Aussie Coin Pusher EP 70

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[Music] g'day jason from aussie coin pusher here yeah it's been like six minutes since i played that other side good to help myself i got my mask on so we're all good 284 coins let's see what type of damage i can do to this the bottom looks very very light on coins uh money wise is about 500 bucks there uh 600 bucks at the top so what i'm hoping for that amount of coins two to three hundred dollars off the top and everything down the bottom that's my plan so let's see what we can do [Music] oh [Music] so i'm trying to attack the top shelf early while there's not a lot of coins up there i've got the coins to do it so why not [Applause] [Music] [Music] come on [Music] two looks like they want to come off [Music] [Music] so [Music] come on i'm gonna get at least one off [Music] so nice [Music] all right i'm just uh assessing the situation here oh come one to push the other one [Music] ah fingers feel like they're gonna fall off i thought they got broken so i've got to be a little bit careful i don't know where the amount of coins that i've put in have dropped [Music] oh come on [Applause] [Music] nice to not get some good pushes thank you wow how is that not coming off all right forget about the left let's play the right well the one on the right looks pretty [Music] promising i'm just going to wait for it to go back to the right again i don't want to vibrate that back onto the top tray [Music] come on it's so close i know you want to come off oh yeah let's go for the one next to it [Music] oh come on oh this will get it this will get it [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh so close maybe this one no come on i'm just waiting that's not where i was supposed to go come on i got like five coins left can i get them off inside of five coins [Music] oh i got one coin left just gonna be patient that's not exactly where i wanted it all right let's tell it see what i got 25 bucks oh that helps this is all profit 100 profit so as i said uh on the game that i just played um yep this game on this side is completely paid for so 100 profit including these guys here i don't reckon we lose but we look we losed oh wow i don't reckon we lost any so um yeah i mean that is absolutely huge there's about 280 coins in there roughly which means what we're doing is fine let's keep going with it just want to get that 100 off first [Music] oh no it's sliding back on [Music] he slid back on oh i'll work on getting some coins off of the right hand side i'll smash the [Music] left [Applause] [Music] wow [Music] thank you so that coin totally just picked off on this [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] i'm gonna wants to come off [Music] i think i've broke the pusher [Music] oh i'm doing that i'm just going to wait i don't want to vibrate that thing back down again like i did last time [Music] [Music] i'm not seeing them but i'm hearing some really good pushes all right um ideally right in the middle [Music] [Music] come on what do we got there what's that that's 100 bucks right there in 20s [Music] thank you i think that was 50 bucks in tens oh so close [Music] so even if even the way i think even if what i'm doing is not right and it's not going to get the hundreds off the top for me it doesn't really matter now it's given me some monster pushes down here and i've still got that chance of getting it off [Music] oh no oh no oh that was a monster push oh bugger i hope that clears itself i've gone and done it again had to happen on my old strong and some coins a bit of a problem [Music] so what i don't want to do is drop another coin on top of that that would be a disaster oh i like that [Music] come on so that was totally my fault the reason why it jammed not the machine um i just simply put too many coins at once i mean you'd think that should be able to handle that but yeah no it doesn't it's not the first time i've done it it's in a bad spot though oops oh well all right if i've stuffed it up now then i might as well do a good job [Music] oh my god oh nice that might have been 100 bucks [Music] oops that's a bad drop totally out of time that was my last four coins all right i'm gonna make a decision whether i get that cleared now i don't know where dave is so um i'll have a quick look around if i can see him i'll get him to clear it if i can't see him then well it's got to stay there all right let's tell you that's what i got all right 335 dollars that's what's in my hand right now hey total profit your little bloody river i couldn't see dave so we play on i mean i've already buggered it now anyway so i might as well just keep on buggering there's only so many coins that can hold i'll keep my eyes open for him all right so pretty much i'm just going to pretend it's not there i don't want to disrupt my timing at all [Music] listen to it he's got crazy [Music] eventually coins will just roll off of that so i'm not worried about it if another one happens beside it i'll be in a little bit of trouble so okay so what i'm seeing right now i've just noticed it that hundred is actually coins behind the hundred the same level so in other words the two tops are level like that so that if i can push the coins the coins then will push the 100 that oh wow [Music] mr professional's back look out all right so that's what i'm going for i'm going for the one pretty much furthest right you might as well say [Music] and this is going to be very hard to do [Music] very all right did that happen just fall over i think i did so it hasn't shifted so i'm still in with a chance to get that one off [Music] [Music] oh looks like my plan's gonna work [Music] oh these masks make you so hot eh so hot oh don't slip back no no no not allowed to do that that sounds awesome i'm just going to double stack some coins there oh i missed it totally missed it [Music] oh no the coins have gone underneath it now which means it'll just slowly vibrate itself back on the top tray all right well good idea bad execution which other one can i pick on [Music] [Music] [Music] so oh okay that could work in my favor so what they're doing they're rolling off of the jam and just double stacking themselves right beside it [Music] i'm not going to use that to push it off [Music] something's got to give [Music] oh i'm also noticing the one next to it come on this is probably my best chance i've got [Music] oh that's so close it's so close it's annoying this is where you need to be very [Music] accurate i can one more very well placed a double stack right behind that and that is coming off come on oh now [Music] [Music] oh nice [Music] oh okay so the one on the right hand side seems to be burying itself in a little bit more i can have a go at him come on give me a good job [Applause] totally missed it pushed it all right it'd be a dream if i'd get another one of these off all right go for the double stack no missed it again you've got to be so actual with it [Music] there's my last three coins all right let's tell it up so what i've got and i'm gonna look for dave again all right 140 yep i'll stick that on my big stack of chips coins oh man are you serious at coins yeah definitely lost some coins so probably down to about 160 165 oh i never dropped a handful then that would have been embarrassing okay so pretty much when i'm playing this game uh these are for the for the newbies i don't look down here okay um this stuff will sort out it'll sort itself out especially when i'm getting such big pushes i just know it's all pushing i do glance down every now and then make sure it is pushing i'm concentrating up the top so nine times out ten i'm trying not to double stack um because i don't have a lot of coins right now i've got coins for days so double stacking yeah who cares i've got a bucket loads of coins so if i can get something off the top then uh bonus for me that's that's my goal that's what i'm trying to do not really working out too well [Applause] oh come on i thought they would have done it i might as well do a bit of coin removal on the right hand side [Music] it's teasing me [Music] [Music] oh i think some good pushes [Music] [Music] [Music] oh i got two off well sort of [Music] oh oh that was lucky i thought i stuffed it up again that would not impress dave and as you can see i couldn't find him [Music] again [Music] [Music] um far left looks like it's probably my best option right now they do just like to slide though oh i'm going for a whole mirror on the um on how many coins i'm holding if i don't drop these on every surprise wow [Music] i don't know what to do now i don't look like they're moving 200 sits on top of each other probably my best option right now oh oh oh oh no oh that was lucky that's what it's supposed to do oh look at the left-hand side oh that wants to come off whoops coins are going everywhere you know what that means that means i'm excited again [Music] oh get some great pushes [Music] [Music] okay so basically i'm changing my strategy uh forget about the top it's just not coming off so what i want to do now is i want to remove all the coins from the top get them into the game start earning me some money that's my goal right now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] i completely stuck that idea [Music] so that's not really affecting me too much having all those coins stuck up there like that i don't know how many coins there are i mean there's probably 10 coins so there's probably 30 dollars stuck up like that i will try to find dave to get them removed but at the end of the day it's not stopping me from doing what i want down here so that's a good thing i think the key is if this ever gets you know like if you guys are ever playing a game and you get coins stuck like that totally ignore them don't let it stuff up your uh timing because that's what's most important in the game well that's what i feel anyway if you time them right and you drop them right you don't get the double stack and you don't use the extra coins when you haven't got stuff all and you get better pushes that's my thoughts [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] for some i don't know if you just heard that but some some ladies yelling out out the foyer so i think she might have won something [Music] oh there's an argument going on [Music] that was my last coin all right let's tell it up to what i got all right another 150 dollars right there huh yeah your little bloody ripper i'm gaining coins how is that even possible look there's not much coins on there so whatever i'm doing i'm doing right so um dave's nowhere to be seen i haven't seen him for a while now uh he's not at the bar he's not in the kitchen i even called out his name in the toilet it wasn't in there so it looks like i'm just stuck with this for a little while doesn't really bother me i mean it's not affecting me too nice another much so what do we got 50 70 80 bucks [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh come on [Music] was there not five chips at the top i could swear there was five chips up the top that's strange where's the other chip [Music] i just know there's five chips at the top what is going on here [Music] oh my gosh don't mind me i'm looking around for that other chip i cannot see that for the life of me [Music] just for that [Music] i was hoping that was going to happen i'm hoping the top chip is actually going to just put the weight on it that it needs just to keep it there [Applause] oh come on good if i got that off [Music] oh oh no way no way i might get to both of them come on pendulum come on push it off push them off push them off oh you blasted oh that is so not cool oh man i can't believe that just happened that's another 200 bucks it's like millimeters from coming off [Music] oh i might have a chance now i've got the uh i've got the chip to push on that other chip if i get my coins in fast enough and i missed it totally i'm just gonna wait [Music] [Applause] in your face well i don't know if that was luck ass definitely wasn't skill all right [Music] it's traveling quite nicely at the [Music] moment [Music] oh there's a nice chunk of change there and in the middle [Music] oh come on you always get really excited when uh you just get a waterfall of coins up the top coming down i mean that could do [Applause] anything [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so all right last lot of coins [Music] hundred moves nice half inch then oh maybe a quarter inch [Music] oh hey that was my last coin [Music] okay so that is actually moving i didn't think all these coins here were shifting of course there's 60 bucks sitting on top so i need to get that out all right let's delete it see what i got all right another 50 to the telly and yeah we're not losing any coins here there's like i don't know 280 coins there's tons of coins there thank you when it rains it pours when you've got coins more coins fall [Music] so [Music] [Music] [Music] sounds good love that sound [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] [Music] you might have noticed me going a little bit quiet i do apologize for that uh as you can imagine i've been playing this game for a while now my back is paining me just trying to put it out of my mind keep thinking myself what would you prefer saw back or doing the gardening again [Music] so oh nice i did not oh come on uh what do i do do i try to clear that out myself drop a coin straight on top of it or do i avoid it i don't know uh let's avoid it for now oh oh oh come on push come on come on oh it wants to come out oh man i stuffed it again i'm gonna drop a coin straight on top just see what happens yeah not much i gotta go get dave i'm not to put up the two of them [Music] i might just play this handful out they never know it might come out oh good one not anymore [Music] oh that's annoying my fault totally my fault well actually the truth i don't even know if that one was my fault it probably wasn't i didn't think i was putting too many coins in ah i'm not going to bother putting those in right now that's just going to annoy that out of me so um i'm going to go find dave wherever he is um if not i'll get rose to give him a call find out what's going on he might not even be here so um and hopefully hopefully i can get this cleared i'll be back in a minute [Music] okay found him guess where he was he was in the kitchen i checked the kitchen day's not the tallest person around and he's got a very shiny head um so i said to you and said mate i said you've got to stop standing in behind the um behind the oven i see the backplate the back of the splash bar or the splash plate whatever they call that thing is the same color as his head he was blending in yeah i don't think he appreciated that too much but hey i laughed i thought it was funny anyway it's all gone so that's a good thing this time i will be sorry huh there's a couple people watching me playing and uh yeah one of you said something i thought they said it to me all right so you can probably see me not putting coins in as fast yeah i really really really don't want to be chopping that this thing back up again i mean dave's alright about it but i can see he's busy i've got to concentrate more on the right hand side that's what i need to be doing i think the left hand side that'll come off on its own [Music] all right right hand side definitely is not shifting very much at all [Music] [Applause] so that's a nice push oh thank you all right ah looks like 100 fell [Music] [Music] oh what you're thinking about coming off now i am [Music] excuse me so [Music] so [Music] so [Music] come on oh that's what i was trying to do [Music] i got a lot more to shift now though look at the way the queens all stack up against themselves like that i've noticed coins like that are very hard to shoot okay that was my last coin oh that shifted a little bit all right let's tell you that's what i got [Music] all right another 110 bucks yep you're guilty and this game is just playing on its own um coins yeah we're doing really really good on coins let's get that level um yeah i still think there's all those on the game next to me so even that game over there wants to play on its own i've got a camera set up on your side um yeah there's probably 280 coins to i reckon maybe 2017 so with the amount of coins that we've put through this machine today oh boy all right so i want to concentrate on the right hand side the most but there's still a 10 on the left i'm not going to leave him there he'll get lonely what all his mates [Music] come on give me a good push on the right hand side [Music] [Music] so [Music] well that was nice [Music] oh now we're getting a bit of movement [Music] [Music] so oh yeah now start to shift just nicely oh yeah so somebody left in the comments uh a while ago now if you've got i'm guessing they may have been watching like an older video if you've got something like that that doesn't shift [Music] attacker front on head on and we all know how much i love doing that so pretty much i'm still playing this the left hand side as well but you probably have noticed that i'm dropping a lot more coins to the right hand than i am the left and that's pretty much because of it but i'll attack it see what happens except when i'm grabbing a handful of coins and i totally miss my turn [Music] so [Music] so [Music] hmm little buddha [Applause] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] oh the 10's gone [Music] sweet oh that's about as long as i can do the skill stop for yeah that's not even worth it yeah i don't think i'll be doing that again for a while [Music] oh nice [Music] i think i'll be alright once i get the um that tin chip to be sitting flat [Music] oh it wants to go and i want it to go [Music] so [Music] top shelf there small things are new small minds i'll tell you if i wasn't so sore i'd try for those two so [Music] so well not much is happening is it [Music] i'll make sure i'm not losing any coins after i finish putting this one through if i am losing coins that's only 60 bucks i'm happy to walk away from it but if you're not losing coins but i'm not going to keep going for it why wouldn't you i mean 60 bucks at 60 bucks 60 bucks how many pizzas can we get for 60 bucks quite a lot [Music] okay that was my last two coins oh thank you all right let's tell it up see what i got [Music] oh i've got another ten dollars we're gaining coins we're gating coins take a look at it sammy is nearly choppers when sammy's shockers that's 300 coins so there's probably uh 290 coins there and for that reason i'm chasing that 60 bucks i mean right now not working for a week uh yeah funds are a little bit on the low side so i need to get every cent i can [Music] so [Music] uh yeah let's quite a bit of a left i mean there's still coins wanting to come off [Music] [Music] [Applause] so [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] good oh no [Music] that's all right he's right there my feet i don't think anyone's going to crawl between my legs to get that coin good luck if i try [Music] come on i just need the right hand side stuff oh bad drop we've got some coins to drop out of [Music] there [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] come on not even moving how is that not even moving you're a pain in the butt [Music] [Music] i think if i could get that clump off sort of get it out of the way we might be in the business then [Music] oh it shifted now i just need to totally relocate it straight into my bucket [Music] so that's what i might do that's a good idea i'm gonna go buy a bucket like a clear a clear bucket not like a massive big you know huge bucket but you know like a uh i don't know a smallish bucket probably twice the size of semi [Music] oh come on how did that happen nothing happened [Music] [Applause] oh should i keep going [Music] if i can't get that shift to shift with probably 130 coins then i'm gonna have to pack it up so [Music] so [Music] so i've got a bit of movement then [Music] [Applause] [Music] uh [Music] not much is happening is it [Music] oh [Music] oh no oh how lucky was that [Music] all right so i've got about 90 coins [Music] all right so that was really funny so my camera turned off didn't even notice you don't know when it turned off um so that might actually be quite funny so um anyway i've got a new battery in i've made a decision to stop the 50 and the 10 couple of pushes they stayed dead still everything shifted from underneath it so that's not going to be coming off anytime soon so i'm not going to risk losing any any more coins so i'm basically just going to tally everything up right now and i'll get back to you [Music] all right i have tallied everything up and uh yep joe's had to be incorporated i need that bucket hey um so yeah i mean that is absolutely unbelievable isn't it all right so the telly goes ready for it 75 in notes i actually thought i had more than that but no 75 dollars in notes i got 790 dollars in chips uh i've got the two off the top there so yeah that made a difference um what else we got 271 coins so i lost a very very small amount of coins after throwing that many coins through this machine to pretty much get them all back and the profit and you know the chips and the notes for you um there's a confidence booster right there for you um so i didn't have to pay anything for this game i play uh that was all paid for on the first game that i that i had and um yeah total profit add them all together 1 678 plus i've got 250 profit on the other side so that is nearly a 2 000 day for me today oh man i'm loving it i bet you they're not oh it's just so good to be out of the house it's just amazing um this mask makes it really hot though they've got the air conditioners on in here i'm sweating so anyway i'm gonna go catch all that in and i'll be back in a minute all right take a look at that okay that is what i call a wad i mean that is a handful of cash so that is thick is just going to when she sees this trust me we need it uh yeah a week of not working unbelievable i'll tell you that really drains the finances um so um basically what i've done is i only gave the 10 78 this time simply because we really do need the money so um we're getting pretty short the week are not working so uh and now i've got another whole week of working with a mask on so yeah that's not going to be very pleasant especially when it's stinking hot um when i'm talking about stinking hot you know i'm talking our temperatures in perth they can get 40 degrees quite easily which is over 100 degrees where you guys you know the majority of you guys are anyway so uh i'm wearing a mask yeah that is not going to be pretty so next week is going to be a nasty week for me but anyway hey you got to do it i'll be getting more of this hopefully so if you like what you see give us a thumbs up if you want to see more subscribe i'll see you guys in the next one you
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 2,744
Rating: 4.9727893 out of 5
Id: n5tPpUO49YE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 77min 4sec (4624 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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