Bee Movie explained by an idiot

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welcome to B-movie that starts with a hater body shaming a bee's outstanding physique and Barry b Benson getting ready for his b graduation where bees in this movie use honey for everything from food to lotion to lube and have human-like infrastructures like buildings roads and cars and he goes reckless driving to pick up his friend Adam for the graduation he's like I can't believe it finally graduating on Barry's like yeah I can't believe we have three days of grade school three days of high school three days of college and one day I took off to go hitchhiking around the hive hold on a sec these live anywhere between 30 to 60 days which means pessimistically speaking over a third of this guy's life is already over just saying they get their graduation and celebrate for like two seconds then immediately get briefed on joining the workforce where they will choose one boring ass job and honey making to do for the rest of her life which is something everyone is excited for except for bear and sudden it instills a sense of existential dread and like a midlife crisis into him he talks to Adam about this after orientation but he ain't worried citing that there's nothing wrong with working for the rest of your life and that they're bees they're the most perfectly functioning Society on Earth and Barry's like did you ever think that maybe things work a little too well around you that is one of the most entitled rich person living a cushy perfect life thing I've ever heard I get that he feels purposeless in just another Cog in the machine but all I'm saying is there's less spoiled ways to say I don't want to live a boring life or whatever they see the pollen jocks coming back and The Hive they're the ones that collect the nectar to make hunting and expect pollen from Plato flower so they're always covered in it also they're like the [ __ ] cool guys of the hive and [ __ ] you know everybody wants to be like Barry he wishes to be like them but you can't because you have to be bred to be a pawn jock so some of the Palm lands on the boys and it's like a status symbol right having pollen on you it's awesome chicks [ __ ] so they use this pollen to go flirt with their cousins so they understand that they're covered in flower [ __ ] right now doesn't matter they pretend to be ball and jock the smooth talk with girls then some of the real Pawn jokes come over to mess with them and they're buried to come along with them tomorrow if he's so much when he considers it the next day him and Adam go to pick out a job and the Kuru there's like couple newbies huh and I was like you got it and wait for enough Pizza down in the position he won so he can get his preferred job the line couple newbies huh just so annoying because in a society where you work the same job till you [ __ ] die who else will be coming here other than new recruits you fat [ __ ] knuckle other than that the whole dying of bee workers and freeing up for positions really fast is further proof that they know that their lives are short and that they die really fast in this movie is Canon it's a Canon event okay just keep that mind for later hold on Barry snakes away and goes to take out the pawn jocks on their offer signs of waiver that allows him to fight with them and I hope there's a sound X somewhere in Barry b Benson that allows him to sign his name with only an X anyway they start their Flappers and fly out the [ __ ] Hive through into the sky and he finds out that he is in the city of piss New York City specifically Central Parkway and find some flowers land there and suck up the nectar with their nectar slippers following some other flowers by hand then get attracted to moving flowers AKA tennis balls but they are too stupid to know what they are go down there like wow what are these it smells so nice so fuzzy so grabby [ __ ] you you can't tell me you have honey swimming pools cars know what hiking is and are aware of what frisbees are but you don't know what tennis balls are [ __ ] you whatever barely lands on one gets stuck to it and Lady picks it up he's unaware of his existence on it and plays a point of tennis with her boyfriend they exchange a couple hits and Barry stays alive somehow through all of it then the boyfriend whips her out the [ __ ] Park and the ball lands in the grill of a moving car very good sucked into the [ __ ] engine into the combustion chamber and doesn't die somehow then floats out of a [ __ ] exhaust leak and flies through the AC events into the cabin where the family inside freaks out and tries to kill him while the dad panics on the road driving 185 kilometers an hour what the [ __ ] anyway they cracked the sunroof and Barry escapes and he tries to make it back this high but it starts raining and bees can't fly in rain so he seeks shelter and finds his window with flowers in it so he goes over there crashlands to the window and on behold the apartment belongs to the couple that was playing tennis Kenneth closes the window trapping barrier inside who is confused by the glass tries to get out like what sorcery is this bro no no you can't tell me you don't know what glass is you have it in your cars you store [ __ ] honey in it you have it on your test facilities same with the light he flies into thinking that it's the sun you have lights in your [ __ ] Hive Barry [ __ ] Benson you [ __ ] liar anyway like I said he flies into the ball thinking as the Sun hits it and drops into the guac almost gets eaten but then Ken notices in my attempts to murder him with his [ __ ] Timbs but Vanessa stops him say he's very puts him in a glass and rips can't be sure to slide Underneath Him carrying him out which he didn't need to do the brochure was not big enough to [ __ ] constitute that you could have just followed it and not hurt Ken's feelings like that also when she drops bear into the flowers outside she doesn't fully close the window which is [ __ ] [ __ ] because not only does that allow Barry to come in very easily again but also she's the one that asked Ken to fully close the window just a minute ago this [ __ ] is dumb as hell so dumb and fast she literally helped Barry sue the human race later on this movie anyway after the rain stop Barry decides to go inside and thank her for saving his life raking the biggest B rule ever which is not to talk to humans he keeps hyping himself up to talk to her in the same volume but he eventually talks to her in that she does not hear all the stuff before that she only hears him initiate the conversation with her which makes no sense but regardless he initiates the conversation she freaks out a little bit but takes the news of talking B's better than expected invites him to have a chat over some coffee and he's like okay I'll have some coffee oh so now he knows what coffee is although the only thing he ever in his whole eating life is [ __ ] honey I hate when the movies do this dog like when the animal doesn't know what [ __ ] like glasses but they know what coffee is which in situations like this I'm 99 sure they never [ __ ] heard of whatever they talk a bit on the rooftop he tells her about his life and gets lost in her dreamy eyes then they shake hands and he goes back to his Hive tells Adam about what he did that he's gonna delay picking a job again and he talked to a human woman and that he might be falling in love with her Adam disapproves Barry moves around at home and does nothing his parents is a proof of his lazy ass is not getting a job and [ __ ] he takes a dive in the honey swimming pool Daydreams about Vanessa almost drowns and gets out shouldn't the honey be more sticky and viscous than that or do they water it down doesn't matter he goes see Vanessa again they talk some more while she goes grocery shopping and he sees that humans are selling their honey and he's disgusted by that that they're working so hard on the honey and human skill from them and sell to each other profit off their work and ship there is no way in hell he's the first beautiful find this out but whatever he's losing his [ __ ] and Vanessa's like chill homie he's like no [ __ ] and decides to get to the bottom of this and interrogates a guy who delivers the Honey about who his supplier is and the guy is pretty chill about the discovery of talking bees as well points him to the bee supply truck that is driving away he catches up to it and ends up on his windshield with lots of other bugs the driver operates the [ __ ] wipers launches him and Chris rocks keto into the horn above like on the roof of the car that is somehow understood by all the oncoming airline that have a full-on conversation on the road trip I don't know if this is [ __ ] impossible maybe it's aerodynamically shaped to not let any air inside although I [ __ ] doubt it but whatever briskets onto an ambulance or blood donation truck very continues on his journey and arrives at a beef Farm Witnesses the atrocities that happened there which to him must be like B Farm concentration camps although I think I read somewhere when I was 10 that smoking them out doesn't really hurt the bees but that was a long time ago and I [ __ ] know what I'm talking about so he watches The Beekeeper smoker a bunch of bees then lands and is unaffected by the smoke right after they just got smoked out he has them if they're okay or not and why the hell they don't leave they tell them that they're fine that the effect doesn't last that long and they have to move here because their Queen got moved here he's like that's not a queen that's a man and woman's clothes that's a drag queen careful now you can get in trouble for speaking obvious facts nowadays he then continues to see all the evil humans collecting the money that the Beast works really hard for snap some pictures for evidence and shows it to his family who are initially in denial then says he's gonna hurt the humans where it really matters their money and he makes headlines in the B world and human world for suing the entirety of the human race why is he not getting to any trouble for talking to humans I thought it was a big deal shouldn't he be in jail for that apparently no I don't think it's a good idea and joining in court to support him and show that bees can talk revealing it to the whole world not just one or two people now and once again everybody's pretty [ __ ] chill about this discovery what the hell also before that when Vanessa was helping him with legal proceedings she made him a coffee and put her sugar cube in that coffee and the sugar cube floats so keep his own flown coffee yes I thought that was worth including this video [ __ ] you I do what I want anyway big bad fat ass food company lawyer comes to fight the case for the humans and why the [ __ ] is the fun of this paper Comic Sans it doesn't matter they start arguing their cases or whatever but it's more like they're roasting each other like they're just animals they can't really talk this is all fake hologram [ __ ] humans are fat gritty bastards that take advantage of the little guy they're on steroids well you're [ __ ] you're a zoo file whoa come on bro it's 2007 uncool objection your honor people can't keep using come on bro it's current year to justify dumbass Behavior overruled up abstained withheld lawyer word it keeps going on and on like that between them back and forth the trial is big news everywhere everybody's covering it hold on Jarvis back up and freeze frame Alexa duplicate and fast forward right there okay Google enlarge chat gbt enhance Dora he's right there swiper's right eating there you dumb blind deaf Mexican child [ __ ] so as usual with legal battles it's taking forever but if you look here this newspaper is dated 2004 this 2005 and another one 2007 which means it's been three whole years since the start of this lawsuit and not Barry not any other beasts are [ __ ] dead are you having a [ __ ] wank mate so while taking a break from the trial or their home from the 12 that night I don't [ __ ] know Ken notices that a [ __ ] B is being Mr Steal Your Girl seeing his girlfriend he tries to kill bear in the bathroom by smacking him blending him on fire drowning him in water and flushing him down the [ __ ] Vanessa stops any other attempts on Mary's life and breaks up with Ken then the trial resumes with human lawyer questioning how Barry's parents are his parents at all if the queen gives birth to all of them and that all of them are doing incest I have 500 similar questions about this topic but I'm gonna keep that gun holster this time he's doing all that and hopes to make at least one being going off this thing his fat dump truck ass Adam Falls for that and stings him lawyer dude overplays the pain he's in to show how evil the bees are Adam doesn't die from this and gets transferred to a human hospital for some reason where they keep him alive and put a [ __ ] toy in his ass as a fake bee stinger now I know some beasts can survive stinging but they made it very clear that they're not the type that does pretty sure they're the type that has their organs fall out their [ __ ] once they sting someone with a very low survival rate so him being alive here is massive [ __ ] but whatever dude describes the feeling of seeing to be similar to the feeling of nothing and Butthead gets an idea on how to win the case from a bunch of smokers goes into court with the [ __ ] smoke gun they use on the bees shows it to the court he's like why the hell are you being Hitler to bees didn't really say that he actually played the race car which is still kind of funny they win the case and here's what they get in the settlement no more bee honey concentration camps and all the honey goes back to the bees they kill China leader Pooh bear or like stop glorifying bears and become racist to Bear someone stop using honey and all their [ __ ] products and so on and so forth and now that all the Honey's going back to the bees they have more honey that they could ever use in their life they have a massive surplus of it so they don't need to make any more and shut down all the production of the Huntington take a massive extensive vacation for forever which means that all the flowers and plants are wilting and die because the bees are not pollinating anything and that includes edible [ __ ] like fruits and vegetables meaning all poodles is [ __ ] and they can make more of the cows and stuff like that won't eat not just humans so all the world is [ __ ] Vanessa shows bear the ripple effect of what bees not working had on the world and he's like [ __ ] my bad then she goes off to Pasadena to see the last ever flower parade or competition whatever they moved it up to this weekend since they're all dying so fast and this will probably be the last flower Parade ever so she's going to see it over there because she loves flowers these are floors by the way she takes the cap to go to the airport and he gets another idea while she leaves and flies over to her cap to tell her about this idea and struggles to keep up while it [ __ ] moves and he asks her to ask the driver to slow down he gets in there and slams in there I don't know why he didn't just move to the right while he was already keeping up without you think that must just move to the right he'll be inside you idiot whatever the plan is to seal some of the flowers from the flower parade flying back to New York City he tells the bees to go working again they take all the power from those flowers of parliament Central Park and fix the world great plan buddy but wouldn't it be easier or smarter and better overall to convince bees in Pasadena to start from there you can still steal some flowers and bring back to New York if you want but I'm just saying that will be way better way more effective and less risk because he calculates that they have just enough pollen to save the world on flight back which they wouldn't have to [ __ ] calculate if they just aren't passing up or whatever he doesn't do that instead they fly over sneak into the parade Place steal one of the floats and take it over to the airport shove the flowers into a plane and head back to New York and on the plane to do the stupid [ __ ] calculation for having enough pollen to save the world there's actually a load of [ __ ] that happened in this past sequence from them stealing the vegan flowers and flying them out to New York but I'm gonna ignore it all because I can't be bothered to comment on it so they're on the plane back to New York right and the pilot says they're going to be delayed for a couple hours because of bad weather but the flowers won't last that long so bear sneaks into the cockpit knocks out the pilots takes control of the plane and flies it directly so Barry sneaks into the cockpit to talk to the Palace about that but the main pilot freaks out from being in a cockpit and tries to kill it and doing so smacks the co-pilot unconscious the co-pilot [ __ ] smacks the big red button that says Lifeboat which inflates the Lifeboat and knocks the main power out bears in a pickle right now and makes an announcement for Vanessa to come up with the cockpit he explains to her what happened she gets into contact with air traffic control he asks if there's anybody with flight experience on the [ __ ] plane and they say that Barry's on there they start heading into really bad weather like a storm cloud lightning strikes them turns off autopilot at this point the B on human news have gotten wind of this happening and I heard a little speech that Barry made about how awesome bees aren't that they should get back to work and all the bees in his Hive and I'm guessing all the other hives in Central Park flew out to that [ __ ] plane because that's the only way this next part is even remotely possible they fell out to the plane and go underneath it take control of it instead of autopilot and help it from being crashing to the ground they approach the airport cut the engines and come in on B power to land on a pulsating black and yellow flower that all the other bees are not lifting the plane made for them to land on they Circle a bit like a feeding B and then land I guess with enough bees you can lift the whole planet about what makes this impossible is that this plane is flying at 320 ish knots which is over 600 kilometers an hour and bees can only fly at a max speed of 40 kilometers an hour also I'm not a pilot or anything but I'm pretty sure there's no big red button in the [ __ ] cockpit that is labeled life raft like that also I'm pretty sure you switch off the engines from the switch panel up ahead and I don't know why the [ __ ] Air Traffic Control didn't ask for anybody else other than a [ __ ] bee that is on board that has slight experience and gave up immediately a berry also when all the other bees tell Barry to put it down on the blacktop he says he can't see the runway although he can clearly [ __ ] see it also I'm pretty sure this is not an accurate representation of what a plane radar and an air traffic control tower shows also Barry keeps selling at Vanessa to land the plane proper although she is no longer in anything in control at all and he knows that full well because he asked her to cut the engine and going on B power [ __ ] [ __ ] and I'm overthinking of being kid's movie where bees sued the human race but I can't [ __ ] help it okay now let's end this [ __ ] they land drop out the flowers Barry makes another speech about how awesome bees are and how they should get back to work and earns himself a position as a Paul and jock the bees pick up Palm front flowers pollinate Central Park it all gets fixed instantly which I'm pretty sure is not how fast that works Barry revives all Vanessa's Flowers in her shop with his ray gun all of these get back to work the humans return to profiting off of their feet and for you labor I guess Terry opens a part-time law firm in Vanessa shop to help other animals sue the human race didn't that [ __ ] learn anything from his previous legal Escapade [ __ ] idiot plus how the [ __ ] is he still alive doesn't matter Ken also cries because he's continually getting cucked by a [ __ ] insect his movie gets five Cinnabons out of 5 million 872 000 Donuts [Music] foreign [Music]
Channel: High Boi
Views: 2,494,758
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: bee movie, bee movie recap, bee movie explained, bee movie explained by high boi, high boi, funny, haha
Id: T2mlSprK1qE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 1sec (781 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 23 2023
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