Aussie Coin Pusher EP 26

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[Music] good night jason from coin pusher here well this one's different um i'm going to forget about the top tray i'm not even going to pretend there's anything up there but down here on the bottom tray if i can get those 250s off the 80 bucks in notes and probably three quarters of those 20 chips i reckon i'll be doing all right that's my goal uh stock standard stuff here uh 250 bucks 50 coins my poor old cup got munted in the bag i think i think i'm up for a new one all right let's see what's going to [Music] [Applause] happen [Music] [Music] be interesting to see what that thing does up the top tray so i've never seen towers like that before um not in this machine anyway i mean i'll see you on youtube and that sort of stuff but um actually in this machine no i've never seen it um so i don't know it doesn't sort of look like one of dave's setup so i'm wondering if somebody else has set this up [Applause] so [Applause] i haven't heard a lot of coins fall yet [Applause] [Music] last two coins [Music] all right let's tally it up to what we've got oh this has got to be a short game um probably less than 20. [Music] damn [Applause] [Applause] what's gonna happen come on push them all off push them all off come on there are some of them [Music] that's how all the hundreds and the fifties like to stay on top i'd say they've been well trained [Applause] come on i need to get some of those chips off to give me some really big pushes [Applause] i haven't heard any coins fall that was my last coin oh at least i got less three let's tally them up [Music] a few more than three um i think i did all right so um probably about i don't know 22 23 coins [Applause] see what we can do with them that helps [Music] come on [Applause] [Applause] oh that really helps all right that was my last coin let's tell it up see how he went all right there's probably 25 coins there we're doing all right i'll tell you what i'm the king of fight max [Music] [Applause] [Music] i'm a big push man i need some coins [Music] oh yes give me another one that'll do hey i did say another one last coin you bloody roofer all right let's tell you that up there [Music] [Applause] doing all right um probably getting close to 50 coins again maybe about 45 coins maybe i need to start with 10 coins put myself under pressure right from the start yeah nah i'll pass on that whoa that was a good drop [Music] i don't think those chips would be very hard to get off problem is i need a lot of coins to be able to do it that's it that's the only thing oh nice [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] what's the bet that 50 gets stuck i've got two coins left [Applause] did absolutely nothing all right let's tell it up [Music] well i think we're on the increase so um probably about 50 coins i don't think we lost any [Applause] [Music] i want to play more to the left anyway oh take a look at those coins oh nice that's what i was looking forward i hope you're right [Applause] is this guy the middle he's got a sway on oh that's not good [Music] all right last coin i'm just going to wait come on i'll take it all right let's tell you it up better than i was expecting it's probably 60 70 coins there another 50 came off [Applause] [Music] so oh no i standing [Music] hey once again i want to thank uh thank all the new subscribers holy holy i saw that once again i want to thank all the new subscribers uh you guys are legends um thank you for supporting the channel and you know helping make it grow i really do appreciate it um sorry about saying um i'm more aware of it now yeah i'm trying not to do it i do apologize when i do so yeah now thanks again uh for your comments um yeah love them just can't get enough so yeah thanks i appreciate it that's [Music] so pretty soon i just saw a um 20 20 roll go down all right last coin going in right about there [Applause] all right let's tell it up see what we got 40 bucks all right i only saw one of those going uh the other one's snuck in hey more than happy with that 40 bucks straight into my pocket they go uh coins yeah doing really well on coins uh there's got to be 70 80 coins in there and i've just realized something too i'm one of those people that like to name things uh i've got a i've got a shovel called bob my tools i know i like to name my tools [Music] i haven't named my car leave in the comments a a good name that i can name my cup if you would poor little bars [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] i don't know if you notice but i'm just trying to sneak in nice and quietly so you guys don't actually see that i'm trying to double stack the top just a little bit i know i don't have the coins for it but i thought if i could sneak a few in there you might not know this [Music] come on keep singing yeah that sounds good [Music] oh with that guy [Music] i don't think i'm getting that 50 off [Music] okay one coin left i'll wait for a second right there okay let's tally it up see how he went [Music] we're doing good real good [Applause] hmm [Music] [Music] so the horse [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] quite nice that helps if i can get it [Music] [Applause] oh no oh i was lucky i got one coin left [Music] [Applause] all right let's tell it up there he went [Music] all right i'll stop double stacking them 60 70 coins maybe [Music] so [Music] [Music] i'll tell you what i have noticed i'm not too sure who set this machine up um i don't know if this one was dave because it's just it doesn't look like his work whoever it was that set it up i mean they know how to make life hard um firstly did they know the 50 notes were going to do this if they lined them across this way um the stuff up the top somebody just you know have a couple beers here they see the machines they see all the money in them oh hey let's go get 50 bucks worth of tokens and give it a go and i'm guessing that's how that how they make their money um but geez i'll tell you what we're just doing it are very very smart at making life hard my life's hard [Music] oh look at that thing dancing around the [Music] place [Applause] so you know what's really funny that thing dances better than i do okay last coin all right let's tell it up [Music] oh yeah that's looking pretty healthy uh happy to see this all right probably 70 80 coins again and don't worry i'm not going to start double stacking the top [Music] much [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey [Applause] why can't i ever get an easy game what i always gotta test me [Music] [Music] [Music] so how many people right now are yelling at their tv screen play the left believe it or not i am actually trying to play the left now it's just this this bloody pendulum just seems to spend all this time on the [Music] right [Music] i'm going to try this skill stop again so you people don't uh yell at your tvs too much have the cops coming around for noise [Applause] complaints [Music] [Music] oh this we've got a 50 off [Music] last coin going in come on make me proud that is of a serious angle that's got to go soon all right let's tell it up another 10 bucks whoo you little ripper whoa whoa whoa i did not touch it seriously i did not touch it and there's no alarms going off um damn i missed it i can't i wish this thing had playback on it so i will when i get home um ah damn i missed that completely uh coins yeah doing real well on coins um i've probably had my hand completely in the way if that happened i'm really sorry it's just my healthy timing come on let's start getting some money [Music] back [Applause] all right 50 looks like it's going down i think i'm still a couple hundred bucks in the red [Music] twenty is on its way [Music] and there it goes [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh there had to be 160 180 bucks right there that in itself might have broken me even i'll tell you i'm a winner tell me something i don't know [Music] [Music] nice and another 20 chip [Music] last coin going in last coin got stuck you wait for it wait for it all right let's tell you that [Music] 280 bucks oh bad i am stoked you little beauty all right money can go in the pocket chips can go up there um queens oh yeah yeah we're doing good on coins um there's probably 110 120 coins in there so please please pretty please can i have your permission to double stack the top just for a little bit [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Applause] there's another coin stuck up there come on [Music] how can you not love playing this game when you're listening to that [Music] [Music] tell you what i do gamble quite a lot i know i do i'm very smart about it though and i'd have to say this machine coming down here i mean just the environment i enjoy myself way more um on this machine than i do at the tab at the casino you know all these different places even going to the races you know the horse races or the dogs um yeah i mean this is a lot more stressful at times but uh i tell you what and i enjoy myself so much more playing this and now i've got you guys to look forward to as well and it just can't get any better [Music] shut up i'm trying to speak here as you can probably tell you know i do like to enjoy myself too so that's just my way that's just the way i am happy go lucky person so uh yeah yeah i do like to be happy you wait till christmas nice christmas night i'll be very happy [Applause] [Music] oh there's so much sitting on that edge that was my last coin [Applause] okay let's tell you up see how it went oh look at this hey 250 bucks oh man i am absolutely in awe at the moment wow i had a feeling when i was when i came down here is when i was driving down here i had a feeling i was just going to lose everything straight away but i kept coming anyway now i am so glad i did thoroughly enjoying myself [Music] [Music] [Applause] holy i didn't say what foil i'm guessing the 20s but wow that was noisy [Music] [Applause] [Music] so who wants to talk about the australian wildlife [Music] oh that many obvious okay i'm really not crazy i'm not australian wildlife what you hear is probably true um there is a lot of creatures uh even cute looking creatures you know things that don't look scary things that you would actually pick up anybody that could kill you in seconds over here um cone chills this cone show is actually what i'm thinking of i have actually picked up a cone shell with something in it and dropped it really really super fast i honestly thought that it was my cone shell um that's when i was living in the northern territory obviously you know you've got your crops you just don't you know you stay within uh you know you go within four meters of the edge you're in danger basically uh especially if you can't see what's under the under the surface if it's real clear water yeah now you're pretty fine you know you can and it's not deep you know you can pretty much go to the edge but if you can't see in that water you go to the edge and you're a snack plain and simple you will get eaten um oh uh but over here you know we've got uh we've got snakes um snakes that'll kill you you know very quickly but if you don't be uh don't be stupid about it and don't go walking through the bush in a pair of thongs um what else did you guys call tongs things that sit on your feet that are open toed how's that sound in australia we call them thongs in new zealand they call thongs underwear well sort of uh i think uh in england i think they call them flip flops so that gives you a bit of an idea of what i'm talking about you go walking in the bush with a with a pair of them on in shorts you're asking for trouble um chances are you will get bitten by a snake something very poisonous too uh really the only things that are cute and cuddly over here that don't really hurt you koalas so they like to hang out in the gum trees [Music] uh yeah you know you don't see them all the time so um even even kangaroos you don't want to walk up to a kangaroo trust me okay last coin kangaroos are so fast they could probably nearly outrun a four-wheel drive driving through the bush itself so all right i'm going to tell you this up [Music] okay 90 bucks your beauty i am absolutely in the profit here loving this uh scorpions yep they're everywhere uh spiders red backs we've got spiders over here that eat birds they're the same size as a dinner plate those things are massive so i've got a class one ripped ripped hole license uh it's only a class one so i'm allowed to keep bluetongue lizards nothing venomous at all not that i would anyway um i like life too much i don't go swimming in the ocean uh beach was closed again today uh there's a um it was closed yesterday firstly so a very common common beach that everyone swims at that was closed uh five meters i've made a um great white but they said it was a five meters probably more like four um hammerhead today so me personally i do not go swimming in the ocean at all and don't even get me started on the jellyfish we've got things over here they're called iriganji so small you can't see them there's no way you'll see them if you're swimming and oh my god we take a hit from one of them and holy yeah that guy will uh put you in hospital for a four or five days um box jellyfish all those sort of things but you know you'd be smart about it australia is actually a really nice place you know it can be very hot it's actually a really beautiful place to live most of the people are actually quite good you're always going to get your bad eggs wherever you go it doesn't matter where you go to be honest with you i'd be more scared walking down vegas that somebody was actually going to shoot me i know that's probably not going to happen my daughter she's been uh she's been over in the u.s she's been to vegas all you know all the places um and she reckons it's absolutely beautiful over there so um and i've got no doubt but i'd be watching my back every five seconds place i'd really like to visit actually is antarctica [Applause] i'd love to go there my daughter's been [Music] [Applause] there [Music] f50 is about to go all right start concentrating on the game [Music] come on big push when these go sideways like that it actually makes a bit harder for them to go in unless i can get a big clump off them at the same time [Applause] just going to wait for the pendulum to come back because i can literally hear people yelling at their tv screen go left so i'm going to go left oh there goes the 50. let it go down i can't see it i've got one coin left close enough all right let's tell it up here yes little beauty two more coins [Music] 110 bucks oh nice all right that can go really that can go in the pocket [Music] uh coins not doing too good on coins uh probably like 50 or 60 coins there so i'm not really concentrating on what i'm doing i'm too busy gas baby all right let's keep going [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh that was that big clump i was talking about take a look at them i don't think i'm gonna get that [Music] oh all right i've got to avoid that i don't want to block that up anymore [Music] oh yeah how lucky was that [Applause] [Music] [Applause] nice oh i'm doing so well i'm putting on chips that was my last coin yes another one all right let's tell it up here 220 bucks no wonder that sounded loud all right put him up there uh coins yeah not not too good on coins uh maybe back to 50 again if i can get all this off and walk away with maybe 20 coins i'll be wrapped i'm not even trying for the top deck anymore [Music] i think i've given up on that 50 knife [Music] so if you do end up coming to australia you know visiting doing whatever just use your brains that's all you've got to do use your brains you know don't pick up something that you don't know what it is um you know because chances are it's probably poisonous over here and it will probably attack you so yeah use your brains it's not so much the animals over here that you need to worry about it's the heat you go uh you go wandering off and you get lost trust me the heat will probably kill you faster than any animal probably will except for snakes you don't want to get bitten by snakes trust me all right there goes some 20s let's get the rest of them [Music] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Applause] oh nice that was my last queen i'm just taking a look at this i'm watching this very carefully it's about to hook underneath i wonder what's going to happen if it actually does um whether it go down or the reckon will flip back up i don't really know anyway we'll find out soon i guess i'm going to tally it up [Music] 140 bucks something else just dropped then i guess it was just another token um yeah 140 bucks i'll tell you what they must hate it when i come down here i mean they've got cameras everywhere they've seen me pulling up in the driveway getting out of my car and they're like oh crap lady jason's here again hey nah but they're not like that they're actually really really top people really down to earth people oh there it goes oh no it's stuck in there well i know it's not stuck in there just got knocked through another 50 bucks all right play the left i can hear yous [Music] oh just had the skill stop going then i can't do that for very long oh that whole bottom tray just shifted [Music] [Laughter] then at this machine last point [Music] all right let's tell you it up here it went all right another 50 bucks 50 60 maybe 70 coins [Applause] i reckon that's more than enough to get them 20s off with that 50 off since i cleared the deck on that last game um yeah oh man that was such a good feeling to be able to do that rather than leaving stuff on it um like when i first started i was so scared to um you know put the chips in uh put my coins in so i didn't want to lose them but i still don't want to lose them don't get me wrong but uh yeah it's a good feeling knowing that you've just ripped that top deck and there is nothing left on it except for coins yes oh man i'm having such a great day today [Music] so [Music] come on i'm not trying to play the right side they just seem to bounce over there oh nice what do you got there i've got 100 bucks left on there i reckon i could probably easily get 80 of it or 20 behind probably not [Music] so oh come on two left maybe all right come on big push i know all right let's tell you that [Music] okay look at that oh man i am so happy it's just ridiculous that's 210 bucks sitting right there oh i gotta have such a good christie uh coins um yeah you know doing well on coins surprisingly um haven't really gone down at all so i would normally stop right now i mean i am absolutely more than happy with what i've won don't get me wrong more than happy um but i have had a couple of comments saying that i'm leaving stuff on the deck and i shouldn't be leaving stuff on the deck and i'll try to explain to them well you know look you know these are three i sell these back for three bucks each you know so 10 of them is 30 bucks you know that's a lot of money there's 60 bucks there's that's that's equivalent 20 and you know they are saying well you know you do get coins in return as well so i'm going to put it to the test i hope it doesn't backfire on me but i've got a really nice profit margin right now so i'd love to know i'm just going to target the 20s [Music] oh [Music] i don't think this is gonna work but i'll go one um one line through all my coins maybe another coin in that will help there you go see that i'm learning [Music] coins get stuck so easily on this game there's another one one for the dealer [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh bugger i've done it again i'm shocking for that come on don't land on top of that one problem is that's what i'm targeting oh yes you're a little beauty [Music] all right i won't go in as fast [Music] i got two coins left [Applause] 40 bucks all right let's tell it up to where we went [Music] yeah okay i'll admit defeat um so 40 bucks uh yep you look guilty i don't think i lost any coins i actually reckon i gained coins so yeah okay look you guys are right uh i am still learning so well but i like to test things out not that i don't believe you every machine's different it plays different i'm different to the way you guys play uh you know i like dropping my coins in like real fast some people like going real slow i know for a fact that this machine is very quick uh compared to a lot of other machines actually i don't think i've seen a machine going as fast as this one this is pretty fast i like it like this i don't need to be standing you know three or four hours in front of this machine um trying to win what i can win in you know an hour type of thing so um yeah anyway i'm gonna tally everything up and count everything up i'll get back to you okay [Music] well look out hey they're on the move that has got some weight to it that is intense uh well i am stoked i'm blown away wow um firstly before i go into the figures i just want to give a quick shout out if that's okay i hope you guys don't mind um we play you win they're a real fun channel um they do all this sort of stuff they're a real fun channel they do it from home so um you know so they're not losing or winning any money that's fine that's they do what they want to do it's just a real fun channel now those two are pretty funny people so um when i'm having a bad day and they've uploaded a new video they upload nearly every day or every day so um i like just to kick back just to watch them you know it sort of puts me in a you know a better mood um you know great people so um but you know they do they do do it at their house they admit it they they say it so uh but that's perfectly fine with me i don't really care you know they're real happy people uh real nice people so um yeah i just thought uh yeah give them a quick shout out so you know if you do get bored with my channel i hope you don't but if you do flip across to them and say g'day tell him i said all right take a look at this oh bad i can't believe it oh man um all right so the telly goes that is heavy too by the way um the telly goes i've got 140 bucks in notes um what did i get i got 67 coins now i've got a bit of an idea on the coins i got 67 coins so they're worth 201 bucks um chips one thousand two hundred and sixty dollars whoa i'm just blown away um seriously i'm just blown away i just can't believe my luck there i mean i'm never lucky um trust me i lose quite a lot but i'm gambling on dogs and you know other things i mean every now and then i'll pick up something good but not all that often um and um so yeah what i'm thinking about doing with the coins uh i hope this is you know sort of you guys don't mind but i'm going to donate all my coins every coin i got out of this machine i'm going to donate to the team that's what i'm going to do so 201 uh you know it's a christmas thing as well yeah i like to help i always like to help so um try to do a little bit more on christmas and you know if it puts a smile on somebody's face then i'm so happy i mean i've got a really good profit here anyway so honestly i don't care i'm happy to do it so um so what that does is make my total profit one thousand one hundred and fifty dollars that's minusing the two hundred and fifty dollars it cost me to play 1150 bucks my business has got to be stoked um so i'm going to give her a call in a minute just let her know um she does like me to call her um you know everything's okay all that sort of stuff so um yeah anyway i'll see you in a second all right look at that that is a wad okay that's what i call a water a handful of cash oh uh yeah i ran with missus um she's ecstatic so um she goes oh take out for tea tonight hey why not i'm happy so if you like what you see give me a thumbs up if you want to see more subscribe and once again thank you to those people that are subscribing thank you to those people that are commenting liking my videos uh nothing brightens my day when i wake up in the morning and i go and check the computer it is absolutely brilliant love you guys thank you and i'll see you guys next video
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 2,778
Rating: 4.9854546 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 3sec (3483 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 15 2020
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