Aussie Coin Pusher EP 135

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[Music] [Applause] jason from aussie coin pusher here well this one looks like a bloody mustache dave what are you up to mate um yeah that's um about that you know i've been trying to count the money uh i'm not very good at counting money when it's like this i mean i get confused pretty easily i'll forget what i'm well i started with i gotta keep count over and over again uh maybe it's my dyslexia i'm not too sure but anyway um coin wise um last game i thought was pretty good but it ended up turning out to be pretty bad so i think i've lost my mojo on on judging whether the coins are going to be good or not so i don't think i should call but you can see it yourself uh top top's about the same as what it normally is so that's not too bad i do have 50 coins here in sammy so um yeah anyway uh now i spoke to my missus and uh yep no problems about the buy-in um so i've just spoken to dave like three minutes ago because i was at the bar um yeah i was buying one of those and yep he's um he's more than happy to do a thousand dollar buy-in so i'd love to just give one a go uh it's not something that i want to do all the time that's just too much for me um but i want to give it a go so he said he's going to build something that's going to blow my socks off so so my mind is racing i've got no idea what he means by it so i just want to have a look to see what's moving and what's not well obviously the middle's not gonna be moving too much [Music] um bit of movement not much not much [Music] very very gappy [Music] i can't wait um apparently it's happening tomorrow too by the way i i failed to mention that part didn't i he wants to do it tomorrow so i'm happy enough for that um the only thing i'm a little concerned with is my work has picked up like you wouldn't believe and that's the reason why i didn't get back to all your comments because i was so tired last night by the time i got home i'm not used to doing full days [Music] so even today i've got all my work here in the car my boots my pants my long pants you know my high vis stuff all in the car and i gotta go to work after this so hopefully today's not gonna be too long [Music] though so that's the reason why i didn't get back to him but i i will take a look tonight if i have time oh nothing's moving what is going on here what has he done thank you got something to play with oh that's actually really good that's really good news i might get some good pushes out of this now so i have not got a lot of coins man that thing went over real easy if i don't start getting pushes on that a lot of trouble here i got two coins left oh at least we got something all right um yeah i don't know dave's there must be loads of gaps under there i can't see them a um he's getting bloody good at hiding stuff i'll tell ya all right let's tell it up see what we got i'm sort of hoping for a few more than that but anyway now i've got some pretty serious gaps at the top i need to avoid come on [Music] come on i just need a little bit of help here there's my last coin oh i gotta go to the car don't i oh man i do have the extra the extra money in the car so i always keep 100 bucks in the car so and just lately for the like last three or four days or whatever i've actually thrown a second 100. so i've actually got 200 bucks in the car hey maybe i don't need it [Music] little bloody ripper uh i'm liking the look of the left hand side rather than the right hand side that's probably going to be a mistake but these are what i call freebie coins oh no oh come on that was the last one and i found the gap well all right let's tell it up [Music] [Applause] hate coins hey come on can i come back from this that was my last coin my last chance my last hope well let's tell you that [Applause] seven coins [Music] oh i don't stick them on that side [Music] that was my last one [Applause] come on i think only one coin fell i'll be back coins yeah little beauty and the problem is when i pulled them out i actually dropped one on the ground four coins how do you drop a coin um now all i do pick on one side obviously let's go the left hand side there's a pretty big gap up there maybe i should have went the right hand side oh jace come on the move yep you little bloody ripper oh and i got another one [Applause] i think what i'm gonna do i know this is a bit crazy but i've been called worse today [Music] all three coins come on give me something oh no all right let's tell it up [Music] yeah that's probably the wrong thing to do come on give me something give me something thank you [Music] well we're slowly getting up there well up and down up and down aren't we so so what i'm going to do is i'm going to wait for the pendulum to swing all the way to the other side [Music] and i am going to dump in my coins as fast as i can get them in and see what happens oh yeah oh yeah that's what i call taking a risk you little bloody ripper [Music] it's like 25 coins there hey [Applause] yeah i probably won't do that again uh yeah you've got a very low chance of actually winning anything when you do that when you put in all of your coins [Music] [Music] oh the whole trade has shifted i can't believe i got out of that one okay last coin come on push it off push it off push something off that'll do all right let's tell it up so what i got okay uh totally wasn't worried at all now this gate game completely had me beaten why those coins fell i don't know but anyway they did you all saw it so probably about 30 coins i reckon yeah i don't recommend doing that throwing in all your coins when that's all you've got all the coins you've got like i did i just got lucky [Music] oh nice [Music] [Music] all of that's about to fall keep going well i thought it would have been bigger i've actually had that someone say that to me i'm just kidding that was my last coin come on one coin all right let's tell it up so what i got dang look at this 60 bucks let me get rid of that we had nothing no queens left now look what i got oh man i can't believe that happened as my wife says i have more arse than class i really gotta put that on a shirt and wear [Music] [Music] [Music] so oh i'm about to get paid out [Music] [Music] [Music] really nice [Music] [Music] all right i'm just gonna get nice i'm gonna get a nice big handful of coins well too big i think so i might be dropping some i'll see if i can just slowly get rid of a couple [Music] oh listen to it [Applause] [Music] that was all that was all my three coins keep them coming all right at least my timing's better today last two days has been but today has been actually right so well let's tell him see what i got 120 130 quick all right i'm going to do something really weird here well actually it's not weird you're probably used to me doing it i don't need to tell you what it is because i'm sure you've already worked it out [Music] so [Music] come on hope you come thank you i haven't i haven't been able to land one of them flat for so long when they come off the top they give you really good pushes if you can land them flat [Music] [Music] [Music] oops [Music] [Music] oh my nice i was waiting for something like that to happen it's been a while all right let's get this 50 off or not [Music] okay i'm just going to let the pendulum swing back to the left it's at the right hand side at the moment i have a crack at that 50 up on top oh if that doesn't get enough i don't know what will at me [Music] [Music] so all right now it's starting to happen [Music] that was my last three coins my arm is dead all right let's tell it up so what i got 140 bucks nice you guys can sit up there all right take a look at the ball um so yeah rapid fire like that if that doesn't work i'm a monkey's uncle hey i'll tell you there's got to be easy 150 in there easily [Music] i tell you what i was expecting a lot bigger pushes than i was getting so oh back at me sideways come on oh i've got another coin there you go mike i think i saw these [Music] it's probably one of my boys ringing me up so i've left some stuff in your car again they did that so often back to work [Music] [Music] now what's happening [Music] [Music] oh yeah look at my timing hey my atomic smack on [Music] oh no i said i've got a push for my 50. oh you can't say that's what is um more [Music] exciting all right let's get this last 50 out of here right [Music] [Music] so [Music] maybe i should forget about the top 50 for now [Music] so [Music] have you guys noticed when when i get a big drop like that i tend to drop like i don't know six or seven coins like really really fast every time a big drop comes i just smash the coins in there i don't know why i do that that's just i don't know just sometimes i don't even know i'm doing that i just notice i do do it [Music] that was a huge chunk [Music] [Music] oh thank you [Music] that was my last coin straight to the gap all right let's tell it up see what i got take a look at that take a look at that and now have another look at it 440 bucks whoa my oh man i'm stoked uh coins they're growing it's just yeah constantly hey i'm not complaining either yeah a little bloody ripper so i had a i had a uh a comment that i this this has gone back probably a week a week and a half ago now i just sort of want to clear it up a little bit now it's a good comment so pretty much somebody asked me do i have to pay tax on my winnings uh in australia i don't know about the rest of the world i'm pretty certain the u.s do um but in australia no you don't um same with lotto i believe uh i'm not 100 sure i've never won it but uh i'm pretty certain you don't need to pay tax on anything that you win what i do need to be paying tax on is anything that i get paid from youtube trust me it's not much but anything that comes from youtube yes i do need to pay tax on it that's class as an income but any winnings that i pull from this machine nope i don't have to pay nothing apart for my [Music] wife [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh ah so close i might just not do anything right now because every time i drop a coin it vibrates that 50 back onto a tray [Music] i lost it [Music] [Applause] oops [Music] [Music] oh so close [Music] [Music] [Applause] i just dropped four coins sorry ah what am i gonna do about that i've gotta keep trying for it all right one thing i'm going to try to do with that 50 i don't know if it's going to work or not but i'm going to try to shimmy it to the left as i said i'm not sure if it's going to work or not so what i really don't want to do is drop too many coins to the left of it and drop them all to the right hand side of it see if i can't shift it it clearly doesn't want to just come straight off [Music] oops [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] i don't think it's working i think i've got too many coins up there i can hear them debbie's saying remove the coins from underneath it there's too many coins up there i know mate i'm i'll start doing it [Music] [Music] now start to get a build up in the middle i'm going to forget about the 50. [Music] oh yeah definitely getting a big build up [Music] [Music] there's my last two coins [Music] all right let's turn it up see what i got 30 bucks new beauty up there with your mates coins yeah we definitely lost some coins i'm not surprised really um this is starting to build right up i'm not concerned i'm more concerned i can't get that 50 off and i hope i don't have to leave it in the game i don't like that idea too much [Music] so come on oh what did i say something for [Music] foreign [Music] nice [Music] [Music] you just see that i saw the whole thing oh man it's so good just that i was about to grab another handful there's a lot of coins [Music] so [Music] uh i'll try to do a reverse skill stop i don't know how well this is gonna work [Music] oh definitely got some coins out of it [Music] [Music] so [Music] so well at least i'm getting things to move [Applause] [Music] hello my coins all right let's tell it up so what i got 250 bucks nice that's what i played play this game yep coins are increasing so 160 170 coins [Music] jason you seriously i only had one bourbon too i can't believe it uh i totally did not just drop a coin and bounce it off the glass what goes through my mind at this stage of the game where i know i've got 70 bucks there 50 bucks up the top i've sort of wiped that off i don't think i'm getting that um if it comes off awesome if it doesn't it doesn't matter i've thrown what four 500 coins at it and it's still sitting there so um what i don't want to do is start building this up so i'm torn between a rock and a hard place i want to slow right down now remove all the coins off the top get them into the game and get them earning money for me but the problem if i do that this is going to start building and talking back up again and then i'm going to lose more coins by trying to clear it so yeah this is where i'm i'm stuck between a rock and a hard place do i go slow and get the coins off the top and risk blocking it all up again or do i keep going fast which means double stacking coins on the top which i'm not going to get those coins back is that worth the 70 dollars that i'll potentially can get out of it this is what goes through my mind right about now in the game i'm trying to throw all those figures around in my head trying to work out is it worth doing [Music] am i going to lose more than 70 bucks ah i tell ya hey i remember coming down and playing this very very one and just throwing coins in just seeing what happens that was before i was filming even when i was just starting to film it too yeah it used to be um just drop your coins in whatever happens happens you know mind you i did lose a lot though i reckon i was probably losing probably easy one out of every three [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] wow well that doesn't seem to be working for me either [Music] [Music] i know i'm double stacking a lot of coins uh i think what's happened because i actually slowed down a little bit you probably saw it i probably only slowed down for like two minutes that was just enough just to stop this in its tracks and now it's building it but it's building along the entire tray i'm in a bit of trouble here i'm gonna lose a lot of coins so that's why i'm double stacking and that's why i'm i'm just dumping coins in at the moment i'm just trying to just break one part of it loose [Music] so you're probably wondering why am i doing that well you'll see very quickly [Music] [Applause] [Music] um that was my last coin i've lost so many coins all right let's tell you that okay i've probably lost more than 40 coins that's more than 40 coins um which is what 120 so just because i'm chasing this 70 bucks i've just lost 120 dollars doesn't make a lot of sense does it um but what my theory is is there's a black load of coins here if i can start getting them over and i know i will they may follow they may not right now i just want to get my coins [Music] back [Music] so that's it loosen up that's what we get in the middle that's good i can work on the two edges from the middle [Music] [Music] [Music] hmm it's not really doing well what i'm hoping it's going to do so [Music] oh that was a good one still big mound there though just goes to show how many of my coins were stuck in that mound [Music] [Music] come on one coin there i'll take them all right let's tell it up so what i got well i got some of them back probably back to about 150 coins you still owe me 20 coins seymour [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] oh wow [Music] seymour's kicking my butt [Applause] [Music] all right that's um let's start to build up again [Music] [Applause] so [Music] come on that many coins falling off the top train nothing moves down the bottom yeah that's what you call in the oh that's a good little drop [Music] [Music] [Music] thank you [Music] oh that was all my coins okay well i've got a little tiny bit of movement out of these two chips um i'm good i was actually thinking about stopping because i've got the majority of my coins back i think i haven't looked but just by going by this pile it looks a lot smaller than what it used to but now i'm starting to think what's going to happen if i drop these chips uh sorry these um tokens right in front of these chips it'll give it a clear run straight in maybe i'll go one more let's go one more well we still got about the same 140 150 coins still only 20 hey [Music] [Applause] [Music] i can't stop putting them in fast because if i do that i'm going to lose a lot of coins and it's just going to build up i'll lose more coins than the double stacks [Music] [Music] so all right so now i'm just going to watch those chips very carefully to see if they're moving [Music] oh yeah oh we're getting movement [Music] right okay they are definitely heading towards the edge [Music] oh [Music] so [Music] come on don't start blocking up again [Music] oh i have a nice push didn't need this 50 to slide back whoa 20's going your beauty oh [Music] so [Music] okay i got one coin left [Music] i think i'll just go right in the guts [Music] ish all right all right 50 is sliding back again little bugger 20 bucks nice uh yeah i reckon we just about got our coins back pretty close to 170 coins i told you i'd get them back but i'm going once more and the reason why i'm going once more that 50 is very close i want to see what it's going to do but there is still a massive big thick you know chunk of change along here so i want to see if i can have a crack at it whoa well i'm nicked all the way off to the right hand side [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh man you could have been a 10 right it was a 10 i could have walked away by now [Music] [Music] so so everybody out there that thinks leaving leaving um coins no sorry uh leaving um tokens no i'm buggered i really am stuffed um leaving chips on the deck you can see how hard i'm trying to get this off i mean i don't know how many coins i've thrown at it so far it's a lot of coins so you know and i am trying constantly trying to get this thing off and it's not just a matter of me standing here putting in you know dropping in coins i am constantly thinking different strategies where's the best place to drop the coin do i drop them slow do i drop them fast do i aim for the middle try to drag everything in uh or do i hit two outside you know all this sort of stuff you know it's all going through my mind all at the same time so i noticed kev you made a comment that um about leaving um you know chips you'd prefer to see or i'm not sure if that's what you meant but that's what i how i took it that i empty the um empty the machine out my it is not easy i'm not the fittest bloke around trust me but yeah i mean this machine right now is whooping my butt and i can feel it [Music] so right now i just want to go to work so i can have a rest i'm kidding i actually do work quite hard [Music] when i'm there [Music] 50 even if you fall off now mate you can stay in there yeah it's not working is it it is not working [Music] [Music] oh that is good stuff [Music] [Music] so [Music] i just ordered something oh uh oh boy [Music] um what i thought of was the job we're working at the moment is a um it's quite a large building site and when you sign in and because you've got to sign in sign out everybody does you've got to have a breath test you do it yourself and you write the results in now mine is always zeros because i very rarely you know i don't drink all that often i do like a good bourbon down here though um yeah i wonder what's going to happen when i blow into it this time i'm probably not even going to be allowed on the site and they're very strict yeah i didn't think of that did i [Music] not every place is like that it's just written i like the really big places the big building sites government sites are okay that was my last two coins i can't leave yet there's way too much hanging over all right let's tell you that [Music] okay i know why my uh my little sebby there's half empty well more than half empty it's all hanging over well i couldn't stop now even if i wanted to all right let's uh let's get rid of all [Music] that i'm going to try to drop them as flat as i can so i'm not wasting too many of them i'm gonna try dropping fast [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh that sounds all right all right let's watch the 50s [Music] all right i've got another handful so there's probably like 60 to 65 coins here i'm just gonna see what they're gonna do i reckon i got my queens back oh the 50 didn't play that might get it [Music] [Music] come on don't slide back [Music] oh i don't think it's gonna it's gonna go straight to the hop rolling [Music] i am more stubborn than you are right but the one up on the top tray's got me hands down all right that's it i don't need to put these in uh that's what i had left out of my hand full and um i mean looking at that yeah it looks pretty good still but you can see the entire bottom tray that's going to take some coins to get that shifted so i'm not interested in doing that somebody else can do that if they want if they want to go for that 50 that ain't coming off i can guarantee you i don't know what six 700 coins i've thrown at that thing and it's just up there look at him he's waving at me hey anyway i'm going to tally it all up and i'll get back to you [Music] yep yep and yeah you all right so the telly goes uh i got 990 in chips um yeah look at that little 50 sitting up there laughing at me i'm not too impressed he's still sitting there uh i end up with 197 coins way more than what i was thinking um so yeah maybe i need to mark semi because uh yeah i was way out i was thinking 170 coins and uh yeah that's like 27 coins out but wow sorry about that it is an indication that's all it is just an indication i'm not trying to be spot on accurate so anyway 990 dollars in chips 197 coins is 591 bucks add both of them together as 1581 minus the 250 it cost me to play 1331 bucks nice i am playing the thousand dollar game tomorrow uh it's been confirmed and i'm as nervous as a chihuahua and excited all at the same time that's uh doesn't make sense to me but it's a weird feeling you really really want to play but you really don't want to [Laughter] yeah i can't wait um i mean i'm nervous about it because don't forget what happened on my last buy-in um and that was only a 500 buying i end up losing 800 bucks i've got a potential of losing two thousand dollars here that's um something i really don't want to think about and it'll probably keep me awake at night tonight so um but anyway that's fine whatever uh 1 331 bucks i'm going to catch it all in i'd love to play the other side but i've just i've got to go to work i've got no choice so the boys are waiting for me um so yeah so i'm going to uh quickly get this sorted out and yeah go back to work i suppose back in a flash slow-mo oh yeah oh man these are nice and crisp too um back when i was a teenager i used to iron my money now when you when it was paper can't iron this stuff or stick to the iron and melt away to nothing but um i love a and i don't know why and i don't know where even came from i hate bent notes i hate twisted notes i hate when people fold them up and put them in their pocket it's just one of my weird weird traits that i've got anyway these are the new notes there um so they're not too bad i've seen them before but yeah you know i do say i'm a lot don't i sorry about that [Music] what was there 1300 bucks 31 bucks to the tin now i did that because i'm uh yeah let's just call it let's say as nicely as possible i'm shooting myself so this buy-in that yeah they do worry me and excite me so i need as much of this to cover for any potential losses i'm going to get tomorrow so but anyway um yeah i can't wait but yet i can so it's one of those things anyway if you like the video um please smash that like button for us and if you want to see more subscribe if you haven't i'll see you guys in the next one big one
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 2,327
Rating: 4.900929 out of 5
Id: JED9HZahC24
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 59sec (3959 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 14 2021
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