Avatar way of the water explained by an idiot

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welcome to Avatar way of the war this movie is long mate so as usual we're going to have the board of much information come out to play along with the usual fast speaking I'm also going to skip over lots of [ __ ] and effort to keep this video short let's start same [ __ ] as the first movie applies with A1 and the navi people and [ __ ] I already made a video about that so go watch it if you haven't already here's a new information you to know you don't even have to be alive anymore to make an avatar body all you have to do is upload your memories to a [ __ ] USB steak give them some DNA I guess before you die and they will make an avatar body and upload those memories into the Avatar body and reincarnate you as a [ __ ] na'vi person from your last safe Point basically next bit of info is that the Earth is dying what a surprise humans want to jump ship come over to Pandora get rid of all the indigenous people and claim this land as their own sounds very familiar doesn't it also maachan watu are they are this planet's version of whales that's right they put your mama in this movie they are very powerful and super smart even smarter than humans possibly because they have big ass brains and [ __ ] and a long time ago they used to fight a lot have Lil Wars so they all came to the conclusion and agreement of no fighting at all no matter what and anybody who engages any violence gets Shun from the community and Outcast for Life they're also deeply emotional creatures and have a super duper like special connection with the reef people they become soulmates and whatever bond with each other blah blah blah speaking of these Ocean Reef na'vi people they are like water builds of the normal na'vi people with wide arms wide legs wide tail shovel dick and all that type of [ __ ] evolutionized for them to be better in water and [ __ ] this is their King he's pretty decent and this is his wife the queen she's stubborn as [ __ ] pregnant and has her husband B the ball sort of another important character is a certain tukun wh that has its own name but I keep forgetting it pretty sure it's some [ __ ] up tribal named like so I'm just going to call it Randy Orton for reasons you'll see later he convinced his clan and a bunch of reef people to attack the humans that are over hunting the TK and in doing so suffered a bunch of casualties the fact he's the only Survivor he lost to Fin and is now Outcast from all communities because he engaged in vien becoming a lone wolf and the only two Co with any balls to fight back Jake and the tiwi we know these two they're [ __ ] king and queen of the forest na'vi people who are like the main na'vi people and they have with each other five kids well technically four well technically three first spider who's the most child that is not their child because he's The Offspring of the [ __ ] mean Army dude from last movie that got killed and some other [ __ ] we don't know about but she gave birth on Pandora and they couldn't send the baby away because they didn't have the Pod small enough to send him off which sounds like Matt copium to me like you're a scientist he could make some but whatever he got raised by the scientists that were allowed to stay and sort of by Jake and N although nii Loki hates him for being a human human and I guess The Offspring of that Army dude and although he's human he does everything that na people do he even [ __ ] puts blue paint on himself he does blue face next Kiri the [ __ ] miracle Jesus baby cuz Grace a scientist that was being transferred to her na'vi body but got lost inside a because her Wi-Fi connection was terrible something like that her na'vi body still alive but unconscious so they having like a big ass [ __ ] vial and it somehow got pregnant and gave birth to kir and they adopted her and she's like super in touch with a while she can feel a heartbeat and loves to discover and look at her creations and stuff like that NEX this boy won the actual first result of Jake and ntii having sex I don't remember his name and I don't care he follows orders and he's a all around good boy boy two also their full boy also I don't remember his name so I'm going to call him jackass cuz he is a jackass cuz he likes to be Reckless and not follow orders and be stupid but still wants to make his dad proud and the next child is a little girl called tuque which is an easy enough name but she's mostly irrelevant and useless she's just another [ __ ] they have to save and worry about now the last character I'm going to point out is the Army dude marine guy from last movie that died who got resurrected into an avatar body from his old safe Point memories and the one thing he remembers the most is he wants to kill Jake Su and some other things but mainly that the movie begins with Jake narrating some of the stuff I just said and he also says this about the conception of Kiri born of Grace's Avatar daughter whose conception was a total mystery mystery my ass dude let's get real here someone snuck in and [ __ ] that body stop playing D moving on they observe the humans landing on Pandora again for colonization round two then a year later Marine dude wakes up in space in his Avatar body with the rest of his super dead team also resurrected as Aviation tards he gets briefed by his old dead self on how much he hates Jake the humans have reestablished a base on Pandora the na'vi people attack a bunch of their trains and stuff and loot their weapons the kids hang out with the scientists they like inside their habitat and they can breathe Human air normally for a little bit but they have to take breath of their own air inter midly which is why they have masks on inside the human habitats question if AA did impregnate Grace's Avatar body like the movie insinuating then that explains how kir is so connected with AA but that also means that AWA is a dude isn't AA a she the great mother and all whatever let's get back to the evil human base old now very blue marine meets the new Army woman in charge of this planet who was beating the [ __ ] out of this bag in a stick figure Exo Suit explains to him over some coffee that the new Mission they have is to prepare this planet for the arrival of more humans and [ __ ] wait a minute if she holding that mug using the exos suit hands if her movements are translated one to one onto the exoit she should not be able to do this unless it's a weird override she would have to shove her arm into her own body to achieve this you understand what I mean screw it doesn't matter to achieve their goal they must neutralize the existing threat that is the na'vi people and kill their dealer who is Jake but whenever they get any close to where they believe he is in the magnetic hallah mountains nature attacks them because they can smell the gay on them and you know they smell a foreign object that they're humans and then not welcome whatever so they attack them but she believes that since blue team is na'vi Avatar stuff they will blend in and not be attacked by Nature so they're going to go test that out by dropping them into a forest and messing around with it they drop them off into the part of forest where the Marine dude got killed in human form and encountering some wildlife and the confirmed they leave him alone although they shouldn't be because I distinctly remember Jake getting attacked by six like a dog and a [ __ ] Rhino creature last movie so this is mad cow [ __ ] here but who cares all the kids except for boy one also happened to be messing around nearby in the forest Kiri is either having seizure or super bonding with nature slaa can't really tell but they wake her up and see the blue Marines investigating the final battle arena of Jake and larine when he was alive as a human and pull the last thought off the mechy died to see how he died so the kids report back to their father and tell them what they see he tells him to follow back while he comes over with his wife and boy one but while they leave the blue marine spot them and trapped them call for an extract Chopper to take these kids back as high value prisoners and they they know that they're high value prisoners because usually now people have four fingers but some of these kids have five fingers which means they're mixed speed muts that belong to Jake blue marine also recognizes that spider is his kid watches back to thought of how he dies and crushes his old human skull which is hard as [ __ ] not going to lie the sun sets are eclipses behind another planet which is pretty much the same deal for them Jake NTI and boy one arrive to save their family engage in stealth combat then loud comback mustard gas is released lots of the blue Marines die all the kids Escape except for Spire the weak peasant humanoid child who trips and falls back into the grasp of the blue marine right as the distraction helicopter comes and they take him away why does spider not have own avatar body he really wants to be na'vi you have the technology and I'm pretty sure you can find the resources to make him one on this planet so why the hell not you're waiting till he's older does he have to be of legal drinking age to do so whatever Carri super depressor espressor over him getting taken away cuz they sort of had a thing with each other Jake and the realize that [ __ ] Marine is back from a de and bigger better Bluer stronger Aviation [ __ ] form and the humans are probably going to squeeze spider for any information about them so back at the stronghold they discuss Ops Jake's like we got to leave to protect our family also if we stay here the clan is not safe and te is like no I promis my father I protect the people woman did you not hear what what I just said if the people Harbor US they will die we got to leave to protect them and our family fine he wants to fly out to sea and seek Asylum with the re people so your plan is to we get harbored by other people so they die instead got it he abdicates his throne to a wise dude worthy of replacing him and takes his flaming to ride the dragons out to sea and live with the reef people in unknown territory for humans at least I believe they fly through T night and next day they make it over to the main or like Capital Clan of the sea people and as soon as they land racism they get made fun of by The Reef people for looking different than them then the reef King comes and he treats them with the respect that they deserve because he knows who Jake is the blue or blue people ask for uturu which I think means Asylum but then Queen of the fish people comes along like they ain't even true na'vi they're five fingered my husband was t m yeah was past tense [ __ ] his pronouns are was were has been you're washed up litu has been asked U these nuts hey hey women am I right King I can't make that joke right now J she's pregnant as [ __ ] she's going to cut my balls off Reef King does not want to bring this war over here but jakay promises that he's done with war he just wants to keep his family safe so Ur is granted and they begin teaching these Forest na'vi people the ways of the reef na'vi people so they don't suffer the shame of being [ __ ] and so began a bunch of scenes where they learn the way of the W the kids go for a s of the King's children but they have to keep surfacing because they can't hold their breath for too long so the re kids teach them how to slow down their heartbeat so they can hold their breath for longer test that is very hard for Jack as kid to do because he's too busy hiding the massive boner he has for Reef King's Daughter by the way kir didn't surfice with her siblings and I hypothesize that's because she was too busy chilling and looking at the Beautiful Creatures of AA and stuff making her naturally calm and naturally slowing her heartbeat down so she doesn't use too much in fact a lot of things come very natural to her unlike for them they have to like struggle we connecting to the quadin Sea Dolphins learning ASL which stands for aquatic sea language not H TX location F in the chat for om not her though she vibing with a water bending fish and [ __ ] connects to everything super easy super fast she got the fast pass to everything baby meanwhile Jake is learning something a little bit more advanced learning to ride this fish that has a really long mouth and fins it can use as Wings temporarily above the water to Glide around a bit and the t is probably making [ __ ] Nets somewhere or some [ __ ] they never show Ling anything also we learned that connecting T is underwater butterfly creatures allows you to breathe underwater which obviously means that this creature is going to come in clutch later in the very important scene in this movie because it's very obviously a plot armor device thing but what really annoys me is that they don't use this cheek code creature way more than they already [ __ ] do like why don't these aquatic giraffe humanoids have a flock of them that they breed next to their houses for ease of axes and use them like all the time it's too op not to use that way is there something stopping them do The Creatures get tired are they too hard to breed nearby why isn't this thing used more doesn't matter sometime passes kir staring at some sand in the zone with AA again I guess beef King's kid comes along with his friends and makes fun of her for starting at s and having one extra finger so her brothers come along to defend her they get insulted as well and decide to be the bigger giraffe people and walk away but then Jackass has another idea and decides to escalate this conflict into a physical one like a dumbass boy one joins in on the fight cuz he's a good brother they all get in trouble with adults and Jake forces his boys to apologize to the reef prince who tells jackass that it's fine it's all water under the they're all good now that he should come along and fish with them Beyond The Reef where he's not allowed and he states that he's not allowed so beef Prince is like all right [ __ ] out then but Jack is like Mama then rais no [ __ ] I'm coming along that's more like it goes along to fish Beyond The Ref falling for their very obvious trap to prank him I just didn't know that pranked involved getting him killed because they went fishing in a spot where a shark frequen these Waters the pandoran version of a shark at least and they leave him while he shoots fish I'm guessing the blood from the fish attracts the shark it jumps out and attacks him and scares away his dolphin he's forced to swim for his life underwat hide and corals away from the shark and although he can hold his breath for longer now he can't hold it forever so he has to surface for another another breath but while doing that the shark shows up and he prepares to make his final stand and die but then I don't know where Randy or shows up Spears the [ __ ] shark into a wall kills him the fight however didn't allow him to surface and he fell unconscious on the water but then Randy or surfaced him up there and saved his life to return the favorite Jack has unhooked the Harpoon from one of his fins they sort of communicate the kid doesn't really on understand but they become friends so around a bit and play together back at their ocean home boy one finds out what Reef Prince did tells on him but jackass boy was on his way home already Randy or dropped him off and reef King is about to punish his boy for being an [ __ ] but then jackass boy takes the blame for going out there telling them that it was his idea to show Reef Prince that the cool and gain respect and whatnot so next day jackass tells his Newfound friends and his siblings what happened with the shark and the whale and they're like wow that's amazing then he describes his ton and whale and they're like oh my God that's horrible and tell him that he's that violent Outcast VI he's like no you're wrong there's no way he's not like that bro trust us that tuun is evil shut up fish fingers he's not and he goes off to holla at his homie Randy and ask him about his past but Randy tells him that too painful to talk about and the kid actually understands that although yesterday he was like buddy I have no idea what you just said it's been a day dude and now you're fluent in whale [ __ ] off you might be blue but you ain't DOR anyway they hang out a bit more while his siblings go off with the weef kids to see their Spirit tree which is awfully located underwater horrible placement cuz that means you can only connect it for as long as you can hold your breath regardless they go down there and connect their ethernet cables he reconnects hers and she sees her mom in many forms down there and asks her why she's different what AO wants from her and who her dad is but she doesn't get an answer because a background steam update started and dropped her ping causing her to get a seizure underwater and they rush her back to the Village call over jig signs buddies to see what's wrong with her wake her up from the coma or whatever but they're kind of useless it can't help so Reef Queen comes over with her tribal healing [ __ ] like everybody out make room for my Essential Oils she does a thing Will the science [ __ ] tell Jake that if she sees it underwater again she could die the essential oils and neck blowing do their thing she wakes up crying and screaming kind of like [Music] this now enough of them let's go back to the evil humans and the blue Marines who are trying to extract whatever information they can from a spider using a painful MRI projection thing but he doesn't budge at all so blue marine now Avatar guy I have to find a better name for this guy blue marine tries the personal angle with him like look technically I'm not your father you and me we're nothing to each other but I kind of am so how about you just come right along with us in patrols is better than being handed back to those [ __ ] and getting tortured K agrees they fly over to the forest and he says this listen up Big's going to ground how in the name of the floppiest of discs does he know this you can't get anywhere near his old stronghold to verify this and he didn't see him leave or else you would have known where he went are you just assuming this because you're not seeing him in any attacks anymore maybe still is doing attacks but it's just disguised whatever I don't care to find them they decide to go full na'vi they talk na'vi walk na'vi fight na'vi even ride na'vi so they go and get their own dragons with a help slash of spider who's enjoying this way too much in my opinion for still being on the na'vi side of things then they get a hit on a rogue gunship that flew out to see it was a scientist gunship that went to help Kiri and they narrowed down their Landing sight to this big group of islands the human Marine slug gives permission for the blue marine to comeand Deer a t hunting Convoy with a massive ship to go over there track down Jake and kill him cuz he really believes that he's there back with a na'vi we have people that celebrating the return of a PO of tun which is like a herd of tun coming back for migration everybody has a soul sister or brother that they bond with from the tun whales they share stories they share their lives when they come back they share these stories and reconnect swim around and recreate a picture from that one popular music album jackass sees that and goes over to Randy to ask him again about his past this time he opens up to him literally he opens his big fat Gaper inv fites him into to go connect his ether the cable that is at the back of his throat once again horrible placement for that actually overall maybe that is good placement because that means the most vulnerable part where the whale is protected it's just bad placement for this specific scenario but anyway a Bluetooth connection is established and the kid sees the memories of Randy or how the humans killed his mom he tried to kill the humans but he failed and got everyone else killed blah blah blah already explain this his brother and the reef kids were spying on him from afar and see all this happen they report this back to the reef King who gets really mad that the kid connected his Bluetooth device to the outcast and bed with him telling him that no matter how Justified he's still a killer in a bad bad way kid disagrees and his father takes him away like that's enough then ree princess goes to jackass boy to try and comfort him and he explains what he saw from Mandy Orton and she's like let's go tell my dad he'll understand and the kid's like no he won't he hates me everyone here hates me no I don't hate you boom sex I mean girlfriend what am I trying to get out of here I don't know moving on back to the blue marine for a quick second they started searching for Jake on nearby Islands terrorizing the na'vi people there for any information they can give him about Jake's location forcing spider to translate for them against his will but they're tough FL and didn't give up any information about him at the behest of the beef King who tells this news to Jake and NWI after he gets the news immediately they go back to their tent with NWI cutting food and and she goes we must hunt this demon trap him kill him few things about this first off [ __ ] have you not made the connection yet they bought him back from the dead every time you kill him they'll just respawn him this is not a solution you [ __ ] idiot you'd have to go delete the respond point which I'm pretty sure you can't do second why is she cutting with the curved part faced upwards that's super dumb I feel like third I probably said this before but [ __ ] it I'm going to say it as many times as I need to curl your fingers or [ __ ] lose them salut anyway Jake's like we can't do that because that's what he wants he wants to lure us out and kill us now back to the [ __ ] Marine after realizing that casual terrorism in cooking these geese and the aussy ship captain going mate we got to make some [ __ ] money telling him he wants to hunt to because he got corus to me I we do agrees only if they start hunting nearby these islands because he wants to trigger reaction from these people who are super duper attached to the tuun whales he wants to trigger one specific reaction that is for Jake to come out and although ship D doesn't want to do that they oblig and roll out their fishing gear now here's a shorten version of the ton hunting process all you got to know is they hit one of the ton with a Tracker from a helicopter they force them out to the surface then they isolate one from their pod using technology then keep them at the surface using balloons let slow them down then they hit him with an explosive tipped Harpoon for an explosive cop shot from below where they have gaps in armor because on top they're super duper armored and keep dragging it back with the tugbo while the thing bleeds out and dies so while they do all that and hunt down one ton the Marine as if they ever saw one fight back and the captain goes now never seen him lift a fin okay but what about that whole Randy or story where he convinces pot to fight back you must know about that right whatever they get him onto the boat go into it mouth to drill into its brain and extract the only thing they want from it which is a liter Max of this gel-like piss liquid that stops human aging completely I feel like this is another who slow the [ __ ] did you find out that you can milk a cow scenario you know what I mean like were you looking for this age stopping serum did they know its chemical composition and kill then test a [ __ ] ton of animals and the liquid inside of them till they found what they wanted I just don't feel like this is some [ __ ] you stumble on to you feel me anyway they usually drop the back to take the whale and get rid of it but the mine wants to keep the backs on this time because he wants to show The Reef people who' done it and anger them more which works The Reef people go out to see this tragedy and turns out that they killed The Reef Queen's Spirit sister they used to syn up their menstrual cycles and [ __ ] so she gets really sad about that and they blame Jake for all this because the war he promised would not come to them has now arrived so he tells them to warn the tun if they get hit by one of these Strikers he'll come out personally and dis table it since Ry Orton is Outcast he has no one to tell him this information so jackass takes it upon himself to do that his siblings and the reef kids try to stop him but they're unable to and he arrives at Randy Orton who has already had a Tracker implant into his back while the evil human ship is running the corner the other kids arrive and they all start trying to yank it out of his body Jack has contact to his father and tells him what's going down Jake relays this information to the reef King and tells him that all their children are in trouble so he mobilizes all his forces even pregnant his full Reef Queen takes up arms to join in which is unwise but badass nevertheless woman's got guts I tell you evil Marine sees the kids trying to rip out the tracker and recognizes them as Jake's kids they successfully take it out but Marine sends out dild subs and crab Subs to go fetch the kids and bring them back to the ship a while goose chase happens on the water and they eventually trap three of them and bring them back ja has kid being one of them they cuff them all to a rail Jake arrives with an army of three people but stops because he sees his kids is being held hostage and Marine dude takes the communication device off his child and talks to Jake telling him that he either gives himself up or he kills his son so Jake agrees and starts waddling over there slowly with his fish but what no one knows is that his storm is brewing underneath in the depths because Randy sees that a gun is being pointed at jackass's head and starts going mental with r kicking Up Sand and [ __ ] finally go super speed in the water and jumps out AR the boat out out Jake and the re people take this as a sign to start attacking a massive battle ensues that I'm mostly going to skip over but here are the highlights of it Randy bounces a harpoon off his Dome and jumps back into the water outsmarts the evil humans twice and kills the cabin the see people fight hard n hits headshot after headshot on their Choppers Kiri connects to AA and uses her to destroy a sub eventually SP sees a boat fly up and obstruct the propellers of the big ship so he pushes Full Speed Ahead on the throttle and destroys it with a fire signature so it can't be pulled back they hits some rocks in Shallow Water cast some air fall back down the ship gets wrecked and starts sing Ro's boy one shows up to save the other kids him and jackass then go to save spider they successfully find him and do that make the Great Escape and dive in the water but in doing so boy one gets shot they bring him over to a rock where he bleeds out and dies surrounded by his whole family well most of his family because [ __ ] blue marine got a hold of jig's two girls and cuffed them to the sinking ship he's in his ear telling him that like got your kids and gives him the same deal as before give yourself up and ELO your kids Jake tells his wife to stop crying over her dead son get over yourself we can make another one but he has our daughters now we got to go get him spider tells him he knows where they are so he takes spider along with him to show him the way and I'm pretty sure spider does not know where they are he's just guessing because he did not see them while escaping or else he would have told boy one and jackass and they would have tried to save their sisters as well so him knowing where they are is kind of [ __ ] but whatever Jake tells jackass to stay n flies over and him and spider approached very slowly inspect the situation then he decides to make a big distraction explosion him and an start taking out the baddies one by one eventually everybody runs out of ammo except for in cuz she has that recyclable [ __ ] you feel me spider hides from her because she got that crazy look in her eyes Jake finds toque the little girl alone and frees her then he finds K with a knif to the throat cursy of [ __ ] Marine so not shows up doing the same thing to his kid spider and they play a little game of chicken with the killing of these children Marine gives up first and hands over the kids they start leave him but he's like you leave now and I'll keep coming I'll kill your whole family you'll have to kill me now Jake say less they engage in Mortal Kombat while leaky fuel catches fire around the family and they forced to swim back to the ship they could have swam under the fire I don't know why they didn't do that most of them could hold their breath for really long plus they could hail a [ __ ] dolphin to swim by and take them going back to the ship right now is absolutely insane but whatever two gets flush down this toilet that is this open hatch with water floating into and the T jumps in after her they all get split up into three groups the Mortal Kombat group that is fighting each other to death while the ship is flooding and flipping over the mother daughter group desperately opening doors trying to find a way out and the human na'vi lover sandwich of spider and Kiri climbing around then over the sinking ship doing a Titanic eventually the ship goes fully upside down submerged into the water mom group gets trapped and finds an air pocket to breathe in and so does the combat wbat group but they continue fighting anyway and Jake chokes the marina underwater then can't find the air pocket again and starts to pass out but jackass kid comes to his rescue lifts him up into an air pocket and starts giving him a crash course on breathing tick and slow down his heart rate so he can hold his breath for longer cuz the way out was pretty long see he disobeyed his dad's orders and came anyway on his dolphin found spider and Kiri they told him that Mom and Dad are down there so they Dove down with him in search for him spider and him when looking for mom and dad while Kiri stayed back cuz she found some of those cheek code give you breath under water creatures and hooked up to one start doing funu yoga with AWA controlling these glow-in-the-dark fish she couldn't have given her brother one of these creatures to help out her father what aing selfish [ __ ] also Jake did not already know how to hold his breath for longer under water isn't that fish person 101 doesn't matter the glow in the dark fishies start leading Kiri over to her mom and say like a GTA Waypoint she gives n the breathing butterfly fish and they make it out of there while jackass simultaneously leading Jake out Randy helps them to do the last stretch up to the surface while spider's doing the same thing with [ __ ] blue marine cuz on his search for Jake he accidentally found him squirming around at the bottom unconscious and decided to reluctantly save his sort of still father they make it to the surface he lives although in my opinion he should have died or at least had some form of brain damage cuz as far as I can tell he spent by far the most amount of time unconscious underwater but I don't know anything about na'vi Anatomy maybe they're built better to survive this type of stuff so whatever his Dragon comes over and dud tells spider to come with him but spider is like hell no and jumps into the water to swim away the dude flies away and Retreat spider mix to the rock that boy one died on where the whole family is and he does not not tell him that he saved their Arch enemies life honestly it wouldn't have made a difference if he saved them or not because it would have just [ __ ] respawned a new one of him still [ __ ] though but whatever they hold a funeral for boy one and sck him to the ground next to the holy tree of the reef people his body gets absorbed by AA and Jake tells Reef King that he'll get out of their hair and never find somewhere else to go and stay but Reef King is like ain't no way cabon your son lives with our ancestors you're one of us now for some reason he's Latino in my mind now I don't know why then they connect to the main frame AKA Spirit tree to relift some of their old memories with their dead kid and the movie ends there this movie gets three dreadlocks out of 19 singular nose hairs [Music] [Music]
Channel: High Boi
Views: 1,130,838
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: avatar way of the water, avatar way of the water recap, avatar way of the water explained, high boi, funny, haha
Id: 0TV7fqh-vEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 42sec (1182 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 04 2024
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