Aussie Coin Pusher EP 133

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[Music] hey jason from aussie coin pusher here yes i know flat nights hey it doesn't bother me nothing phases me today um so yep joe's with me got 50 coins in him so you know he's still wearing his pants no you can't get him off because i drew him on with a texter you see him trying to get him off but yeah that's not going to happen uh this one here i don't really know why i'm playing this um i mean it's got enough in it but it's very light in in the way of money plus it's got flat notes in it but if you take a look down along the line here i've been trying to work out how thick that is it's very hard to work out but i'm calling that's near on four coins thick so probably i'm trying to get an average now i know there's some places where it's five or six other places where it's one so try to get an average i reckon there's about an average just along the frontiers about four points thick so that's half the reason why i'm playing it um somebody's already played the other side and there is nothing left on it they have smashed it um i thought i did a nasty job but i tell you what hey i'm not late either so either a dave just wants me to play this and he hasn't even set the other side up or somebody's actually coming in here earlier than me and yeah nailing it so i don't know but anyway um yeah i mean this one this one looks different so the top looks pretty good so 500 bucks up the top there's probably 200 bucks 300 bucks down the bottom so not too bad but it's the coins so that's my idea all right got a couple happy birthdays to say uh janice the other day um when it was yesterday or the day before uh happy birthday mate not gonna say how how old you are to everybody um but you're only a spring chicken and um judy happy birthday mate um yep it'll be your birthday when you're listening to this nice oh i've got message bank they can get that [Music] so as normal i just want to test it yeah i thought the top was good [Music] it might be a little gappy [Music] so i've come up with a plan yep it's not even my idea so rather because i've been thinking about these games well that's my message i've been thinking about these games and the ones i've been losing on it's been so close so close so what i've done is rather than having 100 bucks in the car i've now got 200 bucks in the car i'll put the other 100 in this morning uh that should be enough thank you that should be enough for me to basically cut my losing down by more than half now i don't lose all that often because uh you know i'm very i'm very careful what i do [Music] you guys have taught me so much so um yeah so that's what i'm planning on doing rather than just having 100 bucks in the car i'm going to leave 200 bucks in the car quite nice just in case i've got another one i'm always going to start off with 50 coins though [Music] come on i need a push and how is everybody today that was my last two coins all right let's tell it up okay so there's like i don't know 25 coins yeah probably something like that that phone call that was just work thank you oh double thank you [Music] oh spin that wheel see more come on give me a nice big push [Music] i'll take it all right that was my last coin too by the way hey totally forgot to let you know um all right let's tell it up to what i got well i reckon we gained a couple probably near on 30 coins [Music] oh so oh my god i took a risk and it backfired oh i barely got it all off [Music] come on that was my last coin [Music] all right let's tell it up so we've got i recommend 45 to 50 coins my heist where's joe going oh there he is [Applause] hey joe catch all right what my goal is is to get those notes off as fast as i can or at least out of the way [Music] so so as you can see i'm trying to drop coins as flat as i can get them [Music] so i think he may have raised the bottom lip up i'm watching those tens slip and slide all over the place [Music] well that's my last three coins whoa i'll go 20. all right let's tell it up so what i got [Music] all right as you can see i've already neatened them up but there's probably about 60 coins there um yeah that was a decent little handful before i cleaned them up like that that's good that's good as long as they keep going up in coins all right let's get that 20 out of here are we happy okay i'll be happy if i can get two off [Music] my timing is still a little off [Music] oh my i'd say more than a little [Music] [Music] so oops [Music] i just can't forget there should be a 20 down there somewhere i've got one coin left oh nice of a sword that fall let's see if i can get the other side come on push it over no i found the only gap that's in the machine i reckon all right let's tell you that see what i got [Music] 60 bucks nice um yeah little bloody ripper i'll take it all right let me just set those chips on top of that uh coins i totally forgot to give joe his share of coins last round so but there is about 50 coins there so there are 60 last times that's 11 coins so what i'm going to do is i'm going to throw 11 coins into joe all right if i can pick uh that's about 11. uh three coins on the floor yeah sorry about that um bottoms up people hey no time like the present all right so that was my phone going off again i am a popular one [Music] i feel as if i need to be putting in three coins at once but the problem with doing that is i'm double stacking the last one or the first one my timing is not good enough for it oh ah nice yeah you wanna you wanna know another uh another word or another term that's used in australia probably not very often uh it's more when i was a kid lips [Music] yeah when i was a kid i used to call everybody lips i still use it every now and then towards my staff when they make a mistake um so yeah it's pretty much our lips oh i got tons of them some of them i cannot say on camera [Music] i've got two coins left nice i'll take it too come on all right let's tell it up see what i got oh oh dearly okay i got 40 bucks and probably 50 coins [Applause] i'll take it uh 50 coins that's another five more ah man i wish i could see properly but anyway so you're probably wondering why i'm doing that it's no strategical difference um by putting coins into joe this is dj's idea so um i just i just find it fun i know it's it's exciting to do you know you just it's like putting money in the bank really um you want to see how how big you can get your bank account type of thing well it's the same sort of theory so i just like to see how many coins i can get in there and not notice the difference you know that's all it is [Music] all right let's get that 20 off of there there's a big mound right in front of it you can see wouldn't mind getting those tens out of there oh i don't have a lot of confidence in dropping my coins in multiple [Music] my timing is out hey that was a lips moment [Music] [Music] come on get those pins off [Music] nice that was a third wave [Music] okay i got one coin left might as well stick it over there so janice is in vegas at the moment on holiday i'm hearing she's ripping up the black the blackjack tables careful mate they'll kick you out hey let's tell you it up see what i got okay queen's definitely going downhill on coins not good um so um there's probably like 35 coins i'm not gonna put any into uh joe right now but i need them i don't i mean i'm not concerned just take a look at this big pile right there keep your eye on that big pile it's about before and on the right hand side and there she goes [Music] hey thank you now we can see what's going on [Music] there's my last one of coins oh chase five coins for one coin to drop all right let's tell it up to what i got okay we got 70 bucks nice and there's probably like 65 coins there so now i'll put something into joe all right let's just set that up here that over to the uh it's about six coins that's a roughly roughly six coins it's probably like eight all right so let's have a look at this oh dude i nearly dropped a handful of them pile pile very very small pile not worried about this right now i am getting concerned with this guy here and in the middle uh the reason why is the 20s are stopping the hundreds from coming anywhere near the edge i need to keep an eye on it and i'll also need to try to get those hundreds off at the top [Music] but i don't really have the coins to go nuts but i might have to i might not got any choice so let's just give it a go for a little bit and see what it does [Music] cheers my coin dropping is disgusting add that [Music] thank you [Music] i'm going to try to get this hundred off there ah i stuffed it all up okay that's my last coin listen to it oh look at this just around the gap drink the gap no i've got a coin off all right let's tell it that's what i got 20 bucks and there's probably like 75 coins there might even be more all right let's get a few more of these 20s off okay this is where i think i'm gonna be losing some coins oh wow i had a nice little pile on my [Music] hand [Music] oh come on oh i should have said anything as you can see i'm trying to get that 100 off of there oh so close i'm just gonna wait [Music] could have given me a push [Music] thank you there's my push well i totally missed that one three coins left [Music] oh nice i've got the tins out all right let's tell it up see what i got okay i've got 50 bucks and probably 60 coins so we're all over the place with the coins all right what do i need to do here i need to concentrate on the whole field and trying to get that hundred off [Music] oh come on guys well i think i'm going to struggle to get this hundred off of up here [Music] oh come on guys that one i might be using screws off one [Music] i've got one coin there keep it coming all right that 20 is about to fall all right let's tell you that's what i got all right there's probably like 55 to 60 coins there plus another 20. [Music] all right let's go for coins let's forget about that 100 right now oh come on what am i doing [Music] [Music] [Applause] foreign [Music] i'm not too concerned about the coin situation right now [Music] but i don't really have enough coins things get stuck to get to unstick it i think it's starting to do now all right that was all my coins [Music] you've probably noticed i've stopped putting stuff into joe right now i just need the coins let's tell you that's what i got oh that's so close oh that was balancing um all right so we got 60 bucks and there's probably 60 coins maybe a few more coins i just want to concentrate sort of in the middle to the left a little bit you're probably wondering why the left that was the reason i could see that was about to fall or wanted to fall [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] come on the whole middle section wants to come off [Music] when i say the middle section i'm talking about that section [Music] come on oh come on get off there's my last two coins ah bugger all right let's tell it up see what i got okay so there's probably 45 coins there so what i'm going to do let me joke thank you i'm going to incorporate everything that joe had in him i need the extra coins and now there's probably about 75 to 80 well probably 75 [Music] now i feel a little bit better about attacking [Music] i totally didn't mean to quadruple stack that then i got excited [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh that's better all right let's attack the right there for a little bit just 300 bucks in the right hand side [Music] oops [Music] so there's my last coin right let's till it up so what i got okay i've got another 40 bucks and there's probably like 75 coins there uh as you can see i've already cleaned them up all right pretty much what i look for i don't look at those two hundreds that hundred oh look they're close to the edge let's go for them now i don't look for that at all um same as this little pile here not interested they will come over when they when they when they're ready um what i look for is potential problems to stop that from happening this is that's what i look for so this side here i think that'll come off with a good push this side here is starting to build um so yep so this i'm just gonna be watching just just pretty much left of these coins here that's really what i do when i'm playing that hundred off the top i don't know if i'm gonna get that i will try the skill stop and get him off shortly i'm just hoping that a big chunk is going to come off looks like the middle section wants to come off [Music] and that's what i'm talking about see things will things will start taking care of themselves i'm going to be nice to get them off straight away it's not something that i look for [Music] thank you [Music] i'll take them [Music] all right go right-handed skill stop well i've got it closer to the edge anyway totally got that in the wrong spot all right i'll attack that when i've got more coins in my hand there's my last two coins [Music] all right let's tell it up so what i got [Music] 120 bucks nice i will take that and you uh coins yeah we're still doing pretty good on coins um but joe has no coins in him at the moment so um i'm calling there's probably like 75 to 80 coins there that was a pretty big handful before i cleaned them up all right yeah i don't know about that 100 at the top i'll keep trying that only because i'm as stubborn as a mule and i look like one or the back end of one anyway i've always said if you can't take the piss out of yourself and you don't take the piss out of anyone else [Music] all right let's go for these hundreds and i'm not saying that because i want to go for the hundreds i'm going are you sure now there was quite a big mound there and i didn't want that to grow into a very big mound where i couldn't get it's not so big now [Music] oh man that just pushed the whole thing oh it did it again oh man it must have been a half inch push on the first one [Music] oh heads or tails [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] okay i think what i'll do i'll grab a handful i'll go skill stop right handed again only because i'm really really bad with my left hand [Music] so come on you're so close all right left-handed [Music] oh this is sad i totally have not been practicing with my left hand sorry sorry dad i had other things on my mind all right that was my last coin now it's supposed to be in the middle of the skill stop so with the skill stop on this machine all right this is both sides what it does is it clearly you just saw it didn't it doesn't stop the tray not like on josh's game where it will stop the tray um so the tray can't be stopped it's just a swinging pendulum at the top which is an absolute terrible idea and that is the coin delivery system for where the coins land so and it just swings from side to side pretty much just like this all right is everyone getting sleepy anyway i'm going to tell you up to what i got okay i got 100 bucks and those coins before i cleaned them up they were barely sitting in my hand so i'm going out of my way and i'm going a hundred coins that's what i reckon's there so deb's probably saying jace is only about 80 coins there this is probably right all right let's keep going i don't know i don't really know what to do with that 100 up there [Music] i'm going to give it one last ditch effort [Music] so but the problem is it's right in between where the coins drop so the coins are going to land either either right hand side of it or left hand side i've been trying to shift it across as you can tell by the amount of coins on the left-hand side of it [Music] i might have to just say well it's more stubborn than me i mean it's costing me a lot of coins [Music] i'm just going to do a little bit of coin removal off the top and just watch the watch the bottom very carefully so it's not actually building back up again [Music] and i'm a sucker for punishment [Music] there was a skill stop again yeah i'm not going to do that again um as much as i want to get that hundred dollars off of there i want to be able to walk home you know walk back to the car too so [Music] all right i'm just going to do this one last time [Music] you can see it's going to start building up here again i can see that already oops i missed you probably noticed that but i did shift it right just a little tiny bit so that's a good thing right about there that's close enough oh that was everything i had oh look at this oh you're a pain in the butt i've got no coins left um so that thing's just gonna slowly vibrate itself back onto the table again anyway on telly up okay 140 bucks nice coins they may have lost a couple um i mean it's to be expected take a look at the top tray so that hundred nerly came off so i know it's possible to do so i'm gonna attempt that again uh how am i gonna do this uh hey joe what are you up to right now buddy can you hold these thanks mate all right i'm holding so many coins i can just imagine half of these sliding down the glass yep that's good [Music] all right uh no yep ah i don't know that side of it what are you doing i missed i'm not giving up on it i'm 100 bucks that's a lot of money oh that looks good [Music] push [Music] ah man me in the skill stop i tell you what we do not like each other at all though [Music] i'm missing it again come on chase i'm not going to keep trying for this for too much longer one it's killing my back two it's costing me so many coins and i'm missing it again wow [Music] all right i know you're probably looking at that and thinking oh it's so close to the edge well it's not really um but take a look at all the coins up there i can't afford to have all those coins up there i'm actually going to stop going for it what i'm going to do now is i'm going to see how many coins i can get off because as you can quite clearly see it is building up right here and that is not a good thing [Music] so [Music] [Music] okay that was my last coin oh and i double stacked it hey that's a lips moment right there for you all right let's tally it up [Music] okay well you got to learn by your mistakes and my mistake was chasing that hundred up there that was my mistake there's probably like 55 to 60 coins in here so i'm just going to try to get as many off of the top now as i can [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] so oh look at that i'm not even trying to get it i've nearly got it off [Music] all right i gotta go school shopping i gotta chase this thing [Music] oh i'm missing it [Music] i'm just going to try to land them flat for a while and just see what that does [Music] now i've got to go left-handed i was trying to avoid this all right mike you better get another drink ready mike don't reckon i'm going to drop another coin oh come on straighten them up thank you [Music] ah all right it's like playing a game of twister that was my last two coins come on push it off all right let's tell it up see what i got [Music] yep i reckon i've got most of my coins back not all of them but most of them i haven't even cleaned it up yet so this is what it looks like not cleaned up try not to drop them all over the ground and that's what it looks like cleaned up so you can see that that pile is way smaller than what it was same amount of coins um what am i going to do about this thing oh i can see it just slipping back i'm just going to keep that one [Music] so [Music] come on 100 the roll 100 down the bottom tray oh nearly [Music] oh nice thank you okay so now i'm in a bit of a pickle um deb has asked me um basically once the game has pretty much finished like it is now i don't want to walk away from that hundred but he's more stubborn than i am i'll tell you that slippery little sucker um but there's a lot of coins here so debs asked me to once the game is finished like this drop coins in flat no double stacking whatsoever and she just wants to see if the single layer of coins up there will continue all the way down here um i'm pretty certain that's not going to be the case because you're going to have your three lines um and it's going to build up coins there's a good chance i could lose a lot of coins by doing it but you know to be honest with you i actually want to find out myself and i'm sort of not finished going after this hundred so this is the part where you probably wanna wanna skip to the end so every coin i i drop has got to land flat [Music] oh [Music] [Applause] [Music] interesting to find out actually what does happen because i do leave a lot of coins in these machines ah jace [Applause] so thing is whether how do i have the patience to do that sort of play [Music] but what i can see already and i've only just been i've only just started it take a look at that pile now that's that's getting quite big these things are like volcanoes that they'll just you know you know what i mean they get bigger and bigger and bigger and eventually they'll come over um i'm getting quite a big hill across here now so i think going slow like this i'm absolutely going to lose a lot of coins a lot of coins and for me to order for me to land them flat i have to go slow but i'll give it a go for this round [Music] okay that was my last coin all right let's turn it up so what i got okay i got 100 bucks nice and there's probably about 70 coins there lost coins now i'm in a bit of a uh i don't know if i should do that again because i just know i'm going to lose more coins but i really want to test this theory out so i'm going to do this just once more [Music] and if if i lose coins again i've got no choice while i've still got some coins i've got to go nuts try to get my coins back [Music] ah come on stop dancing [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] does anybody out there know laurent um laurent used to comment every day um for a long time right from the very start he was one of my again one of my first ones uh i used to love having a chat to him but i haven't seen a comment from him for the last week and a half i reckon so just does anybody out there know him um and just let me know if he's okay so i'm very worried about him is our top live ah deb this is testing my patience mate i am so fight the urge just to dump in 10 coins okay that was my last coin thank goodness all right let's tell it up see what i got okay um 85 to 90 coins all right deb you can give me a told you so um but uh we're both right so as you can see i've still got the three lines you're not going to get rid of those three lines it's simply because somebody's told me that um in the bottom tray so in the blue bottom part of the tray there's screws and they're actually sticking up above the bottom tray so the coins are hitting those um this is just what someone's told me and i absolutely believe i have seen one i've not seen all three um so what's happening is the coins are coming down they're hitting that and it's like causing friction so and there's three of them now actually kurt i think that might have been you mate but anyway um whoever was thanks so well so yeah so you're not ever going to get rid of those three lines but that's quite a nice little um thing across there i'm going to have a crack at it but i'm going to have a crack at it my way [Music] i'm taking all the coins off the top got a lot of coins on the tops now that i put all the coins back [Music] okay change of plans i just want to see i want to be 100 sure 100 sure i don't take losing lightly here right now it's not about the money or the coins it's about the technique um so i'm what i'm trying to do is i'm trying to learn something here uh the game's already finished as far as i'm concerned the game's already finished let's do a lot of coins there so now is a good time to test out a few of my theories other people's theories and that's what i'm doing right now so [Music] it's not like as if i'm going to lose all my money because i won't [Music] you fall off now 100 hey i totally stuffed that up chase i'm going for it okay that's my last two coins all right let's tell it up so what i got [Music] uh there's probably like 65 coins so the reason why they're 65 coins as you can see look at the build up i've got i've got to get rid of that and i will [Music] really all right guys come on [Music] [Music] [Music] oh nice push [Music] all right two coins left i'm gonna go run the guts [Music] nice all right let's tell you that's what i got [Music] nice um 70 75 coins so as you can see they're all nice and [Music] neat [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] come on i got three coins what can i do with them two coins okay getting a little concerning because this side here i've been trying to get this side shift and it's not really shifting all that much so um you can see quite clear that's building up nicely it might fall you never know me i hope it falls quick hey it's like 55 coins i'm not worried not yet so [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh there's a good push a few more of those would be nice [Music] [Music] that's my last two [Music] okay um so as you can see now that mountain's nearly gone it's quite flat i mean over this side here is great uh this side here it's still quite hilly because of the back part um i'm just gonna keep pushing and um yeah i mean that hundreds getting nice and close uh 75 to 80 coins i reckon we're not losing any coins that's a good thing and if i can get that hundred out of there that's a bonus that's what i'm trying to do [Music] so [Music] hmm oh that's a good little push too oh listen to it that one so if that 100 wasn't in there i would have stopped by now [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] oops ah there's my last four coins you're a winner [Music] i knew it was there somewhere ah 90 coins easy 90 coins so i sort of figure right now that there's uh there's probably like three people watching this right now so everybody else has skipped to the end so i have a little bit of fun i'll try not to swear [Music] come on come on [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] come on over you go right now okay right now [Music] all right well um what do you reckon i don't know about this there's many coins left should i put them in that's a nice pile there that's not a bad one this one yeah just got another handful i mean i might as well [Music] [Music] come on as soon as that big one drops i'm out of here [Music] [Music] i totally should have stopped oh that's my last four coins [Music] come on push it over ah my battery light's flashing bugger all right let's tell it up all right i reckon i've still got my 90 coins and i've got that hundred nice i'm gonna keep going to the battery dies when the battery dies then i can stop no i'll take another battery all right guys really come on battery hold up a little bit longer [Music] that's it i'm stopping you a little beauty but i'm gonna go change my battery all right come on i'm out of here [Music] take a look at that nice so i had to fight for that last chip up there um and fight i did so yeah i mean that is absolutely gorgeous wow um yeah i had an absolute blast down here so um as you can imagine my last few days for me has been quite stressful so it's good just to let a lot of that out and that's what i did today so um take a look empty this is you little bloody ripper um i could have kept going too i don't want to stop the other side somebody smashed it there's nothing it looks a bit a little bit like this um this probably has a little bit less coins on his side but um yeah i'm unbelievable so anyway um i just let you know just real quick macy is getting better and better every day so um yeah i mean it was it wasn't touch and go because she was never in that type of danger but um yeah it was um very sad very sad to see her so um but anyway i saw a smile for the second time today and um she's slowly getting better and that's all i care about anyway telly is a telly's go i've got 340 bucks in notes i've got 550 bucks and chips uh i end up with 105 coins not bad hey all right that's 315 bucks add it all together it's 1 235 minus the 250 it cost me to play 985 bucks nice so i'm going to go catch everything in i can't play the other side because it's not even there so um yeah i guess i'm going home i'll be back in a minute [Music] yes oh yeah oh yeah nice very nice actually um i love the feel of money just it's our money over here it's like um plastic uh yeah apparently it can't rip it so anyway um right there 900 bucks nice uh 60 bucks to the 10 25 bucks to the tips jar so um just so i'd give the tip start something so um yeah woohoo i love playing with it oh i'm always oh sorry i'm always playing playing with the money off camera i should really anyway if you like what you see give us a thumbs up if you want to see more subscribe if you haven't and i'll see you guys in the next one
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 2,613
Rating: 4.8827362 out of 5
Id: gzGyS-nuzpE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 74min 8sec (4448 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 12 2021
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