The Hunger Games explained by an idiot

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welcome to the hungry James which is greeting us with reading yay and that reading basically says that there was some conflict and that which people pick out a couple of four people from the poor people groups or districts and make them fight to the death to one of them in the Reigns and they crown them as their Victor and spoil them and whatever to remind them who's boss now let's cut to District 12's cat piss never cheese having a deer she's hunting get scared Away by love interest number one Gail but he makes it up to her with a bird that's a [ __ ] deal nothing to be happy about kappis what's wrong with you anyway today's a day where they got [ __ ] ass by the capital because come over and they're about to pick two of them to go again and everybody's dressing up in their finest to go die cappus is going to the random name picking of this fuckening with the whole District sister in hand getting scared because she got dreams as she goes getting picked on campuses like what went up it's fine you're not gonna get picked but then this walking bag of makeup reaches his hand into a bowl to pick a random name and guess what it's not fine and she did get picked [ __ ] so cat whiz volunteers as tribute instead of her sister because she got big ass woman balls then love guy number one takes away Prim because she's crying for her sister no guards stop him from doing that by the way and also there is a useless cut here see that I know it's there oh no I'm pulling it out but it's there Jennifer Lawrence is so [ __ ] bangable dude so holy [ __ ] a volunteer and no one claps but they all hit her with the Hitler minus two fingers as a sort of salute of solidarity then the living makeup doll reaches to the manual to pick a man's name because they pick one male and one female the only two genders that exist and she picks what is to be possibly love interest number two pain cat was just given explicitly specifically precisely three minutes to say goodbye to her family but they are taken away in like 90 seconds and then love interest number one is allowed in and also taken away in under the three minutes that were promised this is not even close bro this is some [ __ ] man you can't spare the actual three minutes you promised for your sacrificial lamp to say goodbye to their family you [ __ ] overlords come on they are then transported away with a human makeup doll who's all like you're in for retreat crystal chandeliers sparkling drinks come glazed donuts flower you suck up your nose in other words Harley-Davidson who is the previous District 9 winner and is supposed to be their Mentor but he kind of drunk and don't give a [ __ ] but he slowly starts coming around and giving a [ __ ] and giving them advice on how to whatever Survivor win or whatever in the middle some matches can mean the difference between life and death now hold on there cheese dick why matches you just said that building a fire is a [ __ ] idea unless those matches are for lighting up a split your stupid anyway to survive you need sponsors and to get sponsors you need people that like you and you're not off to a good start no one has seen anything for that statement to be remotely true hey [ __ ] in fact I'd say she's off to a good start because she volunteered in [ __ ] and that's Noble or whatever right this guy's a dumbass anyway they arrive at the Capitol and it's full of Space Age LG TV 4K full HD LP MP4 MP3 plus people campus gets hosed down and sent to world-renowned super dead F1 driver Ayrton Cena who is not that and a fashion dude in this movie and he likes her for some reason and wants to give her this dope looking wardrobe to make a good impression on the sheeple of the capital and all these like rounds of celebrity appearances the tributes are going to have to make and on the first round where they're going to do stay rolling on chariots and all their costumes are supposed to reflect the district that they came from and District 12 are coal miners so they're on fake fire and dressing black dope [ __ ] but what the [ __ ] is this district and what is that one I'm not even gonna try and speculate on what each district does from their wardrobe because I will go and sing and it will take too long so in order to read the book just let me know in the comments anyway present golden snows has a couple shitty words we find out that Jake Paul from District whatever that almost always wins is gonna be the main [ __ ] in this game cat piss and quifa are amazed by the temperate living quarters and they go to train with the rest of the tributes in front of the rich sponsors they're not allowed to kill each other then because of the reason of but they still have squabble speaking of which quifa and never G's have one at the dinner table and she gets a flashback of him feeding the pigs and throwing her a bread throwing her a bread because she was starving in the middle of the street correct me if I'm wrong but don't pigs eat little Trash why are you feeding them such a high value precious research when you're cardstock whooped to your peasant poor man even if it's like a bad batch of bread is it even possible to [ __ ] up bread I mean you can burn it but I'm wasting time doesn't matter more training happens cat piss tells Pierre to throw a heavy thing so the people don't look at him like he's easy pickings he does and they're impressed I'm not though that [ __ ] looks like it's not that heavy pretty sure anorexic [ __ ] could throw it at the same distance but I could be wrong he does arts and crafts too to do camouflage which he will actually have time and resources to do when the games [ __ ] crazy maybe with modern leaves or whatever it doesn't matter we see the odds leaderboard Peter's five seven no [ __ ] then on one of the days before the games each tribute is supposed to show off their skills so cat is gonna shoot a bow or shoot an arrow whatever and Pete's like shoot straight as opposed to shooting homosexual dumbass anyway she goes in and first shot she shoots gay she whiffs the first shot but Nails the second one only problem is the rich white people stop paying attention after she left the first one so she shoots an apple out of a pig's mouth in the room they're in because the idiots are so cocky they don't have a protective safety glass in between them and the tributes and that obviously gets the moron's attention and this very high risk very high reward strategy pays off because they give her the highest rating of 11. President Jon Snow tells the flamboyant game maker that he's a dumb autistic [ __ ] for giving her such a high score like what the hell she shot an arrow at your head you [ __ ] [ __ ] but it was good shout though did you say shout it was good she could have killed you man it is good though she shot the Apple my man what you say this is good for business Mike [ __ ] Lord God well I don't understand then all the attributes to interviews she does well with the power of [ __ ] she had another flammable dress then Peter gets his interview and he says that there's no way in hell you can get with the girl he likes because she came here with him and that's a 2000 IQ power move because now hey [ __ ] can sell the idea of the star-cross lovers to sponsors and hopefully get some sponsors next up they get to the day [ __ ] die speaking of [ __ ] Hey [ __ ] isn't an elevator with cat piss giving her some last minute life-saving advice maybe I'm guessing he does the same with Peter because this plane only carries 12 so they might be sending them in batches but what I really want to know is who was with Peta in the room that they got the tool that lifts him up into the game location area because after the plane ride with the person she made a put Senna in that room and he gave her a jacket and 30 second countdown began that took actually 60 seconds to finish and she was put in the tube and got lifted up so who was Peter with was he with the human makeup doll man that would suck that's the [ __ ] end of the stick anyway who gives a [ __ ] about Peter she gets sent up and after another countdown ends Peta fully Embraces hey Mitch's run like a [ __ ] advice campus goes for back first dope and almost gets kills doing so then runs away like a [ __ ] too while a bunch of unimportant characters we don't care about murder each other in the Middle where all the weapons are she gets the safe place inspects her [ __ ] plays Rust IRL gathers resources makes traps eat some [ __ ] then sleeps in the tree while the game makers watch like pervs and the Knights you see that someone made a fire she's like rookie mistake they die obviously to the hand of a newly formed Alliance which Peta is a part of only because Jake Paul wants to keep him alive so he can get to campus as he has a massive heart on for killing her apparently don't know why and she's obviously disappointed but nevertheless next day she makes her way to somewhere which as Mr fat Snow's game maker points out is the edge of the play area or Game Zone and they decide to turn her back around holy [ __ ] I didn't know Lee Fields in this movie God damn anyway they decided her back with fire yeah fireballs and fire trees falling on her and they keep hurling that [ __ ] at her until she gets hurt and ends up falling into a river and gets spotted by team 10 and they chase her but she has better climbing sets than them till she evicts them by climbing up the tree she also has better shooting stats than them because they missed two shots and Peter suggests that they wait for her to come down because you have a chance to come down and they kill them and they all agree because they are [ __ ] with skulls that are filled with cobwebs because any sane human being would try to climb the tree without the sword or at least try and stab the sword to help them go up the tree or shoot them from a different angle but no they're dumb who cares anyway cat pisses hurt so hamich talks to some white people AKA sponsors and gets her a care package in the form of a packet of his jizz in form of a packet of magic Vaseline that heals her burn wound overnight and in the morning she wakes up before the idiots on the ground and this kid tribute there is another three points out a nest of super wasps to her that if stung causes a lot of pain an acid trip and if sung too much you [ __ ] die so she starts raw dogging the branches on trying to cut it down with no protection at all which causes her to get stung a few times with an insane human being would naturally put on their hoodie and pull the strings till their head becomes akin to a uncircumcised penis then pull the sleeves of their jacket over their hands for at least a semblance of protection but no she too is a dumb but whatever the thing drops and kills one of them lucky here is the one with the bow she steals it trips balls and Peter tells her to run away and next thing she knows she's been passed out for two days with Rue having taken care of her and roon catches her up with the Deets of what happens see two people have died and team 10 has stockpiled all the weapons and resources and stuff in the middle of the playing field as bait so the dynamic Duel of Rue and cat piss come up with a to destroy their [ __ ] see who's going to distract them with fire and cap is going to destroy this [ __ ] somehow and she's like we need a signal we can use the mocking gaze what are those they're Birds attacked mock gay people we can use the mockingjays so they'll repeat whatever sound you make observe can I get a higher so they set the planet motion distraction in action and team 10 leave one behind to protect their ship then some other [ __ ] happens that's not important basically the important stuff that happens is cat piss uses archery and fruit mines to blow up their [ __ ] and right here I'd like to direct your attention to Loki the only reason I wanted to make a video about this movie which is her nails because they keep changing both in length and cleanliness throughout this entire movie Sometimes in the same scene even unwatchable I am uphold just kidding I don't give a [ __ ] but I do feel better that I pointed out moving on they kill that guy for not doing a good job of watching out catches goes back to who finds her trapped what looks like the most escapable net trap ever you dumb [ __ ] not to fringer he always shows up and attacks Miss never cheese counter-attacks and kills him but the bad news is the child is dead very sad Rooney foreign district and when she gives her a flower we send off they all riot in District 11 and remove the capital don't like that so the main game maker wants to kill her off but him just like don't do that man make the people fall for young love and Snow's like hey man you do what you want to do but at the end of the day it's your ass on the line and my foot that's gonna go up it if you [ __ ] up now down cloudy Young Love is good idea and he makes an announcement basically tailored for campus and quifa saying that there can be two winners if they originate from the same district how this Hot Wheels bearded degenerate when the liquor is at all convinced by haymitch's argument is beyond me but whatever she goes looking for him at the river where Rue said she she goes looking for him at the river where Roo said he might be and she finds him having visited the local arts and crafts store because he camouflaged himself into a [ __ ] rock my guy what the [ __ ] whatever he's hurt and she apparently used up all her magic healing semen mix and didn't keep any for later because that's definitely the only injury she's going to sustain throughout the whole games [ __ ] anyway they hide inside a cave fake some romance for the cameras and sponsors till they get a soup care package and another announcement is made that there will be an extra care package for each district each of the remaining districts that is in the middle of the play field tomorrow and she goes to get the thing against Peter's wishes and sees the ginger Zip by and take her package I don't know why this thumb hole didn't take rest of the packages with her or at least knock them down that's what I would do I mean at the end of the day you are in a competition trying to kill each other right anyway cat was runs third package next and gets attacked by the thumb slot they have a cat fight and she mocks her and Rule but then big man Tyrone who from whose District shows up and kills us and tells never cheese that he'll let her live only this time for rule although the only thing he heard was the [ __ ] he killed mock hers and Ruth's friendship he didn't know anything about her trying to save her and her taking care of all that [ __ ] but who care cat piss gets back to Pitta the package turns out to be one more magic Vaseline healing potion they Lube each other up and next day they are healed and they go Scavenging then a ginger [ __ ] dies on poison berries Peter was Scavenging and too stupid to notice that they were poison luckily though he didn't eat any of them now it's only them big man Tyrone and Jake left so the game makers are like screw this let's kick this [ __ ] into high gear they turn they in tonight and create big ass mutant Bulldogs out of the rubalus that kill Tyrone and attack the fake not so fake lovers so they run away to find safety on top of the big metal Cornucopia but it ain't so safe because Jake's there they fight Peter ends up in a choke hold with cat pointing around with Jake so she shoots him in the hand and Peter kicks him in the balls I think I can't tell and he falls down to the dogs gets eaten alive so she puts him out of his misery with a hero and their happy hooray we won by thinking they're one but no another announcement is made with the game maker saying so she's like screw this those guys we ain't giving them what they want let's just [ __ ] kill ourselves with these berries no it's a suicide pack time in and right before they eat their meat into the street the game makers are like I don't like where this is going stop fine there can be two winners this time you know some old white dude was gonna have my head I hope you're happy we are beard man gets blicky the capital and the president Loki mad as [ __ ] because they showed them up they have to keep up this lovey-dovey facade for the cameras and the people and now there's a weird ass love triangle this movie gets 97 pedicures out of 12 industrial strength horse glue buckets [Music] [Music] thank you
Channel: High Boi
Views: 2,335,869
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: high boi, the hunger games, hunger games recap, hunger games explained, hunger games funny, haha, lol, explained, recap
Id: brEbCAp6Iqk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 10sec (730 seconds)
Published: Tue May 31 2022
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