Baldur's Gate 3 Multiclassing Guide: Everything you need to know to understand Multiclassing in BG3

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in this Baldur's Gate 3 guide we're going to be talking a bit about multi-classing and what you gain from multi-classing how multi-classing Works in Baldur's K3 and whether or not you should consider multi-classing your bill and there are absolutely a lot of things that factor into whether you should multi-class and we'll get into what each of those are in this video but I do want to mention that although multi-classing isn't typically recommended for beginner players I would say in Baldur's Gate 3 it's a little bit more forgiving and that's for a couple of reasons first of all there is no longer an attribute or ability score requirement to multi-class meaning you don't really have to plan a much in terms of like what your ability scores are in order to meet the requirements to multi-class with other classes that's been removed but the other thing is that you can respect in this game for rather cheap and you can always save and you know respect again if you don't like how it came out without wasting that gold so it gives you a little bit more freedom to play around and your choices are not exactly permanent like they would be in tabletop so there's a little bit less you know punishment for getting it wrong you can just try a few times and then figure out what you like what you don't like and then go with that and one thing I want to mention before we get into the Nitty Gritty details of multi-classing is that if you're playing on the Explorer mode the easiest mode of the game you actually cannot multi-class it's been disabled from the game and if you want to play on this difficulty but you still want to multi-class you actually need to set the difficulty of the game up to balanced and then you can do your level ups and then set it back down to explore you can kind of bypass it that way I don't know why they did it this way I assume they just don't want new players like making terrible multi-classing choices that might make it difficult for them but because you can load the game so much and because you can respect I don't see that as a problem so if you are playing on Explorer and you do want to mess around with multi-classing that is kind of a workaround okay so the first thing we're going to talk about here is proficiencies anytime that you level up in Boulder Skate 3 and you select a new class you will gain some proficiencies from that class you won't gain all of the proficiencies of that class as if you were selecting that class during character creation so for instance if you chose fighter to multi-class into and you had any other class to begin with you would not gain the heavy armor proficiency that is something you won't gain when you multi-class into fighter but if you start with fighter you will gain heavy armor proficiency so keep those things in mind when you're trying to decide what class you want to begin the game with because you won't gain all the proficiencies of a class when you multi-class into it and you can see what these proficiencies that you'll gain are on the right hand side of the screen when you click each class and keep in mind that these are not factoring in what you already have like they're not adding to what you're missing they're just simply telling you what you're gaining so if it says for instance that you're gaining Marshall weapons or simple weapons or something like that and you already have martial weapons and simple weapons you're not really gaining anything you already have Proficiency in that so it's not factoring in what you already have and telling you what you're gaining out of what you already have what's missing it's actually just telling you what you're gaining and if you already have it then you already have it and the other thing is to keep in mind what proficiency wise is that when you multi-class into a Bard into a ranger into a rogue you're also going to pick up a new skill proficiency so that's very very useful in that particular case and in the case of Rogue you're going to pick up two expertises which basically doubles your proficiency and a skill that you have proficiency with so multiclassing into one level of Rogue is going to gain you one skill plus two expertise that is huge right there on top of you know the proficiencies you gain which you probably already have if you're multiclassing in a rogue unless you're like a pure Caster or something like that so those aren't particularly applicable but those skill proficiencies could be very very useful to you and the other thing is if you pick Ranger you'll get to pick one skill from their proficiencies but also you can gain more proficiencies for instance if you take bounty hunter from their favorite enemy at level one you gain investigation proficiency or Keeper of the veil will give you Arcana proficiency or Ranger Knight will give you history proficiency or a Sanctified stalker will give you religion proficiency so you could gain one skill plus that and then if you take Natural Explorer and pick Urban tracker you could pick sleight of hand proficiency so you could actually pick up three skill proficiencies for taking one level of Ranger which is huge and of course besides the proficiencies and skills that you gain you'll also gain all the class features of that class at that level so if you're like a fighter level three for instance and you pick up one level of Rogue you will gain the class features of level one Rogue and then if you pick another level up at level five and kick Rogue again you will gain the class features of level 2 Rogue and those class features will be the exact same class features for level 2 Rogue as if you were playing a rogue yourself and you were a level 2 Rogue and you didn't have any multi-class so those will be the same and you don't have to worry about that so the next thing we're going to talk a bit about is multi-classing spell casters and how their number of spell slots work and what level of spells they'll know depending on what levels they are of each class so basically how this works is that if you mix any two full spell casters together these are Bard cleric Druid sorcerer or wizard if you mix any of these two together you're gonna have the same amount of spell slots as if you had a single class one of these casters the spell slots will be exactly the same in terms of quantity the difference is that you'll only be able to learn spells up to the level of spells you can know for each class so for instance if you took like a level three wizard and a level three Bard and multi-class them together you to have the same amount of spell slots as a level 6 Bard or a level 6 wizard but you would only be able to learn level 2 spells of wizard and level 2 of Bard and even though you have stronger spell slots than these you won't be able to know higher level spells you'll simply be able to cast the lower level spells that you have at a higher level if they can be cast at a higher level so what you lose here is really access to higher level spells in exchange for more versatility of the Spells you can cast but one thing to keep in mind as well is that when you multi-class the Spells of another spellcasting class are going to scale with the ability casting modifier of that class so in the case of wizard Bard wizard spells are going to use intelligence and Bard spells are going to use Charisma which means that it's not exactly optimal because you're probably not going to have both high intelligence and high Charisma probably have one of these high so it's recommended that when you're multi-classing spell casters that they typically use the same spell casting ability modifier this would be something like barred Paladin sorcerer even warlock since these all use Charisma for their spell casting these combinations work well together some combination of them or something like cleric dread Ranger as these all use wisdom for this spellcasting modifier so some combination of them would be better than mixing across ability scores and this brings about a next point which is that paladins and Rangers in this game are considered half casters and Eldritch Knights and Arcane tricksters are considered one-third casters and I'll give you an example of why that's important and how that works in bg3 if you have a level 4 Paladin they are effectively a level two spellcaster or the equivalent of a level 2 full spellcaster they will have the same amount of spell slots as a level 2 spellcaster what if you compare cleric compare Bard compare Source or whatever you want at level two they will have the same amount of spell slots as a fourth level Paladin however if you take a level 2 Paladin which is effectively one level of a spellcaster because it's half times two and then you add something like two levels of sorcerer you actually get a level 3 spellcaster because you're adding two half levels and two full levels from sorcerer so that means the spell slots this character is going to have is the equivalent of a level three sorcerer or a level three cleric or a level three Druid so they'll actually have four spell slots and at level one and two level two spell slots so they actually have far more even though they're the same character level they have far more spells when multi-classed that way however if you took like a level two Paladin and mixed it with a level 2 Ranger you'd have the exact same number of spells as if you were a level four Paladin or a level four Ranger because they're both half casters but keep in mind just because you gain more spell slots if you go to Sorcerer And two Paladin you don't actually gain access to level 2 sorcerer spells level 2 sorcerer spells are going to be accessed at level 3 of Sorcerer And since you only have two levels of sorcerer even though you have level two spell slots you'll only be able to cast upscale level 1 spells from Paladin and sorcery in those slots because you don't have enough levels in Paladin or enough levels in sorcerer to gain access to level 2 spells so there is an upside and a downside to multicasting spellcasters and the upside is you usually gain access to spells you wouldn't otherwise gain access to or in the case of multi-classing with the ranger of Paladin you'll typically gain more spell slots and that's particularly nice on a paladin because they can sacrifice a spell slot in order to use Divine Smite so if you went to Paladin to sorcerer you could actually have six some Divine smites at level four or you need to rest so these are things you need to take into consideration when you're multi-classing spellcasters and you know as you get more familiar with the game this will get easier to do and more familiar with the Spells you might know what spells you want to take but if you're a new player this is going to be quite challenging because you're not going to be familiar with the spell lists so it'd be quite difficult for a new player to multi-class spell casters and I probably wouldn't recommend that for a brand new player so the next thing to take a look at when multiclassing is fees every four levels of a class you gain access to one feat and you can choose from a list of different Feats including ability score Improvement which is what a lot of people take allowing you to increase your ability scores which is one of the few ways in the game that you can do that and keep in mind that this is not character level this is class level so in an Ideal World if you're multi-classing you would still be able to get three Feats one at level four one at level eight and one at level 12. maybe took eight class you know ranks of one class and four ranks of another class and you'd still have all three Feats unfortunately a lot of the ways multi-classic works you know the class features tend to be more important than Feats in some cases and it doesn't always work out that way sometimes it's like seven and five or nine and three or ten and two so you don't always gain those Feats but you need to take a look at what you're losing by losing out on a feet sometimes versus what you're gaining and whether that's worth it or not so keep in mind that you might be losing a fee if you multi-class and how important is that fee to you and you can go through the list of Feats to see what these are so you know you can decide but you know that's something you need to factor in and another thing that you should factor in when you're multi-classing Marshall classes is extra attack at level five just about every martial class gains an extra attack barbarians gain an extra attack uh Fighters gain an extra attack monks do Paladin stew and Rangers do so those five classes all gain an extra attack if they use their attack action on their turn at level five if you're a level five character and you decide to go four classes of fighter and one class of Rogue for instance to pick up sneak attack you lose out on that extra attack to gain a little bit of sneak attack so is that worth it I don't think that's a good trade-off so keep in mind that at level five there is a sweet spot for these five Marshall classes that you probably want to hit that extra attack and that doesn't mean you can't multi-class before that and then respect to five levels of one of these classes at level five so that you gain that extra attack but you will probably want all five levels of those Marshall classes early as you can to gain that extra attack because that improves their proficiency or their performance in combat rather significantly and I don't think in most cases multiclassing is going to outperform extra attack so what this means is is that if you're playing a barbarian fighter monk Paladin or Ranger you will probably multi-class after level five because you want to make sure you get that extra attack and then you can start dipping into other classes that's most likely what you'll do you can mess around with it before level five but realistically you're probably going to be multi-classic after level five which is a good ways into the game and the same goes for a college of Valor bards and College of Swords bards they gain extra attack at level six if you take these two subclasses so you probably won't multi-class these two subclasses apart until after level six if you're gonna multi-class them because you want to make sure you get that extra attack as well and keep in mind too that you cannot double stack extra attacks like you can't take six levels of college of Swords barred and five levels of fighter and gain extra attack from fighter and six an extra attack from Bard and then you have two extra attacks that's not a thing if you want two extra attacks the only way to do that is to take 11 levels of fighter that will give you an attack an extra attack and another extra attack that's the really strong thing about fighter is that they gain that no other class does at level 11. so if that's what you're aiming for just go Fighter for levels so that more or less wraps up our video on multi-classing and I hope you learned some things about it I hope you understand how it works a bit more particularly from Marshall classes and spell casting classes and obviously every scenario is different every class is different and the way you multi-class might be different and there's we're going to go into like specific break points for multi-classes in our class guides and in our build guides like when we do our Paladin guide for instance we will talk a bit about what you will multi-class with how many levels specifically so if you're looking for that we'll have that in each of those class specific guides I think it would be way too long of a video to go through every possible combination of multi-classing here that's why I didn't do it I just wanted to focus on the basics of it more or less and the last thing I want to say is just that don't be afraid to multi-class you can save and reload you can respect there are a lot of ways you can Tinker it's really fun to Tinker with multi-classing in this game and I think it's one of the coolest things about it from a technical mechanics standpoint so don't be afraid to do it in my opinion like you really don't have anything to lose if you have a save before you try it you won't even lose gold in that case and also keep in mind like maybe you're the guy who wants to go 11 levels of fighter to gain the two extra attacks well you're not going to gain extra that extra extra attack from levels 6 to 11. like it's going to be a long while in there so maybe you want to multi-class in the meantime until you get up to a character level 11 and then respect into level 11 fighter and then you can get those extra attacks you can do things like that in this game you know from level six to level 11. that's a huge stretch of Baldur's Gate 3 where maybe you could have some fun multi-classing until you reach level 11. things like that are things you also want to think about so don't be afraid to experiment [Music] [Music]
Channel: Fextralife
Views: 614,739
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bg3 multiclassing guide, baldurs gate 3 multiclass ideas, baldurs gate 3 multiclass guide, baldurs gate 3 multiclass combos, baldurs gate 3 multiclass options, baldurs gate 3 multiclass rules, baldurs gate 3 multiclass requirements, baldurs gate 3 multiclassing spellcasters, baldurs gate 3 multiclass calculator, how to multiclass in baldurs gate 3, how to multiclass bg3, bg3 multiclass, bg3 multiclassing, baldurs gate 3 multiclassing, baldurs gate 3, multiclass guide
Id: cyhboLIjlUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 25sec (865 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 05 2023
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