Aussie Coin Pusher EP 39

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[Music] g'day jason from aussie coin pusher here so uh this one looks a bit better take a look see what's on top of that little um that chip tower yeah it's a silver all right i've gone through as much as i can try and see if there's any more in here i can't see any more but there could be something under the notes there could be something underneath there you know under the um uh chips so uh anyway i can see one all right so sammy's with us yep sammy's with us um holding my um my 50 coins uh joey's with me he's up the top there say g'day joe so i bring him with with me everywhere i go um obviously uh in the bag and yes i've cracked a tinny as well why not hey it's still christmas-ish so yep 50 coins so yeah let's start so a lot of people are asking me about the australian animals um you know have i been bitten by you know these snakes or spiders all that sort of stuff i'll go into uh some of my stories a little bit later on but one thing i do want to mention straight away is um janice is one of our is one of my longtime subscribers you know she's basically been with me right from the start like quite a few of you have uh comments uh every every single day [Music] um and uh yeah so i've just found out that uh her son has just been diagnosed with covert so um for those of you if you could do me like a massive huge big favor um you know those of you who do um pray can you um do me a huge big favor and just say a few words in in janice's son's favor that would mean a lot to me so for that i do thank you absolutely from the from the bottom of my heart if you can just go ahead and just throw something out there for him come on all right so i'm getting a lot of comments as well on um on how i'm dropping my coins in basically uh nobody wants to see me double stacking hey that's fine uh i don't mean to double stack well sometimes i do but most times i don't this guy this machine's got a mind of its own you can drop a coin in far left and it'll go far right so today i'm doing an experiment as little double stacking as i can possibly do obviously mistakes will be made i can't help that and i'm just going to see how it plays [Music] so come on give me some thank you okay i'm holding two coins i'll take them all right let's tell you that okay as expected i did definitely lose some coins so there's probably about 35 coins there you always expect that [Music] let's hope i can get him back that's a stop oh there goes a tower are they i reckon i'm gonna do really well on this game [Applause] today so i've slowed right down you can probably notice i've slowed right down and dropping my coins in i'm doing my absolute best not to double stack them [Music] but i don't want to make it boring for you guys either okay that was my last coin all right let's go tally it up so what we got [Music] okay so we've got 10 bucks yeah that's good um probably 25 coins there you little fella straight into my pocket so yeah in in some of the comments um firstly i just want to quickly say janice um keep smiling um you know it's we're all thinking of you of your mate so you know just keep smiling as long as you're smiling then your son will smile um so yeah it's had to say that so that breaks my heart when i hear stuff like that um to anybody else that you know that's having the same the same problems uh let me know i'm not like a churchy type of person you know i meant i'm not one of those people that and i went to sunday school as a child uh all that sort of stuff but um you know i'm not one of those people that you know go to church every sunday and all that you know i mean i'm not a bad person but i'm all nice but for those people that do uh yeah just throw something out there for you know for everybody in general not just janice you know and her son um but everybody you know it breaks my heart to see you know i try not to watch the news anymore because i know you guys over in the us are having a real hard time with it right now and that just gets me all upset and um yeah so i try not to watch it anymore now on a brighter note the animals that attacked me yes i have been attacked by animals um the one that comes to mind well that was my last coin so let me go tally this up and i'll be back and i totally forgot totally forgot i've got a little list here of stuff i'm supposed to read but i actually forgot to read it so i need a list to you know to remind me i've got a list um i'm supposed to be guessing so i did start with 50 coins so i'm going to go with about 90 coins um i just thought i'd get that out there because i have been forgetting and i do apologize for that for the people that are playing um coins once again i forgot to say this i'm sorry um yeah i didn't even know that many drops so that's really good there's probably about 70 coins there so when i was probably i reckon i was uh definitely a teenager maybe 17 my good mate my best mate um and he's still my best mate today um terry so um i've mentioned him before uh terry brooks his name is um we went swimming in in a river over here is called the swan river so it's a river you can't see into it it's pretty you know pretty murky all the time and we decided to go swimming in it and with my fear of sharks and i know there are sharks in that water there's bull sharks in there and i know that and i've i've known about it because my brother actually caught one um right where we go swimming terry used to always dive in first and i double stacked it and i'm sorry um so he dived in and he was like six foot four i'm only about five foot nine so i'm not tall he was like six foot four and as we're swimming out to the middle was underneath a uh a road kabob it was under a road bridge was doing it to the middle of it something grabbed me on the leg and it was trust me it was not small um it was big enough to get its mouth around my entire leg upper leg too above my knee way above my knee near the old boy actually and it literally dragged me completely underwater so whatever it was i just thought that terry kicked me so as i normally do i was abusing terry i was here terry you bastard stop kicking me you know and then he said no that wasn't me i didn't kick you so we got up into the middle the middle pylon and by these days we're probably 30 a solid 30 meters from shore that's about like 100 yards i guess uh from sure and we still didn't see what it was but whatever it was made the mess you know the biggest splash right in front of us it was like a really large person doing this massive bombing right in front of us so whatever bit me was down there and it left three wasn't deep enough to get stitches or anything like that but it left three deep scratches in my leg probably about two inches apart from each other so its mouth was near on a foot wide so i don't know what that was still don't know what that was and i've never gone swimming in this one river again i mean obviously it wasn't a shark because it didn't bite my leg off but it was big enough to pull me completely underwater now and then i was probably 65 kilos maybe 70 kilos [Music] so uh yeah i mean that doesn't help my furious arts very much either but i got some absolute ripper ones i'm just going to concentrate on the game just for a little bit the camera [Music] oh my bad hey there's my last coin come on knock that five ring oh bugger me all right let's go tally it up all right we've got another tenor beauty coins yeah we're doing really well on coins we haven't lost any um probably 70 80 coins there so another story i had we we've lived in you know a lot of different states uh you know we've lived in adelaide we've lived in melbourne i've never lived in sydney though uh the northern territory was in perth for a little while um my mum used to shift around a lot so uh and i mean she still does so um but when was living in the northern territory oh there goes that farmer we were living in perth and was shifting up to the northern territory so we drove up there that's like a six day drive um pretty much 18 hour drive 18 hour days six days uh to drive from person to darwin on the way up there uh it was a fair way up but i was only like 10 years old i guess so i can't remember any of the names now we stopped off at this um this creek uh the creek itself was probably um i don't know 80 yards wide uh it was black water you couldn't see into it whatsoever was a fair way north so um we decided to go and have a swim because it was a stinking hot day i think 15 bucks just fell yeah so we decided to go and have a swim now there was oh nice there was four kids and two adults and one dog in the car at the same time so as you can imagine gets quite hot it's probably well over 40 degrees uh that's well over 100 degrees for you guys in the us so yeah we decided to go for a swim in this creek now as i said it was black water it's probably like 40 meters wide couldn't see into it whatsoever as kids you don't really know you don't really think of stuff like that so uh there was four of us all in the water probably up to our waists so probably about a meter deep this guy comes screaming over here's a truckee he comes screaming over arms waving yelling and swimming get out of the water get out of the water and my mom's yelling out why why what's the matter what's belly no she really was well there's crocs in that water we was far enough north for the crocs around right i mean as as a 10 year old you don't even think of stuff like that so anyway so it will came out of the water and sure enough sure enough probably within 10 minutes um yeah we saw a crop on the other side of them on the other side it was just his face was sticking up uh quite a big one too so he was probably stalking us but y'all got a few stories like that it's um it's absolutely amazing i'm like there's no way that i should be alive right now well there goes another teller but you know it's just australia i was young i didn't know my mum should have known my stepdad definitely should have known but uh yeah yeah that's how things happen so [Music] i'm only holding a handful of coins so but before i go on to my next story i hope you guys don't mind come on i need an easy game okay that was my last coin [Music] all right let's tell you it up see what we got you little beauty 50 bucks hey it all adds up uh coin moyes um yeah i think we lost a few out of that one so uh we're probably down to 60 70 i don't know about 70 coins i guess all right [Music] yeah i don't remember a lot about about my childhood um never really you know i've never had a good memory at all i do have dyslexia um they found out i had dyslexia when i was in grade three and back and back then they didn't even really know what dyslexia was oh that was boo-boo it might work out so um on this on this stand on this same trip i'm still driving up toward darwin we stop off at a dam now there's a bit of a myth um look the majority of the australians know it's bs um but uh the myth is that saltwater crocodiles cannot swim in fresh water i'm talking about totally fresh water yeah no that's that's that's not accurate uh they can and they do um but mind you this is going back damn what am i 48 now so this is probably 35 36 37 years ago so back then everybody thought salt water crops cannot swim in fresh water yeah don't do that we did so we went to a dam now dams drinking water fresh water and uh all four of us were standing on the boat ramp and we're splashing around we've got to take a soap with us having a bath basically [Music] um i was there for in the water for about an hour didn't think anything of it nothing happened that night we uh is my sister and i because we're the two youngest i'm the youngest of the family uh we slept in the car itself and uh my two brothers my mum and my stepdad all slept in like a tent which attached to the side of the and car will slip in that so um in the morning when we woke up i've got photos of it there's crop tracks slide marks of this big crop going all the way around the car so he went all the way around the car around the tent and uh yeah obviously couldn't work out how to get in my sister and i were safe was in the car itself but everybody else was out sleeping on the ground in a tent attached to the car we got to darwin and within two weeks of us being in darwin the same dam that was at that same dam um unfortunately what happened was a lady with water skiing in there a crocodile surfaced she hit it fell off and it actually ate up so same damn was that was all swimming in the water and for about an hour so uh yeah once again we shouldn't be here [Music] there's a there's a few of them like [Music] that [Music] so i'm just going to pick up the pace a little bit oh come on then the coin gets stuck in there when you're ready thank you okay that was my last coin and i'll take it all right let's tell it up see what we got all right got another five you'll be your team thank you okay um yeah probably 70 coins that's not too bad happy about that all right do you want to hear another one um we was in darwin we lived in darwin for six months so uh and i just remember the um firstly the heat oh yeah uh it was like 35 degrees at night time you know 45 degrees during the day and the heat was relentless it was you couldn't you couldn't get away from it unless you was actually in water well it's very dangerous to be in water in the northern territory even in swimming pools uh yeah you really don't want to be jumping around them at nighttime so um we end up leaving darwin i can't remember for the life of me where we was going to as i said i was only young at the time um and it was about four o'clock in the morning it was a hot day you know it was like hot already it's probably in the 30s or you know 30s very muggy and i remember it was about 4 o'clock in the morning we all left we'll walk downstairs was in two-story house uh we all walked downstairs um my stepdad was staying behind so it was basically my mum and the four of us uh to walk to the car pitch dark we got to the car drove you know you know we started driving as i said i can't remember where i got no idea um and uh apparently what happened was we didn't know because it was pitch dark we used to live right opposite a wetland um and sometime during the night a crocodile had came out of the wetland because we knew there was crocks in there it came out of the wetland and it parked itself on our front lawn we didn't know my mum's actually got photos of this obvious thing my stepdad took photos of it and we walked literally within a meter at three feet of this three and a half four meter crocodile it was just on our lawn and all four of us plus my mum walked right past this thing it obviously didn't move maybe it was asleep i don't know um but it definitely wasn't dead so um yeah unbelievable i mean all one of us had to do is just walk off the path at the wrong time you know within a foot of this thing or kick it yeah you're not around anymore see i told you australia is such a nice place [Music] it is actually it's a real nice place unfortunately when you're 10 you sort of rely on other people to know what's going on around you ah idiot and you know do the right thing back then nobody really knew anything [Music] here yeah apart from that um you know i mean i've had um oh nice where did that 50 go where did that 50 go oh there it is right in the middle right near the 100. but yeah so apart from that i mean i've had um like venomous snakes um crawl over my feet um while i was out cutting wood you just basically oh nice oh my father got stuck bugger you basically stay dead still you don't try to kick it you don't stand on it it will bite you i can guarantee you um so you just let him go on his way you know stay nice and still um but that was my last coin anyway i'm gonna tally this up and see what we got all right got another tenner this is starting to get hard to hold uh queen's doing really well so it's probably get your hand out of the way uh so yeah probably 70 80 coins there that's not bad you can go straight in my pocket [Applause] oh i got a funny one for you actually i found a um a scorpion now this this scorpion it was probably four inches long um and probably even bigger than that uh it was big there's a great big jet black bugger he had massive nippers on him a big stinger i don't know i found him uh he was in i was actually just about to take a bath oh nice yeah i was about to take a bath and i'm standing there completely stark naked just about ready to turn the water on and what do i see in the bath itself this massive big black scorpion right holy so i'm standing there completely naked just wondering what i'm going to do with this thing so i got dressed again and um i ended up catching it and putting him in a container it was a a coffee container so i couldn't see into it and the lid was just a push-on lid it wasn't a screw cap leader and something like there was a push-on lid so anyway so i got him into this container i left him in there for a little bit and i went had my bath and uh you know cleaned up so of course i had to go and show you somebody i mean this thing is oh this is a big there's a big scorpion so i had to go show somebody so jump in the car i'll grab the tim and uh i'll throw the tin in the console nicely i wasn't shaking around and uh i'm sitting at a set of lights i was heading over to one of my mate's place i'm sitting at the set of lights and of course i couldn't see into the tin so uh i wanted to make sure he was okay and i'm literally just sitting there down probably four or five cars behind the lot you know from the from the start of the lights they were red so i grabbed the tin and i opened up the lid just to make sure he was okay because obviously i don't believe in hurting animals um not like that well i didn't realize but he was actually on the lid upside down on the lid and as i opened it he dropped no he dropped between my legs hours and shorts you have never seen a white guy get out of the car get his seat belt off and get out of the car so fast the person sitting next to me was looking at me wondering what the hell he thought i was going to come and clean him up [Laughter] i said to you i said oh i said there's a bloody scorpion in my car and he goes what color is it i said black he said i'll watch the black ones i said watch it i said come and catch it for me so he gets out of his car in the middle of lights he was beside me as a dual lane he gets he gets out in the meantime the lights have gone green uh the cars in front of us are gone and he's half hanging out of my car on one side i'm half hanging out up from the other side trying to catch this scorpion we got people beeping at us from behind we got him got him back in the tin yeah i didn't open that tin i let your mates open the tin when i got there so i couldn't believe it that big massive scorpion landed literally right between my legs yeah it's probably not the best place to cop a sting oh there goes another note all right i'm going to stop gas bagging now because i feel like a little then just constantly talking i reckon i have i'll let you guys enjoy the game okay i've got one coin left it's not where i wanted it all right let's tell you that see what we got all right stay all right stay all right so another 40 bucks let me get rid of that all right so there's three of those guys [Music] yeah coins i'm doing really good on coins and there's probably easy 80 coins there um so yeah doing well on that all right you guys can get out there you guys straight in my pocket [Music] let's keep that one [Applause] well janice i hope those stories put a smile on your face sweater i really do [Music] [Music] where's that coin stuck in the coin slot come on i missed that bugger okay that was just a bad one oh nice i saw that one go over [Music] so i'm not sure if you guys have worked out what i'm doing yet but i've had some comments saying that um the more coins i put left and right they're not in the field of play so basically they're just getting dropped on top of the stack which i fully agree so i'm trying to keep one coin right to the right when it goes to the left i'm trying to just go one coin rather than two like that um just to try to stop that from happening i'm just experimenting at the moment i mean that's all i can do oh nice [Music] come on [Music] sorry i got impatient oh i got one coin left i'll just wait for the pension to hit the middle there you go smack in the middle and i'll take it all right let's tell it up see what we got all right 110 coins that just dropped i didn't i mean 110 dollars um you're guilty all right you got there oh they're about to fall off you're in my pocket this thing has got a mind of a tone i swear of it uh coins yeah we definitely lost coins that yeah that time so um yeah probably at least 60 coins so what i'm gonna do is i'm just gonna go back to the way i'm used to playing and just see what that does for me come on that was close come on big bush look at it that is just about ready to go over now now [Music] [Laughter] you beauty oh yeah come on coin hurry up coins got stuck in here again [Music] oh nice another stack of tins i'm definitely thinking two coins um the pace i'm playing at is is right for me so that was my last coin all right let's tell it up see what we got [Music] two hundred and ten dollars oh yeah you'll be beauty all right that means i am definitely in the profit uh coins aren't looking too good though uh maybe 60 at best [Music] but that's all right i'm in the profit [Music] oh yeah i got this machine singing now oh what come on oh bugger that's not good that might clear itself [Laughter] oh well done jason i'm really dropping all my coins again [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh [Music] oh this is annoying this machine is so bad for this [Music] i'm holding one coin [Applause] all right let's tell it up see what we got bugger if i was like five seconds earlier you would have seen that clear itself anyway i've got 60 bucks well 60 in chips anyway uh coins yeah i reckon we probably increase a little bit they're 65 maybe 70 again all right you guys go up there so when that cleared itself some stuff did drop i didn't see what it was i don't think it was any uh any uh like money it was just coins [Music] oh nice so i've noticed in the comments people are saying use the skill stop a lot more um and it's not really because it's you know i've got to use my left hand uh it's simply because i've got to twist so much it kills my back so i can probably do it for maybe 10 seconds and then my back's buggered for the rest of the day it's just not worth it oh come on [Music] so oh now we're getting into the bigger chips oh nice that's like 100 bucks i think [Music] that's my last two coins i'll get them to the left and failed that's all good all right let's tell you that see what we got all right another 150 bucks woohoo that is two of them wait look out so 150 bucks you guilty up there with the rest of them all right take me a swig [Music] oh that's good stuff better put hairs on your chest all right oh you dropped another one trying to escape all right so now i'm going to concentrate a little bit more on the left rather than the right i'm not going to use the skill stop it's not worth it it's not worth the pain i gotta go through so [Music] oh i managed to get three coins in and only two two came down that's a sign [Music] oh there goes that 50. so now i just need to play center left not worry about the right too much hopefully that hundred will come off on its own i don't even look at the top tray anymore i mean i'll look at it obviously that's what i watch but as far as the money or material or whatever is it is on the top tray yeah i've i pretty much don't think i'm going to get that off anytime i play it [Music] last coin all right nice and another tenor all right let's tell you it up all right what a handful hey that i didn't even see fall um yeah i'm sorry uh i wonder how many of you you were yelling at me that you actually saw that go over and i didn't so uh ah man so i'll check it all out for things and that but that when i get home with a loop but that's cool so i've got another 60 bucks there let me just grab him very gently um yeah i don't think we're losing too many we have definitely lost some but not that many so it's not a major concern to me right now all right you can go there you got there you're in my pocket [Music] all right what else we got on here it's that uh one two three a little over 400 bucks let's see if we can get at least half that and just wait for the pendulum [Music] and when i say half that i know you're probably wondering what the hell i'm talking about come on coin hurry up yeah quietly i mean all of it i don't want to sound greedy good [Music] so gene uh you left me a great comment my i uh yeah i was laughing on that one so he basically just called me a double stacker oh nice most times i don't deliberately you know it's just what happens you know i can't control every coin on this thing [Music] where's that guy [Music] [Music] come on [Applause] [Music] [Music] oh yeah [Music] okay that was my last coin yep and i'll take them all right let's tell it up see what we got whoo-hoo whoa i just tapped the glass god don't touch the glass jason ah so another 40 bucks yep uh coin's about the same i don't think we're losing any so i still reckon there's about 60 there probably 65. i really should count it there [Applause] nice so [Music] oh [Music] [Music] one coin left what can we do with it heaps well they tell you that's what we got oh you little ripper hey another 70 bucks there yeah that's really helping helping with the profit that is okay so sami's holding they're probably about 60 again so um i don't think it's yeah i don't think we're losing any so my eyes are darting around all over the shop just to try to oh that can be that every time i put my hand in front something falls there you go i tell you what if that doesn't make you smile [Music] [Music] uh to all you guys that checked out adventures with purpose um you know and subscribe to them i know i know some of you have uh for that i love you guys so much for that i mean these guys are americans you know they they are literally helping everybody out at the cost of their own dime um you know so uh you know it can't be easy what they do i mean i know it's their choice but in my eyes they're just bloody legends another queen got stuck so for that i really thank you come on [Music] [Applause] that 100's not far from coming off [Music] ah my last one my last coin literally got stuck i had to pull it back out all right we're gonna go we're gonna go here look good plan bad person doing it all right let's tally it up see what we got all right another hundred and twenty dollars you little bloody ripper i don't know why i really don't know why that does that to me um so ah now i'm dropping coins all right it wasn't a hard one to get uh coins yeah what definitely lost some i'm not ex i'm not surprised let me just throw them up there i'm doing everything you guys are telling me not to do i'm not deliberately double stacking this machine is incredibly hard to aim um even with the skill stop i mean i could use the skill stop far left and the coin can literally go far right it's just what happens it's just a machine is and i probably suck at it too but it's a combination of both how's that sound at the end of the day i've got a profit i'm enjoying myself if i lose a handful of coins out of it then uh you know and well so be it [Music] i don't want to lose too many right check that out what's there 100 200 240 bucks let's go for it [Music] i'm just gonna wait there's no point in putting to the right oh there goes a hundred a hundred come on oh i didn't mean to drop you there hold on early i've got one coin left oh what are you doing over there oh that's all right all right let's tell you that again all right let's just let's just watch it for a little while i'm just kidding oh i'll tell ya this thing's got a mod of its own all right we're going to go tell you it up all right there's my hundred you're a little ripper thank you uh coins yeah you know still probably 45 maybe coins there all right let's see what we can do about getting that off right now come on this swinging pendulum the swinging pendulum that i'm you know that drops the coins down that's a terrible idea i've seen some of the ones that you guys use over in the us much better that was noisy all right what do we got 60 bucks um yeah i'll see how we go i'm not going to use too many coins to try to win 60 bucks last thing i want to do is lose 80 bucks to win 60. there is a pile far left is what i'm looking at well that's it that stuff there yeah apart from that um there's only probably six or eight coins there um yeah i might get a handful over here i'm not talking about a handful i'm talking about 10 um those they're 60 bucks they're going to take a while to fall so i really don't want to put that in the machine just to get half of that back out again so i'm going to stop it there so yeah i'm one of these people that know when to stop so pretty i couldn't say that about my drinking no i'm just kidding all right i'm gonna go tally it up see what we got all right um yep sammy's full all right hey that's a good thing yeah that looks good all right so the tally goes i got a hundred dollars in notes and i got a thousand twenty dollars in chips that's awesome um i had 44 coins left over so if anyone guessed 44 well done um that's 132 dollars minus the 250 dollars that i paid to play the game my total profit is a thousand and two dollars one thousand and two two bucks all right um i got 20 bucks in my wallet i think what i'm going to do is i'm just going to cash all this in get the thousand bucks i'll write the 20 out of my wallet into the tin and uh yeah oh that's awesome so um i'll see you in a minute i'm gonna go cast it all in alrighty a thousand bucks that's what a thousand bucks looks like yeah so [Music] nice all right so my missus is going to be nice and happy um yeah i end up losing 200 bucks last night um bloody dogs anyway that makes up for it so um yeah so i did exactly what i said i was gonna do there's a thousand dollars right here um i end up putting the two dollars well i just sort of said i said to us like just throw it in the tent for the two dollars um so rose actually put the two dollars in the tin itself and now i pulled 20 bucks out of my wallet the only twenty dollars in my wallet and uh yeah and threw that into the tin too so you know hey look it was only 20 bucks but um i sort of feeling a little bit guilty now maybe it should have been 50 but anyway 20 bucks still better than nothing and uh i've got a grand you're guilty all right so if you like what you see give me a thumbs up if you want to see more subscribe and i'll see you guys in the next video and janice keep smiling twitter
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 2,572
Rating: 5 out of 5
Id: zsNxBfrXdFw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 15sec (3555 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 31 2020
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