Aussie Coin Pusher EP 36

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[Music] g'day jason 20 coin pusher here so uh joe and i decided to come down here and have a crack at this so stock standard uh 50 coins there so 250 bucks uh yeah my missus wasn't too impressed with me losing um 250 bucks but hey that's how it goes all right let's give this one a rip so the other side looks really really sick but it's another tower but i do not want to tackle that with 50 coins so what i'm hoping i can do whether it's going to work or not is i'll play this this uh you know if i can get more than 50 coins then uh yeah i'll have a crack at that other side but that other side looks sick so he's changed it all up i think he's trying to learn [Music] so i saw dave this morning she popped in said g'day yeah now he's going good he's alright [Music] what's happening when he's on his own that's a different story i know when i'm on my own yeah i find it quite hard oh coin just got stuck in there thank you oh i haven't heard a lot of coins fall i'm getting a bit worried [Music] so there's not a massive amount of money on this one but after having a loss any profits better than no profit right now sorry i mean if i walk away with 10 bucks i'll be happy come on give me some pushes please i said please oh look at it take a look that's about ready to go i've got one coin left [Music] i needed them all right let's tally it up okay so i've got about 40 coins 35 to 40 coins there let's keep going [Music] hey i'm still spewing about that gold nugget i'm i don't know if anybody won it [Music] come on give me some good pushes please that helps i'm holding one coin [Music] all right let's tally it up well i don't reckon i lost any so about the same 35 40 coins stacking is not really helping me right now is it [Music] so come on ever coming [Music] i'll take them two at a time i don't care oh yeah that's what i'm looking for i got one coin left come on i'll take it all right let's tell you that okay yeah we're going really good on coins um it's probably 65 near on 70 coins there sweet but i'm still looking for more coins so i'm completely ignoring that tower all the cash so this is a stock standard way you know thanks to your guys comments jeannie you know has basically taught me to forget about everything that's in there you go for coins so [Music] that's the way i think now i just i don't even yeah i mean i don't really look at it if it falls it falls you know i'm not really concerned about that right now i just want coins that's a sound i did not hear yesterday that was a terrible game yesterday i played so bad [Music] oh [Applause] [Music] [Music] and i'm hoping to get to play that game next to me i can get this one done fast and win some coins in the process and uh yeah i'll play that one next to me i'm gonna look sick it's a new type of tower they've built oh uh just looking at it yes uh it's pretty good all right two coins left and i didn't mean to put it there yes i did i meant to put it there fast coin all right let's tell it up so what we got [Music] all right so we're going really good on coins uh there's got to be 100 coins there so that's awesome isn't it funny how uh 24 hours can make a big difference on how you play sometimes it takes to lose a game to gain perspective on how you're playing because uh you know when you're constantly winning or you know you win you have like a really good winning streak you can pick up bad habits really easily you don't really pick up too many bad habits when you're losing you pretty much just go back to basics which is the smart thing to do so i think what happened was before christmas i was on a pretty good winning streak i think i lost like once or twice before christmas so um you know mentally i think i just thought i was you know i was just instantly gonna win and uh well it's not like that at all so i think all that did was put it back into perspective i've gone back to basics gone back to just getting coins [Music] watching my drops trying not to double stack you know all that top stuff so sometimes it takes a lot a lot to do that i'm just spewing it happened it just happened to happen on where there's a nice big massive cold bar in the gold um nugget [Music] so so [Music] come on be nice with that phil all right let's get some money back [Music] so [Music] [Music] i'm holding one coin come on all right take a look what is holding these guys on they're hanging right over the edge there all right let's tell you that's what we've got all right five bucks hey that's a start i don't want to complain about stuff like that no way uh coins yeah we're doing really good on coins so we're still increasing in coins uh hopefully i can keep them and play that game next to me but uh yeah for now that's uh that's like 120 coins right here we're gonna keep going i was tempted just to stop playing this game and go straight on to the next one because the next one looks sick but you know what this one has quite a lot of money to offer [Music] so i'm just gonna play it by ear at the moment um that's what we that's what we're saying australia we're just going to wait and see that's going to be noisy oh yeah [Music] what's going on with this towel it's not moving oh there we go [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] come on oh that's building up look how thick that's getting [Music] i'm still tracing coins i'm completely ignoring everything else that's on there if it moves it moves if it falls it falls now i'm not concerned i'm just going for coins only at this stage [Music] you won't see this tower if it's still there nobody plays it oh man [Music] when i walked in this morning there was only two people in here and they're both sitting at the bar so yeah i like my chances you probably noticed i am rushing a little bit because i really don't want anyone to go over there and start hammering on it [Music] so [Music] [Music] that was my last coin [Music] take him all right let's tally it up okay um back to about 100 i reckon 110 that's okay if i can maintain around that amount then uh yeah i reckon i'll have a good shake at that next game [Music] so [Music] come on so double back on dyson [Music] just like that [Music] so [Music] [Music] that tower is dead straight still [Music] oh that's what i needed i gotta try to find the happy pace okay last two coins all right let's tell you it up so what we've got i've got another 10 bucks get your hand out of the way jason another 10 bucks you're guilty all right in my pocket uh coins yep we're doing pretty good on coins so we're probably back to about 120 coins i reckon and as you can see joe's going okay i think if i take the tape off him he's going to completely fall apart so i'm just going to leave the tape on him because i really you know he's a part of my family [Music] [Music] oh that's building up there just nicely [Music] laughs how is that hundred dollar note still sitting on top of that tower [Music] [Music] come on get your timing right so oh that's what i was chasing all right two coins left oh that towel is dancing [Music] all right let's tell you that see what we got all right i reckon we're back to about 120 take a look at the coins they're just really piling up nicely right there i've got 100 on this side which is uh getting pretty close so i think right now i'm just going to play the entire field and just see what happens [Music] [Music] [Music] oh oh i got it singing now [Music] now if i get that 100 bucks off there that's gonna make me relax just a little bit oh what look at it that is ridiculous hope it's not going to hang up there but a paper clip [Music] oh and there it goes ah do a little bit of work on the right hand side [Music] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so i got one coin left not really where i wanted it all right let's tell it up here sitting on that's not see how it went is it see what we got okay 100 bucks yeah nice all right you're guilty australian in my pocket that guy uh coins yeah not too bad on coins probably 110 120 coins in there i don't understand what's going on with this tower i think he's still dead straight i'll push it a little bit further it's got to hit the glass soon surely i'm just going to slow down with my coins i want to go placement rather than quantity holy snapping duck you see that one [Music] do [Music] [Music] so come on i'm not going to make any profit unless i can get that tower down he's a strong little bugger i tell you i don't know what they're doing definitely noticed a difference from when i first started playing mind you i was pretty crap myself [Music] on how strong things are but they're definitely learning [Music] who let by the dance [Music] [Music] well [Music] spin that wheel i don't exactly know what that means hey that was my last coin [Music] all right let's tally it up see what we've got [Music] okay definitely lost coins that time so that's borderlining 90 to 100 coins in there i'm not concerned because just take a look at the big mounds of coins on both sides i mean if i can get my mitts onto those my hands onto those [Music] then [Music] come on it's funny the ones that you think are going to give you a real ripper push give you nothing and the ones that you don't think gotta do anything at all give you a rip a push [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] as you can see i was a bit sick of playing with it so smash those coins in there [Music] oh yeah that's a sound you'll never get sick of [Music] okay i got one coin left i really don't want to drop it far right i'll take it all right let's tell it up [Music] all right coins are going right now back to about 120 130 coins so that was a good little run i don't know what's holding that straight i mean that take a look at the tower it is dead straight still i'm a loss for words [Music] [Music] so [Music] so you've probably worked out by now i'm putting in a few more than just two coins i'm trying to get some big pushes to get that thing moving [Music] and not jam up the machine at the same time i don't know if they're still here it's probably not i should have actually asked him about that come on come on tower all over i know you want to he's getting a bit of a lean on him i'm not sure if he's touching no i don't think he's touching the glass that note would be moving if it was [Music] all right one big one [Music] come on fall over what is holding you up [Music] i got three coins left one all right let's tell it up to what we've got okay uh not too bad so um it's probably 120 if we can stick around 120 mark i'll be confident on knocking that tower down next to me uh it's definitely definitely been built uh yeah hopefully as i said before hopefully you guys get to see it in what i'm looking at right now but then on the other hand i'm hoping somebody does come and play it [Music] um just to sort of make it a bit easier because i don't think they'd have um the amount of coins i have i'm just going to wait and see whatever happens happens [Music] they'll probably come in here with 150 coins and just absolutely annihilate it yeah that's not going to put a smile on my face [Music] come on and get that tower down somehow [Music] okay so i think i've got enough coins up top now stop double stacking [Music] [Music] replacement damn what is holding you up there little fella [Music] [Music] come on [Music] [Music] okay that was my last coin all right let's tally it up so what we got [Music] okay uh queens definitely lost some not surprised take a look at the top at the top deck um so yeah there's probably about 100 in there and i forgot to show you this too um one of my family members so on christmas day i was basically sitting next my back was really sore now i can't sit around for too long or do the same movements for too long so obviously you know you're sitting down uh you know you're cracking a few tinnies you have an arm to everybody and my back was starting to get sore so i was sort of wiggling around a little bit and they said to me um is that your back that saw and i said yeah and they said is it bone or is it muscle i said no i think it's muscle i said oh try magnesium now my what magnesium doesn't that explode they said no try magnesium so i went and bought some magnet magnesium i've just got it mixed in a water bottle so uh yeah one of these a day i tell you what yeah they really help um so pretty much didn't feel anything um you know boxing day so after yeah it really works well so if anybody out there has muscle muscle soreness magnesium so uh go to the chemist or i don't know what you guys call that the drugstore maybe over here in australia we call it a chemist it's where you go buy your tablets from and ask them about it so you would be surprised i mean it's helping me so i drink one of them a day and yeah i'm good for the rest of the day so plus it's pink i mean how bad can it be [Music] [Music] oh that is a hell of an angle now sorry i didn't mean to say that word oh okay whoa what is that holy slapping duck take a look that's around 50 cent piece is that why it's so stubborn [Music] oh no way just looking at it yeah it looks really dirty but that's fine i don't care i'll sit there with a toothbrush and clean it up now it's got me down my eyes around looking for more wow okay so now i know what's so stubborn yeah that didn't dream of there being anything like that in here all right let's start making a profit oh if i can get that and those chips all off in one big pile so i'm on two fibers off you come [Music] oh now no come on i got one of them i got one coin left i'm just going to wait thank you right about there oh i nearly double stacked it all right let's tell it up see what we got so we've got another fiver they all add up uh coins so 110 maybe 110 coins there i am so glad i didn't just go straight on to that one next to me that one round 50 cent piece i know you can buy them really cheap um but the quality of these ones are amazing they're pretty much uncirculated i mean i don't know about that one because that one does look quite dirty but if i can get it out i'll show you [Music] oh yeah go time thank you [Music] it all adds up you'd be surprised how fast [Music] and it adds up a lot faster if you're pushing down hundreds [Music] oh don't you fall off [Music] that's funny yes i put in two coins three coins come out i don't know where they get stuck somewhere else oh man i hope that 50 cent does not fall off of the top of them that'd be hard to get if it does oh that was big okay that's my last coin it's all happening all right let's go tally it up [Music] all right another 15 bucks hey as i said all ads are we beauty uh coins yeah doing really well on coins now uh back up to about 130 140 coins i reckon in there so i was watching a couple of uh specials about the american economy and you know what you can buy for you know 350 000 over there over where you guys will most of you guys are probably from you can buy a house over there for 350 000 uh a beautiful house absolute stunning house amazing over here for 350 000 you're pretty much buying a shack i know the money difference is uh makes a difference as well and i understand all that but yeah spun me out even for 250 thousand you can get a nice house with some acreage out out the sticks wow unbelievable wow holy i didn't see everyone too when i heard it oh wow no alarms man that is intense um i'm gonna go get that uh 50 just fell as well with it so um oh damn um i'll be back in a second [Music] all right you the little ripper hey beautiful so i don't really know where you guys can see that properly i mean i'm looking at it and looks really nice um so i'm trying definitely not to touch the actual face of it [Music] that one it's got a little tiny bit of sheen on it nowhere near as much as the other coins that i've won from here um but still i really don't care i really don't care so i'm just going to clean him up very very gently and yeah add him with my collection so i've left all the stuff that's in there and there's a lot in there too it took me a while to find that so i've left it all in there we're going to check that uh when it's time to check it [Music] man that was unbelievable i am so surprised the alarms didn't go off then oh i missed the whole lot too i was looking up at the top three i didn't even see any of it [Music] so [Music] [Music] oh [Music] all right i've got one coin left all right let's tell it up see what we got [Music] okay so i've got 140 bucks um 140 bucks you'll be guilty so rose actually just came to the door just popped the head into everything okay in here i think it might have been a bit loud so i've got to keep my voice down um coins yeah i've got a butt load of coins i've got so many coins here it's ridiculous there's probably 180 190 coins there wow [Music] oh that was loud i've got to be careful because rose is a really nice lady we get on really well as well um and obviously her hubby as well so um yeah i'm not going to get anything out of you know like a complaint or anything like that she'll just let me know um but if the president had it been walking past or even in the same room as where rose was it was loud enough for her to come over so um i probably would have got a complaint right then so i don't think myself very lucky that it was honey rosa heard that so uh yeah i gotta remember i just gotta i can't be loud i mean they have asked me no yelling no swearing [Music] i was just yelling and swearing i think i was swearing i'm not too sure um yeah unbelievable oh i take it take a look at that right on the edge [Music] [Music] there's a few more people hovering around now [Music] i want to hurry up and get out as much as i can out of this so i'll get over the other side and if somebody wants to play they can come and play this side [Music] that's my thoughts right now i must have some sort of a profit plus the coins [Music] [Music] so [Music] oh yeah oh that's so many coins this is ridiculous i'm dropping them all over the place [Music] [Music] wow that's a good push too [Music] so [Music] so come on [Music] oh i was holding one more completely completely slipped out of my hand all right let's tear it up see what we got okay now i know it's a bit hard to see with joe like the like the way he is um and i do apologize for that but as i said before if i take the tape off he's gonna fall apart um but there's well and truly near 200 coins in there i might have to look at retiring him i don't want to [Music] so [Music] oh yes oh yeah i'm 100. that is an insight [Music] [Music] so [Music] come on oh i did some uh did some chips just fall looks a bit different [Music] [Music] so oh there goes the hundred oh well and truly in profit now [Music] now the tenor just dropped [Music] [Music] all those coins in there alright one come off the top try [Music] [Music] so [Music] drama baby keep singing for papa [Music] [Music] i'm holding two coins all right let's tell you about 190 190 dollars oh you beauty all right money guys in your pocket chips can go at the top uh coins yeah oh we're doing so good on coins this is ridiculous ah yeah absolutely beautiful so yep we're gonna keep going so i've just popped my head out of the room just to have a bit of a look around to see you know sort of how many people are here in that there's actually only four people sitting at the bar at the moment there's nobody walking around so that's good for me [Music] [Music] come on [Music] it's getting closer [Music] nice [Music] [Music] [Music] i'm trying to concentrate central uh center right that's pretty much where i'm trying to play at the moment [Music] [Music] come on [Music] even coming [Music] [Music] hey i've got a question for you all can you have too many tokens or quarters whatever whatever whatever the machine's got can you have too many in the top tray to actually affect the game i'm starting to think that yes you can especially on this machine because i've got a very small top tray if you can leave believe what you guys think in the comments about that um yeah i'd like to know because that little that'll obviously affect the way i um i'm pretty much double stacked at the top you know i don't want to overdo it [Music] little buggers are stubborn come on i know i've put two coins in there let's go thank you [Music] [Music] so yes i'm definitely starting to think that i've got too many coins up the top [Music] but in your comments keep in mind i have only got a very small tray it's not like those big massive trays that i've seen other people playing on where you can get you know probably a thousand tokens on i'm sitting on top of it now this is a very very small tray and it moves fast oh yes please so keep that in mind when you're commenting uh that's my last coin all right let's tell you it up see what we got okay another 60 bucks hey it all helps i'll take it [Laughter] oh man oh where'd they all go all right stop looking i found them oh bargain made okay queens yeah definitely lost some coins definitely lost some coins so but still there's probably 150 coins in there i'm not complaining [Music] whatsoever so yes i'm just thinking about the top the top tray you know i mean i ask you guys to leave things in the comments because pretty much you guys are what's teaching me on how to play this game and for that i absolutely appreciate it so much some of the information you guys have given me um you know i you know i swear by it now that's all i do like as i said a bit earlier you know janice said you know stop worrying about about the money that's in there and start going for the ammo start going for the coins now when i even look at a game first thing i do is look at where can i get the most coins from so for that janice i absolutely thank you from the bottom of my heart um many of many of you have given me um ideas tips jace you've given me a couple of rippers mate [Music] so you know if i've got a question regardless of where i am or what i'm doing even if i'm at work um if i've got a question or i don't know how to do something then the first thing i'm going to do is ask i'm not going to try to do it and stuff everything up so uh yeah i meant i'm curious about the top tray and another coins got stuck in there come on when you're ready mate thank you so always ask the question if you're not sure [Music] ask [Music] [Music] oh that's getting close that's what i'm talking about come on let's get the rest off [Music] nice [Music] [Music] come on come on [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so nice so that tenor over this side he's just slipping back that's not good [Music] come on [Music] oh so close that was my last coin come on push it off push it off push it off like that all right i'm gonna go tally it up [Music] all right got another 60 bucks you beauty uh coins i'll just pop those up there with his mates yeah i reckon we lost some coins then for sure so uh probably back to about 150 160 coins i reckon um so i don't want to lose too many so what my target is right now i mean if i can get those four four chips off of there plus coins underneath him if i can get them off then i'm more than happy to stop unless there's something really hanging over the edge uh i need all the all the coins i can get to play this next game next to me so um that's my goal at this stage i really don't want to lose too many so be nice and smart with it oh well that was quick i'll play the rest of that might as well and see where we're at those tenors might slide forward [Music] so [Music] oh [Music] everything's telling me to stop [Music] [Music] oh well i got another tenor out of it anyway so i've got nothing left um obviously i've still got uh some up in joe but i'm more than happy to stop now there is a little bit there um one more handful can't help myself army battery lights flashing away too so hopefully that's not going to turn off all right let's just do a little bit more [Applause] so right about now i'm feeling greedy and right about now i think this is where i'm going to start losing stuff so i'm feeling greedy i'm happy with what i've got [Music] come on get that big clump off fast before the camera turns off [Music] [Music] oh that's what i'm talking about right there all right that's enough i'm not even going to bother putting that in i can use that next door i'll throw them up there i'm going to go swap my batteries over and tally everything up all right i've done all my telly's [Music] i know you can't see it very well because of the tape um yeah i'm gonna have to do something about that for sure so all right so the telly goes uh 255 dollars in cash i've got 360 dollars in chips about 213 uh in coins so 71 coins [Music] minus the two hundred and fifty dollars i had to pay to play it um right now would be a total profit of about seven no five five something five sixty five seventy 570 something i'm a bit brain dead right now so it's about 570 uh ish uh give or take i know that's not 100 accurate but it's about that i really need a calculator don't i um so but i'm not going to catch my my coins in i'm going to use my coins for the next for the game next to me so uh the 255 dollars in cash and the 360 dollars in chips now i'm going to cash both of them in um so that's like 255 360 is 615 minus 250 obviously that i've paid to play uh 365. so it's 365 right now without cashing in all my chips sorry all my coins keep my coins chips and cash uh 365 profit and and i get to play that game completely for free all right so if you like what you see give me a thumbs up if you want to see more subscribe see you guys in my next video [Music] oh i nearly forgot i nearly forgot wow don't forget this guy hey around 50 cent piece i absolutely love these things um yeah beautiful coin so uh yeah that's on top of my profit alright see you in the next video
Channel: Aussie Coin Pusher
Views: 3,184
Rating: 4.9310346 out of 5
Id: ilQPezUB4dU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 70min 26sec (4226 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 28 2020
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