Aussie Coin Pusher EP124

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[Music] good hey guys before the coin pusher here well take a look at this one so dave's really earning his money he's really making my life hard i mean it looks really really interesting so uh but as normal i got 50 coins so i can't work out how to play this so i think what i'm just going to do is play the left and just see what happens so um and the reason why i'm playing the left is there's a lot more hanging over than there is the right that's the only reason so uh money wise not too bad coin wise well you can see the gaps in it so um yeah i don't know i do have the other 100 in my car i learned that the hard way as you all found out yesterday so all right well i think all i'm going to do is just play the left and just see what it does if it looks like as if it's shifting then um yeah we'll just play it right here i suppose oh top tray is thirsty i didn't even see those gaps oh i'll take that so what if i put in four coins and nothing [Music] oh man i think i'm in trouble again no [Music] way so i am trying to play the left coins just go with where they want to fall but if i can get the majority of the coins in the left then i should be doing all right oh thanks i'll take that come on give me a push [Music] oh not yet don't say that yeah you're gonna jigs me oh i totally forgot i got a good push i'll take the 50 all right so while i've got you all sitting right on the edge of your seat right now so am i because take a look there's not many coins left uh i know for a fact nothing's fallen [Music] um yeah i um i found out a bit of information on how much it costs for shipping from australia to let's just say the us and it is not cheap i got no idea how they can justify justify those prices so at the moment i'm going to confirm all of this i'm going to confirm it all on tuesday because obviously it's all public holidays at the moment ah so um yeah i'm gonna confirm it but it looks like as if just for me to ship one single shirt um to the us is probably gonna cost between and forty dollars that's just a ship one shirt uh which is not good [Music] but as i said i'm going to confirm that on tuesday when everything opens back up again and yeah we'll see oh wow come on [Music] i think one coin just fell i'm not too sure but i'll tell you that's all i've got left there you go imagine what my face looks like right now ah and i've got to stop doing that oh i've got one coin left and i think two coins just fell so that might be three in total [Music] that was my last coin totally didn't want to go there but i'll take it all right let's tell it up to what i got hmm back at me sideways hey five coins oh man is it just me that i'm just playing so terrible right now or is it these games just really hard [Music] come on got two coins left it looks like i'm taking a trip out to the car and i can imagine the top tray is just going to absorb both of these coins man that was so close all right i'm going to get to the car back in the flash [Music] well looks like this game is going to be a big struggle again [Music] i mean i would play these type of games i can quite easily walk away from this oh wow and and not play it but that means two things one you guys don't get to see anything two i don't get to play it and i like playing it so plus i love a good challenge i really love a good challenge all right [Music] oh we're getting closer no i hope i'm not doing all this work just so somebody else can come along and clean up on it thank you as you can see i'm being very very careful very very patient way more patient than i want to be ah jeez sort off [Music] come on wow i've only got i don't know six coins [Music] two coins left [Music] oh man if this loses i mean this hardcore my wife will not speak to me that's my last coin i'll take them ten coins oh boy yeah i'm just going to continue playing the left i mean something's got to give well that helps i've got coins from both sides then oh gave me a little push oh here we go here we go oh if i could start getting some of that stuff off i'd be set listen to seymour [Music] seymour is dancing that's so cool i very very very rarely get to hear it i got one coin oh man that was so cool to hear that oh man i hope you guys heard what i just heard yeah i'm gonna go wrap my guts oh come on [Music] all right let's tell you that see what i got [Music] well that's got to be a bit better than i was expecting so there's probably like i don't know 20 coins um i was only expecting maybe 10 best there's a lot of coins overhanging but the top tray looks empty oh that's what i needed see that push i just got from the right hand side [Music] come on oh i got hundred off oh and it gave me a rip of push too but nothing fell thank you [Music] oh so close it's gonna come down i just hope i got the coins oh no good timing jase hey let's double stack a coin right now i'm holding three coins okay that was my last coin come oh on close all right let's tell it up so what i got well i'm not entirely sure but i think i may have lost a couple but not many i didn't guess today either i'm gonna go something really stupid here i'm gonna say 200 coins am i confident no do i think i'd get 200 coins absolutely no way but whenever i guess what i think i'm going to get i'm not even close to what i'm what i'm what i actually do get so oh i know what i need to do all right [Applause] oh i took a risk and it backfired that was my last coin come on oh you beauty all right we're looking good now [Music] probably like 40 40 coins in there so that just goes to show if i had to have that hundred bucks yesterday and i didn't stop off and get petrol i didn't really need it uh i mean i could have got to the club and back home again um i just didn't want to get it down too low so if i had i've kept that money i reckon there's probably a good chance i might not have lost yesterday [Music] so [Music] so [Music] oh come on look at it all hanging over man there's a lot of coins [Music] yeah i hope that information i got about the shirts is wrong [Music] nice that was my last coin [Music] okay let's tell it up see what i got [Music] chitchat nice um i'm calling 75 easy 75 probably even 80 coins because you can see they're all nicely stacked oh it feels so good to be holding a handful of coins [Music] [Music] oh yeah i think that might have been 100 bucks [Music] oh now look now listen just listen to this [Music] wow what a different game to yesterday [Music] i'm not yet i'm not but i'm working on it [Music] okay so dj wants me to try something out too he basically wants me to throw if i've got pretty much 10 10 of my coins after i cleaned it out he wants me to throw 10 of my coins that's an easy way of working it out um into joe and just putting them aside so i've been meaning to do this for like the last week and a half but i just keep on forgetting it's not something that i normally do but uh yeah i'll give it a go this time unless i forget in the next three minutes [Laughter] which is probably likely [Music] [Music] that was my last two i am actually still having problems putting coins in on this side so it's definitely not me it's definitely not the bourbons and well yes i have cracked a bourbon um i'm sort of hiding it but uh however why not i might as well show you um so yes it's definitely not man it's definitely not the bourbon because that's like nearly full still um yeah i don't know um i don't think it's me anyway no i hope it's not because uh i mean i didn't have any problems putting the coins in yesterday but i was on the other side so but for some reason on this side i seem to have a problem putting coins in it just feels so tight up there so anyway let's tell you see what i got 170 bucks nice all right put them up there [Music] ah coins take a little bit coins yeah i'm smashing coins um i'm going to go 250 10 to 250 is 25 coins so what do you think 25 coins hey joe catch [Music] i bet not he wasn't watching so all right there you go 25 coins ish uh sword off all right oh that is good stuff that should be [Laughter] illegal about filling sammy up oh i nearly dropped the coin i totally saved it though so [Music] all right another 40 bucks [Music] oh totally missed that sounded good [Music] oh nice oh is that a hundred bucks take a look at how thick this is i might not know there's chips in there as well but that's pretty thick all right i'm gonna attempt to go nuts did i drop i did drop a coin wow sorry mike i know how much you hate drinking buddy nice [Music] i suppose one good thing about playing this side it definitely slows you down i can't play nowhere as fast as what i normally like to play you wouldn't think it'd be so different but wow so is so [Music] wow [Music] come on that's 200's on the right i just thought of something i just thought of something funny i'm going to do to my missus keep your mind out of the gutter whenever i rock up at home she always meets me out of the car and if she sees flowers she knows instantly that i've lost i think what i'm going to do this time is providing i do actually win because i haven't got my money back yet but um what i think i'm going to do is i'm going to buy another bunch of flowers it's only a 20 you know what bunch of flowers so and i'm going to show that i'm just going to see what her reaction is and then i'll give her the money all right that was all my coins obviously i haven't used these ones yet so they stay in there and i think that's what um dj meant so um i'm gonna go tell you that's what i got [Music] 320 bucks nice you little bloody ripper oh man you do not know what that means to me all right let's just stack that over there nicely so it doesn't slide down the glass coins i've even taken those 25 coins out or ish um yet we've gained coins so i reckon there's probably still the same amount originally so um i'm calling 250 coins ah probably not that much 230 coins maybe anyway so that's 23 coins that's a bit too many what do you reckon 23 coins not even close it's probably 30 coins but anyway joe catch oh good catch mate all right what do we got a couple of hundreds on the right 100 on the left take a look at this my fingers down here see this don't believe that just overhanging like that those coins are literally right over the edge i mean there's nothing must be something underneath just a bunch of coins all stuck together i guess i don't know didn't find out i suppose uh metal is piling up quite nicely i don't really um like that too much so i might attack the middle i might just run it all the way across and just watch it i think see what's moving what's not moving what needs to move [Music] so oh i totally missed it oh one of the hundreds fell two of the hundreds fell nice payday [Music] [Music] i think i've worked out another secret to putting these coins on this side a little bit quicker [Music] so [Music] yep i am now couldn't say that yesterday could i i thought i was again today thought i was again today i thought oh no come on i missed it what happened someone tell me i'll find out when i clean it up oh i saw that one it's like a little waterfall [Music] [Music] so [Music] okay a bit of a community message um if anybody out there is watching this on facebook and you're not in aussie coin push a page it is a stolen video and can you report them and at you know come and watch my stuff then at least you're guaranteed to be speaking to me because these people out there are pretending to be me and they're not and they could be saying anything to you which is not good i mean to be honest with you i don't care if they're taking my stuff that doesn't really faze me too much at all what does is they're pretending nice they're pretending to be me so i mean he could be saying anything to you guys and you're out there probably hating me for it so yeah anyway um that was all my coins uh well what do we got going on here so a little bit on this side here a little clump over there i wouldn't want to try and target and yep i think we've got it good 290 dollars nice i totally forgot about those hundreds i really did certainly raise an eyebrow when i cleaned it out oh wow all right those little suckers up there without knocking everything off see if i get them up there now coins yeah we're not losing any coins so don't forget i'm taking taking coins out so um there's a few more in there than what there was so i'm calling at least 250 this time sort of gotta be uh maybe but anyway i'm calling 250 that's probably like 230 but uh so that's 25 coins ah that's more like 40 coins chase come on all right 25 coins ish somewhere left go catch got to keep him on his toes all right so i got a little bit on the right hand side i want to have a crack [Music] i can't grab a single coin wow [Music] so come on yep i am [Music] all right i can see build up happening on this side here uh i'm not too i'm not too happy about seeing that so i need that needs attention the middle is not bad so and the left it's border lining it really isn't bad at all probably not enough for me to worry about but because it's got 70 bucks on it i'm gonna have a crack at it so [Music] so [Music] so question for you keep you guys on your toes too um well i've got to do something to stop you from slipping off the edge of your seat so how many of you guys out there have seen a blue tongue lizard oh quite a few of you so [Music] what i'm thinking about doing is i might introduce you guys to steve and see what you think and you're probably wondering okay who is steve it's more what is steve steve is a blue tongue wizard i rescued him from a fire actually um i was i was down south i was marrying uh with my son my father-in-law and my son's friend and a massive bushfire it was all it was all over the world not the bushfire but the news was uh yeah and i was found in that uh well we all were and i saw this little tiny [Music] no he was probably maybe five inches long all right so it's not about that long this little tiny blue tongue lizard trying to get away from the fire and the problem was there was fire on both sides of the road um and i was driving down it and um i mean there was kangaroos there was all different types of stuff out there trying to get away from it i can't fit a kangaroo in my ute um so um yes i saw this little tiny blue tongue i actually drove right over the top of it i didn't hit him obviously um and noticing that he was actually running into fire from fire yeah i basically slammed on my skids uh you could hardly see anything there was a smoke and there were it was everywhere tia um and my son said what are you doing we need to go uh and i'll be back in a second and i literally fanged it down the road found him uh in amongst all the smoke and i picked him up and um yeah i just basically threw him on my lap as i jumped in the car and we just got out of there well he's grown up now so i've grown him all up and yeah i might introduce you guys to him so [Music] so [Music] so all right i can see a problem happening here because i'm struggling to get these coins in fast which means i'm struggling to get like really big pushes which means i can't really shift a lot there's not much happening so you can see this pile on this side here is now way bigger than this side here so this one is actually a problem it's an even bigger problem because it's got 70 bucks sitting on it um so um i'm going to have to work out a way just to absolutely drop a bunch of coins in there i mean there's a loads of coins still in here so i'm sure get them back but anyway let's tell you see what i got 100 bucks nice sweet uh coins all right i'll be realistic 150 coins so that's roughly 15 coins uh there is actually probably more than that there but anyway uh let's go 15 coins let's see i have got to work out a way i can drop some coins in fast and start shifting some stuff well that wasn't too bad totally in the wrong spot but it was pretty good it means i can't hold as many coins as i normally hold because i'm literally pushing them all into my finger [Music] oh this is better so okay that was one side i was targeting oh nice totally can't say that does not work [Music] so ah what are we doing keep doing what i'm doing so [Music] oh that's a good little little push i mean good little um coin drop sesh whatever you call it i've got a good amount of coins in [Music] do [Music] all right take another quick look to see what it's up to that's moving nicely this is moving not too bad so i might actually be out if i target the middle that might flow around this way rather than trying to push straight off um but still there's a lot of coins there i won't have a crack at that i'm gonna slow my double stacking down a little bit um it's very hard with that for the way i've got to put these coins in not to double stack it's just right just makes it so much harder so come on that's my last coin oh i wonder in the middle chase no i didn't all right let's tell it up so what i got well i still reckon there's about 150 and uh let's go 140. 140 coins 10 140 14 coins what do you reckon uh it might be a bit light what do you reckon that's like okay 14 coins ish [Music] so this is just something that dj has asked me to do he's been asking me for like a week and a half i just keep on forgetting um [Music] as i said it's just not something that i i do regularly or even any time because i'm too busy trying to think of how to plan a game so i don't lose um but this time perfect game for it there goes 20 50 bucks to go oh nearly got it too so yes i am right thank you oh how come push it over here's a [Laughter] bouncer oh i'm at a dance so basically what i want to happen is for not only that 50 to fall all these coins around it i want the whole lot to come down if it does that i can stop my bourbon is starting to get a little [Music] warmer oh the 50's gone totally didn't even see it can i not see that all right um i'm gonna target this little area here if that falls good if not that's right there's only like six coins in this is probably costing me more coins and i'm going to win hmm so somebody did say in the comments if you want this to move play that side play the right hand side if you want this to move i still can't see it uh the coins are going to take the the least resistance and having a clump here and bugger all of a clump here you'd think it would follow this way or even this way coming completely sideways i can't see it at all so what i'm going to do is rather than me saying look i think that's not going to work i'm going to drop some coins over there i want to see can't call that they landed in the [Laughter] middle all right i just actually see a little bit of movement there all right might be right okay um i'm not holding any more coins look there's not much overhang in here um on on the actual camera itself that looks like there's heaps hanging over but there's not trust me i've got a very good advantage point and looking at it so um i might actually take the camera off and i'm not allowed to be holding the camera unless i'm packing it away or unpacking it so well that's just one of my rules but i might just very very quickly right at the very end give you a a look at this from what i look at it from um i mean if i if i crouch down and have a look at it from an angle like that well basically what you're looking at it from then um yeah i might think that there's quite a lot of coins there but um i mean there is quite a lot just here don't get me wrong all the rest of it nah that's not worth nothing so um anyway i'm gonna tally everything up including take a look at that there's over 100 coins there this is what i was putting or putting aside um so this is dj's idea so there's well over 100 coins because i know that my down is 100 coins and that's over that so um nice dj hey mate anyway um i'm gonna tell everything up and i'll get back to you [Music] take a look at that nice there's uh quite a lot in it turn it away um come here sammy sammy's also got loads and loads of green i like the green orange green and yellow nice look at all the coins i could have done with some of them yesterday all right tell he goes i got 500 bucks in in notes i got 450 bucks in chips i ended up with 261 coins totally can't remember what i guessed i know some stupid number but uh 261 coins wow uh 61 coins i could have used those on the other side that i would have been happy with that but anyway 261 coins is 783 and everything together is 1733 minus the 350 bucks uh because i had to go and get the other hundred um it tele comes to 1 383 uh nice that totally makes up for my loss for yesterday but i'm still going to do what i said i'm going to go and buy just a cheap 20 bunch of flowers they're like carnations i've got the cheaper version of the flowers my wife doesn't care i mean i could give her a handful of weeds [Laughter] as long as i had flowers on them so i'll probably get them thrown at me but that's fine so anyway um yeah i'm gonna go catch all this in and i'll be back in a minute [Music] nice nice whoo nice oh yeah this is much better result than yesterday in today all right so uh 1 300 1 300 bucks so i put 80 bucks in the tin three bucks to the tips jar i want to try to spread it around so um so yeah my wife is going to love this um so um oh my i'm stoked i'm just over the moon this game i thought i was going to lose i honestly thought i was going to lose so what i'm going to do now is i'm going to take the camera off and just very quickly it's going to be fast i'm going to show you from the angle that i look at these coins because i'm getting a lot of comments saying that i should have kept on playing from where i'm looking at that's a waste of money um you'll lose uh it's not guaranteed nothing's guaranteed but anyway yeah you know your odds aren't again you know with you so um i'm gonna take the camera off and i'm gonna show you from the angle i look at okay so this is the angle that i add i look at it from as you can see over this side here yes there are a few coins but that's not massive so i mean i can see trey quite a lot um so you guys are looking at it pretty much like this i'm looking at it like this so yeah so this is what i'm seeing so as you can see that looks very very thin all the way across um there's a little you know there's a few coins over here but uh nothing special so um i hope you understand why i stop and when i stop so um just thought i'd let you uh you know let yours know because obviously there is a difference there so anyway i'm out of here oh yeah if you like watches if you like what you see um give us a thumbs up if you want to see more subscribe and i gotta get this camera out of you see ya so this is steve um he's a shingle back he's a blue tongue lizard so you can see uh i don't know if i'll be able to get him to open his mouth he'll probably just bite me uh but you can see when he's flicking his tongue um see how blue that tongue is it's like jet black jet blue so i just got one got him in the shade at the moment because it's stinking hot out here um yeah i don't know how hot it is but it is hot so um he's gonna go for a wander so yeah so these things are so cute so hey steve so he's a rescue um he was way smaller than that so um yeah anyway i'm going to let him wander off i might get him off the path that path must be hot for his feet so yeah just thought i'd introduce you to steve you
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 3,535
Rating: 4.9276485 out of 5
Keywords: winner, gambling, money, coins, high roller, gold, silver, funny
Id: OCjpiTzEaMk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 51min 40sec (3100 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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