A High Risk Coin Pusher full of $30 Lottery Scratch Off Tickets!

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not only do i have seven different ways to win today two include three thirty dollar scratch off tickets but to keep our thanksgiving tradition alive you the viewer has a chance to win a prize up to five 500. all you have to do is watch all the way through and i'll give the details all that more coming up after that all right everybody so the holiday cash cash blast it's all over here i love scratch also i haven't really played them in a long time so this is actually pretty cool now if you all have watched these videos in the past what the games they have like this they used to lay them down now they found pretty strategic way to get these to kind of move across i'm not sure how that big one's going to operate but anyways so today happy thanksgiving to everybody uh if you watching this a little late uh happy post thanksgiving to you every year for thanksgiving i do count the turkeys i've done this for the past couple years and i want to keep the tradition going so what you'll see is this turkey right here will pop up in several different times throughout the video some of them are going to be extremely easy to see and other ones are going to be extremely hard to see all you have to do at the end to make sure you watch all the way through leave me a guess down in the description of how many turkeys you think you've seen and put holiday cash so how many turkeys you think you've seen in holiday cash and i will pick one random person to win gold bundle i'm going to be giving away some gold also some crystals some scratch-offs and a few other things that i'll total up to five hundred dollars in prizes one person would be a happy early christmas gift to one of you all so today was actually a 400 buy-in wasn't actually that much i've been looking in here and i don't know if it's because there's not as much cash also the second part of this you'll see the 30 only 130 in here because that's impossible to come off if you can get it to fall off it's a win but also you'll see these gold uh little treasure coins if you win one of those that's a 30 win and i think one of them's for 20 or 10 or something like that but if you watch all the way to the end i will scratch these off and we'll see if we can turn today's buy-in to a million dollar payout i should say all right guys here we go so hopefully you're watching this on thanksgiving day and i hope that if you haven't ate yet that you have a good meal i know this is a very tricky year for holidays in general but hopefully you can be with the ones that you love and can enjoy the day to get a full stomach and thanks for everything that happened over the year i know i'm so thankful for so many things this year [Music] so it's pretty interesting way how they have those scratch-off tickets positioned [Music] the only problem is that big one once that big one falls down if it falls down the way that i think it's going to fall tumbled over sideways that thing's impossible and there's no way it can come off that's something got to be observant of today [Music] bonus hole is open it has been open for a while [Music] [Music] uh no time limit today but only one buy-in i didn't make the rules of the game so 400 is all i'm going to have invested hopefully i can turn that into a profit these are virginia lottery [Music] oh see that's exactly what i was afraid of look at that one queen stuff what a bummer i knew that was going to happen oh come on big bush oh you know what could happen is this thing could turn and it could push all the stuff off like look like this i'm not doing nothing it's just working on saying oh [Music] any more good pushes out of that all right so right there's one of those gold coins that are free if i can get one of those then i can get either the 30 or 20 or 10. oh i see the gold coin in there right behind the red quarter so that's why i said there's like seven different ways i counted to winning with seven different things that they have going on so hopefully we can win at all of them [Music] so i hope you all can sit back kick back relax enjoy yourself kick off your shoes i hope today's video can help you all just kind of escape the reality of the world for a little bit just be a little part of your day that you enjoy yourself no stress enjoy the holiday [Music] all right so that red quarter fell off the gold quarters right there let's try not to uh put that back in like i normally do and the last little bit [Music] see if anything can come of it oh that's get ready come off all right let's go down here and collect all right so that was a pretty decent return some tens and twenties and we were able to get that back just make sure you keep an eye on the playing field because i love to randomly put this oh come on baby [Music] we got to get that gopher green come off good for the green [Music] there it is oh needs a little bit more of a push there it is all right one down a lot more to go [Music] i don't like the ones that have two or even that one has three on it i understand that they probably needed it to prop it up but the ones that are single just a little bit easier to make fall down there we go come on baby let that fall flat there we go good push ah that wasn't so exciting [Music] [Music] and we're down to one quarter left second wave see if anything happens nothing all right so we got our first one it's a two dollar go for the green went up to thirty thousand we'll scratch that off at the end and we got that [Music] come on baby i just can't get the spin on this one that i can on the silver strike [Music] there it is that's a good one and those dollar scratch-off tickets are getting caught at the end maybe they should have put those themselves on this little stands that they made [Music] there we go oh that's going the wrong way if it gets bunched up i know they'll clean it off at least i hope they will that was my last quarter all right let's go down here and collect all right so we got another stack so i've got that [Music] so [Music] oh man i don't like how thing rolls like that [Music] so leave me a comment let me know what is your favorite holidays thanksgiving is it christmas halloween is it another one i think for me probably christmas is my favorite so guys another way that you can do me a big favor seriously help support this channel is hit that like button leave a comment subscribe if you're not subscribed to the channel and share the videos also go over to my facebook page and like my joshua bartlett facebook page a video a day gets posted there help share that i can't do this without your help and when i say that i truly mean it i can't do this without your own health that was my last quarter so we got a 50 a 10 and 20. and we got that so i think what i'll do is here in a few minutes i'm gonna get them to see if they can rearrange this because i have a feeling it's gonna be working against me coming really soon mike is not back yet guys although he did test negative for covid which is a good thing so thank you all for all the comments that you left foreign [Music] he will be back after thanksgiving holiday [Music] well the branch hole's getting a lot of change going down to it [Music] and we are down to a small handful [Music] oh see i push that thing on top let's see if i can get that to come off oh it went on top too all right let's go collect all right so after this drop i'm going to get them to kind of straighten this out for me [Music] so [Music] that's my last quarter already see what comes of it there we go come on baby oh that gold quarters right there awesome all right let me get them to clean this off and then we will be right back so i got a lot of help out of this cleanup a lot of help a lot more than i expected but we got the red quarter we got the 20. so what they did is they took that big piece out and that's all to get the coins which there's one right there i don't know if that's the 30 or not and then they straighten the rest of it out so [Music] oh and they gave me the couple dollar coins that were stuck up against the edge so that was an extreme amount of help only thing i don't know is i don't see where that cool quarter went to i was trying to keep an eye on it when they lifted everything up got to make sure it's not not there we go there's one of them [Music] [Music] so another comment for you all what's your favorite thing to eat for thanksgiving [Music] mine is sweet potato casserole [Music] and of course all the pies and i love baked macaroni and cheese everything glinda makes is excellent not kissing up italian treats she doesn't watch these videos so i wouldn't be kissing up anyways but it's some of my favorite also like hawaiian rolls too i think that things are awesome [Music] second wave all right that was my last quarter so i thought i had won one of the uh pirate chest coin things but i did that was a bitcoin and we got that i didn't see the gold coin i thought for sure i seen that thing at the edge maybe after when i edited it i'll see if i was looking at the same thing i thought i was looking at [Music] oh there we go that was a good push everything just bounces where ever wants to there is no rhyme or reason [Music] so [Music] so so glinda just realized that i know some of you all gonna laugh at this but we missed our one german shepherd's birthday and that's something she tries to remember every year and we were actually it was the day it was december 16 the day we were coming back from arkansas it's not like maxine knows the difference but it's one of those things that especially with glenda she tries to make sure that she remembers each year we do something special for him [Music] all right that was my last quarter hopefully something come out of it good all right let's go collect wow so we still know pirate coin i want to get that uh 30 tickets and that's where the money is at and no good coin but we did do really well come on baby oh but that's going to push it off i think all so close because that's a 5.00 come on get off that edge [Music] oh it's right there come on baby knock it off [Music] oh it fell i turned my head didn't even see it well that's awesome except the top part of it's hanging out so that's going to stop quarters which is not cool so hopefully we can get the other side to come off so it goes farther down the chute [Music] [Music] [Music] wow thanks bouncing it's almost there all right let's go collect all right guys so we were able to get one of the high prized scratch-offs and we got that so that's a good pool [Music] oh all right scratch i'll take it family fail that 10 is shot i think you have to win the thing to win the 10. [Music] [Music] so [Music] come on baby oh that was good [Music] [Music] so and one last quarter oh the bonus holders fell i don't know if you all heard that but the bonus holders fell that's awesome all right guys so first thing we got the gold quarter at least the first one and we got that uh let's go ahead and keep on keeping on bonus hole did fall so i don't know if that was the bonus hold the quarter that was in the bonus hole or what it was but i almost missed it and when i was putting holes in my hands and then i just that goal really stood out this [Music] time oh dropping quarters [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so wow we really had a lot of quarters [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right that was my last quarter that was a good run all right let's go collect so there's nothing outside the quarters there but we did have a good amount of quarters so i'm gonna keep playing this left side that right side is pretty much shot [Music] so you know i'm thinking that 10 should be a win i mean it's not going any farther [Music] [Music] so that's getting ready to come off which is good i need to get that other treasure chest off ah that was not good oh something phil last quarter i end up messing myself up all right so we got a 10 to 50 so we're doing excellent on the return for 400 [Music] buy-in geez i'm trying to play the left side [Music] so [Music] and they ate up a lot of quarters geez [Music] all right i'm gonna go have them take this out finish up here all right so hopefully the last time i utilized the clear out but we got the 20 and we got that not real good return it was eating up a lot of quarters that time but we're also able to get that 10 a couple more dollar ones so remember keep watching to the end to watch if i do anything on that hopefully i do and one last quarter [Music] see if anything comes of it this was a terrible return but we're getting i mean outside of some of those 20s and stuff we're i'm pretty happy with the return out that we've got i'm really happy that they've worked with me to get all the stuff off there as well now it's eating up quarters again [Music] oh man i was going to say it we didn't get anything back so we got 20 to the pile and we got that now the toys get ready to fall come on baby knock it off there oh there it is all right all right all right so we've got another 20 so that's excellent and we got that oh that was good that was my last quarter too all right so we're staying in the game we are down to a single quarter coat on the left definitely well that actually didn't fall where i wanted it to maybe all right 75 cents i'm gonna do the left again [Music] oh come on baby oh what a bummer i'm sorry i'm happy i'm happy with uh what we got here so let me go ahead and count all this up i'll let this thing run for a little bit and see if anything else falls off and then let's uh scratch these scratch offs and see if we've done anything on that so we crushed it today 400 buy-in our total for cash alone was 360 and then we had another 150 we also got two more bitcoins and a lit coin to give away we got one red quarter didn't get the matching pair for that and we got one gold quarter and the same thing so now what we're going to do i got this and that was one of the 30 tickets so we're going to go in order and we're going to scratch off and hopefully get some more money added to our total so we have four of these dollar scratch-offs and basically you just have to see reveal a prize win price shown revealed double money when double that's easy enough i'm gonna use this gold quarter [Music] hats mitten tree [Music] tag and drum there's a z so we know we didn't win so the first one down not a winner let's go into this one same rule same game holly drum sock or stocking reindeer bill and snowflake same thing there's a z so the other one's always still scanned just in case all right same thing see same thing we've been doing tag [Music] tree holly candy cane and same thing no winner wow we're not doing good on these other ones at all all right last one of this game bell drum tag [Music] stocking hat and reindeer wow and again there's a z and a d so i know i didn't want anything so that's not a good way to start this one go for the green and basically match your numbers to either winning number when price shown for that number reveal money stack when price shooting for all symbols reveal 20 or 20. so there we go all right so let's go ahead and scratch off our numbers a 7 and a 17 wow there's a lot of sevens in there definitely like the sevens so let's go 28 9. oh we got a winner all right so hold on i'll go ahead and scratch these other ones off until we reveal what that is 18 25 23 eight twelve and i think that's all right let's scratch it off all right five bucks heck yeah all right well there's our first winner this five dollar card and it says pay raise and scratch upward to start and prize in each game if you reveal an up arrow continue up the next square up there in the game when prize shown through a win win pressure for the game if you see it stop instantly stops the game alright so let's go to this first one [Music] game one up arrow up a row [Music] up arrow another up arrow oh another up arrow we need one more [Music] oh bummer got the stop sign all right let's go for the second one [Music] up up up stop ah game three [Music] oh oh man not doing well hey we got a quarter fall i'll use that here in a second all you gotta do is just give it time oh no didn't even make it past the first one [Music] up up stop oh last game oh oh man nada let's scratch off and see if we can see there we go what could we have won of course a lot of money [Music] all right so that one's a dud played this 10 game before before i do that let's set this quarter in here not been cool without the matching gold quarter put it over there on the left oh where i wanted to see if anything comes of it nothing all right so reveal when symbol when price shown reveal five times one five times all right so let's start down here 32 27 38 and 4. nothing nothing one away on the way again [Music] oh nothing there all right so let's go to this one so with this one we gotta reveal a win or five times piggy bank coins bar diamond hey i found my diamond nothing all right reveal three identical mounts on that amount all right 20 10 100 10 and 20. nothing all right nothing not cool all right so outside of that five dollar prize we have got nothing else kahuna the dollar cash blast all right so match any of your numbers to any of the winning numbers when price shown for that number reveal five times when five times prior showing ten times ten times all right so let's go ahead and scratch off our numbers that's a lot of numbers to keep track of i'm definitely gonna have to reference this thing a lot [Music] so let's start 45 and we have no 45 16 no 16 13 no 13 28 nope nine no 25 [Music] 40 12. 36 [Music] 49 all right it's not looking so hot so far [Music] 11. twenty one [Music] thirty four two 35 46 52 47 8. 44 54 18 [Music] four oh man it comes down to last row guys [Music] no 33 no [Music] one man [Music] 43 and three so now it's coming down to these top ones hundred dollar bonus i don't know what that means bonus spots reveal a money symbol win bonus oh so we got a rebuild money symbol no oh man that is rough let's scratch down here just to make sure nope well there you go guys so luck was not on my side when it come to this the only thing we got out of all that was a five dollar win well guys i hope you enjoyed this video if you did you can show me by hitting that like button also if you're not subscribed to the channel click that subscription button and come part of our family i love to have you part of it so anybody have any luck getting all the turkeys in today's video i hope i hope you did and hope you win so have a happy thanksgiving everyone i hope you enjoyed something different i always enjoyed do something a little different than the norm but outside of that have a great night and a great thanksgiving and i will see you over the weekend all right guys good night
Channel: Joshua Bartley
Views: 30,170
Rating: 4.9384289 out of 5
Keywords: joshua bartley, josh bartley, coin pusher, coin machine, coin pusher jackpot, high stakes coin pusher, coin pusher machine, coin machine jackpot, high risk coin pusher, high limit coin pusher, claw machine, lottery, asmr, relax, scratch off tickets, va lottery, black jack, slot, slot machine, horse racing, how to make, diy, billionaire, how to make millions, mike tyson, jack paul, casino
Id: QhuPwXnjeMo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 2sec (2522 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 26 2020
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