I beat Pokemon's Hardest Challenge (Kaizo Ironmon)

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kaiso ironon is a Pokémon challenge that was designed to be unfair and not even fun it was designed for the Pokemon veterans that have nothing better to do than to waste hundreds or thousands of hours not even getting the first badge so I'm basically perfect for it it has like 50 different rules ranging from cruel to downright dumb even just reading through them all took me 10 minutes the first time so here's what I'm going to do I'm going to mention the rules as they come up you might think the challenge is easy at first but trust me it'll just keep getting worse and with that let's get into my 1,786 attempt the run that won Pokémon Fire Red Kaizo ironon the challenge begins and the first rule comes up immediately you have to talk to Mom yeah I don't know why this is a rule then we see the lab and you'll notice an item on the ground here I was playing this on a quality of life hack that makes hidden items more visible and moves the potion in the bedroom PC into the lab for convenience I grab that and look at my starter options manectric Reiko and Leong so of course I picked Leong not because I wanted to but because the rules require it for one you're not allowed to choose any Pokémon with a base stat total of 600 or higher or use any legendaries so REO was not allowed but why not pick manectric it's clearly better than lickatong well you actually have to pick a starter at random and liong was unfortunately what I got this was no AR lick tongue let's take a closer look at the tracker this has the ability Serene Grace with the moves constrict return Swords Dance and facad and a really high speed stat for level five this is because nearly Everything Is Random every Pokemon's ability every move they learn and even their base stats the only things that aren't random is their typing the amount of moves they could learn and the total of their base stats this means that normally weak Pokémon like lickong are still generally trash with an awful starter I initiated the Rival fight this fight is where 75% of all attempts ended because if you ever lose a battle you randomize everything and start a new game in the fight I set up with a sword dance and thanks to maxing out my friendship with lickong before the battle two returns barely take out my rivals manectric once out of the lab I start looking through the wild Pokémon I'm not allowed to faint any wild Pokémon but I am allowed to catch one per route however if I do catch a new Pokémon I have to use only only that Pokémon the best wild I find is a Skarmory so I catch it and name it Dela after delam me who had just rated my channel moments before looking at its stats it's pretty great balanced defenses high speed decent special attack and abysmal attack this kind of stat spread is what you're looking for in kaiso Iron Manon especially with a Pokemon that has a suboptimal base stat total 135 lower than the 600 stat total limit but what it lacked in stats it made up for in its ability and tight tying sandstream is usually one of the worst abilities in this challenge but on a steel type it is amazing and the steel flying typing in gen3 it resisted or was immune to 11 of the 17 types in the game and only two weaknesses fire and electric there was only one thing Dela was missing we need special moves if we can get special moves we're good moves like flamethrower extra sensory and Thunderbolt are great Moves In This challenge they have perfect accuracy high power and good secondary effects if Dela learns some moves like that things would get very serious but without those moves I just had to trudge on forward to my first trainer battle you'll probably notice here that engineer Antoinette's War Toral is quite a high level for the very first trainer that's because all the Pokémon in the game have had their levels boosted by 50% this means that in the final battle the Champions Ace will be level 95 and remember I'm never allowed to fight wild Pokémon the only way to get exp is to fight trainers so I do my best to slowly Whittle down the war tal with return until all right we'll probably learn one move at the end of this battle which will be big or right now Thunderbolt oh my God that is insanely huge that is like probably top five Moves In This challenge don't get attached until we pass Brock though chat yeah thanks to some Insane luck I got an excellent move in Thunderbolt but like I said in the Stream don't get too attach to this run until I beat Brock why Brock well it's because are terrifying in this challenge I'll explain why when we get there I cleared all the forest trainers Dela reached level 18 and learned aerial Ace which is good until you remember Del's awful attack stat but it could still help in some Niche situations after stomping all the forest trainers in the Rivalry match there was nothing left to do except enter the gym in kaiso ironon there are two key rules that apply to gyms once you enter you're not allowed to leave without a badge and you must fight every trainer before you tackle the leader also certain boss fights like gym leaders for example have three extra Pokémon this means for gym 1 Dela will have to defeat seven Pokémon in a row there are a couple of extra overarching rules I should talk about now too you can never buy any items except Pokeballs and ripples and your Pokémon isn't allowed to hold any items except berries and herbs and any randomized healing items you happen to find on the ground you can only use them during a battle when you're still vulnerable needless to say gym1 kills almost every run that makes it out of the L in this run the trainer preceding Brock was a bit tricky the first Pokémon was a problematic Flygon it took Dela down to nearly half health and the venomoth that followed had a powerful ice punch this forced me to use one of my two healing items I found thus far even worse I had used all of my blast Burns by the end of the battle going into Brock with a limping Dela he sent out to my relief a Metapod which gave me an opportunity to use Mumu milk and my One X special I had found items which you usually want to save for the late game by the way during this Dela got tormented by the Metapod forcing me to alternate moves every turn so I to eliminate it with aerial Ace allowing me to Thunderbolt the next turn Brock sent out a few weak Pokémon in a row allowing me to handle them the final Pokémon Espeon was a bit of a struggle with its stab extra sensory but using the Boost from that X special earlier in the battle I was barely able to eliminate it nabbing me the first badge of eight and clearing the first major road Brock of the Run only to be thrown directly into a new challenge soon after Mount Moon similar to gyms caves and buildings with trainers can only be entered once so once I enter Mount Moon there's no going back to the Pokémon Center and I had just used all my healing items in the gym there's a new problem here though since you never get to fight wild Pokémon you have to try and fight every trainer in the entire game to get as much exp as you can so in dungeons like this you have to gamble a bit and fight as many trainers as you think you can beat without losing because once you leave you can never come back this run that I was on was also particularly challenging for this section because Thunderbolt only has 15 power points I couldn't solely rely on that one move return and aerial lace were physical moves so if I haven't hit a random Pokemon with flame body or static ability I could get burned or paralyzed and Blast Burn would leave me vulnerable for the next turn I had to expertly manage my resources here I started by sprinting directly to the very end of the mountain and fought the only two required trainers I then worked my way back fighting trainers until Del was just under half health I didn't want to risk any more than that I also collected every item well almost in this cave and this cave only there are special rocks that act a bit strange they have hidden items that appear on them sometimes the way they work is that every 1,500 steps The Rock has a chance to spawn its item thanks to the Nifty Quality of Life mod we can see the percent chance this one has a 40% chance to spawn an item after 1,500 steps for example so I'm I ran back and forth for a while until every Rock had its item but to prevent exploiting this mechanic of course there's another rule you're only allowed one item per individual Rock in this run I got incredibly lucky with the Rocks full restore and that's why we do this Mumu milk super potion that's actually so sick in an instant I went from zero healing items to three giving myself a much needed safety net all right we made it out of here I did have to skip a few trainers handsome exp but I was able to successfully survive the Subterranean section north of Cerulean City was the next area to Traverse there's only one difficult fight in this area right at the beginning the Rival and of course he opens with a fly gun the Pokemon Dela did not have any good moves for to make things worse this Flygon also had hydro pump forcing me to use one of my precious healing items can you miss one hydr [Music] pump you hit all five okay that's very cool the remaining Pokémon all went down in one hit but the damage was done this fight revealed two important things I needed way more healing items and more importantly I needed some better moves Skarmory was level 31 after the Rival Battle this meant that it could only learn three more LevelUp moves for the entire run the next move was just a single level away I think our best move right now to get is probably Ice Beam that's a bit of an ask but honestly I would be happy with just a simple extra sensory too you know we'll get a move right now please be water or grass thunder thunder was not the move I was looking for with an unreliable accuracy and the same typing as Thunderbolt I couldn't justify learning it two chances left that's it getting to bills was pretty uneventful and since the gyms are such a challenge I opted to enter SSN first for some extra exp and a chance at another level up move SSN did have an additional rule I need to mention you can't use any nonp Center healing spot spots and the other rule about only entering certain areas once that applied here too the Rival went much better this time and I was able to get cut without issue I also cleared as many trainers as I could but the limited PP on Thunderbolt was really starting to scare me I needed that level up move to be good to sweep the entire ship especially because I skipped so many trainers in Mount moon at level 42 Del was able to roll the dice again and here's what I got oh my God I was joking about learning extra sensory oh my my God 30 power points 80 power chance to Flinch I'll take it baby extra sensory is probably the best attack I could have gotten you're probably questioning the odds here that I got exactly what I asked for but I asked for that move in every single run before this one it was bound to happen eventually with Del's new Incredible psychic power I crushed the SSN and leveled up enough to get Del's final move 145 furry cutter that's our last move it wouldn't cut it I was stuck with these four moves for the rest of the run I had to defeat every Pokemon in the game with just this well maybe not I would have exactly seven more chances I showed earlier that TMS and HMS aren't allowed to be taught for battling but there is one exception to that rule you're allowed to use the TMS Gym Leaders give you the TMS are random and there's only a 50% chance your Pokemon can learn them but it is a chance I entered Misty's gym with a level 45 Dela and a dream since Del had two with the best moves in the game and a huge level Advantage the gym trainers and misti's 5 Pokémon went down with ease I received a new TM and come on be good be good be good swaave that sucks six more chances to replace Arial Ace or blast bur they were really just taking up space at this point to enter gym 3 you need a Pokemon with cut one of the only merciful rules in this challenge is that you're allowed to use a different Pokemon for HMS as long as they never attack in battle the starter lickatong rting in the PC was perfect for this job so I taught him cut and immediately attempted the most garbage puzzle in all of Pokémon Serge's first two Pokémon were slightly intimidating but after that he really wasn't an issue his remaining Pokémon all had one shocking fatal flaw o goldine bro said I want a team that's weak to Electric not electric all right please be good reflect come on I don't need that trash sh after surge there's one last trial before you get a bit of a break Rock Tunnel it's another dungeon so once you're in you got to do it in one shot hopefully defeating every trainer along the way Dela having only two good attacking moves with no PP UPS was still able to defeat nearly every trainer I did have to skip one due to a lack of pp but overall an incredible Rock Tunnel despite the circumstances by completing Rock Tunnel I finished what most Kaiser Runners consider the early game the upcoming mid game isn't super eventful but it is still still critically important because once you finish the quick Pokémon Tower sequence nearly every Overworld trainer is available to battle this section of the challenge is for collecting all the items you can fighting trainers leveling up and most importantly gathering information your ironon is usually overleveled at this point in the game so when battling all the trainers you get to discover which Pokemon are the big threats in a comparatively safe environment who can survive your hits who has dangerous abilities while hopefully never seeing moves like miror counter Destiny Bond or Parish song which quite often have no counterplay in this run we discovered the big threats were Cay doll it's immune to Thunderbolt resists extra sensory and could take blast Burns thanks to its drizzle ability ente Arcanine hoo and jolon who all had high special defense to survive hits and strong moves to retaliate with slacking for obvious reasons and poly toad with volt absorb and high special defense during the mid game I also got fantastic luck with the randomized items Max potion is big nice energy route yo Mumu milk okay that's a big one soda pop okay full restore yeah I entered the fourth gym with a level 73 Skarmory and 12 healing items totaling 700% of Del's HP a very comfortable position to be in in kaiso Iron Manon gym 4 has never been a problem for me and run was no exception Erica was a pushover please give me give me give me give me give me give me Ice Beam G 19 boneing the next gym though is a major run killer koga's gym you have to do koga's gym next because Sabrina's gym is locked behind silco which is the longest dungeon in the game it's actually best to do that as late as possible but since I fought every available trainer in the game so far I have to go straight from the weakling Erica to the Monstrous Koga the Pokémon level jump significantly and there are a total of 20 Pokémon in a row you have to beat without leaving the gym here's how it went tangula with Drizzle and cross chop Flinch yes o we've never seen that before I'm going extra sensory okay that is a huge monster of a defensive Beast nice about the same powerpo so I can use the strong okay this is our first Mewtwo please die it that crit but it has zero HP cuz it lowered in a second this one died to Thunderbolt in the past so I'm going to blast burn it anyways cuz it's the last Pokemon okay okay I am burned I don't think I have a Rost no I don't I have a lava cookie and I have heal powders let's kill this thing first cuz if I heal just use another FL flame room yeah okay and we're going to super potion and I'm going to regular potion cool we're fine this is oh my God bro go away okay we're fine Deoxys is not here to end my run not this time ah flinched W Flinch again okay it just use meditate it's stupid uh crit easy Deoxys is fine Deoxys we were still a little scared okay that's all the trainers all right please kot have garbage really make me want to Blast Burn on the first turn cuz you're going to live that yep it's fine we'll waste your potions I guess Chim Echo first time we've seen this that was a crit KRA it's died to Thunderbolts in the past that is now the biggest threat okay don't use mirror move okay don't survive and use mirror move that would be bad Thunderbolt I don't want to use any heals here aeral Thunderbolt everything is weak to Electric let's go no heals okay water gy Koga is down wait what was the TM we got is it six did he give me sing not even able to using only minor heals on kogo was huge quite often the thing that kills good Pokemon is a lack of heals going into the late game this was the most I had ever had by far I was feeling good and was up for the next challenge cabar Island I did almost die twice while fighting trainers on the way there yo Aron is th it is thunder why are these ah this is a scary one chat just a bit worse luck and this whole thing would have been over after fighting all the trainers unlocked by Surf and a speedy Mansion it was time for Blaine's gym and this was a bit of a risk because the levels of the Pokemon were starting to catch up and silco was technically an option but what you might not realize is that Blaine gives the most valuable guaranteed reward in a run like this through a mechanic called badge boost in Generation 3 certain badges actually boosted specific stats of all your Pokémon Brocks batch for example raises the attack stats by 10% Blain's badge however raises both your special stats by 10% a massive boost that the game just glosses over I honestly didn't notice it until starting this challenge for this run with skory's low base stat total that 10% boost would be vital for surviving the insane 11 floor Gauntlet that was about to come so I entered Blaine's gym mowed through his minions and challenged the leader fortunately the combination of electric and psychic has pretty good coverage across all Pokémon so Dela didn't really struggle against Blaine aial did come in handy for the first time ever because a shin ninja happened to show up the only Pokemon without a randomized ability I left Blain's gym with full HP a special boost and a new TM the ultimate technique six badges down two chances left for a better move if I didn't get something there the final Indigo Plateau fights would be brutally difficult ignoring the seevi islands because they weren't allowed of course I had to do the most strategic part of the Run next Sil Co this Beast of a skyscraper has 30 different rocket grunts inside with 80 total Pokémon this area is the single largest bank of experience points in the entire game Dela between Thunderbolt and extra sensory had only 54 power points and there were actually only three required Trainers for this whole place the Rival fight a rocket Grunt and Giovani there's just one catch if you beat Giovani every trainer disappears forever so I needed to take a calculated risk how many trainers can I beat and then still take take out Giovani afterwards that's the puzzle I started by Conquering the Rival then went to unlock giovan's door the rocket grunt had one of the big threats jolon who because it had super Fang forced me to take a massive risk with blast bur sacrificing my next turn jump Bluff then came in and used confus Ray then double team Dela then hit itself in confusion a bunch of times and was down to nearly half HP by the end of battle not a good start since I wasn't allowed to use any free heels during my time inside the company building I needed to be very cautious going forwards I had to try and heal on Pokémon I thought were weak and use aerial Ace whenever I thought I could get away with it knowing that if I didn't kill and a Pokemon used counter that could be the end right there I needed to take these risks though because the pp just wasn't there I had found a PP Max during the mid game but already used it on Thunderbolt And even that wasn't enough I carefully navigated every battle until floor 4 where I found something incredible hyper potion PP Max I could just PE Max extra sensory when it gets to zero now that's an extra 18 moves the next floor was also perfect lemonade you're too good to me Lepa B oh thank you Lepa berries really help in this situation so useful for this these finds combined with the spare Elixir I had obtained in the mid game allowed me to fully clear the entire Tower leaving me with plenty of moves to use for the Giovani fight s Rock was his first Pokémon s Rock had volt absorb making it an almost perfect counter to Dela its move that was even worse using Kinesis to lower accuracy Dela clutched the next two Pokemon with strong hits but another threat was sent out Vault absorb poly Toto I was an idiot here and forgot the Vault absorb part so I wasted some turns but it didn't end up mattering I won the fight and made it out alive because Del was now level 86 Sabrina's gym was free which meant a new TM please be good tm4 come on grass whistle not the Magnificent power I was looking for one one more chance giovan's gym this was it my opponent's levels were starting to catch up to Dela a single bad battle with two or three big threats could end the entire run Del couldn't just One-Shot everything anymore I needed to be fully focused on every fight for the eight trainers of viian gym I played well and took a small chunk of damage one battle stood between me and my final shot at a better move set let's go Giovani time Marana Thunderbolt it dies good this is the biggest threat that he has for me I don't make the rules that's just what they are Thunderbolt dies okay this says flame wheel potentially I'm going to Blast Burn no I'm going to extra sensory go for the Flinch tickle nice so Viper Yer sensory he on top we extra sensory that's badge eight okay please give me something to replace AAL lace that's good I think we keep aial Ace with that my move set was locked in Thunderbolt extra sensory Blast Burn and a terribly weak AAL laas after a visit to the poker Center my full health Dela easily handled the pre-elite 4 rival fight and I dashed through victory road grabbing every item and skipping every trainer at this point the trainers are so strong that there's an incredibly High likelihood for them to kill me especially in a dungeon like that so it's best not not to test your luck any further so after scouring the Regent for every item in the entire game fighting every trainer I could and playing my absolute heart out it was time for by far the most difficult part of kaiso ironon the Indigo Plateau it's time 1,786 attempts is this going to be the run this is my fifth time making it to the Elite 4 the most heals I've ever had by far here we go welcome to the Pokémon League are you ready this is the first first time we've seen a smeargle please just die okay it has sand Veil interesting so we aerial Ace here and now we need to hit another one it used detect it is stalling my PP bro two detects really I'm using exra sensory okay it's down dust docks okay we have extra sensory for this please die no it has spark okay that's some damage okay that's a lemonade really a second stronger dustox Flinch it Flinch it Flinch I'm paralyzed I think I full restore here don't you do it again don't you do it again don't you do it again okay okay clefable it's always died to our attacks Thunderbolt agility but you die to Sandstorm right Vault tackle what is this bro we know what moves it has it has extreme speed double kick double team and confuse Ray but I have heals for that so I'm going to use my small heals now mumo milk as well that does a lot now we crit check it okay we we didn't crit um sadly so we're we're going to have to hit a thunderbolt now we hit a thunderbolt and Blast Burn for the final one I missed that's really that's really nice okay well we made it to Bruno okay this is volt absorb it's always died to extra sensory though they probably won't die this time it does die that time okay ditto ditto is ah okay I'm burned I'm burned full restore number two I guess no we kill and then full restore number two because it's just going to Sacred fire again okay that only does 30 so yeah we we have to Thunderbolt again yeah okay God that's so scary bro we restore use cotton Spore is very annoying we go for the flinches it outspeeds me what I'm going to X defend and then X attack I'm going to use two x attacks I have a potion I'm going use [Music] that does nine offense down bayet drizzle this one will probably we survive yeah Vine whip no potion good toal survives this but the best thing it's always had is ancient power that's okay we have the berry it outspeeds me uhoh it's just going to miss lovely kiss right oh yeah cotton Spore I should have used more set up I'm going to use the Awakenings iron defense that's actually totally fine hits another one I have seven status heals I'm going to use them it copied all my stat changes you've got to be kidding me uh it has double its attack stat now the only attacking move it has is gust but wait it's slower Now isn't it slower now full restore yikes so we'll go for the flinches iron defense let's go for the flinches Flinch good Thunderbolt kills yeah killfish Thunderbolt okay two down three battles left I have a full restore a Max potion two hyper potions an energy route two mumo milks and Status heals we're giving you another chest though you're sleeping on the white herb you know what I'll try it yeah let's go egg at the time it's a really annoying one but we're holding the white arm so Kinesis won't paralysis is annoying get rid of that okay next Pokemon hopefully is a ditto houndo just die just die we outspeed we're fine we'll heal on the next one it's okay not a Speed Die good M dous it is flame wheel the thing is mous is going to survive any hit roof for sure okay does it not have flame wheel anymore it's tickling me stop tickling me stop it the ultimate move uhoh it has super f F Flinch Flinch I'm going to X attack twice and we have to kill it scratch scratch okay dire hit as well okay that was a crit uh we use Mumu milk here if they still have brick break they can just kill chat so we do this uh I think now we use the max Elixir as well it's probably going to take me out though scratch is annoy okay aial Ace please kill wow this thing is a monster monster no flinching restore Flinch we just have to Flinch it okay we'll heal on the next one Wiggly tough we move Mo here okay Sky attack we go for the Flinch Jesus I can't risk a blast burn I think I heal and then hope we Flinch yeah it could could crit wait we outp spe it's fine we crit okay Mr M I think we heal man we're running low on heals bro hypnosis you got to be kidding me brother thrash okay just hit the Blast Burn okay this is now the furthest I have ever made it we have three full heal item still and two Citrus berries I have no X items left except for X speed so here we go two battles left let's hope it's a bunch of weak garbage six Gyarados please just have six Gyarados is that is that too much to ask let's find out all right Dela let's do this Lance Time come on have garbage Lantern it's always died in one hit to extra [Music] sensory including this time okay Kyogre this is the first time I've ever seen Kyogre please just kill it in one hit just kill the Kyogre in one hit please please M that is a lot of HP sleep powder they might heal from that that might be a heal from them wish that's fine that's so fine uh is that well it's going to put me to sleep again it might not have any moves I don't know it's a crit it doesn't matter oh okay Pidgeot okay Pidgeot down Kingler mhm Del it's fine we have the herb we're good you heal here it's no you don't venomoth do I use my two Citrus berries here it's 60 HP have we seen the ace yet oh I don't know okay I'll just it might not have ice bu I I'll extra sensory okay Gyarados well isn't that exactly what I asked [Music] for one more trainer to the face will I win one battle between me and victory bro let's do this while working on my Pokédex I looked all over I assembled teams that would beat any type and now I'm the Pokemon League champion SM do you know what that means I am the most powerful trainer in the world it's a Del Bird that's a good start we're going to X speed sing Mist svper extra sensory icy wind missed is that the best it has icy wind it we wasted the full restore that's [Music] huge Deoxys what happened to that best Pokemon you had excuse me sir paralyze it sweet kiss I'm full healing where's my full heals oh they're lava cookies right it has hydrop pump but it's okay because it missed and I will crit did it use sweet kiss again no you said miss sweet kiss please kill kill it kill it kill it you have another po door since what paralyze please no with Drew Vault absorb your a genius this is always died to extra sensory I'm going to use it if it survives I'll heal back to Deoxys okay Thunderbolt Hydro pum missed again yes please don't full restore again come on it missed again no more full restores [Music] yeah oh yes get another Lantern I'm healing on [Music] it oh I should not have healed on it okay manectric it has Kinesis we Max potion here right I think we Max potion I think we heal here secret p no paralysis good ah dang it it paralyzed me paralyzed what am I even saying screw this paralyze heal stop it don't do it again stop it I'm just going to start attacking extra sensory come on come on paralyzed I'm full restoring here I have another Max Potion No do I full restore we're doing it we're doing it we're doing it last heal no paral no paraly okay Blast Burn does it KO it does with chip come on that's I I'm being TI of ironon 1 that 786 attempts later Kory did it after all there's a reason why I like steel types so much welcome to the Hall of Fame League champion congratulations I guess I got to get H gold soul silver kaiso set up huh
Channel: SmallAnt
Views: 5,025,338
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: kTbXqSKj_MU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 42sec (2082 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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