🔴Karlach Actor Samantha Béart talks BALDUR'S GATE 3, Crazy Romance Scenes & Endings

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well thank you Samantha for taking some time out of your day today how are you how's things welcome to the show yeah yeah really thank you Dan thanks for having me uh yeah super exciting super nervous as I said to you just before we started recording we had a bit of a unofficial party last night I got to meet some people I've been apparently working with for a while that was nice who did you get to meet with their actors were there devs who who are we talking about here yes there was a lot of um well two of Paulson and Gail have never met right and they've been doing this for like four years they've never met they've never crossed paths in the studio so that was interesting we had one director had never met um Jahira before there were some tabs I think that I haven't met um there was no cap Engineers sound Engineers who I have met um yeah and just a lot of people from pit stop in London who've been recording all this stuff when was your last session uh June yeah right and is that is that pick up stuff or is that is that um does that pick up stuff or is that heavy dialogue stuff or what are we talking here um by the end I mean you know you've got to think once we've done it the poor animators got to get onto it as well so uh at one point we just abandoned mocap and it was in party sort of stuff but I think it's worth saying that my as far as I'm aware my character was the last to be written so I did like the speedrun version of what everyone else has been doing for like three or four years so karlak was was the last one written out of all the companions all the everyone that's what I was told wow now I know there was a a version of her in EA and then they completely changed the model and what they wanted to do with her and everything and I came in quite late and then that had to be play tested and came back and they went she's a bit of an edge Lord like literally everyone else in this game let's make her a bit different and anyone that's played it knows she's pretty different to the rest of them even though she has one of the darkest backstories but um I feel it's not a competition but you know um it was just yeah it was just one of those things where we had to just experiment while this stuff is you know being made um and there's rewrites everything playtested but no we're not getting in the room together to have a sort of chemistry check like you would film TV uh theater audio we're actually like it's having to be made and then it comes back I mean you just hope you guys by the way Samantha but you was uh when you started uh it was the year of Our Lord 2022 in December mid-December are you serious that's crazy so what I'll say is as far as I know in terms of hours in the studio because there's always suiting up and getting ready and calibrating as well in the studio I did about 240 hours in total yeah I did a lot six months that's more than the Grand Theft Auto guys well it's a big game I think that's an understatement calling this game big I think you need to go ginormous huge yes yeah yeah yeah yeah no absolutely so I I mean in passing again talking to the others who haven't been counting their sessions you've been doing this for years um I I got the feeling that I'd done I'd made the same amount of effort as the rest it's just that I had to just get on with it so how's your weeks been since then it must have been a whirlwind for you yeah and I had a full-time job so that was uh interesting it's a challenge it's a challenge but um that's all done and I'm happily unemployed it's the first time in a couple of years on a full-time like nine to five day job for the last couple of years and I was like no no this is all too good to be true right so you know they ask you in for 10 sessions and it's another 20 then it's another 20 and you're going hang on this is a lead role isn't it like maybe I want to give up that day job and you know you in the times of of that we've just been through through the pandemic it's just that bit of job security that you want so I was just I I I clung onto it for probably a little bit longer than I should have done but I'm here I've survived um I'll answer your question yeah I'm willfully unemployed and I'm interested you would go to the mo Cab in the middle of the day and then come home and work or what are we talking here I do a nine to five and then I get on the train and do four hours and it would be night time and I would um what I liked about it though is I had the opportunity to eat with the crew I got to know the crew in a way that you don't normally do you know your freelance you come and you do your job you go home I think it's really important to um you know give them props and a shout out because I go in as a director a movement director a mocap engineer and a sound engineer and the five of us would work together into the night and we'd have a nice meal break at the end and actually get to know each other outside of this so um yeah it takes a village wow so you're working most like five to nine most days yeah nine to five yeah just a normal like office job I was doing yeah yeah yeah in like I.T as well so it was you know sit in front of a computer for eight hours a day and then it would go and play just go and play in the evening you know and it was it was really joyful actually NFL I had more energy actually weirdly doing that so during the day you're sort of kind of you're sort of kind of looking forward to that just just a bit going this is like meaningful people will enjoy this and it brings you know some some pleasure to the world so that's good that's always a good thing um yeah thank you and in the last month I I knocked out on the head and I was able to commit like full time and do see people in daylight they saw me in daylight that was good like she saw more people as well and I bumped into more of the cast and um yeah other directors and and sound engineers and folks that I hadn't worked with yet and think I got through most people by the end so you've done so many games but when did you first get into the world of voice acting or um in the gaming world I'm thinking when when was that yeah it's it's it's funny you ask that because I always think oh it took off during the pandemic because I had a home studio but I started doing the old school thing right so what you do when you've been theater trained is you you're told you're not condors and you know they're casting directors they remember you do an audition for one thing they'll remember you but there's no real Gatekeepers in games it didn't quite work like that yet but what did work was like back in 2014 I did a game called Age of Wonders three and that was through knocking on doors that was just being annoying and saying here's a real I bet you don't get many of these and I just got really lucky on that but that was you know that was absolutely exhausting to be quite honest with you um I did another little indie game and then it was uh that wasn't any cute a lot and then it was yeah it was like really took off 2020. and I was doing emotes and stuff back then that was teaming souls and a couple of lines in uh Ace Attorney and then I was getting into the studios finally because it's that trust thing as well you know just because I was doing audio doesn't mean that I know anything about you know games I I disagree with that but you know there's trust and there's a load of people that I work with so it's very hard to make that impression but um I had a home studio and that seemed to to work that out you know I did Total War screaming at home I think the neighbors are so used to it now like they wouldn't come if my partner was murdering me which is a bit worrying but we would tell them like you know if I'm screaming under a blanket it's like it's normal this is what I do man so you your voice booth at home what are we looking at here because I've heard different different iterations ones in a closet one's under a blanket what do we what have you got going on so my partner's a musician and um become his own sound engineer who's produces his own albums and stuff so he's got the equipment look at the cheat sheet yeah yeah absolutely I've been hanging around for years trying to get into film TV and then finally when everything went to [ __ ] yeah I am ready with the home studio it's happening it's taking like 15 years let's do it so um we've got like um like a portable battle thing if that makes sense yeah so it's its own sort of closet um and then he's got some really not a nice AKG Mike he's got just got a really nice setup yeah yeah this is the good [ __ ] good [ __ ] yeah yeah and that's how we made so I made Hobbs Barrow was just that little baffle in that and uh oh man that that game is really awesome for what I've seen congratulations on that because that that rests on your shoulders that game really I mean it's a really great developer and and great story and we know we know about yeah you've got to pull that off as well yeah yeah and the great thing about um the indie game scene is that you get the complete script beforehand so I wasn't winging it I wasn't you know okay so there were some puzzles in that and I couldn't see what was going on and that had to be explained but I just did the old um you know uh stage trick going through who am I where am I what do I want uh and to be honest like the secret to me for all that is what do other people say about me because that's who Thomasina thinks she is she's so privileged she has no idea how she comes across so seeing how other people really wound up by her and rubbed up the wrong way I just really went to town on that one you know the only thing was that we talked about was the accent because you know she was too sort of plummy then you're going to lose a lot of the audience because you're asking them to be sympathetic to her and she's traipsing around just saying this is mine this is it's interesting you say that you're right you might lose a bit of the audience if it goes to highbrow the voice I didn't think about that yeah I think I mean it's I think like for you as an Australian I think for the UK that accent is the voice of the oppressor for a lot of people and she is in within within the piece she's come she's just nicking stuff and taking it home she's not even displaying it in a museum she's just gonna have it and then you've got maybe Americans who don't get that so much because they have a different relationship with colonialism and so they would have been fine if she was super they would have gone with her but I was just I was just thinking about you know I thought this is just a little small game that a few people in the UK would play and but we have got you know we are up north and there is that and also after divide and there is that class divide and I just love oh that is Juicy I just love all that stuff you really like if I can get hold of that entire script if I can have a meeting with the writer that's that's it done you know and that cost them less money because I'm not asking dumb questions in the studio that's always a good start like okay so you can't tell me what the game is called what sort of world are we in you know that's where you have to start or like you get a bit of um art for like two seconds and like that's go and go and so as a lead character a lot of pressure to keep to be you know to keep that going to keep that um relatable and likable as well as being a very strong character and I think that's what I mean the writing was fantastic and I just learned into it but she's a very strongly written character and so I just yeah I just went to town with all the privilege that she has had fun going back to gaming what um were you familiar with the gaming world like did you play games growing up did you you know I'm just curious on your background of how much you knew about this world yeah so there were a lot of like older boys my brother was an older boy and my best friend's brother was an older boy so I inherited old computers so my first was in amstrad cpc464 a green screen and I know I don't know if that means anything to you but I sold and I was playing with Basics [ __ ] old no excuse my language so I couldn't get anywhere near a Sega Mega drive because he was my friend's brother was holding on to that I wasn't gonna get anywhere oh yeah the board can't we couldn't afford a console I couldn't make the case for a console as a young child so couldn't convince Santa I could not convince Santa he was he didn't think it was a worthy thing that would you know make any money or anything so we didn't do that yeah absolute bastard we've had words since but you know I think first console owned was a was a PlayStation one um and the first thing that made an impression on me as an actor was I think I'm really thinking about it it was Ezio auditory I just thought I'd do yeah I was watching a Shakespeare here you know this is a fully formed character that first entrance where he comes in you know he has a wonderful um sequence of just being a badass and then starts a fight and you go oh bless you and he's there and you want to play him and he's exciting and he isn't a blank slate yeah and then I think the other one was um Jennifer Hale's ship I think for a lot of people that's good just to see what could be done um with that sort of more blanker slate where she's got to cover all sorts of choices to be made I thought I thought those two were really stuck out but that was a little bit later on I just like playing games I just thought they appeared out of nowhere I didn't know people made are you British Irish and Jamaican Heritage give me the background yeah yeah so my my late father was Irish my mother's Jamaican they they came to the motherland back in the day I was made and and we're all in London and and that's that and uh yeah so what side of like for Cuisine you love your Jamaican food you love your British food your work where do you live Ollie anything that's the thing I look like a bear down here in Australia I'd have to yeah I'd have to win the favor of the people you don't need to do that to win the face you don't have to do it at immigration okay it's I I don't know I haven't even tried it personally I'm I'm yeah but that kind of makes me more Australian yeah because I don't know you know it's like me not going to the Tower of London because I'm from here right I take it for granted yeah yeah right so how how was it growing up did you always know you wanted to be in theater in acting and that sort of thing because I know you did theater for a long time when you were younger yeah so I knew I I loved my stories I love stories and it was only when I was at University studying literature that I I took a Shakespeare module and I went to see a [ __ ] ton of Shakespeare in London you know with all the world-class Shakespearean actors and it made me feel things on a level I didn't feel reading and that just started to get me interested into exploring that way of expressing myself and telling stories I mean I've been exposed to it as a kid at weekends I'd go to you know um not stage scored as I was about to say stage school it wasn't it was a really you pay to go as an informal like an hour of dance an hour of singing an hour of acting and acting was The elusive one active was elusive because I couldn't see how it was done I felt like you either make that kick or you hit that note but with acting I didn't really know what I was supposed to be doing which was probably good because I know I wasn't a precocious theater kid I'm a precocious adult instead what's your favorite theater show or player you've been to or done I'm curious a couple of favorites if you can't nail it down I love anything by Sondheim actually sometimes it's like this the Shakespeare musical theater I don't know if you're familiar with them but companies quite a famous one and yeah company yeah uh assassins which is wonderful it's all about all the um people who've tried to assassinate presidents and he's made a music oh wow space Oh it's so out there and every time like you know it just blows my mind how smart it is like you know I go away and I come it's like like what I like I love Blade Runner right but I don't watch it every year I wait a while and then I come back to it fresh with the the person I am now and I interpret that in a different way film you know and I feel the same way about Stephen Sondheim so I'm gonna put just him as a because I I'm not going to say Shakespeare everyone says Shakespeare I do give give temperament shakes musical theater Shakespeare um and every play he start every musical that a play he's done is completely different in terms of genres his uh breadth is is incredible um favorite play I did I think was a play called Silence by Moira buffini and um she was commissioned in uh 2000 to do a play uh about the Millennium but she picked a different millennium which was 999. and it was it was involved like um really the the expulsion of the Vikings by the south it was this north south divide and we had King Ethel red he was in did you play he's been you know he's going to make a treaty with the stronger power in the South and um he's married off rather conveniently to this this French Queen is a bit of a problem for England and and discovers on his wedding night that he's a girl that he's been brought up as a boy and he did like she's like you've got breast silence you are a girl and that's sort of when the play kicks off because then what you know he has all this power afforded to him like I think he figures out that yeah if he had been brought up a girl he wouldn't have inherited all this and that how he's interesting yeah and it's a bit of a like medieval road trip as well like there's all sorts of [ __ ] going on it was really good fun more of a Feeney Play She Wrote The Queen I think like she's well known now but that was an early play for her so I love doing that it was so much fun uh well I sound stupid now my favorite school of rocks uh you know like I don't care I love it I just love it you know I mean that's that's what I'm saying about like being moved and it's it's something you can't really explain it and sometimes that movement is just Joy you're allowed to have joy that's we need it right now right you know and I think if nothing else the last couple of years is really cemented the idea of you know the role of the Entertainer in society oh I've been gravitating towards those sort of things lately because yeah maybe it is because of that covered period I think yeah uh I know they were a lot of God when it started and every bloody actor was making a stage a home stage play about covid it's like yes I know I'm also at home and miserable and I found myself watching you know fantasy and sci-fi in that time just to like Escape that I I wanted all that sort of thing well you mentioned Blade Runner I wish they'd make a Blade Runner game they haven't done it like a big like sort of RPG big sort of spiraling massive game no I'm sure there was a text game though you're gonna get comments for this yeah there's games but I mean like I'm talking like a Baldur's Gate sort of big AAA game you know I'll text larion yeah that's the next one but now you're doing nothing now you've got nothing to do here's here's an idea because I know you've been itching for something yeah what would they like to work with I'm curious because I know you said you know 14 year old me would be overwhelmed right now I think he tweeted out basically looking at the cover I think your character was on there was it or PC Gamer yeah PC yeah you buy a Tomb Raider right you play two ready buy PC Gamer read the massive review and you go yeah I spent my money wisely this is a good one and I just had that relationship in a way that you'd have with like Melody Maker or the enemy back in the day that print media is what I'm trying to say is something that obviously has fallen off in recent years so so the fact that they're still printing it's absolutely that made me so happy yeah but you must be you must be super excited and just kind of nervous because this we're recording this as it as it's coming out but um I mean people are loving this character yeah they are I I thought I'll wait a month to see if people have put something up there people are on act too game's been out what four days or something people are like just get through that Bloody story get to the end come on so you know fair play to you so yeah everything's always going to be a spoiler I've been thinking about oh well this is out of the bag but like you know people it's gonna be Xbox people this is going to be out before this is on Xbox so yeah she has Carla has captured the imagination uh of the player I think um and I think I think she she benefits from being new I think that's that's fair to say you know the others like we've known for years and years and she's just comment off the old Harley I said all right Lads just turned up um and and very different from from Early Access and and she's good aligned you know um she's not an edge Lord although she has a really dark background yeah she's not just like happy-go-lucky is a little bit more behind the scenes what did they tell you about the back story I'm curious um so I was I mean I was it's been a bit of a journey actually considering I I started playing her like what seven months ago uh it's been a longer Journey than that and I auditioned for her back in 2020 without knowing it I've gone back to my notes and had a look and and she was very different she was a very different character more of a ranger fighter a much lighter character like physically um and I don't know where that is in terms of EA but anyway I was auditioning for that and they gave me like three or four different scenes at least I was able to build up a picture of her um I think she'd always escape the hells that was always in her but they didn't say 10 years they didn't say sold into slavery um it wasn't as dark as that but when I came to it um I auditioned again like November last year um it was interesting to see how she had changed but the the back story was that um yeah she'd been she'd been sold into hell um and she's got um you know an overworking engine for a heart and she's got it also there's a time pressure to find some relief for that as well but meanwhile you know she's happy to be alive so she's the ultimate Zen master like she's like I am in this moment and I'm gonna enjoy this moment you know unless I'm kicking someone's head in and then I'm ready but we're gonna have a nice time but you know you've met you met people like that you're just real hard asses right and the gentle Giants and they're lovely and you think I'm not going to get on the wrong side of you that's her you know you play nice in that and she'll be okay very straight and very relatable and and um you know chaotic good is what I sort of gravitate towards anyway so how many how many romance scenes are there that you remember because I I've seen heaps already and I love the dialogue God it's funny I tell you what some of it but it's brilliantly written and you know you're trying to kiss her and she's like I'm gonna burn your [ __ ] lips off you better work some people are like I'm down for that and you know what the spoilers some people like I tried I tried throwing ice but her but it just killed her yeah he did like a freezing spell on Carla and you murdered her oh a lot of people like you know I'm not sure you can die kissing her but I think they missed a trick there if he can't oh man how many is that the only one I mean is there more than that what are we talking about here you've seen the dates because that was on panel from hell yeah she's you know she's a little bit frustrated she's you know ready to go I mean I don't it's interesting because I don't know how much is is a different tree or if it's if it's a retake or what but we had lots of different versions of like how she felt about the uh enforced celibacy and there was this whole thing of like you know back in the day I used to get about and I've never been on a date and I'm you know I'm not very well we could die tomorrow so let's go you know there's that version and then there's you know the version of you know she didn't have a like a one-nighter with the character on the first night um they're not in a polyamorous thing which you can totally do like there's all I don't know and I mean the good thing is it doesn't really matter it's just you know for me it's like parallel universes I'm not I'm not counting them up I would be interested though I'd be interested to see if you can like have an ongoing romantic relationship with any of these characters or if they're just um you know one-off cinematic scenes I don't know I'm sure that video is being compiled as we speak yeah I'm sure of a couple of my friends how many different endings are there for that character how does that work I mean is there is there one continuous story that that is the definitive ending I'm just curious because I've never played the other Boulders gate games before so I'm new to the franchise as well I'm about 15 hours in at the moment but that's it yeah so uh Lauren have said 17 000 endings I'm not quite sure how that works I think personally I've got hi this is spending before you talk about whether I'm in a relationship with a character whether we're friends whether I hate the character like and remember then there you've got all the other um Origins who might be in the team or hirelings and you've got their endings as well so I think you start doing some 4D chess there and you've got a lot of endings but um right yeah it's not save or don't save put it that way it's they have really thought it through it isn't a color-coded ending if that's what you're worried about like because I was I know what I'm referencing and I hope you do but it's not it's not one ending then you know it really isn't it it really does matter your choices it's I think it's as close as you can get so a true d d experience while also not spiraling out of narrative you know were you uh familiar with DND had you ever played it before funnily enough I started playing in the year 2019. yeah so that was shot down pretty quick but um yeah that's tough I'm lucky being in London that there's a meet-up it's a One-Shot meet up it's really smart the idea is you go to the tavern and you pick up work you're a mercenary so you do one shots with with a DM for three hours and that's it and then some of them meet up at the weekends and they'll do a longer campaign and that was that was funny because um I played as a Dragonborn Barbarian because I didn't want to think about the mechanics I just wanted to get into the story like you do like the magic border no like you're talking about spell slots and long wrestling I didn't care and then the second playthrough I played as a a tiefling warlock between those two characters so I felt like I think playing games and like and playing D really did help me deal with the fact that there are many permutations of the same thing because you can imagine a session and then you know a couple months down the line that one comes back with some new endings and and it is not for you to question uh if that's a retake or whatever you just gotta go okay where does this fit in I noticed she had a you made a twitch channel are you thinking about possibly streaming this game in the future I'm thinking about I'm thinking about it I mean it's quite set up isn't it it's not just and I'm on a God I'm on a map so it's not that's not gonna happen um anytime so you've realized what's what it takes place I've done it with um the Thomasina as well for Hotspur Road absolutely just okay just hearing a voice actor talk over their own character I just find hilarious anyway but I was thinking of maybe playing as karlak and giving you what I thought was going on being incredibly sarcastic and rude all the way through I thought that might be something people want to be sick you need to do that yeah there's all sorts of things like we're thinking about like as a cast like getting together online anyway so that's yeah that's been set up for that reason awesome Neil Neil who I'm speaking to he said that it was probably the greatest role of his life now would you share that sentiment do you know what it's it's one of the easiest you know what I was telling people because obviously I couldn't really say anything because you know D's so famous yeah you guys well it's a fantasy it's a fantasy game it's a big game but it's a fancy game without saying d d and I'd say Well it basically it's me if I was seven foot tall that's it that's the character that's and So like um you know we did we did a line I mean I think I don't know like what order you're talking to people or who you're talking to but and Neil directed me at certain points he's incredibly accomplished across everything to do with mocap he's wonderful actor as well um and yeah people would a couple people said you know without being offensive like you're pretty much her which I took as a massive compliment because I think she's amazing but um it was one of those things that was just like you know I don't have the script printed out in order I don't have what other people say about me right so I just got to make some strong choices hope those directors or or somehow syncret each and they know because they have to they have to give me that context normally the director just guides but they have to give me the context of everything and where I fit in because you don't always have the character you're speaking to so they have to sometimes act as well like props to the directors on this um so yeah it it just became um oh and as you go along Neil said this and said he said my writer Sarah Bayless he said um you know she will pick up on what you do your mannerisms and start writing to that so I found out I found that more and more sarcastic which was great going just like you know it was a lot of light over the shot oh [ __ ] if I know a bit of dry humor as well a little bit of dry human that was quite nice leaning into that rather than she's also a bit of a hot head you want are you a hot head um well this is the thing about being seven foot tall I think I think there's there's different rules right like there's no fear there's no fear like you're easy I think that's why she's kind of easy going when she's out of that I think yeah younger me is pretty a hot head I mean that's that's quite that actually quite an interesting point you make because I think that whole spell she's gone through some incredible trauma right and she's not gonna she's not talking about it you know for good reason because where would you stop if you started talking about that and she's sort of I think in that that date scene I think you all saw where some people were like Cottages it's like a kid or something yeah that's right she's regressed there's something that that's quite childlike in the way she deals with um strong emotions um that was never like or trying to knock them away a little bit is that what you're saying let's bury them down push them down that's not going to be a problem later just push him down where no one can see it and you know crack jokes and like let's smash some things and not talk about my imminent death it's fine it's great do it let's let's [ __ ] do something you know and she's a lot of it is the drivers you know she wants to get revenge and she wants to save the city as well that's really important to her she's grown up with Legends you know science you'll see you'll see footage of her fangirling over Jahira you know she has grown up with Legends and now she has the opportunity to be what she has the opportunity to have a legacy before she moves on to whatever she's moving on to um but yeah I think anger management issues is definitely I can't wait to see the Prospectors like a wizard or a Bard it'd just be hit a Bard burying can someone please do that because like I had to we all had to do all the Spells and all the different classes so that all exists I can be any sort of magic using that but the bar the the just the the cost is that she comes out with the Shakespearean style swears it's just hilarious you know it's just seven oh in a rogue she can be a rogue I'm sure I recorded some like I'm too big for this thing I can't get into the lock oh that's brilliant that I love oh God yeah yeah I mean that's you know what the game is being acclaimed for is that attention to detail and that reactivity you know the um in the motion capture process are you I'm curious with this game are you with other actors or are you by yourself do you get to play off who are you playing off during your seven months yeah so um I was alone in the volume it was just me and the director in terms of of that the entire time wow so that's quite interesting there's scenes where um there are scenes where she's very much you know uh interacting with someone else and it's me speaking so I have to have some involvement in that um and they would show me a cinematic and I'd be like that's what she looks like and then we'd get on with it and so like the first time she meet like no not the first time second time I think she meets the mechanic when he's fixing the heart and she gets to touch that was that was beautiful and um yeah that was that was really special because I actually got to see what she looked like but the the stunts which is to say the fighting and the loving they were done by specialists in the Guilford office I think that's really important to say because I think people say Specialists what do you mean Specialists they will be in a room together playing off each other um if there's a there's a Larry video from a while back whether if you if you pause at the right point they have a storyboard with all the sex scene positions and for the different heights then different heights so uh yes so so you know if you see Carla running stuff or having sex and that is that someone else did that I didn't do that um yeah voice acting over that is their voice acting over there is there noises oh yes someone's saying she's running and not saying anything definitely Guilford if she's running and saying something combination of me and Guilford like the way it was set up uh was set up for me to stand still and I couldn't like I couldn't walk around couldn't do anything like there was a very specific discipline and uh I've also never done mocap before I've had no training nothing which is what I think it's fair to say that the the theater training came in just hugely because that's black box Let's Pretend make this real you know and I can do all that and wear the stupid suit you know and not not be self-conscious about that that's that's all there ready to go that's only theater after that's thinking of doing games please do them because I think you'll take to it like a duck to water oh God we had like movement people as well like movement directors that's that's quite unusual uh in games so they're they work in theater primarily and they they're there to interpret the physical language of the play right otherwise the actors just sort of stand still so with Colac it was call Access call it seven foot tall and I don't really know what she looks like because that's not been finished or ndas or whatever yeah and so working with them we we found that physicality so it's things like you know I'm quite small and full of energy so I flap around with a seven foot Barbarian it's gonna look really weird right yeah I get it yeah and then it's the language of that so if I've been using the same gesture he'll go do you want to mix it up or or sometimes I just couldn't find the gesture I want to tell the story without words and that's why I'm very on this because you know we refer to as voice actors and it's like not sure about that anymore you know there's there is that physicality and and you can't put it all in the voice it's not all in the voice you are it's absolutely telling the story with the body and what happens when you lie and you look away and all that sort of you can't do that you know you do that differently vocally if it's pure vocals so yeah again you know I want to give a shout out to um all the movement people T Gable H jonana who works he works in drama schools and all sorts so we just had that vocabulary from the start we just knew what each other we're talking about do you when you're shooting at do you so let's say there's six options for the player do you record those six options back to back all those different options back to back or do you sometimes going back to different scenes and adding an OP you know what I mean yeah both so um these things are play tested and they're just tested you know and I guess I guess these these um I don't know if you saw that the the um picture from The Lion King that represented yeah yeah which represented what a tree can look like so you can see like you might imagine the amount of time and effort and if that's not Landing so yeah I guess it's iteration right it's more like software development so you're just doing a little bit of it at the time and so yeah so I think a good example of that would be um the blader Frontiers right he will was very different in EA he was a bit of a fraud from what I could see and now he's not he's like very honorable man um just from the play testing yeah so so I think they were they were changing him but of course I don't know that I'm just getting the scene that keeps coming back not quite so we went from like he's a little brother who you're holding you know holding his head at a distance you're like yeah go kick me you know because that undermines him but if we're gonna give him we're gonna give him some um status we're gonna Elevate him then I have to be a bit frightened of him like Carl it's going to be a bit frightened of him and she does the whole like look I don't want this um you know did you push back on that because I didn't I do you feel like that character would be scared of anything well I'd ask I'd be really really [ __ ] annoying in the booth you're not gonna give me the entire scripts and access to everyone then I'm just gonna I like to be really specific you know I really do it like specificity it's a soul of narrative right um that's uh John Hodgman that is uh it's it's true it really is and and you cannot you cannot generalize people can hear it I mean that's that goes back to the old school Bad Games voice acting when people just said things in a very flat way to cover all eventualities but we've written all eventualities haven't we so yeah it would come back and it's like he's a bit braver this time we're a bit more scared of him this time she also she's also been tadpoles right which brings her down to level one that's totally a thing and she's got an overcooked engine so she's feeling a bit shitty and weak true yeah and we all are but um it's like she's been on a bad trip for 10 years and how do you ever have that discussion you're just gonna like lock that away put that away somewhere else that's never gonna come back that's never gonna come back and bite you let's pretend like okay we were 18 when we went in we're now 18 Again everything's fine you know that's that's where I was with her I was just like that's that's trauma that's regression that's that's all that sort of good stuff that you can dig into and people relate to how did you get the role I'm just curious I know it's a generic question number one but I I'm really curious how you got the role and how you found the voice and the character how long it took you to to find it and start hitting your groove so um Kirsty Gilmore who's a director and director on this I'm learning for years actually she's just been amazing she's had my back for years right and she's just been on putting me up for stuff in the background doesn't tell me this puts me up for it absolute [ __ ] Legend um and she uh in 2020 put me up for what was Colac as I said earlier she was a lot lighter she was a she was um more of a a fight or even a rogue or something um and not the car like you're seeing at all right and I went up for that and I and she was very she was very RP she was not Pusher and a lot more refined and probably trained in fencing you know and and looking back at that script was you know not as as fully formed which totally makes sense um so I didn't get that it's the story I didn't get that someone else got that um and then they'd come back with like small small roles NPC kind of roles but really small and I just thought I know enough about games that if I go in and I've got a distinctive voice I'm not coming back I can't come back because I have done my thing right so that's at least me I might be completely wrong but I know that no no no that's interesting so you declined that I declined wow like a small I mean we're talking like four hours a session or two hour session yeah it's an NPC who goes like it's over there you know yeah yeah additional voices yeah I'm like no I think I'm ready to do something of it I'll just chill because this is I didn't know what it was it was clearly fantasy I actually thought no I thought oh right so what they've done is they've slightly changed the names of all these races so they don't get sued by Wizards of the Coast Dungeons and Dragons why it clicks but I knew they was eight Dungeons and Dragons game being made anyway blah blah blah didn't get it moved on with my life then I made a game called the excavation of hobbsboro which really took I mean just which everyone should like give it a crack um and I'm obviously very different in that so again that what I'm about to say like it it shows people's trust in the actor and what what they can do because it's she's a very different character I'm sure you'll agree from Colac so um you wouldn't even say it's the same person so it's a different person I wouldn't know I don't think people would know honestly that's pretty cool right I mean what a great way it's a compliment it's a compliment no thank you and if this was filmed I wouldn't get the opportunity to play such a breadth of roles so I'm always very grateful for that Korean audio and games because yeah was my Western it's been fantastic but um I did that and it was just before the Takeover of Twitter so I could see I could see in order what people were saying on Twitter and there were a couple people just kept saying how much they loved it and a voice sounded brilliant and I just started clicking into like who who are these people and one of them was Michael Dallas who was the head of publishing at larion so what I did was I thought there's an open goal and I slid into his DMS and I said wow clearly you're a man of culture if there's an opportunity to audition to a CO for for a significant role in this could I please have the opportunity and the audition was set up unbelievable yeah yeah so I went back in and went in knowing that it's it's Baldur's Gate 3 which gave me a level of confidence that I didn't have before or don't normally have going into Triple A game auditions I knew what are you man that is man like opportunity right like when Opportunity Knocks like go just go this very and like what's he gonna do block me okay that's the worst situation that's the worst situation or it's it's sorry it's been cast you know but so then Pit Stop said oh actually we've been trying to contact Santa audition for Carla something like that and it all sort of came together and then it was like can you get on with it please we need to move now so that that all happened very happily um but there was a difference going in with that endorsement only like act two starting out trying like it's so important to have that that person on the inside who is is going to say actually you know from Kirsty to Michael like I trust this person they're gonna do a good job um so to answer the question which I've remembered um you know what they said to me they were like just be you just do just Instinct go with what you think and I thought okay I'll do a seven foot version of me and you know obviously with the circumstances of this fantasy person here that the first voice you came out a bit more you know she's a bit more you know um London there had to be okay if we're getting specifics yeah I'm from London I trained and they try and kick that accent out of you right so my accent isn't quite yeah so she probably sounds a bit more like me if I hadn't trained to be honestly yeah you're very specific um but I didn't want it to be to London because that just makes it contemporary then you've also got the fact that um goblins have a really London like a cockney yeah let's not make her a goblin so there was all that sort of thing and thinking like Americans as well sometimes if too many glottal stops and like they can't hear it and I'm thinking about like I'm an overthinker I think about these things and but you know I'm running it past people and we're finding it um but there is you know there is this sort of this version this sort of Timbre voice though this voice and then I think very early on when she confronts Anders and she goes full-on metal raw I think that's how she spoke in hell I don't she spoke very often in hell but I think you know going into that sort of voice I'm gonna kill you you know she's probably not in Baldur's Gate we're gonna drop that we're gonna forget that happened we're gonna go back to how we were so that's that's where that light always comes from as well why do all goblins um so like like this you know come over here so we know they're goblins I have no idea but you know what I bloody love them because I thought wow that's Ray Winston over here that's Kathy Burke over there I was like I don't obviously I don't know who these actors are they did such a [ __ ] great job on them they're so funny it is because I've obviously had DMS one dm doing all the I think they're wonderful yeah so what was the first um first day on set like for you were you nervous right get into stand over there not like that like that right okay you know there was no like intro they don't even give you any there's no training you were just in the Deep Inn I mean I think for the smaller roles that's you're gonna do that right because you've got the actor for two hours it's gonna take 20 minutes to 30 minutes to suit up and you just got to get them and then there's some people and again who I still always using the term voice actor as well is that some people are just voice actors and they'll freeze they don't know what's this so then they're doing mocap and like that must be really terrifying but for me it was like getting it right you know I know these things cost a lot of money um but then I also thought well I haven't been trained so I worked a lot with movement directions um just it was just to get the the broadness of her yeah so there was a lot of sort of this sort of stuff going on at the beginning it's quite monotonous and but um I think it was like meeting the player for the first time it was recruiting karlak I think that's what we did it's a good place what scene got you into the groove and then you're like I'm off to the races now I think I I really dialed into the tour I could totally understand someone that's been yeah we could say imprisoned imprisoned wrongly or press gang for 10 years and just wanting to forget I wanted to get you know we've had a two-year period that a lot of us just want to forget and move on with and never talk about again you know so you expand on this very you know obviously very dramatic what she's been through but actually it was it was finding some of the joy and marrying that up with that trauma right and just going I am alive I'm here you know I'm this is good this is okay we don't have to keep reflecting on all this stuff we'd have to think about the future and there's a whole thing and I don't know if it's made it into the game where she talks about grass it's a whole monologue green things and it's oh there's all this funny stuff every we did the underdark and like you know really Grim places oh my God it's so massive I love it it's not it's true but it's great right you would be thinking that wouldn't you yeah there's a really big one I got to do which was in terms of not an act it was a monologue like sometimes you've got easy doing it line by line and not hoarding you hope they Stitch it together nicely but then sometimes they go this one goes with this one and with this one and with it and I go this is a monologue give me a minute to read it just give me a minute to read it and we'll give it a go and there's one there's a real Dark Knight of the soul for her she gets let's say she gets what she wants but she's not satisfied and it's dealing with that feeling you get what you want but you're not you're not fulfilled and how do you move on with your life and are there spoilers spoilers are there scenes where we get to see her reflecting on that trauma or coming to terms with it or anything like that yeah so I think again with I think yeah there's a stereotypical um you know person who served in war and never tells their family they never talk about it with their family they might get together their bodies and talk about it and have their groups but they'll never so with her it's um you have to get to know her you have to get to know and you'd have to romance her you can be a buddy and she'll start opening up to you there's a very meta line in that first scene Miranda's when she's getting revenge on guys I love that line yeah I know what you're talking about yeah yeah and she's just like you know she said something about like this early in the game this early yeah it's like the war stories for later she's thrilled he's like let's just literally get out of danger and then we'll sit around the campfire and trade stories and I think she'd be great if she was like yeah she could get back to balda's game she's getting a Tavern she'd be she wouldn't have to pay for a drink ever again and she just tells stories about like all the [ __ ] she got up to in hell were there any parts where you got emotional did you have to get it very very and it's funny because I don't I don't cry easily and I certainly can't cry on cue right that was always yeah I know people struggle with that yeah I always struggle with it funny enough funny enough you know because I think there's there is like a technique but I haven't learned it I haven't gone and learned it but it doesn't come easy but because I knew I knew her background and we're just throwing it away and isn't this fun and let's smash some heads in and and I just was never getting to that and then when we did get to that soon it was very well placed it just all came out it just because I had two you know two or three takes to really nail it and it just all came out and I just hoped they could hear everything I was saying because you know you start to cry and it goes so you still cried oh yeah yeah I had all that it was built you know months of just sitting on on that because you know you I don't think we need to know day to day what happened over 10 years but it was [ __ ] [ __ ] it was it's the worst you know I just thought I thought of like imagine that you were put in a in a high security Men's prison in California you know like as a woman like you've just been put in there and you're big you're seven foot all right you get to be seven foot but you are watching your background every day like is survival is pure survival and the person you are there is not the person you're on the inside on the outside and maybe that's the way you accept of course she doesn't know if she's getting out you know it is a real and you don't have to think about that very long to already start feeling emotional about that so what I did is like her bury that down just Tamp that down don't think about it so when it does it volcanoes out of you was that cathartic for you were you after that you shot that scene how did you feel yeah so like I mean part of the reason I got into um acting in the first place as well as telling a story in a way that affected me I found it very cathartic um from I I was like originally from a Catholic background sort of known for being repressed so yeah keeping secrets that sort of a thing just brush it under the carpet let's not damage a man's reputation you know that sort of thing so it was very you know um yeah relatable in terms of uh and cathartic in terms of spoilers we're gonna go and spoiler territory yeah just do it now yeah right so gortash yeah go test solder into hell he's the guy and he's running Baldur's Gate right I know yeah and now again and we're gonna buddy up with him and I'll I'll leave I'll leave some mystery as to how that goes when she when she meets him but but she does get to watch him die and she doesn't feel any better about anything because there's all the [ __ ] going on with the tadpole and the end of the world and all that and it's it becomes what is what is the point of any well why did I do 10 years in hell to come out to do that I don't feel nothing and die and I'm nothing and I haven't done anything with my life and I was you know she was probably taken I I'd say 18. so she's not had a life she's not had a life it's [ __ ] horrible to think about um and now she's gonna go and it means nothing and so that just all came out and I got very emotional and uh hopefully it's good and hopefully um it affects people and yeah she's a I mean she's a tragic hero that's the big spoiler tragic hero yeah I mean so yeah she'll brush it off and she'll laugh but actually that's who she is underneath yeah you would say she's more more a hero than an anti-hero or wouldn't you you would you would say yeah yeah because she's she's doing it's not like she's she's actually she's doing stuff which affects her and just happens to benefit other people she's doing things that benefit other people and may or may not benefit her so that's that's pretty heroic and she wants her life to mean something she's got she gets a short time on this planet and she wants that to mean something so that's quite hard or something at a young age I'm gonna you know again you try and think of things that you can relate to you're starting you know well you know well she's a tiefling and what that means that's do you forget it you've got to absolutely make that relatable do you think you could get to that place again easier now that you've done it once before or would it be harder do you think I think it'd be harder I think what I just said to you but just okay it was real and what's been lovely is about you know I walked in and they'll like just be you I thought fantastic what a gift because I thought well I've got to do this for 30 hours yeah I've got it I've got to do this for about 30 hours I mean about 12 hours right in an accident yeah this is a lot 30 hours is a lot of time to not be doing so just um just do your own accent do just own Instinct whatever and it was 240 hours so I feel I chose wisely there but um as I said that was you know that was real and that was real not getting to that moment knowing it was coming at some point because you know I got enough of the script to know that about her but but like her never dwelling on it never dwell on it and then when it actually the reality of the words because you know how straight uh straight talking she is um it is it is facts and it is unchangeable and it doesn't matter that she's good that's the sad thing is it doesn't matter that she's a good person it doesn't mean good stuff will happen to her that's the reality in life sometimes yeah that's real and that's relatable yeah I find this game is quite a lot of relatable themes what was it like um working with Neil I'm curious and and some of the other voice directors what sort of advice would they give you uh that you found helpful because I've heard there's been you know directors that aren't so good at giving advice I'm just curious what's the difference between a bad and a good voice director I guess or is it maybe they're not are they are they are they voice directors is that the official title or is there another are they just straight they were down as directors they were doing yeah they're just directed you've got movement as well and it is I mean I was thinking about why that is why I'm so stuck on it but it really is like if I do Sama for audible it's a hundred percent my voice right it has to be because that's all I've got if it's this you've got the body you've got the breath I don't have to channel I will act differently I notice I did it on the party banter I would approach that in a different way because you've got to get it from my voice you can't get so we you get like I did you know some really high profile audio and you get film actors in and they're flat because they're acting with their face and their thoughts and you're going yeah babe that's great but I need you to do in a non-hammy way as well you don't want it to be you know shouty or whatever or over labored but um I feel like people do they do that they go they go too large sometimes in game I think I think um the art of voice acting is really underrated and people think they can phone it in and it's it's the most exp it's certainly the most exposing it's really exposing yeah I think it is anyway but to answer the question about a good director and lovely Neil Neil just came bounding up to me on day one didn't know the [ __ ] I was didn't matter you know he just came up to made himself known said welcome or you know just really led by example I mean the answer is empathy the answer is empathy a good directory because we are talking about again um you know um moving the recipient whether that's the play or the audience or wherever we're moving them they're not in front of us you know we're having you really have to to work well with your team and as I said it's a team of people as well all making you look good so you've got to get on well with them it's a long run it's A Hard Road playing life is the dark urge that all right that's that's a lonely life you know you might you might be one the one to make it but that's that's quite a gamble to make if you're just gonna be an [ __ ] on set you know but um he he just led by example and I found that because it's slightly closer to filming you've literally got cameras on you and you're they call you the talent which you know we'll hate I think we all hate I don't like it uh but you know that's already by insinuation there's a pressure and I thought well if if they're gonna put me on the pedestal I'll I'll take that challenge and I'll make sure people get breaks on time you know and on dancing around me so much um and and a really good example of of of empathy and warmth and welcoming and so when new people came on board whether they're crew or new actors making them feel welcome coming in with good energy and I think just overall it was [ __ ] great Vibes in there like we had some you know by the time I entered it was some real time pressure um yeah and they're always you know mocaps it's drying on the side freshly laundered you know ready to go again it was it could be quite quite hectic and before you know it like you know if you're not careful people you're just pumping people in and out of the system and there's no connection and I think you know particularly with this game where we are saying look you can you can make any choice and there are consequences and and it doesn't just Peter out it has a real meaning to it you have to think you have to bear that in mind so I think I think Neil was a great way to as a as a gateway to the project to teach me how to behave and what's expected of me and I think like we all have to come up to that level but particularly when you have that privilege all of a sudden like don't [ __ ] on people below you don't pull the ladder up like you know we're all team I won't accept anything essentially instead of having a director who thinks he's here we're here we're both here yeah is that right I think so and I think the best the real the real the best directors and I'm talking about like film a TV where I I know that well more they are on that level you know and it's all it's all about um Jedi monk [ __ ] right they're not they are they are much better than you but they make you know they make you feel that it's horizontal I think that's that's healthy because it's psychological safety isn't it that's a known it's a known phenomenon that people don't need to have certain backgrounds in common and that it's feeling safe with each other to say what they want without consequences I think that's really important have you always felt like that yeah during over the years or have you had times where you haven't quite felt like that oh yeah you know some some big theater stuff you're treading on eggshells the whole time I don't know really oh yeah yeah yeah yeah and then you hear that so-and-so is abusive and you're like yeah we only we couldn't say you know the occasional story comes out I just mean like I don't mean like in a wine steam where it just means like just makes it miserable for everybody and it's like yeah people are terrified you know there's no recourse in that and there's I mean there is there is a I mean I quite like enjoy the whole Rock you've actually director gets last say I certainly don't want to be that [ __ ] actor okay no no I thought take two was better and you will but you know why that's not that is not my job my job is to make an offering and whether you like it or not that's up to you but like but at least take in your opinion you know of course but but actually my opinion is my performance it's not um I would make the opinion known before let's put it that way like we come to an agreement oh okay or I might you know very occasionally go look can I just try because you know they're so sweet okay can I try one more and I'll do it and they'll go yep then okay that's not making it in okay very occasionally they'll be like all right yeah I see where you're going let's explore that you know but if you're terrified already again you're going to get that very I think you're going to get a very Bland performance and everyone's miserable like why why you know we've got such weird conditions already why maker sales miserable on top of it yeah so did you watch the did you watch that showcase they did and they showed a fair bit of that romance scene with you and I'm just curious how you yeah if you found watching yourself back how has that process been for you yeah so so I watched all the panels from hell because I'm a horrible nerd but I also like to really you know as I said with hobbsboro I delve into what do other people say about me what is this world I'm in um even if it's bad you're willing to take yeah don't give a [ __ ] make an offering and and so many people I can always blame the director okay [Laughter] or if it's terrible and literally everyone else to get that yeah so um yeah I did I did watch panel from hell and um everything was always a surprise like they don't warn you that they're showing anything I thought they moved on actually because there was because you've never seen that sorry to cut you off you'd never seen that footage before right finalized no and Neil directed me on that Neil directed that and he also directed bersex so you know props to Neil iconic scenes that Neil got to direct there yeah it really did so when actually when we did it and again because it was an unusual one or sitting down but I was talking so I had to do the mocap we had a little table and everything and and then they showed me what it would look like and it was a Starion and I thought oh that is wonderful I think it's starring and Carl act together to just be hilarious so we were on our own little date with with him doing the direction and we knew it was Whimsical and and we just went [ __ ] it because we know there's like the other end of the romance you know that's happening there's all that um it's mintara you know that's that's been out there for a while someone again have the breadth of what's possible um but um no so I do I didn't know what happened is there was a community update that announced Carla it announced that there was another origin and I was like they've moved on they've moved on so [ __ ] quick that's it I'm done they showed a new pick and people went why isn't she scarred and they moved on and um I thought you know I'll watch panel From Hell from a bit I suppose you know and uh I didn't was happily delighted um I'm used to hearing my own voice back and that's still weird but it's okay it's not as bad as watching myself back on film that is horrific I can't do it but um why are you used to it again do you I've just done a lot of audio I've done a lot of audio right I just love hearing it as a listener I just love hearing how it comes out and again a lot of the time we all we we record in isolation and then it's like a year when it comes out and you forget you forget that you're recording it nicely because they've done such a great job so again I just love the craftsmanship of that so the film side you cringe oh okay yeah no absolutely not and I think I think that's normal I don't think it said that as well yeah yeah because you're seeing it you know you don't experience yourself they're again nowhere to hide you know you're like bloody hell is that what I do you know all of that you're watching you're you're zooming into the bits of yourself and it's no good for anyone doesn't yeah so it was nice that you know Colac is basically a seven foot supermodel that was nice to look at I was good yeah that's fine but but what was really cool was to see it sounds really wanky but her breath her movement and her breath because I was like [ __ ] that's me that's me I did that I understand when you say movement what do you mean by by breath what do you mean by that literally the tracking of her breathing in her chest and her body that's what I'm focusing on and that's a it's a live you know an animation have done a great job because again I think what I'm doing is making an offer they don't have to do what I did you know again spend a lot of money getting movement people to but they don't have to use any of that stuff you know sometimes they don't and that's again that's fine because it's about what works for the scene I'm just a puzzle piece do you know what I mean this is why I talk about that flatness um yeah so it was it was delightful and there were whoops of joy and I know I also thought oh is that is that the scene you want to introduce her by because you've just said she's this bad Arsenal and then you've shown yeah that and I thought oh [ __ ] and then yeah to just be feral for a couple of weeks until I saw the opening uh when you first meet her whether it's a will or not and she's just [ __ ] badass oh thank God yeah it's all right and then there's a scene with vendors where she goes I think we get a glimpse of what she might have been like under zariel where she just goes full on is that the one where you rage yeah the first time and it Anders is sick to like his people the paladins of tear and they're not and if you play Paladin you you get an inkling that they're lying but I think otherwise they're pretty convincing she was wounded and she's like can you help me in this like again seven foot badass she's like well there's lots of them one of me so because I'm you know I'm a badass help me out and she gets to confront him and she gets in this is very early on in the game with her and she gets to confront him and she's like I'm never going back and she's actually quite dangerous and she says you know there's a bit where she goes get out of the room and you think oh I've got time you haven't got time she kill you like people have been pissed off she's been CPK like over and over again like no you have to either put some sort of Magic on yourselves or get [ __ ] out of there because she's literally running up and down smashing in the room and I was like oh yeah that's all right that's all right and they could have shown that Colac but they showed the really sweet one um which is a really specific you know romance path to get to it's not default among these things that they showed a default they're very specific yeah a lot of people probably never see that eh that's possibility with games that was like kind of like oh I've been sort of caught with my pants down you know I'm like I wouldn't want people to see her like that gee you know well yeah you're right around a bit you've got a reputation yeah it's a private it's really bright it's really private it's like the most intimate in a way you know because she she that I've seen already this footage of people and the first night she's like how's about it so there's an option where you don't go on cute dates there's that option and that's more like old karlak you know because that's what she said she used to do yeah so what would you say your most proud moment was on this I think it was just like feeling part of a really [ __ ] Hardcore team it really is I really believe like they're some of the mooc out Engineers are so young they're straight out of uni they're in their early 20s you know and they are so good and I have so much respect for them and um they were kind enough to invite me to dinner a few times and I was obviously not horrible enough to not invite back so that was good and I thought I had a bond with them and that we were making you know regardless of how it was received or whatever like we'd made something decent as I said that's that's my sphere of control right is is yeah about being an ass um and doing a [ __ ] good job or as good as I can um and making it a pleasant place to work you know so I felt that was I felt really proud about and that was that was relatively early on and and that was great so was that said when it's all said and done what's your emotions like there's no there's no rap party there's no like we're finishing at different points and then they'll go oh actually we've got some retokes or whatever so it it doesn't you don't know when yeah it Pete's out which is a shame I think yeah I know there's no rule this was the end day in gaming really and foreign [Music] but but I've been on it so long you know and and same with the others but we've got our own WhatsApp group oh that's good there's a scoop all the companions what's that group so you could surely JK Simmons isn't in the WhatsApp group I would love to educate the actors that were there and tell them how big this thing is and and because you would you get people like oh you know let's do the odd game and you're like you know this is massive do you know what game you you don't know what game you're in okay here's the post for the go this is the game you're in write that down because a lot of people you know No One's Gonna there's hundreds of actors in these big games it's standard practice again you're a freelancer you come in you do your job you get out you probably don't know what game you're in and then there's the horror stories that you know I found out when my trailer was played at GDC that I was the lead character in this Triple A everyone has a story like that and that's horrifying so I was just a little bastard that I'd go around and go by the way I think I've always worked I've always worked it out eventually I've always worked it out yeah always but you're one of the Smart Ones you're one of the smiles you're asking around is there a game in this genre that kind of I can't get anything by you I can already tell I don't want to make it a challenge bloody hell no I'd be too proud but you know I've got mates where I've had to go you know you are you are a leading role in this so just you know make sure your agent sort of stays in touch with them and make sure you get all the details when it comes out because people just don't know what they're in and I think that's a real [ __ ] so like the example I make is like you know I auditioned for a Marvel film for like one-liner cop with a garden you know stop her I'll shoot but I know what film I'm in I've signed the NDA and I know what film am I in uh and I haven't even got the role and I know what film I'm in like why why is that different for games so yeah without going down that old path I'll just I'll just put that out you get better performances in the end like I said with the audition the fact that I knew what this game was and I knew where that character fit in I went and I went and found someone blessing I think he was spelling Shield did a video on like what's the blood Wars and where does carlak fit in and I watched eight minutes of that and I went right I know who she is now yeah but that's the beauty of that that isn't it yeah I think that's crazy that we're feeding off each other wild speculation and then the actors are like oh this is what I'm doing right okay but I got that when I got the role and I heard blood Wars and I didn't I don't I'm not deep into it enough to know all that law just went and watched it and went okay now I know who I am I'm pretty sure I've done lore videos and then I the actors spoken to me like and played back what I said in the lobby maybe that's the tip the big tip is like find out what the game is watch what all the other Specialists have said about it I'll save you a lot of time in the booth hey have you have you played this game yet alas I am a PS5 user ah okay but you're waiting yeah I'm waiting but but as a performer obviously I want to see how it's come out but actually what I am doing I've noticed what I'm doing is I'm watching the car that because I just want to know how she's come out and I'm not watching other characters Journeys yet I don't actually really want to know selfish fast no yeah right I own it completely so you're you're literally you're typing in Carl any video is yours just to see the new scenes yeah yeah it's all right it's coming it has come out all right and then like yeah I was watching I was watching uh a few streamers play but that that game is their game it's not my you know that sounds really terrible it's their version and I if I'm dipping in but yeah she she fights like a hard [ __ ] so I'm really pleased about that that's good party band is hilarious so I'm glad that because again it's isolated and done months apart and it's it's got a different tone to it as I said because it's pure voice acting it's a different delivery I've got to put more into that it's obviously not going to come out the body so so just seeing how the outfits together that's really fun that's a really fun part but yeah I do actually want to experience it as a player and see see what I choose and and what happens but I'll play I love how people go and go I'm gonna romance this one I'm gonna I'm just gonna see what happens gonna see what happens hopefully there's a spot I'm not gonna go in with a I'm gonna do this this you're just gonna wing it yeah chaotic good mate try and dig it if people die as a result sorry so you don't know our class you don't know what I know I'm going to stop I'm gonna I'm gonna go yeah yeah through like true actor mode right just she won't speak much as An Origin right so it's not it's not too self-indulging and I won't be Romancing myself right so there's that I might try and Captain Kirk it and just get through everyone I'm not sure they'll let me but I did a mass effect too it would piss them off but there wasn't enough options recorded for there to be real consequences but I managed to sleep with the entire crew I think I did the same thing oh man I'm ashamed to say It's gotta be done it's my [ __ ] baby that's it and so you as we wrap up here you much of a gamer you said you played a bit of massive thing what have you played in the PS5 is there anything that you've been playing recently you've probably been how can you play when you're [ __ ] getting home at 10 p.m at night I mean all right so whatever oh I played um I was playing returnal quite a lot um I know James Perry and I really want to get to a storyline but it's so hard and I just hear it die a lot and it's horrible but God it's really satisfying I just I love it and yeah I think my tolerance for that pain is quite High I've discovered I'm a real masochist and the other one is um a ghost of sushima I went to Japan during during making this and I really missed Japan I saw you in Japan I'm I'm so jealous I want to get down there I'm gonna go on this January yeah do it just do it you'll love it it's such like a for me anywhere when did you go um so I went in April this yeah yeah because I was told right I was told right you get a 30 hours right not 240 30 hours and you will be done by February okay that's good because I've already booked the trip ages ago obviously before December before I knew I was gonna do this great it'll fit in so yeah chaotic good as I said how long were you over there were you by yourself just three weeks with my partner and uh we we did it for a travel agency and they as you can imagine we did all the train stuff and so they did all the tickets for us and all of the hotels and it was it was worth it I mean absolute Fortune but you know it was something again I was just sitting on during lockdown no had you been before was this your first time I've never been I've never been I think the first I've been I'm just getting up it's always UK um sorry uh EU and America is about as as far out of that comfort zone I've been so I've never been out of the West before and the three weeks was good good amount of time yeah I mean I could stay there forever it's so it's just so different and I also knew people that I'd emigrated and I knew people from uh who had been in who studied in London who were Japanese studied in London and so we had a big old catch up oh nice that's really nice good people yeah I saw them in daylight it was weird [Laughter] is there anything you wanted to shout out or is there anything you wanted to say to the fans of Boulder gate Baldur's Gate 3 that have um tuned in today um I I love all the good feedback so I love the Arts I love the artwork that that our characters oh yeah and of course people fell in love with corlax character model so I was very much on how is she coming across and now of course now they're hearing me act some love backing off from opinion that's too scary but I love uh the idea that that might that performance might change the perception of who she is I just love seeing the art I can't draw to save my life so I really respect the time and effort people put in into that particularly but um but yeah I think it's it's not unfair to say that the fans have made this game like they really have and Larry have really listened really listened and put in that feedback I think that's there's that real trust relationship between the two and I think it's just gorgeous to see on this scale so um just yeah keep on trucking kids because we love it and you know it said we were you know as a performer you love that back and forth I love watching um I loved watching people playing hob Sparrow because it's the closest I'll get to an audience even if they hate it even if they're just sit in a blank and hating it that is valid it's a you know it's it's not again it's my job to offer it's tell the story it's not to be thought of as wonderful although that's always good but that's not that's not my you know it's to make that offering I find it cathartic enough so the fact that people have really taken it into their hearts and the fact that larion have come up to the levels of thirstiness of the audience because it took me a couple days to go no there's that soon that's actually worse than the best oh yeah yeah wait till wait till they find that bit there's a what hold on there's a city worse than the bear there are options you can take that maybe or even I wouldn't take with someone's gone what if we what if we do that and then they say yes you're recording no no no no no this has to this has to be absolutely because I think once that's out like people are gonna go the actual but it's their own fault if you start asking to literally romance everything this is what happens oh now I'm so intrigued what are you uh what are you what do you hope people take away from your performance and the character [Music] because I think I I've played a range of of very different people whether it's I mean they're all pretty much fantasy but um within within these different genres of that high fantasy to horrino to horror and and everything in between to things set in space you know that I want to work more essentially is is that would be nice that'd be a nice you know to be like a it was nice please please give them more work that's good we like that um yeah I hope they're moved I hope they they I mean I've been set up really nicely the writing was incredible what a gift of a role I mean you know what an opportunity so I hope I've really I've done her proud um but I think she's well written enough I'm happy for her to go and do her thing and I I I also and larian have done a great job like we've got to give them props and the devs and everyone I mean it's unbelievable what they've done they've really listened as you said and I I respect that they I believe Neil said that you know adding that non-binary option took a lot of actual you know that costs a lot of money I believe he said something like that like it wasn't just something you could just you know half ass yeah yeah so there was I think I think a good example of that is um everyone will address you uh uh in in it as as male female or non-binary so you've got to record every person who could possibly gender you you have to maybe find that actor again and get them in and I think that might be what he's talking about because by the time it was yeah yeah it was PC though right it was Bam Bam bum and it was great um and I think there's a bit where in in the panel for male where they showed the the meeting the friend industry and I'm in a relationship with the doctors because you know why not it's gorgeous and I did like isn't she gorgeous and aren't they gorgeous it's all there and and um it's all in the programming it's all ready to go and if that makes if that helps the immersion and then bring it on yeah yeah wow hey thank you so much for taking the time we really appreciate it and we can follow you on Twitter that's it anything else I'm thinking about things I think yeah yeah I'm on Twitch but I'm not I'm not broadcasting I'll probably put it up on Twitter if I am um I'll probably do the mass migration to whatever it is if and when Twitter stroke x Falls over but I don't know what that is yet so you know I'm sorry it's not Twitter it's X now yeah I honest [Laughter] yeah uh you you now but as we end here it is it possible that we can hear Cadillac one more time can she say something to Dan to wrap this one up got to think like what sort of Carlock you want there's many different colors oh you're right yeah which product do I want I mean look whatever one you're willing to give us I'm happy with because I like all versions of you Samantha okay um I was looking for a friend maybe that could be you is an actual line that I remember doing I think I'm just gonna go around telling people's kids to clean their teeth and be go to bed at the right time I'm up for that but I do you know that real appeal with the swearing well thank you so much Sam and we will do this again I'm sure very very soon thank you
Channel: Dan Allen Gaming
Views: 151,020
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: karlach romance, larian studios panel from hell, baldurs gate 3 karlach, baldurs gate 3 karlach romance, baldurs gate 3 romance, karlach date scene
Id: y350yBaZ7uc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 82min 28sec (4948 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 10 2023
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