Pulp Fiction explained by an idiot (censored)

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welcome to pulp fiction and we start off right away with these two peeps being all like let's drop some [ __ ] no yes okay what place do we rob i don't know how about this place this place yes this place all right this is a robbery nobody stay out of your face then we cut to two dudes driving around talking about weed and burgers and they're on their way to pick up a package for their boss marcellus from something that didn't deliver it or was hiding it from them i don't know so they're like his gang members or henchmen and and marcellus is like the big daddy boss man man gang member guy or mob boss i don't know so they get to where they're going they stand by the door and dude it's like it's too early let's go over there and talk about some feet so after they do that for a couple minutes he's like why the [ __ ] is is there a voice crack in my hmm [ __ ] so they go there and do that for a couple of minutes and he's like hmm yeah now's the time let's go okay i feel like i could have gone in right away but whatever they knock on the door and get in there and find three dudes jules eats first people's food vincent gets the package or the briefcase which could contain anything from a kovitz 69 decks into a 12-inch solid gold luminescent dildo we don't know and they never tell us they just look at it all the time like whoa then jules kills this dude quotes the bible and they both unload into ferris bueller boom next chapter we got ball boosie boy butch willis he's a boxer marcellus is bribing him to throw a match being all like pride eat [ __ ] you're my [ __ ] you're gonna throw this match and boozy boy obviously doesn't like that but he still takes the money then jules and vince walk in and they're not in suits no more jules goes to the bathroom and while vince stresses because marcellus wants him to take out his wife mia for a good time and dinner and marcellus is a very dangerous man who just finished talking to bruce and he calls her vince and hugs him now cut to rinse buying some heroin and shooting it then driving over to mia to take her out for dinner he gets there she snorts some coke and then we see her stanky feet they go out to eat talk about some [ __ ] and she orders a really expensive milkshake when she just has to taste to see if it's worth it and she's like don't worry you have to take the straw out i don't have cooties uh hello that's exactly how viruses get transferred to dumbass unhygienic [ __ ] stay safe watching toyota coral virus then she goes to the bathroom to quote unquote powder her nose but we all know what that means she comes back they dance to win a trophy go back to her house for some drinks and music and he goes to the bathroom to work up the courage to tell her thanks but no thanks because if [ __ ] goes too far with her marcellus is gonna make sure that he ceases to exist meanwhile crackhead miao who was wearing his coat finds the heroine that he bought in his pocket and she's like oh yes yummy nose candy she snores that [ __ ] and i don't know too much about drugs but i'm guessing her brain starts to self-destruct vince comes out and he finds her overdosed so he puts her in his car and drives over to his dealer's house instead of going to the hospital because cops and stuff he crashes into his dealer's house and tells him that if he doesn't help her they're both [ __ ] and honestly at this point i think it even matters i think she's pretty much [ __ ] dead but then again i don't know much about drugs so you drag her in the house and this [ __ ] starts looking for a little book that's supposed to tell him how to administer an adrenaline shot to the heart but he can't find a book anywhere because he's an unorganized little freak so he's like [ __ ] it here's the thing here's her you do it they count to three using some very long mississippis which is just giving her more time to die if she hasn't already and then then stabs her in the heart and she springs back to life bullet dodge now all we have to do is deal with the permanent brain damage she got from overdosing nobody she takes her home and they promised each other never to speak of this incident to marcellus next scene we cut to a kid and an army dude who was in a pow camp with his father and his father really wanted to give him this watch that he kept up his ass for five years and this guy kept up his ass for two years so in total that's seven years of watch up ass now i'm really interested in how they would take a [ __ ] like would you take it out of your ass take a [ __ ] and shove it back up or would you [ __ ] out and then rummage through your feces and then plug it back in your ass i also feel like this is a very unnecessary question jump cut whoa the kid turns out to be butch and he's about to go into the fight and he doesn't even have time to throw it because he [ __ ] kills the guy then jumps out of the building into a dumpster which apparently had no sharp object in it at all because he came out fine and then that same alley there's a lady with her cat who was listening on the fight she heard what was going on that he killed the guy in the fight and then she sees the dude jump out of a [ __ ] building that the fight was in in boxing clothing and she's like hmm yes yes that is my guy what a great potential customer so you know he takes that cab and on the way to where she's taking him he throws out his boxing gloves and boxing gear out the window basically leaving breadcrumbs for marcel's guys who are looking for him not only that he also gives her his name bro this is not how you go about being discreet you [ __ ] [ __ ] i know he pays her off at the end so she can give her mouth shut about driving him anywhere but you don't think marcel can pay her doubles to get this information anyway she drives a [ __ ] over to wherever he wants to go to a motel where he goes in and finds his petite french girlfriend and they do it they shower they sleep they wake up they wake up and he looks through his suitcase that she packed for him while he was at the fight because they want to run away now that marcellus is looking for ass but he can't find his ass watch which he specifically told her to pack so he throws a tantrum and then decides to go to his apartment and get the watch although it's pretty dangerous since marcel's goons are probably already there but he doesn't care he doesn't give a [ __ ] he wants his ass watch and he takes his girlfriend shuri [ __ ] honda goes over there and parks one street away and inserts the key very cautiously and quietly into the hole unlocks the door then [ __ ] opens it loud as [ __ ] like bro you completely negate the purpose of the whole key caution and parking a street away what you had the brains to do that but you can't open the door quietly what the [ __ ] wrong with you anyway if he gets in he finds his watch and he does not leave no he snoops around a bit and finds that no one's there then he's like i'll make myself some food [ __ ] [ __ ] you haven't looked around properly that's first of all second of all if they're not here they're probably on their way here right now you idiot but as we're about to find out he's not alone because at the end of the kitchen counter he finds an uzi with a very girthy silencer on it then he hears a toilet flusher and someone opens the bathroom door and it's vincent very surprised to see butch holding his gun and what shoots him up and kills him he literally almost literally caught him with his pants down very lucky yes however other than butch being the dumbest imaginable there are a few things wrong here first of all who the [ __ ] leaves a gun on the kitchen counter when they're gonna take a [ __ ] [ __ ] vince especially in a situation like this you take your gun whatever the [ __ ] you go second if butch can hear the toilet flush from over there then whoever is in the bathroom should be able to hear all of this what do you take a crap with earmuffs on or some [ __ ] and third when butch leaves he wipes down the gun with some tissue paper to remove it of all his prints but he does a very shitty job of it [ __ ] you held that [ __ ] silencer like you're about to jack it off your prints are definitely still on there you [ __ ] suck at this butch leaves feeling good about himself and when he stops in the intersection and marcellus starts crossing the road and butch tries to run him over but then gets hit by a car himself marcellus gets up very days and tries to shoot butch but misses and hits this girl and considering how [ __ ] up he is right now it's pretty good shot honestly and just a quick observation here all the bystanders were female why that is i don't know butch tries to run away and marcellus gives chase butch ends up in a pawn shop or something and he hides behind [ __ ] glass and gets the drop on marcellus punches him a bit and tries to kill him before the shop owner pulls a shotgun on him and tells him to throw the gun away then he knocks him out and they both pass out wake up in the basement with gag balls in their mouths ties to chairs and then some dude zed walks in and other guy opens the room and pulls out a [ __ ] sex slave out of a box i don't even know what the [ __ ] is going on anymore anyway he ties up the sex slave and zed pulls in marcellus to probably do some and butt sex with him the other guy likes to watch apparently so he goes in and shuts the door and butch hears what's going on in the room so he musters up enough strength to bust out of his constraints knock out the sex slave and try to escape before he feels bad for marcellus and his unfortunate fate so he comes back and takes a sweet ass time choosing a weapon from the wide assortment of [ __ ] he has available to smack them down with before he finally settles on a katana then he goes down there and opens the room silently you see you can open doors slightly [ __ ] and he sees what zed is doing to marcelus and viewers who are easily screaming should look away right now because absolutely gruesome so he heals this [ __ ] and then holds that at knife point i don't [ __ ] know but he holds him there for a bit and this being a tarantino movie i'm guessing he's going to slice his take off wait marcel's home to step aside and uh he blesses dick off with a shotgun well you know different same result his dick no longer attached his body so i kind of called any who marcel tells bush that they're cool on two conditions first that nobody finds out about this and second leave town tonight right now so tonight right now you got the home away so butch takes his bike and goes over to his girlfriend to pick her up and leave and she keeps calling the bike motorcycle he's like no it's a chopper listen dude it's a chopper is a type of bike okay relax [ __ ] ah this guy this [ __ ] you know what who cares who cares because that's the last we're gonna see over that [ __ ] because he takes her and they skipped out next chapter we're going back in time to when ferris bueller died and after he got shot some force dude came out the bathroom with a [ __ ] gun and he emptied his gun into jules and vincent but misses all his shots so jules and vincent kill him too and they take the last guy with him in the car where jules tells vincent that what just happened was a miracle and a sign from god that he should retire and it certainly was a miracle because judging from where you were standing and where the bullets landed he didn't miss his shots faced through you and left you unharmed whatever vincent thinks this miracle retirement talk is a bunch of bs so he turns to take this at sakishit's opinion and accidentally blows his head off and now that the insides of the car are covered in blood and so are they they can't stay on the road so they go over to jules's friend's house hey quinn and he says that if his wife comes back an hour and a half from work and she finds a dead body in her house she's gonna divorce his ass and he doesn't want that so jules calls marcellus marcellus calls the wolf guy and wolf guy comes over in his nsx and he's supposed to help them deal with their current situation but he's kind of useless honestly because all he tells them to do is clean up the car and cover up the seats with some cloth rinse themselves off and change into some acquaintance clothes so all obvious common sense [ __ ] you know the only usefulness he provided was a junkyard that's gonna deal with the body and the car to dispose of evidence so technically speaking if they're any smart they could have done all that [ __ ] by themselves and hit the car in some discreet location and call them later for the junkyard anywho after all that [ __ ] happens vince and jules go over for some breakfast before they drop the briefcase off by marcellus and while they eat they talk about pigs and how jews want to retire after this then vincent gets up to take his [ __ ] and that's the third time he goes to the bathroom in this movie i don't know why i'm keeping count but you know that's the third time i remember these two dudes from the beginning of the movie yup they're here and they're robbing this place screaming all around threatening people meanwhile vincent the toilet must be another building or something that or he goes deaf every single time he enters the bathroom also if you notice every single time he goes into a bathroom something important happens he's like the blitz but only when he enters the bathroom anyway back to the robbers they're taking the money out of the cash register and taking everybody's wallets and when they come to jewels this [ __ ] notices the briefcase and hey jules why the [ __ ] can you at least attempt to hide the [ __ ] briefcase on the table once you heard them yelling this is a [ __ ] robbery and whatnot i mean they still might have seen it but hey at least give it a shot you [ __ ] anywho after some back and forth between him and jules he shows them what's inside the briefcase and he's like holly mccarron is that jules pulls a fast one on him and disarms him and tells him to calm his girl down and proceed to tell him that he's kind of a changing man now and he wants to help him and it is at this point that jules is finally done shooting he comes out the bathroom like what the [ __ ] so jews tells him to stay cool and let him handle this he gives this [ __ ] all the money in his wallet quotes the bible but doesn't kill him and tells him to take the [ __ ] they stole and [ __ ] off then shortly after him and vincent do the same the [ __ ] end this movie gets a uc santa cruz out of a banana slugs [Music] you
Channel: Extra high
Views: 1,115,927
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: high boi, pulp fiction, pulp fiction explained
Id: Xpb2mmzmgbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 55sec (655 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 07 2022
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