Megamind explained by an idiot

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welcome to Megamind who's narrating his own life story as he Fosters death who starts like this with him escaping Megamind Krypton as a baby because it is getting sucked into a black hole and Metro man escaping his Planet she's a neighboring planet that is also getting sucked into black hole and as they travel through space Megamind ping pongs out of asteroids and they eventually get to earth metroman basically takes his place to live with ultra Rich [ __ ] and Megamind bounces across the city to land in a prison to get raised by inmates I'm going to excuse all the probable concussions and possible fatal injuries he should have suffered by slamming into the space rocks and planet Earth and [ __ ] by virtue of him being a alien that apparently has a higher tolerance of that type of [ __ ] than humans but how do you get away with raising a child in jail how does no one notice there is a baby in their prison also later when they do find out that there is a baby in their prison they don't take him out of there it's a child why wouldn't you take it out of there is it because it may sound to be evil it's a child what what doesn't matter as mentioned the inmates teach him to be evil and with his Superior intellect and his trusty Dusty companion minion the fish that is in a sphere of water passed by his parents to protect him at all costs although he is more likely to just be a pet that can talk if they gave him to keep him company anyway with all that he keeps inventing objects of Mayhem then the prison sends him off to a near by shul that's right next to the prison what great City Planning that is to put a school right next to a prison he again meets Metro maniflexing his superpowers and making friends being Mr popular with all the plebeians and when he tries to do the same game favor and make friends with all the other brainlit kids it always ends up in disaster and them hating him and bullying him so he kept making smart guy stuff learning how to dehydrate [ __ ] into cues and rehydrate them back and protecting himself from bullies with his new inventions they got sick of being treated like [ __ ] was like [ __ ] I guess I'm the bad guy it makes mustard gas then Metro boy takes off with the school and they begin a lifelong villain superhero rivalry I said it correctly [ __ ] yeah let's go where he would lose every single time and get thrown back into jail fast forward to now though the city is opening a Metro man Museum on Mega mines in jail tricking the warden into putting on a watch that disguises the wearer into something else using Holograms or some movie science garbage the warden mocks him over his 86 life sentences then walks around prison having to watch disguise him as Megamind so the guards beat him up and put him into Magma's help or Megamind is waiting for them taking the watch and walking out trapping them in there disguised as the word meanwhile minion who now has a Mecca gorilla suit kidnapped Rox and Richie the [ __ ] who they always kidnappy to [ __ ] with Metro many runs over some people on his way to pick him up from prison with the invisible car they have they get their evil lair and he slipped into something a little bit more evil to do some evil villainy scary [ __ ] to Roxanne I guess but she's seen it all before because like there are so many times that she is unimpressed by everything now back to Metro man he's doing his grand opening speech thingy juggling some babies doing some crowd work and walking on water while he gives a speech but then dark evil Megamind creation ascends and descends dark evil Megamind clouds onto them and brain Bots come out to project a zoom meeting on the White Walls they have on either side of Metro man statue for Metro has to talk to the Megamind and he's like oh it's Mega oh it's Megamind I should have known you're behind this thing agent back and forth better Roxanne docus's location which is the abandoned Observatory so Subway dude flies up into the air to spot it and go for it makes his way over there while he's being filmed somehow by Megamind either he has an invisible brain bot following him all along the way or he has made strides in camera zoom technology speaking of when they talk to each other on the screens like they're having little Zoo meetings they look directly at the screen as if they're talking to each other but that shouldn't be the case they should be looking into a camera right so they achieve that effect of looking directly at one another right doesn't matter he burst into open Dome of the event Observatory somehow not seen with a super site that nobody's in there and once he's in there he gets trapped by Megamind because he's not in a real one he's in a fake Observatory they have some more [ __ ] villain versus superhero banter speak until mega mind gives the order to fire his death ring which harnesses the whole power of the sun onto metroman except that death rate is warming up and he's like warming up the sun is warming up I told you to have things ready I told you countless times why do you always blame me yeah why are you blaming him you're the [ __ ] that somehow built something that weaponizes the instantaneous power of the Sun and needs to warm up anyway while they're pointing into naming fingers Roxy mocks their shitty plans and he decides to leave because his plan is obviously busted but then he notices that Metro man is struggling to get out of the Dome of the abandoned Observatory while cursing in the most PG way like dang nebet jiggly puff nuggets so Megan is like dude it's fine this is what the slurs fly no one actually cares except for virtue signaling white people but then Metro man says that this Dome was obviously lined with copper and he says that copper drains his powers Magma's like wait wait wait wait wait copper what and while he struggles to leave the death ray finally warms up and hits him that obliterates him completely sending his skeleton flying out of silver and Escape now a skeleton could have been made by hardened vibranium DNA infused with alien rock hard Diamond [ __ ] molecules that makes it impervious to even the whole power of the Sun so I'm gonna let that pass but his cape should have been turned into the so Megamind thinking that he won and actually heal better man is absolutely insane for a guy that's smart but he's kind of dense funny smart so I'm gonna let it pass so he's finally won against metroman after all these years so everyone is in disbelief including himself I mean start celebrating and making their way over to the um Town Hall I think and it's protected by cops who are armed to the teeth and put their guns down at first request by Megamind why the [ __ ] would you do that you have a shot on him a good shot multiple good shots just take any of them dumbasses maybe they thought it would be futile because he probably has something up his sleeve so I don't know whatever he walks past them and gives a speech to press like we gonna do evil stuff we're gonna [ __ ] you in the ass and beat your [ __ ] but later BRB they get into the mayor's office and he's like what's oh that sir is called a window [ __ ] off dude you know what a window is you have a bunch of them in your evil lair and you have the car and you went to shul and they all had Windows shut up anyway after running around rampant in the city doing whatever the [ __ ] he wants with no one to stop him he got bored and had an existential crisis Mrs Metro man and after Roxy finishes a live broadcast in front of Metro man Museum and shuts down her incel thirsty boy cameraman Hal played by Jehovah's Witness forgot his name who said that he went to the bouncy house back at his place just for them to have fun lies blatant lies I tell you have seen your place hell and how smart is no way you found a bouncy house small enough to put in there anyway Megamind and Roxy both go to contemplate in the museum how did they not run into each other at all before getting to the top last I checked he was way the hell over there across the artificial Pond or whatever in the town hall did he use the brain boss to fly over there but use the invisible car still he had to get out the visible card and he where'd he park it did he park it behind the museum doesn't matter they do eventually run into each other because she heard him cry about how he misses Metro man before starting a three minute timer to load the place he notices her and so she doesn't notice him in his evil PJs he scans Bernard the know-it-all [ __ ] nerd in charge of the museum he'll dehydrates him which leaves his glasses and his phone and again I ask why only those things are not his wallet as well for example the rules of these getting vaporized by a space Ray or whatever and movies are always so murky and loosey-goosey anyway he disguises himself as Bernard and Roxy finally season like oh Bernard it's just you they had a few interactions before that so she knows who he is anyway they go down the elevator together [ __ ] [ __ ] cry some more about how he misses Metro man if he tries to cheer him up by saying that heroes are born they're made inadvertently giving him the idea to create another superhero using metal man's DNA the more I look at this Museum the more I see just Megamind's inventions so is it really a Metro man Museum think about that anyway he sends it off in a taxi before the place explodes which is a thing she definitely noticed and then goes back to his evil lair and tells minion about his evil plan to make a new superhero using mechan's DNA that he will train to fight him so everything goes back to normal and everything is rosy-dosy and for the DNA he's going to use some of metroman's dandruff it's a good thing he didn't try to take a DNA sample from my trans [ __ ] skeleton because then he'd find out that it's made out of plastic or whatever it's made out of and figure out that he ain't dead but enough plot hole poking in this specific point when you think that this is a really bad idea but too late Megamind's mind is already Mega set on it and he made a DNA thing and a gun to inject someone he thinks is worthy with measurements power and Justin Roxy calls Bernard's phone which if you remember Megamind and he responds as Bernard and Roxy's like thanks last night I went out and found Mega Man's evil lair you did what now it's the only place with the pickups director on it so it wasn't that hard to find and then she finds the secret entrance thanks to minion being a [ __ ] so he switches into burning and finds her tells her that he was just a formal speed walking by that's why he was here so fast and keeps trying to lead Roxy out but she's a nosy [ __ ] and keeps on the reporter Snoop around and find [ __ ] out when she finds it up make me into superhero injection gun so he keeps switching between Megamind and Bernard to try and take it away from her when they finally end up fighting over it and shooting it into a pipe in the wall that ping pong is the superhero bullet out into snotty boy's face and they're like who the hell is that and look at him through all the monitors that are broadcasting only one single security camera how stupid is that Mega dude then saves Roxy as Bernie from disco alligators they get out and hell is hella jelly that Roxy's showing signs of interest and affection towards Bernard and Megamind confuses this hostility with bravery they dilly dally around a bit before she leaves which is dumb because as far as she knows Mega lines could still be in there and trying to come out and kill her or you know kidnap her or do whatever so after she drops hell off at his place where Megamind the minion are already there deserving him through the invisible car minion wants to Defuse The Dude of his powers but Mega [ __ ] is against that thinking that lameo hell is the perfect guy for the job so they ran into his apartment and knock him out then the disguise themselves as [ __ ] Jay Leno with a lisp and the mecca fish monkey space mom I know I didn't do that before they came in but whatever Hal has a glow up and transformed into Super hell and Megamind is like I'm use space stand and giving you stupid Paris I'm going to teach you how to use them to fight Mega Minds and a dude launched out of his house and excitement and they start training him in a montage while megalan in the form of Bernie keeps hanging out with Roxy and going on dates with her at one time before going on a date he tells minion that he's going to run some errands I mean he's like wait a minute you have no life other than this what Aarons are you running you're going out on a date with Roxanne [ __ ] aren't you what don't be ridiculous minion he does not approve of him doing that because they're supposed to be evil and [ __ ] right so they keep fighting over the invisible car keys until Mega line tells him that he doesn't need him anymore so he throws him that he's back hacks his [ __ ] and leaves on the evil Segway friendship with mudassir ended meanwhile Roxy was trying to piece together Clues to figure out what Megamind's plan is when Titan shows up it's hell and his new superhero name and his new superhero form he now thinks he can bang her because he's a superhero so he drops her a couple times to save her or whatever then eats her above a building and am I right in thinking that accelerating her body that fast would push all her internal organs into pancakes and kill her doesn't matter she's like put me down so he puts her up on the tallest building in the city and she breaks it to him that they're never gonna be a thing because he's just not interested in him and then he might be a part of Megamind's evil plan and he does the classic nice guy shake like what the hell you should be with me I'm amazing look at me what's wrong with you and these are there she somehow gets down and makes it to the date with mega Bernie she explains to him and a high degree of accuracy what she thinks megaminds AKA his plan is so he steals the conversation away from that back to date stuff so they can have some fun with Hal sees and eventually they kiss and she accidentally [ __ ] with his watch revealing his big-headed bluiness so she does him in water because what the [ __ ] how they do this to me and walks away in the Rainy Streets with all the trash the the highway the rehydrating considerably slower than minion did in the beginning of the movie and he shows up in his car trying to argue his case on why he should get some ass then she finds out that he wasn't tricking her into liking him for some evil plan or anything he actually had Fifi's for her and she's like do you really think I would ever be with you shattering baldy Blues tiny little evil heart and they walk away indeed leaving his car which turns out to be a good thing later on then he decides to get back to his evil plans dresses up and gets into a mess to go fight Titan marches over to City Hall expecting a showdown but Titan never shows up until he marches over to Hell's apartment and when he gets there he shoves his hands through the hole that Hal made when he first got his powers that he was excited revealing a major inconsistency observed here is the whole Hal made but Mega blue goes to the side of the building to shove his hand to a different hole [ __ ] anyway he's like why'd you keep me waiting [ __ ] then notices that snotty boy went bad and solo wants a [ __ ] and tells him that he only took the gig to get the girl but she likes some other dude instead and tells him that he wants to team up with him and be an evil Duo but he's like no this is not why I created you you're crazy space that tone look I knew's face that dumbass I'm also the intellectual dude [ __ ] Roxy and that makes house officially mad to go fight him so they do that Megamind gets his fix and plays hide and seek with him then sword fights with him with streetlight poles and Hal penetrates him through an entire building before he actually gets a hold of him and Megamind realizes that he's not gonna take him to jail but he's gonna kill him so he hits the panic button on a suit which shoots him out of the mixed ass brain Bots show up to fly him out of the airplane exploding tunnel and he calls in for the fail safe which encapsulates Helen into a ball of copper which is Metro man's weakness therefore also his weakness but it turns out that it's not actually his weakness because his Titan busts out of it and then throws it at him but Megamind escapes into the Metro system and people come to Titan praising him for freeing them from Megamind's rule but he's like I wouldn't say freed more like Under New Management I have a few notes about this past sequence first off the success of Megamind's mech suit emergency exit completely relies on the suit ending up ass up in doggy style position or at least having its ass path completely cleared out for him too off huh no second off this old tanker or transport truck gasoline transport truck whatever veered off completely unprompted by anything on his own fruition why the hell did he do that doesn't matter Mega Man goes over to Roxy's apartment and Bexar to be let in so she does and he explains the Earth what happened and tells us that they need to find a new weakness for Titan and if she has any idea if Metro man had a secret layer or something that they couldn't go to and find clues for that then that would help greatly so they go to the only place she knows that fits the description along the way he discusses how he left the gun that defuses his powers in the invisible car which he misplaced and let they broke up here's the thought make another one dumbass aren't you an evil genius matter of fact why didn't you inject yourself with powers yourself you [ __ ] doesn't matter they get to Metro man's Hideout which is their old Shool and get in very easily because it has very bad security and find a cold glass of what hair and a very much alive Metro man he's like surprise and explain to them that while at the observatory that day he had his own existential crisis so he stopped time using his super speed and went on a soul-searching adventure reading self-help books and [ __ ] until he came up with the brilliant idea to fake his own death to quit the superhero life and become a musicians so when the death rate hit he went and got a prop skeleton threw at them to convince him that he died why didn't you use your super speed to avoid them noticing you idiot whatever Roxy is mad as [ __ ] at him because they even now with Titan wreaking havoc all over the city he doesn't want to come back and instead gives a few words of inspiration to Megamind which does not work because he turns himself in and Bows out of the situation goes to the prison so Roxanna is over to the city that Hal is destroying to try and talk some sense into him but achieves nothing and instead gets strapped onto the building that he destroyed while transmitting a message to Megamind haunting him to come over using Roxy as bait Megamind sees Roxanne's call for help in his jail cell and you know how it is there's nothing like a damsel mistress to motivate you to save the whole city and risk your [ __ ] life so he asked the warden to let him out apologizing for all the battery he did letting out some heartfelt words towards everyone including minion which Minion hears because minion is there disguised as the warden and accept his apology lets him out and we cut to Hell releasing a talent statement to Roxy at age like fine wine there is no Easter Bunny there is no tooth fairy and there is no Queen England Megamind shows up in style showing him how supervillain is done right then battle commences and he slows Titan down with the brain Bots while he frees Roxanne from the falling building but only long enough for Titan to eat the whole building at them and instead of going left or right or up or any other direction then forward Megamind keeps going straight with the building that cannot physically turn so he throws Roxanna to store umbrella shade things to cushion her fall and protect her while his hoverbike gets destroyed and he ends up at a fountain incapacitated time shows up and goes to kill Roxio he's running over to Megamind to help him but then Metro Man shows up and chases him off how do they push the boss at her from the glass shouldn't the glass break and the bus stay stationary because the glass is too weak to support that kick it doesn't matter Roxy tends to MegaMind who turns out to be minion telling her that Megamind is the one that's actually up there's disguised as Metro man one question does arise though does the watch also alter the mass and physicality or dimensions of the disguise disguiser whatever cause how the [ __ ] did she touch his cheek like that without cutting herself on the glass of the broken like water container whatever wrap her arms around him when they were riding the bike that doesn't make any sense at all whatever Megamind is up there as Metro man messing with Titan eventually he gets all of him until come back to Metro City metro man comes down to Roxanne who knows Mega Man just strolling so she turns him back to Megamind we're using the watch everybody's surprise then Titan comes back because Mega mine called Metro City metrocity and only one person calls Metro City metro together and come back even Sunny by the [ __ ] and figure that out Mega my tries to defend but he a weak mofo so Titan slaps him around a bit then Roxy knows this is the invisicore and hence Megamind towards it so after he gets thrown over to it he jumps into it gets to the gun and flips it to the fuse and starts warming up and he's like I will kill you again this is your design stop blaming him also if I recall correctly but minion inflicted to defuse to immediately suck up the powers from hell it required no warming up at all was that already objecting or what because I doubt that's how it works anyway Titan rips him out with the door and eats him into the sky now we've finally come full circle with how the movie started he dehydrates cubes himself while Titan is about to kill Roxy in the fountain drops in the water as a q pops out as a blue alien gun lands in hand warmed up so he shoves it up Titan's nose and slurper derps his powers away he wins and draws swinging in some water that's the girl he's the good guy now and gets his own museum with all his crimes pardoned I guess with Hal and his jail cell instead of him also in an after credit scene Brian rehydrates in their evil washing machine with glasses on which if you remember how they didn't get dehydrated that shouldn't be the case but anyway this movie gets 13 blue iPod Nanos out of seven pink iPod shuffles [Music] [Music]
Channel: High Boi
Views: 4,058,188
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: megamind, megamind recap, megamind explained, megamind funny recap, megamind explained by high boi, high boi, funny, haha
Id: f35lk5FjRio
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 20sec (920 seconds)
Published: Wed May 03 2023
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