Mad Max: fury road explained by an idiot (featuring @JunkyardDigs)

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welcome to angry Maxima in Raging Street welcome to Mad Max Fury Road I'm gonna be honest with you guys this one's pretty simple it's a big road trip from point A where there is a tyrant hoarding all the water in a wasteland to point B where they think will be good people with water they get there they don't find water they find the good people so they come back to kill the tyrant in point a and take the water that's pretty much it so uh [Music] obviously there is more to it see there was an apocalypse of some sort pretty sure nuclear weapons were involved Earth is like a wasteland machine all the survivors and their kids have all types of diseases from AIDS to cancer being born deformed and weak shitty lungs no arms limp dicks etc etc point is they'll die pretty quick and they're called half-lives or half Bloods I think there are some normal humans around the one point a is called The Citadel but by immortan Joe a [ __ ] Half-Life who's permanently on light support pumps out spring water from underneath the ground therefore he controls all the water as in charge of this place and all the people in it he's a massive and point B is called the green place that has water and is led by a bunch of old ladies and they got two more areas of the bullet Farm where they make bullets and is led by [ __ ] with bullets for teeth and guest town where you get gas and [ __ ] and it's not by a obese [ __ ] with type 8 diabetes and everybody's preferred means of Transport are doomsday apocalypse hot rod builds of cars bikes and trucks as for the carbon-based life forms of this film I already touched on the Martin Joe but a little bit more information on him is that he has a bunch of hot wives that he likes to [ __ ] and try and conceive proper human babies with well any defects are really hot and hate him for obvious reasons he also has a bunch of fat [ __ ] that he milks the trees off next we have Max himself a lone wolf who was a full-blooded AKA enrollment he roams his wastelands haunted by the people he couldn't protect keeps getting Visions from them and [ __ ] like this [Music] next is firoza she got kidnapped from the green place when she was a kid that's why she knows it exists lost an arm and is somehow Joe's imperator so like a trusted transport driver or an ambassador of some sort I don't know why he hasn't tried to impregnate her I'm sure there's a reason in the books or other movies that I didn't watch if there are any but I'm sure some dork is going to point out more Mad Max lore in the comments so movie time it starts with Max fighting his demons and basking in his melon calling Salah to do while eating a [ __ ] gecko then it gets chased down by Joe's War boys who capture him in his car bring him back to they'll shave him and tattoo his stats on his back he's a universal donor so they're gonna use him as a blood back to donate blood to their half-life for boys around the brink of death to keep them alive a little bit longer except you can't donate blood after getting a tattoo because the needle might have been dirty which I guarantee this one was and that can lead to terrible blood diseases and some of them kill really fast so these [ __ ] tumor humans are only accelerating their own death probably anyway they tried to Brand him so he somehow gets loose and trusted Escape slams through these van doors that lead to a sheer drop-off of the cliff and he somehow is able to stop himself instantly halting all his momentum to a complete stop on a loose surface you [ __ ] physics Emma right anyway they capture him again and use him as a blood bag for all the war boys they're on the brink of death meanwhile Joe is suiting up covering all his Awards cancer tumors gonorrhea all that [ __ ] puts on her being doing a life support thing to address his people goes out to salute and send off furiosa on her Warwick to go get gas on gas down and bullets on the bullet Farm then dump some water for his poor salts he stops it and he's like do not my dear friends get addicted feroza rolls out with her Convoy on our way to Gaston then goes off the road and starts heading east and visits her prediction that they're on a secret mission or some [ __ ] while Joe and his son are having a certified Homeland moment his other mutant barely life son is like Hey Dad they're going off-road and he sees that then rushes off Brutus or dictus or whatever as other Sun comes like let me see no let me see you [ __ ] [ __ ] no go see what's agitating father he opens about what she says many wives finds none of them only what like version 1.0 the oldest wife wrinkly ass sacky use Fleshlight wife telling him they're all gone and they're not your property and [ __ ] while holding a gun to his face shotgun right he keeps approaching it when she's talking [ __ ] to him then he doesn't pull the trigger until he comes up there and pulls the [ __ ] gun on her face she pulls the trigger that dumbass oh she could have [ __ ] ended the whole movie right now but whatever he realizes fioris has told his beaters who were desperate to escape from him and launches a war party to go get her and retrieve his surprise breeders it's just another word for big Convoy with this one car or truck who's only purposes to make sick Tunes while they go out on their chain I don't know what [ __ ] use that is like why do you need a [ __ ] hype truck basically there's also random nonsensical [ __ ] like this in this movie like this holding on to a flaming odd engine how was he doing this now this [ __ ] leaning on to a equally if not hotter exhaust pipe she's literally holding on to [ __ ] heat shielding and in this car if there's a guy in the engine bay a guy driving and guy standing on the back where the [ __ ] is the engine answer is they probably move it to the back but that seems like an ungodly unnecessary amount of work to do but whatever this movie is more about the spectacle than the logic of it most movies are about this one especially so who cares still gonna comment on that [ __ ] though so all Able Body War boys join the war party including knocks that is not so able-bodied he's only alive because Max has a blood back so he strap him onto the front of his car so he can drive out and join the war party because even though Knox is dying here at least wants to die as a warrior on the Fury Road honorably and [ __ ] like that but he's still just skinned idiot because you're strapping the only thing keeping you alive on the front of the car was the most danger whatever the Citadel war party is now closing in on figurosa who is in enemy territory the buzzards who like to decorate their cars hedgehogs with spiky [ __ ] on top and they attack her or put it closes in knocks to the first one there and he helps fend off the buzzers before they get to her and she's fighting back with her Convoy one guy gets shot on the [ __ ] face sprays his mouth through the chrome paint and goes the Buzzard and blows it up as like self-sacrifice and that is cool because man then nuxo is driving in Reverse just as fast as they were driving forward which is not [ __ ] possible I think but anyway he was doing that because he was doing some car Mortal Kombat acrobatics turns it back around and they start heading into big ass answer things you can lose him in there door Boys on our Convoy figure out she's a traitor so she could throw them a punches one amongst his tires so he tells his Lancer to get rid of the way out front so they can keep hobbling on on three wheels and catch up to three Heroes and that way out front his max so he takes him out and the reason is about to get rid of him but while he does that Max fights back and gets rid of the Lancer instead then they enter the root Sandstorm and Pierce that pushes this one car into a [ __ ] dust lightning storm tornado thing knocks increases the nitron gets ahead of Heroes starts flooding his car with gas so he can load up in front of her and hopefully stop him he's like witness me blood bag [ __ ] you witness this fist [ __ ] let me wanna [ __ ] get and sat down get my [ __ ] hands on you give me a [ __ ] flare he breaks the glass but then roof flies off and he gets the flare and stops him from blowing up while at the same time furosa Rams into them shadowing them all over the place into a million pieces Max and knocks both survived that and he wakes up later recovering sand still connected nox unable to free himself with a shitty S1 functioning shotgun broke down from all the sand which is evident because she's clearing out the intakes don't you have the clear air filters as well from the sand also couldn't have sand got into the [ __ ] engine itself and bricked it completely making it completely unusable as a thing still even functional doesn't matter he carries knocks on the door that the train is passing through over there and is greeted by a beautiful sight hot females doing a wet t-shirt contest and taking off their chastity belts aka the penis fly trap the dick Twizzler the dick great the member dismember the [ __ ] shock the [ __ ] protector the vagina Shield the coitus holtis the dick down shut down the sex Windex that one didn't even [ __ ] make sense it just rhymed the girls are outstretching their legs because they were trapped in a secret compartment for for too long for some reason there's a prosthetic Karma he gets there and holds on a gun point for him to give him some water and bring over bolt cutters with another one to cut off the [ __ ] chain communicating all this and grunts like then why is distracted through tackles him Texas gun away from him finds out that it's useless I know that some shotguns have two triggers to fire each like chamber I don't know if this one's the same but if it is it doesn't seem like she pulled either of the triggers right here she just skipped from one to another anyway they fight each other the ghost help out furosa and knocks hooks up and starts helping out Max Heroes gets to a hidden gun but Max ends up getting control of it and forces Knox to disconnect the chain with the ball Cutters then beats him up next steals the truck while Joe is on his way with the war party isn't that the water hose getting ripped off while he drives away shouldn't all the water start flooding out right now also the [ __ ] start running to the rig that shuts down just a little bit up the road because fiorosa insults kill switches on the rig and only she knows the sequence of buttons to press to turn it on cool but in that case it shouldn't even [ __ ] start in the first place it's called a kill switch for a damn reason and even a non-car person can tell that but we're gonna [ __ ] forego common sense and move on he lets her and the girls and she puts in the sequence of buttons to press to restart the thing and move it on while he collects all the guns and Falls away at his muzzle to get it off and just as she drives us Knox wakes up and has enough time to jump onto the rig without the knowing and he sabotages the fuel pump the back so max goes back there and fixes in a [ __ ] way while Knox finds a secret interest and Passage through the like other tank report and gets into the cabin attacks the girls well he talks about how great Joe was and how he's awaited in valhall and all that crap but they deal with him and throw him out then they start entering a canyon that is controlled by a bike buzzards that furos has a rain safe passage with in exchange for some fuel but she doesn't know if the deal still stands and doesn't know if she's going to go south or not so she's kind of forced to trust Max and tells them the sequence to start the [ __ ] rig but the sequence she tells him is not the same as the sequence she put in when he let her drive the rake because look one two one red black go they cut away in the middle of that but we know of these three buttons she has to press this one twice but when she entered the first time she didn't she pressed the one next to it twice hey attention while you're acting Charlie's you're lacking they stop in the middle Canyon to unlock the fuel pod for them but the bikers are metaphorosa because she said there'd be a few Pursuit Vehicles behind her maybe but they count three war parties because the gas down on bullet Farm boys both have sent out more parties along with Joe she yells for Max to drive up because the deal has clearly went South for the bikers blow some Rubble in the bottleneck that is the rock Arch to block off the three tumor parties in Pursuit while they attack her themselves they put on engine Fire by dumping sandal over the engines and start fighting off the bikers together like a well-oiled machine successfully get the bikers off their back but now Jules undertale because he got over the rubble in a monster truck while the rest of the war parties clear the rubble at Midway for themselves also he has knocks on board because he found that he has a piece of his wise clothing and munox tells him that there's a secret way onto the rig so he ends up a gun tells him to go kill firoz so he jumps on the rig then starts running over Shane gets [ __ ] caught on some [ __ ] he fumbles the bag and falls over yo gives him a signature look of disappointment he's like mediocre and looks hears that and sees that gets sad and Joe mounts his attack on the front cabin harpoons is here in Willow and traps knocks his hand so they snap the [ __ ] thing off with bolt cutters and start stealing with a pipe wrench Prego hole the one that was cutting the chain escapes death by Dwayne the clock runs and aka Big Rock pulls onto a flaming hot exhaust pipe then slips and Falls onto the floor George swerves out the way to not run her over and kill his own baby flipping his monster truck over ending the pursuit the girls want to go back for her but Max like she went on the wheels I saw it although she didn't really go under the wheels Furious allows him to continue onwards and on their way she goes and does maintenance on the truck while it moves and sends the redhead behind to keep watch on her flank and in the back she finds a crying [ __ ] that is Knox sad that he failed the Morton Joe and he's a loser but then he feels a touch of a woman and all his troubles fade away she listens to an event then when it becomes nighttime they start driving through somebody terrain almost getting stuck so they start planting plenty of bombs in their tracks to slow down their pursuers who run into these traps and blow some cars a couple of blown up cars somehow stops all of them like you can't drive around that you [ __ ] they throw [ __ ] anyway they get stuck in some mud and get the baby out that the girl was pregnant with the girl that [ __ ] fell off the truck it is dead but if it would have lived it would have been a very normal functional normal human with no defects at all which makes you even more angry and he sends out this trigger happy people if I'm doing this car tank that won't get stuck in mud and he starts firing at the general direction of the war rig that is now stuck in mud at Joe's wise as he's not they're busy putting engine covers on their wheels to get more good to get on stuck from the mud but they're not putting underneath the drive Wheels which I think that you're supposed to do in this situation but anyway while Max takes one shot with a sniper rifle at the tank dudes Searchlight to take it out Mrs and Hallie hard nipple berries like hold on a second while you were taking stock of how much M we had I thought you said to count to four are you stupid anyway he fires on more shot and then hands the gun over to one hit wonder furosa who takes up the Searchlight in one shot and the shards of glass shattering blinds the [ __ ] gun guy he can't see anymore so he gets really mad and starts shooting at them literally in a blind rage just in the general direction still charging at them well they find out that Knox is still alive on the rig and he's trying to help because female compassion has spurred a change in his heart and he switched side so he welcomed his eight rapper winch around the nearby tree to try and pull it out of the mud onto High Ground they get up there [ __ ] badass Max takes a can of gas and a machete tells him to keep moving if he doesn't come back he runs into the fog while they tend to an overheating engine is that [ __ ] dumping water onto a [ __ ] red hot engine block that's exactly how you warp and crack a [ __ ] engine but analysis only theoretical you know what [ __ ] it Theory will only get you so far so I'm gonna ask someone with a little bit more experience oh hello hello Kevin from please your dicks I require your assistance in a technical matter that pertains to engines and motorized internal combustion automobiles um yeah sure thing man all right so you watch Mad Max before yeah I've seen that so there's a scene where the engine overheats and this bald guy is dumping water into the radiator and this other [ __ ] is dumping water onto a flaming hot engine and it might be a myth that you know if you pour cold water onto a hot engine it [ __ ] up but I think it might be true that if you pour cold water onto a hot engine that you're warp and crack and [ __ ] is that true well yeah well typically I'd say engine blocks themselves don't get very hot uh the exhaust manifolds get hot and I can see how like maybe those would crack especially if they're cast iron but honestly I don't a good example of like a normal everyday scenario would be like think of a rally car or a mud truck whose engines are constantly being splashed with cold water okay you're talking too much bro you're talking too much I want the [ __ ] gist of it give me a yes or no percentage chance how much 95 probably gonna be okay so you're saying I'm 95 wrong Kevin pretty much [ __ ] so max is in the fog now they see flashes and explosions in the distance and the Mad lad returns emerging from the fog with a new steering wheel or ammo and covered in their enemy's blood which he washes off with fat woman titty milk they continue driving through the mother Wasteland in the morning they drive through a desert Wasteland and Ferris attacks the max about the green Place tells him that she will know when they get there because she's been there multiple times although it's been 7 000 days she's been there but she'll for sure know when they're there then they see a literal booby trap because it's a naked woman on like a [ __ ] scaffolding electrical pull [ __ ] I forgot what it's called but you got what it is naked woman is up there calling for help as bait so Versa goes out there because she recognized something like that and she's like I am one of the bubble lady and the many mothers my initiate mother is a cannon and I am the daughter of Jabba the Hutt met a bunch of old woman kinda nowhere on bikes like oh my God it's really you it's been so long they touch front lobes we connect and she introduces them to her gang she asked them where the wing places that they say that if you come from the west then you must have passed it and they're like oh my God that [ __ ] muddy place was the green place and they're like yeah see the water or the ground got poisoned everything they planted died and it was really bad soil so they [ __ ] left feroza goes out into the sand depressed and crying losing all hope having sad bone moments and they rest in stargazing tonight an old lady shows young youthful lady her seat collection Max updates his map and viewers are tells him that they're gonna load up the bikes as much as they can and try and ride out over the soul threats the max they can do is drive for 160 days maybe they find something maybe they don't but they'll try their best and go in that direction and he can come along if he wants one of these bikes is his regardless everyone's coming out and he's like nah thanks I'll take the bike and find my own way next day they white off him Max Lucy says that kid then gets a Jimmy Neutron brain wave idea rides over to them catches up stops them and then shows pirosa's map and proposes if they go over to this hotel and take it over since it's undefined and just full of really thick War boys and more pups which are like the young War boys they drive straight through exactly the way they came and then they unhitched the trailer at the Rock Arch blow it up and block the way behind them get their take over the citizen with the help of Knox planning to be a war boy that's bringing back the stolen goods which are the wives that's the plan it's gonna be a hard day but it's gonna be worth it Max guarantees under 160 days that way they'll find nothing but Seoul so everybody agrees and they get back on the war right start their Mad Dash across the desert to the Citadel with one bike in tow behind then trying to protect them the three war parties were just pissed chilling on the Mountaintop somewhere spot Furious has already coming back and they figured that they want to go take over the undefinite Citadel so they go down to meet them and fight them what the [ __ ] were they doing like did they give up at that point why not go back to instead of why are you staying what are you doing here it doesn't matter the first car that gets there is has a 1v1 race with world record each side and employed one person to spit [ __ ] Nitro into the intake of the supercharger which is kind of the right idea but still not how that feeling works at all you're gonna destroy your engine like that but whatever eventually the car gets ahead and spikes one of the tires of the Warwick and one of the engines of the work overheats or blows or whatever then the many monitors on the motorcycle roll up and take out the driver of that car let me know that threat why couldn't you have done that from the beginning bags of loose skin and bones you would have saved them so much [ __ ] trouble also the thing keeps dropping very normal straight as an arrow with one [ __ ] Spike Tire another also knocks goes down to feed and fix Engine 2 that is blown Rover heater what not by turning a few wrenches that's not how that works at all that makes no sense dude actually a lot of [ __ ] happens in this coming sequence while Knox is fixing the [ __ ] engine but I'm gonna gloss over and just comment on things I want to comment on the three war parties around them and fight them lots of the many mothers die this one could have survived if she just paid attention to the oncoming traffic Max cuts off Harpoon chains that are slowing them down and dragging them back this one got chainsawed to death it dies really slowly this [ __ ] guy put a dark color Trapper thing around instead of using Lethal Weapon the killer for some [ __ ] reason dumbass Max fights people on the back of the Drake and then on the hood the rig almost Falls over but jorosa catches him then gets full stabbed but still holds on to him he jumps on to type 12 diabetes Warwick the gas down guy [ __ ] kills him at this point Engine 2 is fixed now some [ __ ] hell and they're picking up speed again but Max uses this gas town or rig to go on the other side and protect their world rake it blows up he keeps jumping around from vehicle to vehicle now using pogo sticks and [ __ ] tears tuttering around on that finally ends up on the hype mobile vehicle beats up the guitar guy they're entering the canyon now with Joe mama in front of them in his vehicle Sophie Rosa makes nox Rivals she musters up all the strings she got to go over onto Joe's Car and kill him using a lot of luck and a lot of help from Max who was now finally onto their rake and fighting off uh dictus the [ __ ] guy he's always on she changed the Harpoon onto his breathing apparatus thing that is [ __ ] latched onto his face like a goddamn crab or some [ __ ] she throws the chicken into the wheels and it rips off his whole feet and face and he dies instantly so all the other girls start loading onto the Joker joke car Joker there's no time for this they all got on knock stays behind to sacrifice himself while dick this is ripping off the [ __ ] supercharger and [ __ ] rage Knocks Yanks the wheel flips the rig at the arch destroys the arch blocking it off for it but he will slam into him making really cool shot there's lots of cool shots in the sequence overall again into spectacle by the way look at how this redhead was sitting watching all this unfold on the Joker in front of them she was just chilling on another Sunday Drive can't decide whether to yell at her but to praise her Giga chat calm attitude anywho they got a clear stretch of the Citadel now but Heroes is in bad shape so max does all he can to keep her alive and fix her up fixing her collapse along and giving her lots of his blood because she lost lots of her own they get there in the platform that raises the cars that blows halfway to them and the guards are like the [ __ ] you doing here identify yourself who the [ __ ] are you then they show off Joe's dead body and they throw on the ground everybody rips it to Pieces because they all [ __ ] hate him the guy doesn't kill him for some reason I guess he also hates him the war pups definitely hated that guy because they forced the people to lower down the feed and the platform they got on the platform start raising them back up the round [ __ ] open the water for everybody and lots of the civilians start getting onto the platform and holy [ __ ] that guy's ugly I thought neanderthals were extinct anyway Maxwell was just on the platform a second ago apparently he jumped down sneakily and is now walking away through the crowd the Furious ones I'm going on a signal way going to do Chad Lone Wolf [ __ ] they exchanged a couple bro nods and that's it this movie gets 10 W 16s out of 38 flat sixes [Music] all right [Music] [Music]
Channel: High Boi
Views: 1,026,280
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mad max, mad max recap, mad max explained, mad max funny recap, mad max explained by high boi, high boi, funny, haha
Id: nPJQ5BduVzo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 20sec (1040 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 17 2023
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