I, Robot explained by an idiot

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👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/luccabotturarodrig 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

Oh yes another video

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jul 03 2021 🗫︎ replies
welcome to i comma robot bubbles water laws reading naked will smith product placement more product placement but on a robot which will push his way because he hates robots well at least take the [ __ ] package dip [ __ ] it's chicago 2035 they got robots and [ __ ] and a new model coming out that's called the noise five shiloh booth comes along throws detective spoons a ball which he does not catch and shia just forgets about it and talks to him about some [ __ ] understand that you just threw away perfectly good ball right like you're never getting that back that's just definitely stolen by now like what a waste spooner goes to his grandma eats some pie then he leaves and sees the robot running away with the purse so he goes hold my pocket sir hold it and wear it put on the damn ground you [ __ ] it's not like he's gonna wait for you it's not like you're gonna come back for anyway doesn't matter he runs after the robot jumps down some stairs and catches it and it drops a purse then we see this lady take her asthma out of it and takes a hit and he'd be like this your purse course is my purse [ __ ] i left my inhaler at home he went to go get it for me wait then why don't you send him to only get back to inhaler be specific do you forget the whole person at home or just inhaler cause that's the difference between being called a dumb fat old hoe and just a fetal hole anyway she'd be like you lucky i can't breathe or i'd walk all up and down your ways so oil pisses off to work and his boss fudge head guy gives him some [ __ ] about trying to rest robot because ain't nobody in history have ever crime ever never tried to [ __ ] uh what what am i saying because ain't no robot in the history of ever never has committed a crime ever in history then spoons gets a call like you know what they call when a gay who dies so he goes to investigate the death of steve jobs this famous robot maker scientist dude who left him a hologram of himself that can help him in solving his case which will keeps asking questions too but it keeps going i'm sorry my responses are limited you must ask the right questions so since it looks like a suicide he asked him why'd you kill yourself and he goes that detective is the right question and [ __ ] answer it [ __ ] instead of just going back to your [ __ ] coin well goes up to lawrence stroll the boss of united states retards and he doesn't like him because the robots and stuff like screw you and your robots [ __ ] [ __ ] you dude our robots are better slaves than you ever were did you i know he didn't did you just try and give slavery a [ __ ] yelp review you goddamn imbecile so spoon goes down with this uptight hoe to investigate steve jobs aka dr landing's lab slash living quarters type of place you know you feel me it's like you look at it you'll get it and she introduces him to vicky the all-knowing all-seeing supercomputer in charge of the usr and all his security and [ __ ] terrible idea she's pretty much like gladys from portal anyway he goes in and starts detecting the place and immediately caused [ __ ] on this being a suicide because nowhere an old dude can break through a reinforced safety glass and the video feed from inside the room was corrupted for some reason and dr calvin klein was telling him that he was going a bit cuckoo at the end of his lifetime also hollow landing specifically asked for him to investigate his death so he gives it a big think and guesses that whoever killed dr laning must be a robot and must still be in this room with them and he starts looking around for her and she'd be like man you el poco loco a robot could never do this because it interferes with the three laws so you're right i gotta [ __ ] explain the three laws god damn it okay all right pay attention conslaw one don't hurt human law two always listen to human except if you're gonna hurt human law three always protect yourself unless you're [ __ ] with law one or two then it's okay to kill yourself back to story while having some back and forth between the laws and then what they do what they mean all that crap and ns5 pops up and will's cow training must have been awful because his grip on that gun is looser than my grasp on reality it flies out of his hand robot gets a hold of it but he got another one so robot flees for his life jumping out of the suicide hole but spoon shoots him in the leg and hits an artery or hose or whatever then superhero landing it gets a waze was like where is it going but where oh figures is going to one of the factories to go repair itself so they make their way over there too in his 180 mile an hour car which she takes manual control over and she'd be like what the [ __ ] you doing i agree with the female well average human reactions and judgments are simply not fast enough for this type of speed at extended periods of time besides all other vehicles on the road most likely have autopilot on as well maybe they're even all connected to each other knowing where each one of them is so they can avoid each other so just let your car do its thing to get the dog anyway she thinks that the robot was somehow defective or protecting them in some way or form former way way i can't speak they get to the facility where there are no humans it's just robots building robots and it's fully automated there's not even a single [ __ ] human in it well that's just stupid [ __ ] a right it is spoonie so there are supposed to be a thousand robots there but actually there's a thousand and one so there's an imposter among them oh my gosh lads it's an among us reference wow [ __ ] you so spooner tells all the robots to stand still and not move and he randomly starts busting caps in the asses using scare tactics to find the imposter which kind of works because blue eyes white dragon flinches and will sees this so he goes after him but lose him again then get surprise attack thrown around by the way how the tit [ __ ] [ __ ] did blue eyes find his space to stand and hide him because he either have to push one robot out the way to take his place or completely shift the whole roll or column by one space so he couldn't make space for himself and hides which would totally reveal where he was so this is kind of [ __ ] anyway robot throws him around he's like what am i they tried to escape but the backup spoon called for earlier arrived and blue eyes tried to spider monkey around they all have storm trooper aim but he eventually gets taken down and taken back to the precinct yeah precinct and spoon gets five minutes of interrogation time with the butt and butt's like what's that thing you did with your eye oh that's because me and my boss are gay lovers also it signifies trust then interrogation happens and spoon shows him some pics of dead landing which is kind of like his dad and he keeps asking him why he killed him so butts like i did not murder him experiencing real life anger like he has human emotions or something then he tells him his name his name is sunny and he tells him that dr lennon killed himself and that he asked him to do a favor for him before he died then spoons five minutes gets cut short because the suits are here obviously lawrence wants to keep the [ __ ] on the hushy hushy side of things cause killer robot doesn't sound too good now does it for his [ __ ] company and they're able to take sonny away because he's usr properties so will goes to a bar to drink and be annoyed muffin hand joins him and accidentally gives him the motivation to go on continue this investigation boom that rhymed so spoon pays for the booze and leaves oh my god forty six dollars for three beers how does anybody afford anything in this movie alright so he goes to dr laney's old house which is scheduled to be demolished at 8 am tomorrow by this destruction robot i don't know why it's supposed to be demolished but it is whatever he goes inside and watch this video in dr lanny's office about ghosts in the program basically code that has a mind of its own which sounds like a bunch of who we [ __ ] to me but who cares he then meets dr danny's cat and a demolition robot has its demolition time change from 8 00 pm to a.m right now all the way around a.m to pm that's important because that means he's gonna go start kill him now okay what she does is starts demolishing the house with him inside so he goes and grabs the kitty and runs through the house while it's falling apart like that's in parts of the caribbean and he runs for the door shoots off the hinges and then goes surfing in the usc but hold on just a second you're telling me that while running a full chat through a collapsing building he has good enough aim to shoot the hinges off a [ __ ] door but when a robot is jumping away from him in a straight line he can barely grace his leg you can lick my ass hair movie also his car doesn't get a single scratch from this whatever he goes to kelvin and tells her what happened but she's still adamant that the machines are just randomly malfunctioning and he sees her new ns5 downloading hentai off the internet so he takes her aside telling her that lanning was being kept prisoner at the end of his life and he's trying to send him messages with all the [ __ ] that's happening right now but she gets mad at him like you're delusional robots are good know whether or not you're stupid come snorter get out of my house you fresh prince of [ __ ] i was leaving anyway thought next morning wild smythe has a memory nightmare might be nightmare memory nightmare wakes up to see the new ns5 replacing the old ns4 even his nana got one and he mad about that he don't like that okay so he continues to watch landing videos while calvin gives sonny a rectal exam and he keeps saying [ __ ] like i was dreaming are you gonna kill me i think it'd be better not to die and she's all like this is weird now back to spoon he's driving and still investigating when he sees two groom mobiles carrying ns5s come and box him in a tunnel where we see another example of road in movie with zero traffic whatever the things open up and s5 starts jumping onto his car trying to kill him like you're experiencing an accident you're being saved do not resist but he's like the hell i am starts fighting them off and goes through this uh what's this like space there's free space on the side and there's a super spin move to get them off then the two groom mobiles crash and so does he then one armless ns5 that has survived tries to throw his car at him why lengthwise and not sideways to make it hard for him to avoid the car why are futuristic robots so [ __ ] [ __ ] bro they fight each other robots use circus acrobatics as a fight move then we find out that spoon's left arm is a cyborg arm and he starts fighting back but then the cops start coming so the robot sprints away like suicide is badass cops are here in soul's muffin head and he thinks that spoon's going crazy like give me your badge [ __ ] take it [ __ ] i don't care what i'm [ __ ] do i look like i can't do it look like i could then calvin finds out that sonny's super unique he has two brains or some [ __ ] and can't be controlled by vicky so she goes over to spoon's house while he's spray painting his skin back on with this movie science pink hat she tells him that sonny has the three laws but he can choose not to obey them so he's like all right i'ma get dressed and we go and interview him and she finds out that he got some cyborg parts in him so she goes to feel him up and finds out that basically his entire left side of his body got nuked alright and he tells us the story of what happened goes like this uh some truck driver fell asleep at the wheel hit a car the guy in the car [ __ ] died that car hit will's car and they both went skinny dipping in the [ __ ] water then robot came along and tried to save will smith instead of saving the 12-year-old daughter of the dude that died in the first car despite numerous attempts from will to tell him to save the girl inside of him but it didn't listen because he calculated that he had a higher chance of surviving than she did and now will hates robots boohoo truck driver fell asleep but the wheel shouldn't self-driving vehicles be widespread technology in this movie and long-haul truck driving will probably be the first instances of the human element being removed completely because of human error like this very example then how the [ __ ] does this crap even happen this seems kind of hard for me to believe if i'm honest in fact if the self-driving truck malfunctioned and caused the whole crash story that would be much better because he'd have more reason to hit robots then this opportunity movie may stop tony anyway will smith be like any human would have known he should have shaved her shaved not not shaved not shaved no no any human would have known that he should have saved her first that was someone's baby yeah but so are you my sweet prince so are you then spoon and calvin klein go to his garage open it up and take a sporty bike out and go for a ride two things on this by the way one he's a cop and his garage quarters nine one one are you [ __ ] mental bruv that's stupid unsecure and two please tell me this doesn't run on gas gas explodes you know and so does pretty much everything else what's your point here dump [ __ ] whatever they go to sonny to ask him about his dreams because spoon thinks lennon gave sonny dreams so he can leave him clues about what happened so he draws on the stream security comes because spoon's not allowing the building and they take him up to lawrence will smith is a strong intimidating beirest but [ __ ] mcwheatheart who knows that sonic can ignore the three laws saying [ __ ] like how one bad robot and a crazy cop can't let them hurt sales and they're gonna have to do a lot of recalls and [ __ ] and whatever so detective spork lets out this gem i'm sorry i'm allergic to [ __ ] get [ __ ] idiot lauren server radio says they're gonna have to get rid of sunny so kraven klein says okay i'll destroy him shouldn't you at least try and turn him off and on again doesn't matter will gets escorted out of the building and suddenly gets prepped to have nanites injected into his brain which is basically the equivalent of giving computers hyper aids brain cancer in this movie and while that's happening will smith goes over to the dilapidated golden gate bridge where all the waters dried up and they keep all the old robots there wait the golden gate bridge is in san francisco right but it goes over lake michigan i'm getting something very wrong here one time doesn't matter he opens up landings hologram again to ask you some questions and the last question he asks is gets the same response as before that detective is the right question then it shuts down just answer the [ __ ] question jesus christ you had enough time in privacy to make all these pre-recorded messages without being caught by whoever the [ __ ] is watching you by the end of your life but you couldn't just record the message explaining what the [ __ ] was going on not even the answer to this very right question a [ __ ] ticket anyway sunny gets a brain cancer and spoon notices something fishy going on with the storage containers turns out that the new ns5s are committing genocide on the old ns4s and they see him and try to attack him but the old dinosaurs keep protecting him so he can get away safely then while running away he calls kavan who's in the shower so it goes to a loudspeaker voicemail thingy like what's happening and she sees this robot fishing this and the robot goes wrong number ma'am and she goes holy [ __ ] that is not good at all and everything starts going tits up for the city and probably the world also a bunch of google bills start releasing hostile ns5 telling humans to go home but humans don't take [ __ ] from nobody and start fighting all the lights in the city go out except for the us r lights ns5 start attacking the cops the military and navy and whatever can't do [ __ ] because they all have usr contracts and robots and stuff they won't even allow mimo to go to service this is just the worst man also calvin's robo slave won't let her leave either and she's telling him to shut down but it won't listen so it too can ignore the three loss just like sunny but then spoon bursts through the door unleashes a storm of bullets into this robo [ __ ] then they make their way over to the usr building while will helps outside of the booth and showcases how good his aim can be when he wants to look really cool unable situations they get to the usr building and get inside using the unsurveilled service routes why are the service roosts unsurveilled what [ __ ] numskull designed the security system whatever though it's for movie convenience who cares they get inside and find out that sunny is still alive she couldn't kill him because he's too damn unique so she switched him out with a dutch and she basically fried an empty shell when though because bad and his fives eyes are p yellow sonny's eyes are blue and his eyes right as he was letting himself into non-existence were great so i'm guessing unprocessed ns5s which are the empty shells have gray eyes but when he was strapped in for that nice dose of brain cancer his eyes were still blue and still very much acting like sunny so tell me lady when exactly and how exactly did you make the switch when you were being observed by both vicky and lawrence whatever who cares [ __ ] happen let's go on they go up over two thousand flights of stairs to lawrence's office they didn't even break a sweat wow anyway they thought he was behind this but he wasn't behind us he was behind the desk being choked to death and he's dead now then spoon dude opens the third eye and figures out that vicky is behind all this [ __ ] so he calls for her and she shows up saying that humans are [ __ ] waging wars and doing stupid [ __ ] killing the earth blah blah and they can't be charged with their own safety so her understanding of the three laws has evolved saying that to protect you many some of you [ __ ] gotta die and something's gonna be surrendered me then sonny who's supposed to be created by letting to stop all this [ __ ] and to be the jesus of ns5 is like yes i understand now your logic is undeniable switzerland holds a gun to calvin's head but then gives it quick wink to spoon and he'll be like he gay too pride month they pull the old razzle dazzle on vicky and destroy the bad ns5s then they run away and decide to go to vicky's brain to give her brain cancer like they're about to give sunny so the scooby gang splits up sunny goes to get the nanites while the other two go to her brain open her brain hatch to inject the knights into the brain they can't inject it here for some reason they can only inject it into the brain directly or through this hatch she tries to open the hatch by hacking the access panel or some [ __ ] but then vicky blocks her so spoon goes [ __ ] you this works will smith [ __ ] you to the nth degree buster anyway sonny gets to his deathbed lab and throws a bad bot through the force field that's protecting the nanites and vicky goes your actions are futile i'm not disabling the security field don't worry [ __ ] i'm built different see daddy lennon gave him some extra thick level 100 armor in anticipation for this very event so he loads up in that night unless the vile holding the knights is also built different then it's never getting out of this force field just saying we're gonna pretend it is though security has been breached and vicky sends up all the nsf protecting the building up to kill the [ __ ] two humans up there it starts raining men and they engage in combat meanwhile sunny is running back dealing with his own heat doing tornado spin moves and dislocating heads scorpion monkey [ __ ] busting skulls open you know epic [ __ ] and he arrives there this is the evil ns5 are about to drop calvin to her death so spoon gives him the direct order to save calvin instead of giving vicky brain cancer and he listens throws the nanites in the air and dolphin dives down to kelvin to save her with this very convenient wire you know he's a super strong robot right he could have just done some giga check calculations to calculate the trajectory and forcing you to throw that [ __ ] like a spear directly at vicky's brain infecting her from where he stood but instead he opted to set up the school stunt with will where he jumps out to grab the shot of cancer is then skydives close enough to the wires or brain stem whatever the [ __ ] this [ __ ] is and grabs onto it to slow himself down with the cyborg arm getting it destroyed in the process to end up at her brain and give her the nanites where she keeps repeating my logic is undeniable my logic is going to be [ __ ] up the glowy lines blow up the lights come back call dinosaurs reset and they get taken away turns out sonny did kill landing and the promising maiden was to do and not tell anyone about it saying he made me swear before he tell me what it is he wanted me to do that's a rookie mistake sonny boy you're [ __ ] idiot anyway cuz they friends now spoon doesn't arrest him over technicality and suddenly becomes jesus this movie gets 10 ussrs out of 11 limited edition shrek crocs you
Channel: High Boi
Views: 6,553,136
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: high boi, movie recap, i robot, i robot explained, i robot recap, funny recap, haha
Id: gbRFb3myva4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 32sec (872 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 01 2021
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