 times if you use the extra attack that you're going to have with your great weapon Master which is a total of 10. that's another mistake that I did in the video yesterday someone pointed pointed that out so I'm very thankful to you sir finally at level 12 we are going to get access to our final fits which is going to be Savage attacker and since we're mainly going to be doing melee damage this is going to be a huge huge amount of damage that we are going to deal seven Savage attacker deals uh rolls your attack rules your your damage rolls dices twice and uses the highest results so this is some kind of an advantage in your attack rules but instead it's going to be on your damage roll if your damage rule was too low the game is going to be using the highest meaning yet that you're always going to get the highest amount of damage possible out of your Eldritch Knight now as soon as you start the act 3 of the game as soon as you get the amulet that we are going to be using on the itemization section of the builds that I'm going to Showcase you in a little while as soon as you get that amulet you should uh reallocate your stats respect your character so we're going to be dumping Constitution because we're going to be using the Constitution amuleta and instead we're going to be popping out a little bit more the dexterity to have a little bit more of uh initiative although not that that is going to be actually quite important it is not going to be that much important because the enemy is never going to hit you so initiative doesn't really matter and we're not going to be using medium armor so there's that but the thing is that now you're going to have access to a little bit more of um the the saving throws that you have right here otherwise for you to have the highest saving throws right here intelligence and wisdom because of the how the game is built and there's a lot of illicits that are going to have to make you go through intelligence saving throws and here before you hate on me uh we don't have anywhere else to place this point we really don't maybe if you're building this uh no actually now that I think about it maybe if you could uh if you're making this your main character and you want to play with uh the the lady Ethel maybe you could increase your strength to 22 probably but uh still you're still going to have to make the concession you're still going to have the necessity right here to have one uneven point in here that is not going to make anything also I make this I plan these bills for them to be used for companions so that if you're using this as a main character you can most certainly use on thiefel to increase your strength to 18 right here but then again before you actually start shouting Ming maxing and all that kind of stuff right here do you have in mind that this extra point that we have right here we have it right there because we cannot we cannot change it it's just uh the amount of ability points that we have access to while we have the maximum amount of even points that we have right here so there is indeeda now the itemization section of the builds as for the weapon and game weapon we are going to be using the balderance Giants layer although as you level up any 200 weapon is going to be amazing there's a whole bunch of amazing weapons as you level up also I think that I got this thing on Act 2 of the game there's also a bunch of different weapons that I have stash in my on my chest there's Alberts that have Force damage that you can purchase from Bender or steal from Benders any weapon that is going to have the highest damage possible that is going to be amazing as for the armor you want the highest armored class possible that you have access to uh once when you are leveling up there's an amazing uh armor that has 18 iron class and some missing features on the quick gearing Forge so yeah that is also quite amazing we have the hell dusk boots these guys gives you hell crawler to be able to move throughout the battlefield with a little bit more of easiness but we also want these things to have fast which you cannot be prone or knocked down and a cool thing that you could use as you are leveling up it's going to be the boots of striding which functions as the same way uh whenever you are concentrated no one can knock you down and you can get this thanks on the ACT First Act of the game the only difference is that they are not going to have held crawler but still it is going to be an item that you are going to have access on the first uh half of the game as for the glows we are going to be using the held us gloves but as you're leveling up on the active of the game this are going to give you a 1v8 1d6 fire damage as you are leveling up you can most certainly use the darkest DCR gauntlets and they are going to add a 1D for necrotic damage it's not going to be as much and they are not going to have as many things they are not going to have the Rays of fire but they are obtainable on the Act 2 of the game then we're going to have the clock protection just to have a little bit more of saving throws and for an an armored class as for the Rings we are going to be using the killers sweetheart and the killer sweetheart is going to give you a critical hit on demand now the things that we are going to be swapping depending on the ax that we are going to be on is going to be the Amulet of greater greater Health uh if you're on the second act of the game you're going to have access to the surgeon subjugation amulet the on the First Act of the game you have access to the abroad mother's Revenge which is going to give you a one this six poison damage whenever you are healed so that is always actually quite amazing and then when you reach the third Act of the game you are going to have the Amulet of Greater Health which is why I told you that this is where you should respect your character to have a little bit more of saving throws on the rest of the stuff that you are going to have because we're going to be dumping Constitution thanks to this bad boy that we have right here now as soon as you enter the second act of the game you're going to have access to the house of healing and you should be heading there ASAP there's not going to be anything that is going to deter you you should all always make your way there to get this ring that you are seeing on the screen right now and this ring basically gives you immunity to magical Darkness meaning that you can start using the magical Darkness from the second act of the game which is actually going to be quite amazing as you reach the act 3 of The Game on the same place where you're going to get the Amelia of Greater Health the held us gloves the held us Goods this is just a set that you're going to get in one single place and you can go get it as soon as you enter the act 3 of the game if you haven't the rest of the bills that I have posted here on the channel it shouldn't be that much of a difficult fight that boss fight that you are going to have right there as a matter of fact I solo that guy with one of the bills that I posted on here on the channel so you should be good to go if you're using the peels of the channel you're going to have the hell dusk helmet this is going to allow you to swap your ring to have a little bit more of extra damage and also to have a little bit more of uh saving throws against spells so this is just basically going to give you a sight on darkness and then you can have the strange conduit ring to add 1D for psychic damage whenever you have concentration because of the you're always going to be to be concentrated in something on the darkness that you are going to have so let's talk about how the build is going to work what is going to what it is going to give you on the first fact of the game on the second act of the game in the third Act of the game on the First Act of the game you're going to have a very durable High damaging fighter that is going to have access to bonus attack and it's also going to have access to Magic Shield that is going to make you that much more tankier so at that point you are a very very durable and high damaging fighter on the second act of the game that's when the build is established because at the second act of the game you're going to have access to Darkness and also you're going to have access to the everside ring so on the second act of the game you have everything that you needed for the bills because in the second act of the game you can have quite a lot of attacks you have your great attack from your great Master you have the darkness you have the dark vision Magic Magical dark vision and also you have the shields on the thrift Act of the game you are just that much more broken because you are nearly unkillable thanks to the helmet that we are wearing I forgot to mention that the helmet that we are wearing makes it so that the enemy cannot land critical hits on you and the gist of everything is that uh darkness is already overpowered on itself Mage shield on a high armor character it's already overpowered on itself a sorkidin with Mage Shield is virtually unkillable a circadine with uh darkness and the the devil side it's virtually unkillable this guy has both of those so you are that much more unkillable if there are enemies that would say they will side that are going to see you in the Act 2 of the game you still have your Mage Shield which is going to be making virtually impossible for them to at the end of the day hit you and the only way that the enemy can hit you right now is if they land a critical hit because your armor class is so high and the enemy has so much disadvantage against you that the only real way that the enemy is going to be able to deal damage to you is by a critical hitter and what do you know thanks to the helmet that we are wearing on the end game the enemy cannot land Critical Hits on your character so yeah it's uh also when it comes to damage because of the setup that we have that we have right here if you cast your darkness and if you are concentrated and you you have all of the setup that you are supposed to have right now your damage Attack rules is going to be of a beautiful amazing 27 to 45. thanks to the Savage attacker we're always going to be leaning a little bit more on the 45 attack damage and the thing is that you have 10 attacks you have access to 10 attacks and yeah it is a very very powerful and broken character it is uh one thing that uh it almost feels like cheating you can solo the entire game with this guy and it's just going to be a cake in the walk so yeah anyways I'm sorry for uh the today yesterday Istanbul but this should be fixed and this is one of the strongest characters that I have ever built I want to thank also to the people that pointed out those mistakes to me so that I could uh fix them and find a solution for you to also have access to a very broken powerful character that you're going to be able to use on your playthrough anyways if you like the contents hit like anybody super appreciate it if you haven't subscribed to the channel then what are you waiting for and if no one is told you today that you're a gorgeous middle person you are in the Lego just a beautiful beautiful person I will be seeing you got them go just a little people in the next one have beautiful day goodbye [Music]
Channel: RPJames
Views: 104,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: RPJames, Baldurs Gate, Dungeons & Dragons, Baldurs Gate 3, Beginners Guide, Tips And Tricks, Wish I Knew Before I Buy, Build, Character Builds Open World Games, RPG, Role Playing Games, ARPG, Action Role Playing Game, Tactical Games, Turn Based Games, Action Adventure Games, RPG Games, Xbox, Microsoft, Xbox One, Xbox Series X/S, Sony, Playstation 4, Playstation 5, Playstation, Nintendo, Nintendo Switch, PC, Steam, News, Gaming, Gaming News
Id: FklqtdPqNVs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 34sec (1234 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 04 2023
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